Florence And The Machine - You've Got The Love


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The video starts with a dark background and Florence sitting side on miming the lyrics. As the song starts to get a little more upbeat the lighting changed and becomes a lot brighter.

As the big drum beat comes in, about 18 seconds into the music video there is a flash and a very quick cut. We then see Florence standing on a large silver moon, mining to the song. This is the part of the song that has the fastest beat so the quick cut at the beginning really sets it off.

From looking at the YouTube views, we can see this video is mostly popular with females aged 13 – 17. I think it is mainly popular with this audience because Florence has a very strong and amazing voice and this is something girls may envy her for. It could also be popular with them as the lyrics are about love and having that one person to always be able to count on, and these are the sort of lyrics that will appeal to teenage girls.

Evidence From YouTube

Comment from YouTube

In this video there is a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals, which is amplifying. This only happens towards the end of the video, but as Florence is singing the lyrics ‘you’ve got the love’ repeatedly it shows people below her in the nightclub that are in love. This shows all different people and the different kinds of love there is. Therefore there is a relationship between the lyrics and visuals as we are shown people “having the love”.

The video often cuts between Florence on the moon in her sparkly leotard and then her in a flowy white gown in a bright white room. This could be showing the innocence of love as everything is white.

These clips in the video often come in when the tempo slows down and there is just her voice and the harp playing in the background.

Florence is the only one from the band shown in the video, this is because she is the most famous and only female so they are trying to appeal to their audience. Throughout the video she is miming the lyrics so it is partly performance.