Florance And The Machine


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Here I am going to analyze the Florence and the machine album The Lungs. I looked at the colours, layout, fonts, image, genre, audience, institution and representation.

The layout of the album digipak consists of the main singer is different position and locations. Each page shows a picture of her along with the lyrics for each of her songs. She is the only band member to be included in the digipak as she is more known then the rest of the members. The cover has again a picture of her posing with the band name and album name displayed in floral front.

The font used if a very feminine floral front. This matches the style and the feel of the pictures as its is clearing appealing to the female market.

The colours used in digipak very strong feminine colours. Deep reds and sepia yellow. This gives the album a very strong

Florence are a soft rock band that appeal to the mass mainstream market. She wants to attractive people to her music using this power and attractive digipak but also impresses her current fans but showing her emotions and feeling through the pictures she has used.

The digipak represents her as a very traditional woman as due to the flowers and feminine clothes worn such as skirts. She is also seen as a sex object due to her wearing very little clothing in some pictures.

The pictures used in the digipak include long shots, mid shots and close ups. In no pictures is Florence directly looking at the camera and the focus is normal taken off her face as her hair normally overs up her facial features. In the second last page before the end of the digipak there is one photo of her dressing the camera. This is also watched with her emotion song this gives the representation she is opening up to us.
