Flight Readiness Review Team Hawaii. Vehicle Properties Diameter (in)6 inches Length (in)127 inches...


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Flight Readiness Review

Team Hawaii

Vehicle Properties

• Diameter (in) 6 inches

• Length (in) 127 inches

• Gross Liftoff Weight (lb) 50.25 lb

• Launch Lug/button Size large 1515

• Motor Retention Aeropack 98 mm

Motor Properties

• Motor Manufacturer AeroTech

• Motor Designation L1500T

• Max/Average Thrust (N/lb) 380 lbs/330 lbs

• Total Impulse (N-sec/lb-sec) 5120 Ns/1150lbs-sec

• Mass pre/post Burn (lb) 10.4 lb/5.2 lb

Stability• Center of Pressure (in from nose) 96.26 in• Center of Gravity (in from nose) 78.44 in• Static Stability Margin 2.97• Thrust-to-Weight Ratio 7.18• Rail Size (in) / Length (in) 0.5 in/120 in• Rail Exit Velocity (ft/s) 60 ft/s• Max Velocity (ft/s) 628.5 ft/s• Max Mach Number 0.7• Max Acceleration(ft/s^2) 344 ft/s/s• Peak Altitude (ft) 5280 ft

Team HawaiiUSLI 2011-2012

Booster(Scale 1:6; all inches)

Main Chute Storage

Team HawaiiUSLI 2011-2012

Drag Assembly Detail(Scale 1:1; all inches)

Lateral Drift Distance0-2 mph wind0.0 kg. payload: 202 ft.0.5 kg payload: 197.6 ft.1.0 kg payload: 186 ft.1.5 kg payload: 150.4 ft.2.0 kg payload: 136.2 ft.

3-7 mph wind0.0 kg. payload: 920 ft.0.5 kg payload: 788 ft.1.0 kg payload: 758 ft.1.5 kg payload: 692 ft.2.0 kg payload: 645 ft.

8-14 mph wind0.0 kg. payload: 2050 ft.0.5 kg payload: 1800 ft.1.0 kg payload: 1660 ft.1.5 kg payload: 1610 ft.2.0 kg payload: 1490 ft.

15-25 mph wind0.0 kg. payload: 3890 ft.0.5 kg payload: 3800 ft.1.0 kg payload: 3390 ft.1.5 kg payload: 3130 ft.2.0 kg payload: 2960 ft.

Recovery• Altimeters• PerfectFlight Mini Alt/WD• Featherflight Raven

• Rocket Locators • GPSFlight SD900e

• Transmitting Frequencies• GPSFlight is 912MHz • Beeline transmitter is 433.92 MHz,428.57 MHz

Parachutes Main - 7 grams black powder Drogue - 4 grams black powder

• Size• 42 in diameter

• Altitude at Deployment (ft)• apogee

• Velocity at Deployment (ft/s)• 1.52 ft/s

• Terminal Velocity (ft/s)• 75 ft/s

• Recovery Harness Length (ft)• 40 ft

• Size• 144 in diameter

• Altitude at Deployment (ft)• 1100 ft

• Velocity at Deployment (ft/s)• 75.7 ft/s

• Landing Velocity (ft/s)• 21.8 ft/s

• Recovery Harness Length (ft)• 20 ft

Both Chutes• Recovery Harness Material

• Rip-stop Nylon• Harness Size/Thickness (in)

• 1 in• Harness/Airframe Interfaces

• 3/8 in U-bolt and qiuck links

Kinetic Energy

Kinetic Energy During Descent (ft-lb) 3014 ft-lbs

Kinetic Energy Upon Landing (ft-lb)• Section 1 74.5 ft-lbs• Section 2 68.0 ft-lbs• Section 3 60.5 ft-lbs• Section 4 24.2 ft-lbs

Deployment Test

• 3/3/2012 Successful

Full Scale Low Power

• 3/11/12 Successful

• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sZ3fvjzeWQ

Payload - ASTRID• Printed Circuit Board• Various Wires, Sockets, Risistors

• Arduino Nano• Xbee-Pro 900 XSC• Micro Read Relay

• BMP085 – Temperature, Pressure, Altitude• DS1307 Real Time Clock• DHT11 – Humidity • TSL2561 – Light Sensor x2• TTL Serial JPEG – Camera • Micro SD storage

Payload - Walter• Printed Circuit Board• Various Wires, Sockets, Risistors

• Three perpendicular coils around a non-magnetic sphere• 12-bit ADC• 3 Operation Amp • Micro SD storage• Arduino Nano• 3-axis accelerometer (comparison)

Education Outreach

