FIVE TIPS TO LIVING A LIFE TURNED ON · and growing beyond their own self-imposed limitations is...


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Five Tips to Living Your Best Life Thru Love & Laughter

Five Tips To Living A Life Turned On 3

I T ' S T I M E

Unlock your desires, potential, and passion so you can truly live a life turned on!

Who We Serve

We work with driven, caring, and passionate souls who desire to live on fire in all areas of their life, and know that examining, learning, and growing beyond their own self-imposed limitations is the key to living a life turned on.

Five Tips to Living Your Best Life Thru Love & Laughter

Love who you are and love what you do! These five tips will jump start you to ensure you know your values, know your worth, know your desires, and feel empowered with confidence to laugh thru life!

Five Tips To Living A Life Turned On 4


Have you ever heard the term, “These are the cards I’ve been

dealt, and I’m not the dealer.” What if I told you that you are the

dealer? As the dealer, you get to choose

the cards you want. You are the designer

of your own life.

Does this mean no challenges will occur? Of course not! How would you reflect and grow from your most precious and challenging moments in life if you didn’t have anything to reflect on or be challenged by? You have the choice of how you want to move through your life, and you get to design it. Take charge and empower yourself.


What are the things in your life that you truly desire?

What brings you the most joy in your life and how can you add more joy into your life?

What do you need to throw out? #declutter

What does moving through challenges look like for you? How could you change this to allow yourself personal transformation?

The How...

Every inventor first started with a vision. It is your time to invent, envision, and create your personal vision board. Take a moment and allow yourself to get centered. What I mean by this is, connect yourself with your vision. Start in the order of the questions above. Visualize your desires. This could be broad or could be one specific area in your life that you truly desire something different.

How do you transfer what’s in your head to a vision board? The goal is to create a visual of each area of your life you want to turn on. To get yourself in the right space for this, take a moment to plan. Whether you prefer to write in a calendar, use an app, or place a sticky note on the fridge, provide yourself with a dedicated date and time to create your board. To truly honor the time it takes to design your ideal lifestyle, we recommend blocking off at least one hour of your time (especially for your first board.)

Next, you will need to determine your vision board format and the materials you will use to design your ideal lifestyle! Examples of this could be creating your board on Pinterest, or opening a word doc and saving your pics as your “vision masterpiece.” If you’re a hands on type of person, someone crafty, or a need-to-feel-type, purchase

Five Tips to Living Your Best Life Thru Love & Laughter

Five Tips To Living A Life Turned On 5

Here are some questions you can begin asking yourself to get your juices

flowing in an effort to organize and prioritize different areas of your life

• What foods do you enjoy?

• Where would you like to travel?

• What type of exercise brings you strength and energy?

• What does your sex life look like turned on?

• How do you bring your best self to your work?

• What’s your desired financial portfolio look like?

• What is the career of your dreams?

• What about your desires? What desires would you like to indulge in living a life turned on? (Bubble baths? Chocolate brownies?)

• How do you dance, sing, or express yourself when you’re turned on? Do you paint? Draw? Take photos?

• What does your closet look like? What fabrics do you love? How do they feel on your body? We know you have some fabulous shoes in there!

a poster board or canvas. You can get creative with drawing, painting, collecting photos... you get the picture (no pun intended.) This way, when you are ready to begin creating your vision board, the prep work is already done!

Now, for one of the most important pieces of this activity (drum roll…)

Prepare your mind! Get yourself comfortable... take in a deep breath, release, relax and envision. You may only need a couple of inhales/exhales for this activity to get yourself centered. You may work best with a glass of wine, or a 15 minute guided meditation (btw, plenty of these out there on YouTube.) Choose what is best for you to be in a place that is comfortable, safe, and quiet. What shows up?

Once your focus has begun providing you visions, you are now ready to begin designing what you want to bring into existence into your life!

Five Tips to Living Your Best Life Thru Love & Laughter

cup of coffee or a glass of wine, or a guided meditation. Choose what is best for you to be in a place that is comfortable, safe, and quiet. What shows up?


? How do you feel when you are laughing thru life?

(Bubble Baths? Chocolate Brownies?)

Five Tips To Living A Life Turned On 6

Now let’s get a bit deeper. As mentioned above, living a life turned on doesn’t mean that life doesn’t happen or curveballs don’t come your way. How you choose to respond to these curveballs and how you allow them to affect you is where your power lies! Think about what it would mean to move through challenges in a powerful way.

For this exercise, allow yourself to consider the areas of your life that have been a challenge - the areas where you feel like you are standing in a cement slab. Imagine yourself breaking this slab with a large sledge hammer. While you are free from the large piece of cement holding you from moving in any direction, now you must move. How will you choose the direction, the movement of your stride, the expression on your face, the emotions within your soul?

Have any vision blockers?

Some examples are: moments of sorrow/grief, anger, self-doubt, ego, fear, financial restrictions, failure, feeling overwhelmed, etc.

If you are challenged with a vision blocker, add an additional step. Visualize yourself moving through this and begin seeing yourself on the other side of that blocker.

• How do you see yourself moving through this?

• What will life look like on the other side?

Vision Boards are a great way to set your intentions for how you want to live your life turned on, in all aspects.

Congratulations!! You have taken the first action needed to bring your vision to life! You have planted your first seed. What will you do to begin watering it? Look at your vision boards daily. Each intention you review & continuously envision will grow as you continue to live the life you design!

living your best life doesn´t mean that life doesn´t

Five Tips to Living Your Best Life Thru Love & Laughter


Five Tips To Living A Life Turned On 7

Now that you have created your visionary masterpiece(s), it’s time to take some action!

While you have the power to create, design, and write, this power is often hindered or interrupted by a lack of action. Remember you are the dealer; you have the cards and can play them how you want. People tend to allow themselves to be limited or have limiting beliefs that prevent forward movement… the forward movement we so strongly desire for our lives. Break the barriers and move one step in front of the other.

A great example of this is the Wright Brothers. In 1901, the statement was made, “Man will not fly for 50 years.” The Wright Brothers flew successfully only two years later. They achieved this by taking action on their vision and not allowing themselves to be limited by others or even their own limiting beliefs. Imagine what you can do in your one lifetime when you move past limitations! Let’s get moving…


What is getting in the way of your vision and your actions?

What is an action you can put in place to get yourself moving in the right direction?

What actions can you put in place to hold yourself accountable to your desires?

What you I do to celebrate these actions?

The How...

Create an Action Plan Template. This can be done on paper, on a computer, or an audio recording. It’s yours, so design it in a way that will resonate most for you.

Five Tips to Living Your Best Life Thru Love & Laughter

Five Tips To Living A Life Turned On 8

Here are some suggestions for various sections of your Action Plan:

1. What possibility can you generate for yourself living a life turned on?

For me, I usually start with the following: I am the possibility of adventure, love, abundance, and joy!

The possibilities you create for yourself can change based on activity or day, or can stay the same. For instance, when I have a speaking engagement, I generate myself as the possibility of confidence, self-expression, and power.

2. What actions will you take to fulfill your intentions?

Remember, step by step! Each action builds upon another action and before you know it, you are living life in the possibility you created in your vision board!

3. How can you share your stories and enroll others into your life?

Sharing builds community and support - not only for yourself, but for the communities you engage with.

Who can you share your work with? Your life with? How can you gain exposure and support exposing others amazing contributions?

Action Plans are a great way to move forward, step by step, into the possibility of your vision board(s). Remember, if you don’t complete everything on your Action Plan, there’s nothing wrong! Congratulate yourself on the areas you have taken action, and congratulate yourself on the areas you will continue to strive to take action. It’s all perfect and will unfold exactly as YOU design.

living your best life?

Five Tips to Living Your Best Life Thru Love & Laughter


You read it right! Put yourself first! Put your

desires, your feelings, your emotions, your actions first! What’s

the first safety rule of an inflight passenger

announcement? “In the event of a

decompression, an oxygen mask will

automatically appear in front of you… If you

are travelling with a child or someone who

requires assistance, secure your mask first,

and then assist the other person.”

Why do you think putting on your mask first is so important? Because if you don’t put your mask on first, you can’t be any good for yourself or those around you. If you are exhausted, overwhelmed, this is a result of you not placing your mask on first and breathing.


What would you like to begin doing to put yourself first?

What do you desire? Yes...YOU!

What priorities are you putting ahead of your own wants and needs?

What emotions or feelings occur when you think about putting yourself first?

The How...

It’s time to fill your tank and prioritize yourself. It’s time to upgrade yourself like you upgrade your car! You know, the car that leaks when it rains, squeaks when you brake, and feels every bump when you are driving it! Let’s trade that vision in for a fully loaded sexy model! Think seat warmers, fuel efficient, Bluetooth capabilities, and - f&@! It - let’s add a jacuzzi in the back while we’re at it! #throwback #lifestylesoftherichandthefamous

Let’s first look at areas in your life that you are trying to multitask, you’ve deprioritized your precious time, or you’re just simply not putting yourself first. Areas where you have put other people’s priorities above your own, leaving your tank half full or even empty. Research has shown that although multitasking may seem to allow you to handle various items within your life at once, multitasking can reduce productivity by as much as 40%! Are there areas in your life that you are multitasking? Are you trying to do everything and be everywhere at once? Do you put other people’s priorities ahead of your own?

The next step is to get these ideas outside of yourself so you can objectively reflect on exactly what you’re doing. So, you’re going to be honest as you journal. Write or type this out. Use whatever tool you like to get it out! You will identify the areas of your life where you aren’t putting yourself first. Once you have identified these areas, detail how you feel. What emotions come up? How have these situations served you and others?

Five Tips To Living A Life Turned On 9Five Tips to Living Your Best Life Thru Love & Laughter

Five Tips To Living A Life Turned On 10






Prioritize the people and activities that mean the most to you! This may mean having some fierce conversations with those you are deprioritizing. Take time with yourself and write out how you want to approach these conversations. Lead with love and enroll others into the vision of your brand new car, your brand new you! Leverage your community. Sharing is caring, my friends, and the more work you can share, the more you can care for yourself. Carpool the kids with other soccer moms/dads, share dog sitters and babysitters. Accept support just as much as you dish out. You will be surprised, prioritizing yourself and your desires replenishes your best you.

“What might surprise you m�t is that true selfishne� can be the path to real gener�ity.” ~Mama Gena

Accept suport just as much as you dish out. You will be surprised, prioritizing yourself and your desires replenishes your best you.

Five Tips to Living Your Best Life Thru Love & Laughter


Ok, now you’re going to go all the way back to the days when you

were just a child in school, and learned

the first steps of reflection. Think

back to when your teacher would write

a sentence on the board and then ask you to provide four

sentences that came to mind.

Maybe it was something like, “What did you do over the summer months?” With only four sentences to get on paper, you sent yourself on a reflection journey allowing the last 12 weeks of your life to become a short film in your mind. While this film, if transcribed, would far outweigh the bullet points you transcribed, you most likely found the perfect memories to jot down and quickly turned in your assignment. Your memories could have been filled with joy and laughter reminiscing of your family vacation. They also could have encompassed painful thoughts such as a summer breakup, or summer coming to an end too early.

This brief moment of taking time to put pen to paper allowed reflection, emotions, and energy to be released from you.

Another way of describing “putting pen to paper” is journaling. Various reports detail out the health benefits, emotional release, and mental clarity that takes place when journaling. A researcher in Texas, Dr. James Pennebaker, conducted studies that show when people write about emotional difficult events or feelings for even just 20 minutes at a time over three or four days, their immune system function increases. His studies also indicate that the release offered by writing has a direct impact on the body’s capacity to withstand stress and fight off infection and disease. That’s right, ladies and gentlemen, putting our thoughts and reflections onto paper is healing for you!


What areas of your life would you like to have more clarity around?

What things are holding you back from receiving or giving more?

What time can you provide yourself with to begin reflecting and putting pen to paper?

What type of journaling would work best for you?

Five Tips To Living A Life Turned On 11Five Tips to Living Your Best Life Thru Love & Laughter

Five Tips To Living A Life Turned On 12

Before we jump into the how, let’s also consider the various forms. Journaling dates back all the way to the 10th century, and has evolved from a handwritten personal life diary to a variety of journaling formats. Here are just a few to get you started.

Remember, choose what will work best for you! If there is not one below that resonates with you, then create your own type of journaling or reflect on a method you may have used in the past that worked well for you.

Journaling Examples:

1. Events Journaling: This allows you to take a few moments a day to reflect and write about events that have taken place in your life. Your reflections could range from how you felt throughout the event to what accomplishments you may have made.

2. Idea Journaling: If you are someone that is creative and always thinking of new things to do, make, write, or sing, idea journaling is a good way to get your ideas onto paper!

3. Goal Journaling: Writing down the goals and actions you plan to take towards your goals is a great way to get specific on things you want to achieve in life and allows for clarity around them. For our less wordy folks, feel free to bullet out your goals. Whatever works for you!

4. Dream Journaling: If you are someone that has lucid or even vivid dreams and you wake up remembering them, jot them down! Many times even just 20 minutes later, the visions and emotions begin to fade. This type of journaling is great for you to go back and reflect on your subconscious mind and what it might be saying to you.

5. Gratitude/Affirmation Journaling: Use this tool if you are someone that, from time to time, needs a little nudge to find the gifts or flickers of joy that enter your life. Gifting yourself gratitude provides a space for celebration, self love, and positive thinking around situations that occur in your life. Try something like this as an example: “I am thankful for the letter I received telling me I was not selected for the role I applied for. This has given me clarity to move forward in the right direction for myself to find the perfect role for me.”

Five Tips to Living Your Best Life Thru Love & Laughter

The How...

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To k�p your balance, you must k�p moving.” ~Albert Einstein

Now that you have some options around what type of journaling you will do, take time to schedule your journal time. When, where, and how much time will you commit to doing this? If you choose handwritten journaling, go and buy yourself a journal that speaks to you! If you are someone that prefers to type, schedule a timeslot on your calendar dedicated to journaling.

Step two, decide where you want to journal. Provide yourself the space needed for quiet thinking (at least when you are first getting started). For myself, I often journal in my bathtub. I add salt, oils, and candles, then I allow myself to sink into a hot bath, reflect, then type away on my phone about my day, week, or month. Like with anything new, you have to figure out what works best for you.

Is it me or the pen? If you find yourself with writer’s block that’s ok, allow yourself to provide a one liner for the day, this is for you and you only. If you find yourself not wanting to take the time or you’ve started out strong but have a tendency to stall, ask yourself, “Should I try a different type of journaling?”

The type of journaling you are currently doing, or have done in the past is not always meant to last forever. Sometimes you needed it for a specific situation to move through in your life, and you can move onto a different more suitable type of journaling for you.

Note, when starting out, stick with your choice of journaling for at least a few weeks to make a true determination if it’s working for you.

Forming habits… Like with any new habit, the first thing to do is begin. It will take time to adopt a new habit so remember this isn’t a race. There is no right or wrong way to do this. And this should not cause any added stress or anxiety in your life. For a deeper dive around habits, check out, “The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do” by Charles Duhigg or “Zen Habits” at

Honor yourself to schedule a designated time once a week or month to go back and review your journal. There are many times when journaling is about discovery, and moving through a “stuck zone” can be done when you go back and review. Reflect what emotions, what changes, what improvements have occured. Give yourself a pat on the back! You are well on your way to living a life turned on!

“Journaling is like whispering to one’s self and listening at the same time.” ~Mina Mu�ay

Five Tips To Living A Life Turned On 13Five Tips to Living Your Best Life Thru Love & Laughter

You are well on your way to living your best life thru love and laughter!

Five Tips To Living A Life Turned On 14


By definition, Merriam Webster defines “turn

on” in various ways:

To activate or cause to flow, operate, or

function by or as if by turning a control.

To move pleasurably.

To cause to gain knowledge or

appreciation of something specified.

What is the first thing that comes to mind when we hear the question, “what gets you turned on?” Do you find yourself visualizing an accomplishment? Maybe your mind goes to the 10 lbs you recently shed and you feel turned on about how you look? Or like many, when they hear the words turned on, their brains immediately go to sex! Yes, I said it! You know the thing that happens typically behind closed doors and is not spoken about openly, yet there is no doubt you immediately know if you are turned on or not.

The point is, being turned on is applicable across the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual realms. It is not meant for only one room in your life; it’s meant and can be for all rooms in your life!

You have the switch to turn the power source on in your life! Take a moment to reflect on the last time you were turned on? Really take time to breathe and be present in this exercise.


What sensations arise when you are turned on?

What action were you doing when you last felt turned on?

What did you accomplish to get that amazing feeling?

What gets you so excited that your entire body lights up?

The How...

Every inventor first started with a vision. It is your time to invent, envision, you are off to a great start! You have identified areas of your life that are turned on, and probably located a few areas that are not along the way. You may even be reminded about areas that once were lit but now have dwindled. It’s time to spread or reignite that joy and energy to areas that aren’t on fire!

First, let’s reflect on where you are. Start by writing down each time you remember being turned on. Next to each moment, identify with the emotions that led you to feel this way.

Five Tips to Living Your Best Life Thru Love & Laughter

Five Tips To Living A Life Turned On 15

Now that you are comfortable identifying the areas you are turned on, and the emotions behind each turn on, let’s look at where you can add these emotions and energy to areas in your life that your power switch is off.

Write down areas you have a loss of freedom, power and self-expression. These may be areas you either feel turned off, shut down, or just tired of even thinking about it. Similar to the above table, in the second column, write down the emotion you feel led to this loss of excitement.

Here are some examples:

Congratulations for being authentic with yourself! The simple act of just writing these down and acknowledging them is a huge step. Now begin thinking about what you have discovered and how you can turn these areas of your life on!

• What is needed for you to restore your power, freedom, and self-expression?

• What fierce conversations do you need to have with yourself, and where can you accept responsibility for actions you took to lead you to this place?

This exercise is not about punishing yourself, it’s about learning. Knowledge from your actions to help you grow and move forward. Understanding what hasn’t worked and turned you off, and what works and turns you on! It just takes one step each day in the right direction... and before you know it, you’re living your dream and living a life turned on!

Times You Felt Turned On!

• Completed a Work Project

• Spa Day

• Mind Blowing Sex

• Spin Class

Areas You Don’t Feel Turned On!

• Work

• Weight

• Relationship with a Family Member

Emotion You Felt

• Accomplished

• Pampered

• Ecstasy

• Strong

Emotion You Feel

• Unfulfilled

• Defeated

• Disrespected

Here are some examples:

Five Tips to Living Your Best Life Thru Love & Laughter

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