Fishfriendly Innovative Technologies for Hydropower · Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework...


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Fishfriendly Innovative Technologies for Hydropower

Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union

D6.1: Development of a corporate identity

Project Acronym FIThydro

Project ID 727830

Work package WP 6 Dissemination

Coordinator Technische Universität München

Author Hany Abo El Wafa

Contributors Vera Köplin and Patrick Nieman

Reviewers Peter Rutschmann and Kordula Schwarzwälder

Dissemination Level Public

Delivery Date 30 April 2017

Actual Delivery Date 30 April 2017

Version 1.1


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and

innovation programme under grant agreement No 727830.

Ref. Ares(2017)2229204 - 30/04/2017



Executive Summary

FIThydro, an interdisciplinary research project funded by the European commission (Horizon 2020) has in

its consortium 26 partners, with a research as well as an industrial and operational background, that are

working together to address Fishfriendly Innovative Technologies for Hydropower. This deliverable provides

the development of a corporate identity for the project to strengthen the identification of all partners with the

group and the aims of the project. On the other hand, it shall make the project more visible and therefore

support the dissemination and exploitation activities. The corporate identity was developed by the project

office at the Technische Universität München. The deliverable D6.1, “Development of a corporate identity”,

is being submitted as specified in the FIThydro Description of Action (DoA). The dissemination level of this

deliverable is public.



Table of contents

Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................... 2

Table of contents ......................................................................................................................... 3

List of Figures .............................................................................................................................. 3

1. Corporate Identity ................................................................................................................. 4

2. Print-based corporate tools ................................................................................................... 5

2.1. FIThydro brochure ......................................................................................................... 5

2.2. FIThydro’s poster ........................................................................................................... 5

2.3. Project corporate identity templates ............................................................................... 5

3. FIThydro’s Web presence ..................................................................................................... 6

3.1. FIThydro’s website......................................................................................................... 6

3.2. FIThydro Social Media Accounts ................................................................................... 7

3.2.1. Twitter ........................................................................................................................ 7

3.2.2. Facebook ................................................................................................................... 7

3.2.3. LinkedIn ..................................................................................................................... 8

3.2.4. Research Gate ........................................................................................................... 8

4. The Corporate design manual............................................................................................... 9

List of Figures

Figure 1 FIThydro's project brochure ........................................................................................... 5 Figure 2: FIThydro's website ........................................................................................................ 6 Figure 3 FIThydro's twitter account .............................................................................................. 7 Figure 4 FIThydro's Facebook page ............................................................................................ 8 Figure 5 FIThydro's LinkedIn account .......................................................................................... 8 Figure 6 FIThydro's ResearchGate account ................................................................................. 9



1. Corporate Identity

FIThydro’s corporate identity is divided into three main categories, the print-based tools,

FIThydro’s web presence and the corporate design manual. The print-based tools are project

brochure, office stationary templates and the project poster. They are all uploaded on the

website, to be available to all partners. FIThydro’s web presence is through FIThydro’s website

and the social media accounts. FIThydro has 5 social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook,

LinkedIn, YouTube and Research Gate) to ensure the widest possible outreach of FIThydro

related results, news and events and to engage the interested parties in a virtual community. The

corporate design manual (section 4) was developed in an early stage of the project to present

the design elements including logos, colours, font and other rules of the FIThydro’s corporate




2. Print-based corporate tools

2.1. FIThydro brochure

The FIThydro brochure was designed to address the different target groups and increase

awareness of the project. It explains the summary of the project, its objectives, consortium

members and the different work packages. The brochure was created to reflect the conceptual

design of the project logo and website.

Figure 1 FIThydro's project brochure

2.2. FIThydro’s poster

The FIThydro poster is currently being developed to introduce the project at conferences and

meetings. The poster would reflect the main FIThydro design concept to keep the project

branding consistent and to make the project easily recognizable.

2.3. Project corporate identity templates

FIThydro corporate identity templates were designed at the beginning of the project

Implementation. These include templates for:

Deliverable reports

Power point presentation

Scientific Poster

Meeting agenda and minutes

Letterhead template for official project letters

All templates are available through the website to be used by all consortium members.



3. FIThydro’s Web presence

3.1. FIThydro’s website

FIThydro website (Fig.5) was developed by the designer Patrick Nieman in close cooperation

with the coordination team. It is designed to act as an information platform about the project’s

objectives, activities and results. The website serves as the main public dissemination platform

making available the project deliverables and published materials. The events organized by

FIThydro or of relevance to the project are also announced through the website.

Figure 2: FIThydro's website

The website comprises of separate information pages with project background information,

news, events, products, publications, contact details, etc. It is regularly updated to keep the

audience informed and ensure continued interest of already attracted visitors. The website main

pages are:

General information:

o About FIThydro (summary)

o Introduction

o Objectives

o Consortium

Work Packages:


Test Case Regions


Dissemination and results

FIThydro Events

Related Events

The website also provides direct links to the FIThydro social networks profiles on Facebook,

Twitter, Research Gate, LinkedIn and YouTube.



3.2. FIThydro Social Media Accounts

The FIThydro accounts have been created and styled in line with the general project branding.

The accounts aim to address different user groups and stakeholders.

The FIThydro social media accounts are operational and in process of increasing popularity and

followers. All accounts are linked through FIThydro’s website.

3.2.1. Twitter

Twitter is an online news and social networking service where users post and interact with short

messages, "tweets,". Twitter is used by many organizations to share information, news, events

and results.

Figure 3 FIThydro's twitter account

3.2.2. Facebook

Facebook is one of the most popular social networks. The twitter feed is linked to the Facebook

account and same information is shared with the aim to reach different user groups.



Figure 4 FIThydro's Facebook page

3.2.3. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a business- and employment-oriented social networking service. It provides a

professional network, creating potential for networking across FIThydro stakeholders. In contrast

to Facebook, LinkedIn provides an opportunity as almost all its members use it for professional


Figure 5 FIThydro's LinkedIn account

3.2.4. Research Gate

ResearchGate is a social networking site for scientists and researchers to share papers, research result and research projects. It provides a dissemination channel that is dedicated to



scientists and researchers interested in FIThydro.

Figure 6 FIThydro's ResearchGate account

4. The Corporate design manual

The corporate design manual can be found in the pages below

Corporate Design

2017 Manual

Content Corporate Language

Corporate Language Rules on the use of language

The correct title is FIThydro.

The name must be written out in full.

The corporate language of the project is English The Logo of FIThydro

The Logo of FIThydro The logo is the most important element in the layout.

It enhances the brand and increases its recognition.

Full view of the logo in the layout

x x




x = logo height = edge

The logo’s protective zone

The logo of FIThydro has a protective zone. This minimum

distance to be kept free in all directions and is equal to the logo

height. The protective zone is a permanent element of the logo

and cannot be changed.

The logo can be found in various file formats and colors at: www.fithydro/corporate/logo

The logo of FIThydro appears on all FIThydro products and publications. The Logo of FIThydro

Use of the logo The logo of FIThydro appears on every product.

Project Partners also use the project’s symbol on project

related documents.

The logo is generally blue (brand color).

The logo height is equal to the distance to the document’s outer

margin edge at the top and right (see image). All other margin

definitions are also based on this.

The protective zone around the logo must be kept free.

The logo always appears on a subdued and generally white


The logo always stands alone. Third-party logos (e.g. partner

and cooperation logos) appear in a different position, e.g. in the

page footer.

Defined logo heights

Format Logo width Distance to the edge

DIN A4 10 mm 10 mm

DIN A0 35 mm 20 mm The Logo of FIThydro

Logo Versions FIThydro Logo - Standard The Logo of FIThydro

FIThydro Logo - Black The Logo of FIThydro

FIThydro Logo – White

Office stationery

1 / 1

Office stationery Letters and invoices

Business documents comply with DIN 5008. The header is the

same in all cases. All individual information is contained in the

information block in the page footer.

All office stationery exclusively bears the logo of FIThydro.

Other symbols or logos or individualized headers are no longer


Technische Universität München | Arcisstraße 21 | 80333 München

2. Adresszeile optional | löschen falls nicht benötigt

Fa. Muster Mechanik

Herrn Max Mustermann

Musterstraße 12

12345 Musterstadt

Ort (München), Datum (10. Mai 2015)

Betreffzeile (Arial 11 Pt, Bold)

Sehr geehrter Herr Mustermann,

dies ist die Vorlage für den Brief der Technischen Universität München (TUM). Die Vorlage ist

nach dem aktuellen Corporate Design der TUM gestaltet und verbindlich.

Bitte geben Sie Ihren individuellen Text an den vorgesehenen Stellen ein und nutzen Sie die in-

Technische Universität München | Arcisstraße 21 | 80333 München

2. Adresszeile optional | löschen falls nicht benötigt

Fa. Muster Mechanik

Herrn Max Mustermann

Musterstraße 12

12345 Musterstadt

Ort (München), Datum (10. Mai 2015)

Rechnung Nr. ID014-202-Projekt (Rechnung, Arial 11 Pt, Bold)

BKZ-Nr. 1234.5678.9012 – geben Sie immer diese Nummer mit an!

Für unsere Auslagen zur Ausführung Ihres Auftrags Nr. ID014-202 vom 15. Apr

berechnen wir Ihnen folgende Kosten:

Pos. Art.-Nr. (o.ä.) Bezeichnung Menge Einzelpreis

il 2015


stallierten Formatvorlagen für den jeweiligen Textabschnitt. In der Fußzeile auf der ersten Seit e

1 Artikel 6399 Musterartikel 2 2.000,00 € 4.000,00 €

finden Sie Platz für Ihren individuellen Absender. Bitte geben Sie stets Fakultät und Lehrstuhl

für Musterverfahren

an und achten Sie bei Ihrem Namen darauf den vollständigen akademischen Grad anzugeben.

2 Artikel 2387 Musterartikel 1 500,00 € 500,00 €

In der Kopfzeile ist kein Text erlaubt, hier steht nur das Logo der TUM in der Markenfarbe.

für Musterverfahren

Gesamt Netto

4.500,00 €

Achten Sie ebenfalls darauf, dass das Dokument in Originalgröße gedruckt wird, also keine

Anpassung an die Druckränder bei Ihren Druckereinstellungen aktiviert ist, damit die Falz- und zzgl. 19 % USt. 855,00 € Lochmarken an der richtigen Stelle stehen.


5.355,00 €

Weitere Informationen zum Corporate Design der TUM finden Sie unter Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Erika Mustermann-Muster


Technische Universität München Dr. rer. nat. Tel. + 49 89 289 12345 Bayerische Landesbank Fakultät für Musterverfahren Erika-Maria Mustermann-Muster Fax + 49 89 289 12346 IBAN-Nr.:

Lehrstuhl für Mustertechnik Arcisstraße 21 DE10700500000000024866 80333 München BIC: BYLADEMM Steuer-Nr.: 143 / 241 / 80037 USt-IdNr.: DE811193231

1 / 2

Wir bitten um Überweisung des Rechnungsbetrages innerhalb von 14 Tagen auf das unten

genannte Bankkonto unter Angabe der BKZ-Nr. 1234.5678.9012.

Technische Universität München Dr. rer. nat. Tel. + 49 89 289 12345 Bayerische Landesbank Fakultät für Musterverfahren Erika-Maria Mustermann-Muster Fax + 49 89 289 12346 IBAN-Nr.: Lehrstuhl für Mustertechnik Arcisstraße 21 DE10700500000000024866

80333 München BIC: BYLADEMM Steuer-Nr.: 143 / 241 / 80037 USt-IdNr.: DE811193231

Letter paper, 1 page (information block with normal text quantity)

Invoice, 1 page


Headers of FIThydro General header with logo

The logo always

appears top right and

alone. The entire

area to the left is

kept free. The logo

height is equal to the

distance to the edge.

Only the logo of FIThydro (example: positioning on DIN A4)

Application of the symbol of the partners As the symbols are subordinate to the logo of FIThydro, they can never appear alone. They complement the logo of FIThydro but do not replace it. The symbol always appears opposite the logo of the project partner on the left-hand side.

Logo of FIThydro + partner logo (example: positioning on DIN A


Colors Primary colors

Brand color FIThydro

RGB 35, 175, 210 CMYK 83, 17, 0, 18 Hex #23AFD2


RGB 255 / 255 / 255 CMYK 0, 0, 0, 0 Hex #FFFFFF


RGB 0 / 0 / 0 CMYK 0, 0, 0, 100 Hex #000000



Accent colors An accent color may be used for special emphasis in

communication materials, but not for longer passages of text

or color areas.

RGB 49, 59, 72

CMYK 32, 18, 0, 72

HEX #313B48

RGB 255, 25, 107

CMYK 0, 90, 58, 0


RGB 255, 213, 25

CMYK 0, 16, 90, 0


Grid and layout

Grid and layout

x x 2x 2x

3x 3x

x 2x

Standard grid (title page/poster) Grid: Inside page

x = Logo height

= Design area

= Margin to be kept free

General design guidelines

The Logo of FIThydro always appears top right.

The distance of the logo to the edge is determined by the layout

margin (distance from the page edge to the design area).

Only DIN formats are used at FIThydro.

The main format is DIN A4 portrait.

The paper color/background color is generally white.

The text is left-aligned.

Images are either positioned in the layout grid or extend across

the page margin on at least three sides. (Images that extend

across the page margin can only be produced by professional

printers as standard office printing equipment does not print to

the page edge.)

Information graphics and diagrams are clear, informative and

appear in the colors of FIThydro. They correlate with the design

grid and incorporate the axes (e.g. image edge) of the layout.

On a DIN A4 page, the margins are 10 mm on all sides, for example, while the logo height and margins are scaled accordingly on other formats.

Grid and layout

2x 25 mm 20 mm

3x 20 mm

Grid: Forms/reports

x x

Grid: Letter

x = Logo height

= Design area

= Margin to be kept free

Basic principle

The page margin on all FIThydro printed products is generally

equal to the basic logo height. It is the same on all sides. This

rule applies to both portrait and landscape formats.

Application scenarios

Exceptions in application include, for example, letters, forms,

reports, business cards and documents as they are subject to

specific functional and formal guidelines. The inside pages of

brochures, flyers and folded cards also have larger margins to

ensure optimal presentation of content containing extensive


Forms, reports

Documents to be archived have an extended margin on the

left to ensure easy filing. The margin is equal to twice the logo


Letter paper

The margins of letter paper and the associated office stationery

deviate from the rules as they meet the requirements of the

standard letter in accordance with DIN 5008.




The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. THe quiCK bRowN

fox juMPs oveR THe lazY doG. 1234567890 ,.;:+-

/&é’()§è ̈̂ $* @`£#

Arial Bold

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. THe quick

BrowN fox jumps over THe lazy dog. 1234567890 ,.;:+-

/&é’()§è ̈̂ $* @`£# Printing and contact details

Printing and contact details

Contact partner

Hany Abo El Wafa Project Manager Arcisstraße 21 80333 Munich

Kordula Schwarzwälder

Dissemination Co-leader

Arcisstraße 21

80333 Munich

Publisher Technical University of Munich (TUM)

Arcisstraße 21

80333 Munich


Version 1.1: 2017
