First Year Assessment Report #019801M Northwest Cove...


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First Year Assessment Report

Traditional Prospecting

Mineral Exploration License


Northwest Cove, Newfoundland

NTS 1M/13


David Hicks

Work conducted: 2012

March, 2013



Introduction ............................................................................................................ 3 Location and Access ................................................................................................ 3 Regional Geological Setting ................................................................................... 6 Previous Exploration Work .................................................................................. 7 Results of the 2012 Prospecting and Sampling Program .................................... 8 Conclusions and Recommendations ...................................................................... 11 References ............................................................................................................... 12 Appendix “A” – Au Fire Assay + ICP-30 ……………………………………… 13 Appendix “B” – Assessment Expenditures……………………………………... 14 Figure 1: NTS Map Sheet of Newfoundland…………………………………… 4 Figure 2: Generalized Geology Map of Newfoundland………………………... 5 Figure 3: Claims and Sample Location #1……………………………………. 9 Table 1: UTM coordinates for sample locations within the mineral exploration License #019801M ………..………………………………………………... 10


Introduction The Northwest Cove property consists of one mineral claim block for a total of 6 claim units located along the south coast of Newfoundland approximately 8 km southwest of St. Alban’s (NTS 1M/13). Location and Access

The property lies in the SE corner of the Dunnage Zone of Central Newfoundland. Principal lithological units are the Cambro-Ordovician Baie D’espoir Group and the Siluro-Devonian North Bay Granite. The terrain consist of very steep cliffs and a boggy area at the top.

During this period, I rented a boat and services to take me to the site. The rental included an operator

and sleeping accommodations.


Figure 1: NTS Map Sheet– Northwest Cove –1M/13 within the Baie D’espoir Area.



Figure 2: Generalized geology map of the island of Newfoundland by Hayes (1987) showing the

tectonostratigraphic subdivisions of the Newfoundland Appalachian mountain belt (after Williams,

1979). License #019801M is located north of the Hermitage Bay Fault - Gander Zone.



Regional and Local Geological Setting

The Northwest Cove property lies in the SE corner of the Dunnage Zone of Central Newfoundland. Principal lithological units are the Cambro-Ordovician Baie d’Espoir Group and the Siluro-Devonian North Bay Granite. Baie d’Espoir lies within the southeastern section of the Hermitage Flexure in the Central Mobile Belt. The area is underlain mainly by Ordovician metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks of the Baie d’Espoir Group. Rock formations in the area are highly deformed and have well defined northeast structural trend. Rock exposures in the property area consist dominantly of pelitic gneiss. These include the psammitic schist to the garnet, biotite schist and minor felsic to intermediate tuffaceous units associated with the Riches Island Formation as part of Baie d’Espoir Group. The Riches Island Formation is in thrust fault contact with the St. Joseph’s Cove Formation that also includes similar psammitic and pelitic units north of Northwest Cove. A leucocratic, locally garnetiferous granite identified as a syn- to late-tectonic member of the North Bay Granite Suite intrudes metasedimentary rocks of the Riches Island Formation in the southwest corner of the property. The intrusive contact in this area has been described as a complex intrusive zone in which granite is generally subordinate to the surrounding sedimentary rock material. A north to northeast trending sequence of Paleozoic, Lower to Middle Ordovician to Carboniferous lithologies has been mapped within the property area. Lithologies at the base of this succession at Northwest Cove have been described as consisting of quartzite, biotite, garnet and staurolite schist which are variably intruded by pegmatite, aplite sills and dykes. The quartzite at Northwest Cove is succeeded by, and in contact to the east with similar lithologies described as grey to black argillaceous shale, phyllite, quartzite, amphibolite greywacke and minor conglomerate. Biotite and muscovite granite has been mapped to the west, a unit intruded by subordinate pegmatite and albite. The pelitic gneiss in the property area is highly deformed. Successions in the area are generally flat-lying, but punctuated by the presence of north to northeast trending shallow-dipping open folds. In the Northwest Cove area dips are shallow at 10° to 20° to the east. However those along the west side of Roti Bay are shown dipping shallowly west consistent with the presence of a northeast trending open syncline between it and Northwest Cove. The Northwest Cove property area is punctuated by the occurrence of several faults. A dominant set trends north as a prominent series of parallel ridges and shallow gullies breaking the east side of the cove into a series of terraces. There is little evidence of movement along these structures. A subordinate set, as possible brittle dilational structures may be significant deeper and perpendicular to the dominant fault set and to extension lineations developed in outcrop.


Previous Exploration Work

The previous exploration and assessment work in the Northwest Cove area that has been completed is comparatively limited in scope. Despite the presence of numerous mineralized occurrences, large alteration zones, under-investigated gold geochemical anomalies and gold enriched mineralization, very little follow up exploration, and no exploratory diamond drilling has been completed in the area. Early initiatives include the work by W.B. Jewel (1939) who attempted the first regional synthesis of the petrography, structural geology and economic geology of the region making reference to pegmatite and aplite dykes and the occurrence of molybdenite deposits. Jewel (1939) noted that “… mineral solutions … have been guided largely by structures in the sedimentary rocks … include faults, joints and folds; and favourable channels were the more sandy and gritty beds because of their greater porosity”. He also noted that “Even the molybdenite-bearing pegmatite intrusions have been guided chiefly by the bedding in the Baie d’Espoir sediments”. In a compilation study of the molybdenite occurrences in Baie d’Espoir, Winek (1954) included Northwest Cove as one of the areas “most favourable” to the potential occurrence of an ore deposit. Among his contributions was the identification of the Molybdenite Belt trending northeast through Northwest Cove extending from a contact at Pomley Cove, through Gull Pond and on to Rattling Brook over total distance of 6.4 km. In the study the belt was defined by the locations of significant mineral occurrences and similar alteration and trace mineralization along its length. According to the author an exact width could not be determined. Winek (1954) also observed that the quantity of molybdenite increased near coastal vein exposures speculating an economic deposit could be located below sea level. Winek (1954) also described the South Brook occurrence in the Reservoir Ponds area noting a mineralized body described as a fissure vein contains small amounts of brecciated assimilated country rock. The author described a large number of medium to coarse crystalline quartz druses in the vein, noting that related pyrite contained traces of gold. Winek (1954) also reported a gold value of 0.19 oz/t Au near an occurrence of native bismuth which was apparently trenched across structure along the west end of Grandy Lake. Drilling to depths of 1000’ perpendicular and along the strike of the valley; the topographic linear between the Reservoir Ponds was recommended to explore for the presence of mineralization. Winek (1954) also reported assay values of 2.08 g/t Au obtained from a Mo occurrence west of Northwest Cove and a value of 6.5 g/t from a Mo bearing quartz vein located near the northeast corner of the property. In 1987 and 1988, Exmar Resources Limited completed work in the area, outlining a gold soil anomaly to east of the property in the Roti Bay area that was never subsequently investigated (Chute, 1988).


Coleman-Sadd and Swinden (1982) collated known mineral exploration in the region, noting that the numerous mineral occurrences with alteration assemblages that similar to those in the North Bay Granite Suite indicate that the intrusion of the latter was likely correlated with an important mineralizing event throughout the region.

Results of the 2012 Prospecting and Sampling Program

Traditional prospecting was conducted over the area underlying the mineral exploration license

#0019801M (Figure 1). A total of 9 rock samples were collected for assay from outcrop in the

licensed area. The sample numbers and UTM co-ordinates for each sample are presented in Table 1.

The assay results of the 9 mineralized grab samples collected did not return any significant

anomalous values.


Figure 1 Claims and Sample Location


Table 1:

UTM coordinates for whole rock sample locations within the mineral exploration license #019801M.


12116 5291173N 578534E Rock

12116A 5291173N 578534E Rock

12116B 5291173N 578534E Rock

12117 5291252N 578575E Rock

12118 5291278N 578582E Rock

12118A 5291278N 578582E Rock

12118B 5291278N 578582E Rock

12119 5291297N 578591E Rock

12119A 5291297N 578591E Rock


Conclusions and Recommendations

Based on the previous work, the current market conditions for Molybdenum prices, it is recommended that further exploration (traditional prospecting) be conducted on the Northwest Cove Property in 2013.


References Weick, R. James (2007): First Year Assessment Report For Alex Turpin and R. James Weick. Assessment File 001M/13/0634, 20 pages Jewell, W.B. (1939): Geology and mineral deposits of the Baie d'Espoir area. Newfoundland Geological Survey, Bulletin no. 17, 33 pages. Chute, M.E. (1988): Geological and geochemical surveys in the Northwest Cove area, south-central Newfoundland, Claim Blocks 4549 and 4550 – License 2913, NTS 1M/13 for Exmar Resources Limited, 59 pages. Colman-Sadd, S.P., Swinden, H.S. and Gibbons, R.V. (ed.) (1982): Geology and mineral potential of southcentral Newfoundland. Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Mines and Energy, Mineral Development Division, Report 82-08, 109 pages. McBride, D.E. and Anstey, C.A. (1987): Geological and geochemical surveys in the Northwest Cove area, south-central Newfoundland, Claim Blocks 4549 and 4550 – License 2913, NTS 1M/13 for Exmar Resources Limited, 12 pages. Winek, T.A. (1954): Report on molybdenite deposits of the Bay Despoir area, Newfoundland. Newfoundland and Labrador Corporation Limited, Newfoundland and Labrador Geological Survey, Assessment File 1M/0040, 26 pages.


Appendix “A” – Au Fire Assay + ICP-30

Au Fire Assay/ICP Geochemistry Certificate

Eastern Analytical Limited P.O. Box 187

Little Bay Road Springdale, NL


Phone: 709-673-3909 Fax: 709-673-3408

1 of 1

Client: Geologist: Project: Sample:


DateIn: DateOut:

David Hicks



August 30, 2012 September 11,2012

(Concentrations in assay range may cause interferences in associated elements.)

Au Ce Sr Ba Fe P Hg Mg As V Na Mo Al Be Ca Zn Cu Sb Ag Pb Bi Ti Cd Co Ni W La K Mn Sn Cr

PPb ppm ppm ppm % ppm % ppm ppm % ppm % ppm °A ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm

5 - - -

700 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

10 1 10 0.01 0.01 1 0.01 5 1 0.01 1 0.01 0.5 0.01 1 1 5 0.2 2 9 0.01 0.5 1 10 10 0.01 5 20 1

138 15 191 3.06 0.11 1 0.53 8 40 0.02 1 1.30 0.6 0.54 186 34 5 0.8 30 2 0.05 1.2 16 18 10 31 0.19 1428 20 23

5 20 21 460 3.59 0.04 1 0.63 28 79 0.19 18 0.38 0.5 1.52 92 51 5 0.2 11 2 0.01 1.4 5 40 10 10 0.14 303 20 196

5 14 8 149 1.31 0.01 1 0.05 14 52 0.16 31 0.18 0.5 0.12 60 35 5 0.2 5 2 0.01 0.5 2 23 10 10 0.10 61 20 311

5 20 99 >550 2.67 0.02 1 2.93 11 81 0.20 5 0.32 0.5 >5.50 112 30 5 0.2 5 2 0.01 1.5 8 51 10 10 0.13 811 20 95

5 19 13 142 3.20 0.03 1 0.28 26 46 0.19 10 0.37 0.5 0.85 97 107 5 0.2 14 2 0.01 1.6 7 45 10 10 0.15 182 20 178

5 11 10 145 1.76 0.02 1 0.03 14 68 0.19 26 0.23 0.5 0.14 26 39 5 0.2 9 2 0.01 0.5 4 43 10 10 0.12 29 20 223

5 27 59 83 2.69 0.01 1 0.15 13 60 0.32 16 0.20 0.5 3.32 55 81 5 0.2 9 2 0.01 1.4 4 36 10 10 0.10 68 20 150

5 31 2 170 8.30 0.10 1 0.04 53 176 0.21 65 0.28 0.5 0.07 35 54 5 0.2 25 2 0.01 1.8 1 17 10 10 0.16 30 20 150

5 27 1 90 6.37 0.03 1 0.15 25 24 0.17 24 0.62 0.5 0.27 39 226 5 0.4 25 2 0.01 1.6 11 54 10 10 0.23 55 20 136

5 23 22 165 3.19 0.02 1 0.48 21 40 0.20 17 0.56 0.5 1.03 105 108 5 0.2 16 2 0.01 1.6 12 74 10 10 0.23 273 20 152

Sample Number

Blank - Au Std - GS - P7E Blank Std LKSD-2 12116 12116 A 12116 B 12117 12118 12118 A 12118 B 12119 12119 A


Appendix “B” -Assessment Expenses

(1) Prospecting – 2 days @ $100.00/day ...................................................................... 200.00 (2) Report writing – 2 days @ $100.00/day................................................................. 200.00 (3) Research – 2 days @ $100.00/day............................................................................. 200.00 (4) Whole rock sample analysis (31)–Au+ICP30……………………………........... *312.73 (5) Shipping……………………………………………………………………………. *17.72 (6) Boat Services- $100.00/day ………………………………………..…………... 200.00 (7) Fuel …………………………………………………………………………………. 100.00 (8) Meals @ $25.00/day x 2......................................................................................... 50.00

Sub-Total $ 1280.45

(9) Administration & overhead (consumables etc.) @ 15%.......................................... 192.07

Total $ 1472.52


License# Claims Expenses 019801M 6 $1472.52
