First Quarter Grade 6 Session 2 Creation Story



2/3 of the keynote presentations used in class for lesson 1: focusing on the Creation story in Genesis

Citation preview

  • Session 2: Gods Love in CreationGrade 6 CLE l 2015-2016 l First Quarter

    Lesson 1: We Find Gods Love in All Things

  • 1.

    Video Analysis on the Creation Story

    in the Bible



    Class Discussion: Why did God

    create everything?


    Short Reflection: How can I thank God for creating

    me and the world?


    Short Review Test: Checking what you can remember

  • A VIDEO on theCreation Story:

    Genesis 1

  • THE CREATION STORY The Bible Series, Episode 1, History Channel, 2013

  • Your cluster will be assigned to a particular day of Creation. In your cluster, discuss:

    What would happen if God did not create _________?

    Cluster Work

  • Question:What would happen if God did not create ______?

    Cluster Work

    G1 - 1st Day: Light

    G2 - 2nd Day: Sky

    G3 - 3rd Day: Earth and Sea, Plants

    G4 - 4th Day: Star, Sun, Moon

    G5 and G6 - 5th Day: Fish and birds

    G7 and G8 - 6th Day: Land animals

    Write your answer on a manila paper.



  • Question 1: How should we understand the Creation


    Is it scientific? Is it historical? What religious truths can we learn from the Creation Story?

  • Truths from the Creation Story

    - God created us. - God is the source of everything that exists. - We all need Gods grace to live our lives fully. - All of Gods creation is good.

  • Question 2: Why did God create the world?

    God created all things not to increase His glory but to share His goodness and love to His Creation.

  • Question 3: Do we have responsibility to Gods


    God made us stewards of His creation. To be a steward of creation means we look after or take good care of everything that God created.

    In Genesis 1:28, God said Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. The word subdue here does not mean to overcome or to take control of the earth.

  • How can I thank God for creating me and the world?


  • Can you remember?

    a. to examine our conscience b. be aware of Gods presence in our daily experiences c. remember our most important experiences during the day d. ask forgiveness from God for the moments when we failed to follow Him

    1. What is the main purpose of the Ignatian Examen?

  • Can you remember?

    a. show His power b. make Himself happy c. add glory to Himself d. share His goodness and love

    2. Why did God create the world?

  • Can you remember?

    a. care for the world as our home b. always be in control of the world c. populate the earth and divide it among ourselves d. make use of the resources of the earth the way we want

    3. What does the Church teach about Gods command: fill the earth and subdue it?

  • Can you remember?

    a. record of historical facts b. simple religious statement c. scientific theory on the beginning of the world d. revelation of important truths about ourselves and our God

    4. In what way should we understand the story of creation in the book of Genesis?

  • Why did God create the world?How is He present in His


    Reflection Questions

  • Session 2: Gods Love in CreationGrade 6 CLE l 2015-2016 l First Quarter

    Lesson 1: We Find Gods Love in All Things