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I was glad when they said unto me, "Let us go into the house of the Lord." Psalm 122:1

THE CALL TO WORSHIP *THE PROCESSIONAL HYMN Creator Spirit, by Whose Aid (see bulletin p. 8) A LITANY FOR PENTECOST SUNDAY Lector: God's Spirit joins with our spirits, to declare that we are

children of God. Alleluia! People: Come, Spirit of wisdom, and teach us to value the highest

gifts. Lector: Come, Spirit of understanding, and show us all things in the

light of eternity. People: Come, Spirit of counsel, and guide us along the straight and

narrow path to our heavenly home. Lector: Come, Spirit of might, and strengthen us against every evil

spirit and interest which would separate us from you. People: Come, Spirit of knowledge, and teach us the shortness of life

and the length of eternity. 1

Lector: Come, Spirit of godliness, and stir up our minds and hearts to love and serve the Lord our God all our days.

People: Come, Spirit of fear of the Lord, and make us tremble with awe and reverence before your divine majesty.

Lector: Rain upon our dry and dusty lives. People: Wash away our sin and heal our wounded spirits. Lector: Kindle within us the fire of your love to burn away our apathy. People: With your warmth, bend our rigidity, and guide our

wandering feet. Lector: Hear our prayers for the sake of the Great Triune name–Father,

Son, and Holy Ghost–one God, now and forever, Amen. All: Sing to the tune ST. AGNES Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all Thy quickening powers; Kindle a flame of sacred love

In these cold hearts of ours.

*** (The children and youth are dismissed to Sunday School classes.)


THE PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD The Prayer for Illumination

The Lesson for the Day Job 1:6-2:8 The People’s Response Lector: This is the word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God. The Choral Ascription of Praise Estes The Sermon The Wizard of Uz, III: An Alternative to Star Wars Theology

*THE HYMN OF RESPONSE Gift of Christ from God Our Father AR HYD Y NOS

(see bulletin p. 9)


THE PEOPLE’S TITHES AND OFFERINGS The Ritual of Friendship The Offertory Anthem I Will Not Leave You Comfortless Byrd

I will not leave you comfortless, Alleluia. I go and come again to you, Alleluia. And your heart shall rejoice, Alleluia.


The Invitation to the Lord’s Table The Sursum Corda Lector: The Lord be with you. People: And also with you. Lector: Lift up your hearts. People: We lift them to the Lord. Lector: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. People: It is right to give our thanks and praise.

The Great Prayer of Thanksgiving At the first organ introduction, the congregation will respond with the Sanctus, sung to the tune NICEA

Holy, holy, holy! all the saints adore Thee, Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea; Cherubim and seraphim falling down before Thee, Who wert, and art, and evermore shalt be. At the second organ introduction the congregation will respond with the Memorial Acclamation, sung to the tune NICEA Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! All Thy works shall praise Thy name, in earth and sky and sea; Holy, holy, holy! merciful and mighty! God in three Persons, blessed Trinity! The Words of Institution

The Sharing of the Bread and Wine To receive the elements, come forward by the center aisle and return to your seats by the side aisles. Begin with the front rows and move to the back. There are two stations from which to partake. If you prefer to remain seated, an elder will come to you with the elements. Tear the bread and dip it in the chalice. It is appropriate to respond by saying "Amen" upon receiving the sacrament.


The Communion Anthem Agnus Dei Barber

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata, mundi dona nobis pacem.

Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world, grant us peace.

The Consecration Prayer *THE CLOSING HYMN # 129 Come, O Spirit, Dwell Within Us EBENEZER *THE BENEDICTION THE POSTLUDE Final (from Sonata III) Guillaume

(*Please stand if you are able. ***Latecomers may be seated.)

TODAY’S BULLETIN COVER: The bulletin cover is one of William Blake’s famous illustrations of the Book of Job. The eccentric but talented poet/painter created this watercolor in 1821: “Satan Attacks Job’s Children.”


PARTICIPANTS IN TODAY’S SERVICE Preaching: The Reverend Dr. William A. Evertsberg, Senior Minister

The Reverend Erin M. Keys, Associate Minister for Congregational Life Joshua D. Thomson, Director of Youth and Communications

Judy B. Kelly, Director of Membership Kevin L. Estes, Minister of Music & Organist

The Chancel Choir


WELCOME VISITORS: It is a pleasure to have you worshiping with us today. Nametags are available to help us know each other better. Please sign the fellowship pad (located at the center aisle of the pews) so that we may send you a personal greeting. Please be sure to join us for refreshments after the worship services. INFANT/TODDLER CARE AND PRE-SCHOOL AGE CARE: Infant/Toddler care is in Room #120 and 121 (first floor to the right of the elevators). Childcare is provided by trained caregivers. Parents will be given a beeper in case of an emergency. Three and four year olds should be dropped off and picked up directly from their classrooms on the second floor. THE GREETERS this morning are Renie Blair; with Deacons Fenella Kiley and Sylvia Felcyn. USHERS SERVING TODAY ARE MEMBERS OF TEAM II: Wayne Branom, Captain, Ron Dubin, Jack Larkin, Peter Mastalli, Phil McWhorter, Ross Ogden, Rob Rusk, Ralph Wyman and Merle Yoder. THE CHANCEL FLOWERS this morning are given in loving memory of Gene Leonard by Doris Leonard and family. OUR SYMPATHY TO Pam Clark on the death of her mother, Shirley Smails, who passed away in Virginia at Pam’s sister’s house on May 7, 2012. PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE: Please keep these members/friends of our church in your daily prayers: George Minchin, Marcy Straub*, Jean Boland*, Leo Reyes*, Michelle Ullmann*, Zach Rogers*, Melanie Yildazlar*, Stephen Clapp*, Wendy and Lucky Diamond*, James Pyatt*, Jim Thompson*, Mary Johnston, Anita Allen*, John Cutler Eddy*, Maggie and Todd Morris*, those in caring partnership through Stephen Ministry; those currently serving in the military, especially those in harm’s way; and our friends in Honduras. In the Presbytery of Southern New England cycle of prayer this week we pray for Faith Presbyterian Church, Cranston, RI (The Reverend Paul Terry); United Methodist Elder Care, E. Providence, RI (The Reverend John Sweet); The Reverend Jill Robertson and The Reverend Cynthia Robbins (Members at Large); Shannon Craigo-Snell (CPM Inquirer from New Haven: First). To be included in this list and the regular Prayers of the People during worship, please call (203) 869-8686 and notify one of the pastors at the church. *non-member friends or family



SUNDAY SCHOOL TODAY: Grades 3-7 will have a combined class in the 4th grade room on the third floor.

SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER SIGN UP: Teaching Sunday School is a very rewarding opportunity. If you are interested in signing up to be a teacher for the fall 4-year-old class, please speak with Sue Sproule (203-979-8786) or Lee Ganshaw (203-622-8907) with any questions. We’d love to have you join us!

THE SPRING CONCERT SERIES: Be sure to save the following dates (all concerts begin at 7:00 p.m.): Saturday, June 2 – Bluegrass Concert; Thursday, June 21 – Polyphony Foundation Concert. See First Press for more information.

IT’S PICNIC TIME! SAVE THE DATE, SUNDAY, JUNE 10, 2012! The Fellowship Committee is (figuratively) taking the whole family out to the ballpark for lunch! Mark your calendar; wear your favorite Major League jersey or cap and come on down to FPCG home field (Fellowship Hall) following worship on Sunday, June 10. You don’t want to miss it!

MISSION OPPORTUNITY! The Mission Committee is pleased to announce that on June 10th, in conjunction with our Church picnic, we will assemble 350 backpacks of supplies for children in a school we are adopting in St Marc, Haiti. You can help in two ways: First, by signing up in Fellowship Hall after the service to buy or bring some of the supplies. Second, by filling the backpacks with your family on the day of the picnic. We are looking for forty families who have not yet volunteered with mission this year, so plan to join us for this fun and important project!

ARMCHAIR THEOLOGIANS: Join us on the second Monday of June at 7:30 p.m. for our final meeting of the season. We do brief, simple introductions to the most important theologians in the history of the Christian Church. The textbooks for the classes are from the winsome series called Armchair Theologians. Books can be purchased in the Fellowship Hall at Coffee Hour for $10, or you can purchase your copies from, often a used copy for less. Those who choose not to read the textbooks are still welcome and will be able to learn something from the classes.

October 3 Augustine March 5 John Wesley November 7 Martin Luther April 2 Dietrich Bonhoeffer December 5 Thomas Aquinas May 7 Karl Barth January 9 John Calvin June 11 Martin Luther King, Jr. February 6 Jonathan Edwards


THE WOMEN’S BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP: Join us for our next meeting, on Friday, June 15, 2012, at the home of Colleen Giambo, 40 Stone Brook Lane, Cos Cob. Come at 9:15 a.m. for coffee fellowship, and the discussion runs from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. We will discuss Song of the Lark, by Willa Cather. Call Colleen Giambo, at (203) 622-0269, or Linda Kennedy, at (203) 869-1459, with any questions or suggestions. SUPPORT OUR YOUTH: Please pray for our youth, Josh Thomsen, and Reverend Keys as they prepare for this summer’s youth trips. June 30-July 6 FISH youth will be on a mission trip to Arizona, and July 22-28 FISH youth and the 2012 confirmation class will travel to Montreat Youth Conference in North Carolina. You may also support our team with donations. Look for Reverend Keys or Josh Thomsen in Fellowship Hall after worship or send a check to the church with “mission trip” in the memo line. Thank you for your encouragement and support of our youth!

Arizona Cam Biondi Alex Drakos Melissa Eng Harley Griffiths Tilly Griffiths Chris Hann Konnor Kinnear Katie Mather George Miller John Oswald Olivia Pearson Will Peisch Sarah Petuck


Montreat Caroline Dunn Alexandra Duryea Laura Edson Melissa Eng Macie Evans Isabel Getz Alyssa Mulé




At Worship this spring and summer at First Presbyterian Church, we will make an in-depth study of one of the towering masterpieces of the Hebrew Bible and in fact of all of world literature–the Book of Job. At 42 chapters, Job is a longish book, but you have all summer to get through it, and it will serve as great daily devotional material. I wouldn’t exactly call it a Beach Book, but if you start now and take a chapter a day, you could read it twice through before Labor Day. Or at least read the passages we’ll be looking at on Sunday mornings. There are eleven Dramatis Personae who are named, have important speaking parts, or are integral components to the author’s argument, so we will take them in the order in which they appear–more or less. Prepare for worship by doing your reading assignment ahead of time. DATE DRAMATIS TEXT SERMON TITLE PERSONA April 29 Job Job 1:1-5 Though God Slay Me... May 13 Dinah Job 2:1-10 One Fierce Mother May 27 Satan Job 1:6-22 An Alternative to Star Wars Theology June 10 Bildad Job 2:11-3:10 The Limits of Loquacity June 17 Eliphaz Job 4:1-21, 5:27 Relinquishing Retributive Religion July 1 Elihu Job 32- 33 Fractures Well-Cured Make Us More Strong July 8 Job Job 19:13-27 Nevertheless July 15 Behemoth Job 38 & 39 A Faint Tracing on the Surface of Mystery July 22 Leviathan Job 40-41 Chaos July 29 God Job 42 What Does God Look Like?


FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF GREENWICH One West Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, CT 06830 Phone: (203) 869-8686 Fax: (203) 869-1745


The Ministers: All Members of the First Presbyterian Church William A. Evertsberg, Senior Minister

Erin M. Keys, Associate Minister for Congregational Life Kevin L. Estes, Minister of Music

Judy B. Kelly, Director of Membership Joshua D. Thomsen, Director of Youth and Communications

We are a Stephen Ministry Church
