Fire aparment book




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STUDENT’S NAMES: Angélica Gabriela Alas

Yoselin Beatriz Cortez

Jaime Alejandro Gámez

Alejandra Catalina Peña

Unit 1 this is my Co-worker

1.1 The alphabet

Listen and read. Madison Excuse me, I’m Madison. Rodrigo Ah, you’re Ms Madison Robson. Madison No. My name’s Madison Robinson. Rodrigo Excuse me? What ‘s your last name? Madison Robinson Rodrigo And how do you spell that? Madison R-O-B-I-N-S-O-N. Rodrigo Ok. I’m Rodrigo Bernal. Madison Nice to meet you Mr. Bernal. Rodrigo Nice to meet you, too. Read again and complete the chart

First name Madison Last name

Writing Fill in the balloons.

Practice with your partner. A: Hello I’m… What’s your name?

B: … A: Nice to meet you,… B: Nice to meet you, too


1 Which English first names do you know? 2 Listen and complete. a. b. c. d. e.

3 Are the names above male, female or both? Do you have these names or similar names in

your language? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________


Practice with your partner and complete the chart.

A: How you do you spell your first name? B: J-O-H-N. A: how do you spell your last name? B: D-A-V-I-D-S-O-N.

First name Last name

John Davidson

English names

G e o r _ e _h r i s P _ a t t J a _ o n _ o h n

The alphabet

Listen and repeat.

Vowels Listen and repeat.


Read the examples and then complete the dialogue.

Ray: Hello,

(1)_____________________Ray. Sue: Ah! (2)_________________________ Ray Giggs!

Ray: Yes. What’s (3)___________________________ name? Sue: (4)____________________________ name’s Sue Philips.

I’m Alison. My name’s Alison

You’re George. Your name’s George.

1.2 Greetings


In this vocabulary we will see different ways to greet in some circumstances. (Click on play to listen the pronunciation).


Different ways to greet.

Play Hello


Play Welcome


Play Good morning

Buenos días

Play Good afternoon

Buenas tardes

Play Good evening

Buenas noches

Play Goodbye


Play Please

Por favor

Play Thank you


Play Excuse me


Play To meet


Play To greet


Bowing. Cheek kissing. Eskimo kissing. Fist bump, in

which two individuals touch fists.

Hand-kissing. Handshake. Hat raising or

tipping. High-five. Hug. Pressing noses Waving, the

gesture of moving one's hand back and forth

Reading Greeting - Example Conversations

Let's look at several example conversations. Then we can move on to the practice section by writing down some other examples. Person A: "Hi, my name is Steve. It's nice to meet you." Person B: "I'm Jack. It's a pleasure to meet you, Steve." Person A: "What do you do for a living Jack?" Person B: "I work at the bank." Person A: "What is your name?" Person B: "Jackson." Person A: "What was that again?" Person A: "Hey John, how have you been?" Person B: "What a surprise. I haven't seen you in a long time. How have you been?" Person A: "I'm doing very well. How about you?" Person B: "I finally have some free time. I just finished taking a big examination, and I'm so relieved that I'm done with it." Person A: "Hi Nancy, what have you been up to?" Person B: "The same ole same ole." Or, "The same as usual. How about you?" Person A: "I'm pretty busy at work these days, but otherwise, everything is great." Person A: "Andy, it's been a long time, how are you man?" Person B: "What a surprise. I haven't seen you in a long time. How have you been?" Person A: "Do you come to this restaurant often?" Person B: "I've been here a couple of times, but I don't come on a regular basis.


Work in pairs and pass in front of the class to show the different ways of greetings in Asia.

A Few of the Ways to Say Hello in Asia Country

China a nod or bow

Hong Kong (older Chinese)

clasp hands together at throat level and nod

India palms together as though praying and bend or nod, called namaste

Indonesia say selamat, which means peace

Japan bow from the waist, palms on thighs, heels together

Korea a slight bow and handshake (right hand in one or both hands)

Malaysia both hands touch other person's hands, then are brought back to the breast, calledsalame gesture

Philippines a limp handshake

Sri Lanka place palms together under chin and bow slightly

Thailand place palms together, elbows down, and bow head slightly, called wa

1.3 The Numbers Listen and Read

A. Listen and practice.

Receptionist: Good morning, XY Company, Susan speaking. How can I help you?

Mr. Jones: Hello, my name is Mr. Jones from Jones Computer Service and I'm calling for Mr. Kendall please.

Receptionist: I'm sorry. His line is busy right now. Would you like to leave a message?

Mr. Jones: Yes, please tell him that Mr. Jones called and to call me back when it's convenient.

Receptionist: Can I get your phone number, please?

Mr. Jones: Yes, it is 893-564-7021.

Receptionist: Okay, thank you. I'll give him the message.

Mr. Jones: Thank you. Good-bye.

Receptionist: Have a nice day!

B. Read again and complete the chart

What is the name of the Company?

What is the telephone Number?


A) Write the words in numerals:

1) four hundred _______ 2) twenty-four _______

3) eight hundred _______ 4) ninety one _______

5) Forty-two _______ 6) one hundred _______

7) Ninety-five _______ 8) fifty-three _______

9) Seventy _______ 10) twelve _______

B) Write the numbers in words:

1) 38 ______________________ 2) 30 ______________________

3) 21 ______________________ 4) 62 ______________________

5) 19 ______________________ 6) 97 ______________________

7) 81 ______________________ 8) 45 ______________________

9) 64 ______________________ 10) 19 ______________________


Practice with your partner the conversation

A. Can you tell me your home phone number?

B. Yes. Here is my business card with my address?

A. What is your home phone number?

B. 23416836? Before coming give me a call. If I am not home call my cell phone 7235098


C) WORD FIND. Look across ( ) and down ( ). Circle the eleven numbers. Then Write the numbers on the line

Grammar D) Look at the Numbers list below and write them in the correct places.

Sixty Ninety One hundred

Twenty Forty Thirty

Fifty Seventy Ten


1.4 Introducing Myself and Others

Listen and read A Listen and practice.

David: Hello, my name is David It's nice to meet


Jenny: Hi, I'm Jenny. It's my please to meet you.

David: I’m sorry. What was your name again?

Jenny: Jenny.

David: So Jenny, What do you do for a living?

Jenny: I work at the local school teaching English.

What do you for a living?

David: I'm also an English teacher, but I’m currently out of work.

Jenny: Sorry to hear that...

David: Yes. But now I work at a Private School in the city.

B Listen to the rest of the conversation.

Why David is out of work? ______________________________________


Writing Complete the chart with your personal information

Speaking Fill in the blanks with the information of a partner.

Hi, my name is ___________________________________________________

I’m _____________ years old. I am from______________________________

I live in _______________________ with my __________________________

And my _______________________I’m a/an___________________________

My telephone number is____________and my email is__________________


My partner’s name is: __________________________________

My partner is from:____________________________________

My partner is___________ years old

My partner lives in: ____________________________________

Vocabulary 1. Choose phrases from the list to complete the dialogues.

-Fine, and you? -Pleased to meet you. -My name is Bob.

How are you?



What’s your name?



Hi! I’m Tom. _______________



Fill in the blanks with:

- fine -nice - welcome -pleased

1 Lucy: Hi! This is John. He is my friend.

Rosie: It’s _________ to meet you, John.

John: Nice to meet you, too.

2 Chris: Hi! How are you?

Joy: _________ and you?

Chris: I’m OK. This is my friend, Ruth.

Joy: __________ to meet you, Ruth.

3 Mrs. Jones: My name is Susan Jones.

___________ to Trinity College .What’s your name?

Joe: My name is Joe Rodgers.

Tom: I’m Tom Robbins.

Unit 2. “Am I calling the Fire Department?” 2.1 Making and emergency phone call

Listening ACTION STEPS If an emergency occurs, stay calm and complete these three emergency action steps:


1. CHECK If a disaster strikes, you may have to provide care. First assess the scene by evaluating:

Is the scene safe? What happened? How many injured people are there? Are there bystanders who can help?

When providing care, begin by checking the person for life-threatening conditions

2. CALL If you encounter one of the following types of emergencies, call 9-1-1:

Unconsciousness No signs of life Trouble breathing

When in doubt, always call 9-1-1. Stay calm and DO NOT hang up until the EMS dispatcher instructs you to do so. When calling 9-1-1, provide the following information to the dispatcher:

Your exact location The number of injured people What help is being give

3. CARE When providing care:

Reassure the person Monitor the person's airway, breathing, and circulation

Help the person rest in the most comfortable position Prevent the person from getting either chilled or overheated


Look at this example and then write down another one, with a different emergency using this as a model.

Operator: Hello. This is the emergency 911 operator.

Taxi Driver: Help. Help. Please help me!

Operator: Yes sir. Please calm down and explain exactly what is happening.

Taxi Driver: Calm down! My car is stalled on the freeway, I have a lady passenger, and she's going into labor.

Operator: Now relax sir. Explain exactly where you are.

Taxi Driver: I'm . . . I'm in the southbound lane of the Lincoln Expressway, about 15 miles from the Washington Tunnel, and this lady isn't going to wait.

Operator: Okay. What’s your name sir and your passenger's?

Taxi Driver: It's ... its Bob, and I have no idea about the woman. She's in no condition to tell me.

Operator: Okay, now what's the nearest landmark to your location? Pay careful attention.

Taxi Driver: Umm, I see golden arches . . . McDonalds.

Operator: Okay, is there anyone else with you?

Taxi Driver: No, and I've tried to get someone else to stop. [The sound of a bottle breaking.]

Operator: Hey, what was that? [Ahhhh!]

Taxi Driver: Ah, someone threw a bottle at me. How soon can someone get here?

Operator: I've just dispatched an ambulance to your location. They should be there any second.

Taxi Driver: Hey, is there anything I can do while we wait for the ambulance?

Operator: Yes, uh, keep her calm and warm.

Taxi Driver: Okay. Please hurry. Oh, they're too late. It's a boy!

Write down a conversation, following the three steps of an emergency call.

A. Thank you for calling 911. What’s your emergency? B. This is what’s going


A. Ok, I understand, now give me more details about it please. B. Sure, I have seen


A. This is what you are going to do…______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


After you have written the dialogue of the emergency call, now pass in front with a partner and develop it with the class.

agent caller Thank you for calling 911, what’s your emergency?

Hello, my name is James and this what’s going…

Ok, now give more details about it please. Sure…


Key Vocabulary

calm down (verb): relax - The police officer tried to calm down the angry crowd.

stalled (verb): to stop, often due to mechanical problems - The small plane's engine stalled as it passed through a terrible rain storm.

landmark (noun): an object, such as a building, that marks a location - The lighthouse on the tip of the bay is a famous landmark in this town.

dispatched (verb): to send off - A fire engine was dispatched five minutes ago to respond to the fire.

2.2 Instructions in the classroom Listen and repeat

A Listen and practice.

a) What is your name?

b) My name is Robert. You can call me Bob

a) Ok Bob! How do you say sentarse in English?

b) Sit down

a) How do you spell it?

b) S-I-T –D-O-W-N

a) Please say it again.

b) All right.

a) Please speak more slowly.

a) OK. Listen carefully.

b) OK Bob!,

B Listen to the rest of the conversation.

What is that?

How do you spell it?

Writing C. Write the correct answer in each image.

Speaking Practice saying the words

May I come in? Stand up! Help each other Give the answer

Take notes Put away your

book Sit down!

Raise your hand Take your seal Write your name

Vocabulary Circle the ten instructions. Then Write on the line












Fill in the words from the Data Bank below. The first one is done for you

2.3 The Verb “To Be” (Affirmative)

1. Listen and complete the conversation

Ivan: Good afternoon. What _____ your name?

Peter: Good afternoon. May _____ introduce myself? My name Peter Smith.

Ivan: I ____ Ivan. glad to meet you.

Peter: The pleasure ____ all mine.

Ivan: Where _____ _____ from?

Long Form I am we are You are you are He is They are She is It is

Short Form I’m we’re You’re you’re He’s they’re She’s It’s

Peter: ____ come from England and I will stay in Bulgaria for 5 days and …

Ivan: Would _____ speak more slowly, please? I speak English little.

Peter: Yes, of course. I ____ sorry. My telephone ringing. I should go. Here my card.

Ivan: _____ _____ very kind of you. Thank you.

Peter: Not at all. Goodbye.

Ivan: Bye-bye. See you soon

1. Complete the sentences

Hi, I ______ Ann and I _______ a teacher.

Hello, We ____ the Sanchez Family . Maria _____ my mom and this _____ Andres, my dad. My sister Brenda____

12 and I _____13.


a)Write a short text about yourself and your family. Use the text in Ex. 2 as a model.

b) Fill in the blanks with ‘m/am, ‘s/i sor ‘re/are. As in the example.

1. It ‘s/is a red eraser.

2. She _____ Mary.

3. You _____ my friend.

4. This _____ my dog.

5. I _____ from Los Angeles.

6. They_____ my Friends.

7. He _____ John.





8. It_____ a ruler.

9. We _____ brothers.

10 . They _____ students.

c) Use the prompts to write sentences, as in the example.

1. I/15 year old I’m Fifteen years old.

2. She/my sister ___________________________.

3. His name/ Manuel


4. This/ my friend


5. My cat anddog/ White ____________________________.

The Verb “To Be” (Negative and Interrogative Form)

Negative Interrogative Short Answers Long Form Short Form

I am not You are not He is not She is not It is not We are not You are not They are not

I’m not You aren’t He isn’t She isn’t It isn’t We aren’t You aren’t They aren’t

Am I...? Are you…? He…? Is she….?


We…? Are you…? They…?

Yes, I am. Yes, you are. Yes, he is. Yes, she is. Yes, it is. Yes, we are. Yes, you are, Yes, they are,

No, I’m not. No, you aren’t. No, he isn’t. No, she isn’t. No, it isn’t. No, we aren’t. No, you aren’t. No, they aren’t.

We do not repeat the whole question in short answers. We only use Yes or

No, the subject pronoun and the appropriate verb form. We use the long form of the verb to be in positive short answers.

Is she OK? Yes, she is,( NOT: Yes, she’s) We use the short form of the verb to be in negative short answers.

Are you from Peru? No, I’m not, (NOT: No, I am not)

6. Reading a) Read the text and underline all short forms of the verb “to be”

Then write the long forms.

My name’s Mary and I’m from Virginia. I’m twenty-five years old and I’m a secretary. My best friend is Nick.He’s from Utah. 1) Nick’s 26 years old and he’s a teacher. He’s a very good teacher, Nick’s sister’s Laura and his brother’s Mark. 2)

b) Answer the questions.

1. Is Mary from Virginia? Yes, she is from Virginia.

2. Is Laura a teacher? ____________________________________

3. Is Nick from Virginia? __________________________________

4. Is Mark 26 years old? ___________________________________

5. Are Nick and Mark brothers? _____________________________

6. Are Mary and Laura Friends? _____________________________

c) Grammar

a) Underline the correct form of the verb “to be”

1. I’m from Egypt. I’m not / isn’t from the US.

2. They isn’t / aren’t from Canada.

3. Are / Is they your brother and sister?

4. Is / Are he from Paraguay?

5. “Are Bill and John students?” “Yes, they are / is”

6. “Are you from the US, John?”

7. She isn’t / aren’t my friend.

8. They’re / is my parents.

b) Look at the pictures. Ask and answer questions, as in the example.

Are they pears? ___________ tomatoes?

No, they aren’t . ___________________

They’re apples. _____________ eggs.

_____________ a teacher? __________ a police officer?

_____________________ _______________________

_____________ a doctor. ____________ a reporter.

______________ a televisión? ________________ a hospital?

________________________ _________________________

_____________ a computer. _______________ a hotel .

c) Match the questions to the answers

Is Jose from Argentina?

Are they doctors?

Is Ann twenty years old?

Are you a pilot?

Are we Friends?

a. No, they aren’t . c. Yes, we are. e. Yes, he is. b. b. No, I’m not. d. No, she isn’t.






2.4 At the Fire Department Listen and Repeat.

Firefighter: Hello. Fire Department.

User: I need to report a fire.

Firefighter: Where is the fire?

User: At 76 Cypress Lane.

Firefighter: It is a house fire?

User: No. the woods behind my house are on fire.

Firefighter: Is everyone safe?

User: Yes.

Firefighter: Brushfire can be very dangerous. Tell everyone on stay as far away from the

smoke and flames as possible. It there a number where you can reached?

User: Yes. My cell phone number is 555-8738.

Firefighter: OK. Firefighters are on the way.

User: Thank you.

Writing Write the names of the things that are used in the fire department.

_________________ ________________ ________________ _________________

______________ _________________ _________________ __________________

________________ __________________ ________________ ___________________


Try to find the listed in the box below circle the words when you have located them

Unit 3 “Where is the Fire?”

3.1 Rooms of a house Listen and read A Listen and practice.

Charlee: Hello. I'm calling about the house you advertised.

Manager: Yes. What kind of house are you interested in?

Charlee: I'm interested in a 4-bedroom. Do you have any available?

Manager: Yes. I have one. When do you need it?

Charlee: Sometime around next week. What can you tell me

about this apartment?

Manager: Well, it's a four-bedroom apartment. The monthly

rent is $650, with a $300 security deposit. You pay electricity only.

Charlee: Good. May I come over tomorrow to take a look?

Manager: Sure. What time would you like to come?

Charlee: How about 10 AM?

Manager: Good. May I have your name, please? Charlee:

Charlee: My name is Blanca. Manager: Charlee. I'll see you tomorrow.

Answer the following question

1. What kind of house are you interested in?

2. When do you need it?

3. What time would you like to come?


Writes which parts of the house are the following objects.

1. Where is the bed? It’s in the bedroom.

2. Where is the bath?

3. Where is the sofa?

4. Where is the table?

5. Where is the stove?

6. Where is the picture?

7. Where is the computer?

8. Where is the chair?

9. Where is the refrigerator?


Fill in the blanks with the information of a partner.

1. How many rooms are there in your house?

2. Describe each room of your home.

3. What's your favourite room? Why?

4. What do you think is the worst colour for a living room


Read the short story below

My house is where my Family Lives. It is blue. There are four bedrooms. Our family room is where we like to watch television together. When people come over. We eat in the dining room. We have a playroom in the basement. We have a swing in the backyard. I love my house

Now answer the question about the story

1. What color is the house?

2. Who lives in the house?

3. How many bedrooms are in the house?

4. What is in the backyard?

5. What happens in the family room?


C) WORD FIND. Look across ( ) and down ( ). Circle the seven rooms of the house. Then Write on the line


Look at the picture and complete the following questions

1. Where’s Mom? Mom’s in the

2. Where’s Dad? Dad’s in the

3. Where’s the Grandma?

4. Where’s Grandpa

5. Where’s Sister?

6. Where’s Brother?

3.2 Stores and Places in a city Listen and Practice

Jack: Excuse me. I’m your new city, jack I just moved in.

Woman: Oh yes?

Jack: I’m looking for a grocery store Are there any around here?

Woman:Yes, there are some on Pine street

Jack:Ok. And is there a laundromant nere here?

Woman: Well, I think there’s one across from the

Shopping center.

Jack: Thank you

Woman: By the way, there’s a barber shop in the shopping center, too.

Jack: A barber shop

B Listen to the rest of the conversation and complete.



Writing Write the correct answer

1. You can buy vegetables at the .

2. You can buy medicine at the

3. You can buy a magazine at the .

4. You can buy a football at the .

5. You can buy pet food at the .

6. You can buy shoes at the .

7. You can buy bread at the .

8. You can buy roses at the .

9. You can buy a CD player at the .

10. You can buy a burger at the .


Practice saying the words

Theater Library Restaurant Movie Theater Mall Ice cream

Park Cyber café Bakery Aquarium Fire station Bank

Stadium Airport


Find and circle the words in the word search and number the picture

3.3 Present Continuous Tense Listening

Present Continuous: Future Plans and Arrangements

Paul and Lyn work at the same company and they are talking about plans for the next vacation.

Paul: Say, Lyn, what are you doing next vacation?

Lyn: I'm going to Spain with my boyfriend.

Paul: Spain. Wow! That sounds fun. So, what are you planning on doing there?

Lyn: Well, we're staying in a nice hotel in Barcelona near the beach, so I just plan on taking it easy. Also, I have family who live in France who are meeting us there.

Paul: Ooh, great. So are you only staying in Barcelona?

Lyn: No, we're flying in to Madrid, so we plan on staying there for a day. From there we're taking a train to Barcelona.

Paul: Oh nice. Hey doesn't Barcelona have a really good soccer team?

Lyn: Yeah, but I'm not wasting time watching soccer while I'm there and neither is that boyfriend of mine.

Paul: Yeah, right. Good idea. So, just out of curiosity, what airline are you taking?

Lyn: We're flying with United. I'm using my frequent flyer miles to get us there for free.

Paul: Nice, and is the hotel free too?

Lyn: Unfortunately, no. I'm putting that on my credit card, but my boyfriend is paying me back once we get home.

Paul: Argh. Sounds like a great trip. Well, hope you have fun.

Lyn: Thanks, I'm planning on it.


The structure of the present continuous

auxiliary verb + main verb

Be base + ing.

How do we use the Present Continuous Tense?

We use the present continuous tense to talk about:

Action happening now Action in the future

Present Continuous tense for action happening now

a) For action happening exactly now

I am eating my lunch.

Look at these examples. Right now you are looking at this screen and at the same time...

...the pages are turning. ...the candle is burning. ...the numbers are spinning.

b) For action happening around now

The action may not be happening exactly now, but it is happening just before and just after now, and it is not permanent or habitual.

John is going out with Mary.

Look at these examples:

Muriel is learning to drive. I am living with my sister until I find an apartment.

Present Continuous tense for the future

We can also use the present continuous tense to talk about the future - if we add a future word!! We must add (or understand from the context) a future word. "Future words" include, for example, tomorrow, next year, in June, at Christmas etc. We only use the present continuous tense to talk about the future when we have planned to do something before we speak. We have already made a decision and a plan before speaking.

I am taking my exam next month.

Look at these examples

We're eating in a restaurant tonight. We've already booked the table.. They can play tennis with you tomorrow, they’re not working. When are you starting your new job?

In these examples, we have a firm plan or program before speaking. The decision and plan were made before speaking

Speaking After we have read about the structure and the use of present continuous, now think on your next trip and pass in front to tell your classmates what you are going to do.


Next week I am going on vacations to Hawaii with all my family, I am going to have lot of fun and I expect this is going to be the best trip ever in my life; I am waiting for this since my mother told we were going to go.

3.4 Possessive Adjectives

a) Complete the sentences, an in the example. 1. This book belongs to me. It’s my book. 2. That parrot belongs to Jose. It’s ____ parrot. 3. These shoes belong to my dad. They’re ____ shoes. 4. This room belongs to me and my sister. It’s ____ room. 5. That house belongs to Peter and Tina. It’s _____ house. 6. Those cameras belong to my family. They’re ____ cameras. 7. That car belongs to your family. It’s ____ car. 8. Those balloons belong to me. They’re ____ balloons. 9. This pencil belongs to you, John. It’s ____ pencil.

10. These books belong to Anika. They’re ____ books.

Singular Plural I My You your He his She her It its

We our You your They their

Possessive Adjectives show: That something belongs to somebody. This is my schoolbag. The relationship between two or more people. She is our teacher.

We put possessive adjectives before nouns. This is his house

b) Fill in the blanks, as in the example. 1. His (he) dog is gray and White.

2. _______ (we) house is very big.

3. Larry, is this _____ (you) shirt?

4. _____ (they) new car is very expensive.

5. _____ (she) sister is a doctor and ____ (she) brother is a teacher.

1. Speaking

a) Work in gCroups of four. Mix up your pencils, books, erasers, etc., and then sort them out, as in the example.

A: This is my ruler

B: Yes, and these are your pencils.

2. Possessive Case

To show possession: a we add ‘s to names and singular nouns. c we add ‘s to the last noun of a phrase to show This is Tom’s ball. That something belongs to two or more people. b we add ‘ to plural nouns ending in –s This is Kate and Jim’s car. This is the boys’ football.

a) Match the phrases to the pictures.

1. _____ 2._____ 3.______ 4. ______ a .the boy’s caps c. the girl’s hat

b. the girl’s hats d. the boy’s cap

b) Circle the correct ítem.

1. This is _____ pet.

A. Tim B. Tim’s C. Tim’s

2. Whose books are these?

They are_______ books.

A. the boys B. the boy’s C. the boy

3. Look at that house over there.

Is it ________ house?

A. Tonys B. Tony’s C. Tony

4. My ________name is Juan.

A. brother’s B. brothers C. brothers’

5. This is the ________ car.

A. man B. man’s
