FINANCIAL SECRETS OF THE RICH AND SUPER …Under the Mattress The rich and super rich have one very...


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Although the title of this report has the word “secrets” in it, the following report contains knowledge and principles that have been used for centuries by the most influential people in the history of the United States and beyond, and still do today, and the list continues to grow. The only thing that separates you from these folks, in most cases, is knowledge. Rich people have many paid financial, legal, and accounting advisors on their payrolls to give them the knowledge they need to keep and grow their fortunes, that in many cases, were handed down to them. And do it with no taxation or with as little as legally possible. Here are some important words to remember……………

It is illegal to evade taxes… it is not illegal to avoid taxes! This same information has always been available to you as well for many, many years and you do not need to have endless advisors, paying ridiculous fees to have these so called “secrets”. Countless books, radio shows, television, magazines and newspapers have been bombarding you with wonderful “secret information” all your lives but what happens is that we end up with “information overload” and we tend to shut down and shut out everything. Including the “good” information. And then we have an even bigger problem of who can we believe, who can we trust? For centuries the rich and powerful had and still have advisors they trust and believe and have guided them in most cases helped maintain and grow their wealth. You too can have the same help, knowledge and wisdom if you will only listen, believe and trust someone. Find that someone and stop hiding in the corner, overwhelmed, disgusted and fearful. You too can enjoy the same peace of mind knowing you have done the best you can with the best information available in today’s world!

Andrew Carnegie John D. Rockefeller Benjamin Franklin Ben Bernanke Warren Buffet Bill Gates Henry Ford Napoleon Hill Woodrow Wilson Theodore Roosevelt…………….(and many, many more)

Get the picture? What they all have in common is the utilization of the financial strategies we will reveal here in this special report.

Under the Mattress The rich and super rich have one very obvious difference from the middle class in their financial strategies. They do not have 401(k)’s! Simple reason, they do not have regular middle class jobs. Therefore they are not funding, and have a great opposition to funding Uncle Sam’s retirement. They would rather fund their own retirement! Sounds pretty logical and straightforward to me! They have always understood that a retirement fund that puts all the risk on their money, and none on Uncle Sam and then pay taxes upwards of 50% when they access their money is simply a waste of an entire working life and savings life. Now, let’s talk about banks. Do you think the rich and super rich put money in a CD at the bank and have it grow at 1% or less then take out a loan and pay 8%? Of course not! They have been taught better than that! Yet, we as middle class Americans continue to do what we have always done no matter what the results have shown us year after year, decade after decade. RICH PEOPLE THINK LIKE RICH PEOPLE AND POOR PEOPLE THINK LIKE POOR PEOPLE! “I’ll just put my money under my mattress, it is safer there and will grow as much as at the bank” We hear this all the time, as a matter of fact it has become nothing less than a proverb. Listen and listen close… you have your ear close to the paper? Good! GOVERNMENT SPONSORED PLANS ARE NOT YOUR FRIEND! BANKS ARE NOT YOUR FRIEND! The Family Inheritance Is it possible that the rich and super rich are having their children get a student loan for college, pay high interest on those loans and go into the workforce with a degree that they will never use? Are they telling their children to put their earnings in the bank? Are they advising their children to put all of their money in the stock market? NO! NO! and NO! This is middle class thinking and has been since the beginning of the middle class. It hasn’t worked yet and will not work into the future. Do the rich and super rich leave their fortunes to their children through stocks and Payable upon death CD’s at the bank? Of course not. They do what rich people do. They do what has keep the families

money passing on through generations with as little taxation if any to the next generation and so on and so on. Is this what you are doing for your children? Grandchildren? Or, are you leaving them a legacy of taxes, probate, increased tax brackets due to gifting? Selling the house to pay for your funeral bills? Have you lost your minds? No! You just have not listened or looked hard enough for that knowledge, which is, and has been right under your noses for centuries. Fear not. You will have those “Secrets” revealed to you today! The stock market Yes, fortunes have been won in this roller coaster financial strategy but lives and fortunes have been destroyed and lost as well. Make no mistake about it many a millionaire can point to the markets as the root to their fortunes but they will also tell you that in most cases this money placed at risk wasn’t their rent money. It was extra money. Now extra money to you and me, compared to the rich and super rich has a different amount of zeros in it. But never the less, this is not how sound financial thinkers risk their fortunes. This is entertainment for most of those folks. . We as middle class Americans take our “extra money” and go to the casino or buy lottery tickets. Again, this has worked for a very small number of people but it is not and never will be wise investment strategies. And follow the stories of those lottery winners and you will find that due to unsound financial advice, those fortunes disappeared as fast as they appeared. Can I borrow your time machine? I did a seminar in East Liverpool, Ohio back in 2007 about annuities verses the stock market and we had a crowd of 27 people that day in a local senior center. I was somewhere in the middle of my presentation and an older gentleman raised his hand and asked if he could share a story about the stock market as it related to his life and I of course obliged. He went on to say, “ when I was 20 years old my Uncle passed away and left me $20,000.00 with the instructions to put it in the stock market until I reached the age of 40. I did what was instructed of me. At the end of my 39 Birthday I decided to leave it in

since it had lost a small amount of value over the years and I felt if I could wait a little longer perhaps it would finally grow. I am now 70 years old and my account value is exactly the same amount as I put in 50 years ago. Now, I asked the audience a simple question. “What did this man lose? Three people raised their hands and all three said the same thing…..He didn’t lose a thing, he had the same amount as he started with. Middle class thinking again raised it’s ugly head!


Had he put his money in a 2.5% guaranteed simple compounding interest account he would have grown his Uncle’s gift to ………………

On his 40th birthday!……………$32,772.33

At his current age……………….$41,951.35 More than doubled. This is a little closer to thinking like rich people think. Conservative? Maybe. A sure-fire constant winner? Absolutely! A secret? Not at all!

Annuities Now sometimes a great thing can have such an unfounded knock against it due to misinformation or mistruths simply by taking your advice from your neighbor over the fence or getting your investment advice from your barber. Remember he is cutting hair not working in the financial services industry for a reason. Annuities are one of the best financial products available in the private marketplace today. But like anything else, you must have proper guidance and understand the different types. If you like mushrooms that is great but some are delicious and others are poisonous! Know what you are sinking your teeth into before you bite down. Annuities in the past had some serious problems to be fair, but have since been regulated and designed with all the good features and, in my opinion none of the bad. Also, be very careful of a variable annuity, these can have some additional negative features you need to be aware of. Many rich and super rich have a large portion of there nest eggs in fixed or fixed/indexed annuities! Finally! A big secret revealed! This is an article from USA Today on July 26th 2007 WASHINGTON (AP) – Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has a complex job trying to keep the nation’s economy on an even keel, but when it comes down to his own finances, he keeps it fairly simple. Bernanke’s biggest assets last year were two annuities. TIAA traditional and CREF stock large cap blend, which were each valued at $500,001 to $1 million. Heard enough about the rich and super rich? Okay, here’s more.

WALL STREET JOURNAL – July 1st 2011 Senator Herb Kohl Democrat from Wisconsin, Retirees may have to delay social security benefits and buy an annuity to have enough money for retirement, said a U.S. government study. Annuities are insurance contracts that can offer a steady stream of income for life. Starting to see one just of the things that the rich and super rich do? CNN MONEY ARTICLE- date unknown Unlike other tax-deferred retirement accounts like 401(k)’s and IRA’s there is no annual contribution limit for an annuity. That allows you to put away more money for retirement, and is particularly useful for those that are closest to retirement age and need to catch up. All the money you invest compounds year after year without any tax bill from Uncle Sam. That ability to keep every dollar invested working for you can be a big advantage over taxable investments.

We as Americans have been sold on the belief that in order for you too grow your money it has to be at risk. In other words, go ahead and put your blind kitty cat on the freeway and let’s hope it makes it across. Have we all gone mad? Why, why, why, would we risk our retirement nest egg, the last money we will have as a back up to our Social Security checks and possibly a small pension when we don’t have to? STOP IT! Stop believing the old traditional way of thinking. They do not apply to us anymore! No more than washing your clothes on a rock down by the river. We are now going expand on the Fixed/ Indexed annuity to show you what is and has been available to you and to the rich and super rich for some time now. Here is a generic example, a standard overview if you will, of a typical Fixed/Indexed annuity that is becoming a large part of many, many Americans portfolios, including the rich and super rich as we showed you earlier. • Put in x amount of dollars. • Get a fixed interest rate of, between 1-3% depending on

company. (this guarantee protects your principal from ever going backwards)

• Uses an indexing strategy (S&P 500) to allow additional growth in your account. (usually with a cap of 4-5%) depending on the company. So you have the potential to grow as high as 4-5%, but still with NO losses!

• Lets you access your money up to 10% per year without penalties.

• Can include a lifetime income feature to insure income no matter how long you live. Even if your money runs out!

• Can include a nursing home feature that let’s you access most if not all of your money without fees or penalties.

• CD’s and 401(k)’s have lifetime penalties for accessing your money. A Fixed/Indexed annuity can only have a ten year penalty schedule in the State of Ohio with no more than a 10% penalty with typically decreasing each of those ten years!

Now, take the blindfold off your poor kitty cat, get him off the road and stop buying into the lies and misinformation about your money! Do what the rich and super rich do and by the way, teach your children as well, it is our responsibility to help keep them off the welfare system. ANOTHER SECRET REVEALED! Now here is the biggest secret yet! So profound, so secretive, we fear that by revealing this to the general public, our very lives may be at risk! We are putting everything we have at risk just for sharing this with you. If the rich and powerful get wind that we have given away their most hidden and guarded secrets, well I just don’t want to think about what could happen to us! Understand, the rich, super rich and powerful do not want the middle class to have the same advantages as them, this would cause an outrage! All the Country Clubs would collapse. All the yachts would sink and all their caviar would spoil! But we believe that this information is so important, that we feel we have an obligation to not rob you of it as so many have in the past. Here we go. LIFE INSURANCE! That’s right, Life insurance. Some big secret right?! Well actually it is, and here is why. 99.9% of people think about LIFE insurance as DEATH Insurance, and in most cases that is the real truth. It was designed and purchased simply to pay for funerals or a few little bills left over and if you were real lucky some left over for the spouse or children. But properly designed LIFE insurance is what the rich and super rich use to fund their businesses, buy new cars, buildings, big screen TV’s, boats, and all

the while by utilizing the properly designed LIFE insurance, are getting these major purchases for free! Yes, I said for free! Can you imagine buying all your cars, and major purchases in your life and re-cooping all that money? That is what the rich and super rich do. There we said it. Now we will start to look over our shoulders. This is not news. It is only news to you! Not only can LIFE insurance be used to help create a better LIFE but it is the only way to pass on a huge inheritance to children tax free! Millions if you want. Then they pass on this same knowledge to their children, creating a long line of family gifting and financial security to the future generations of your family due to the new information you have been looking for and finally found here today! Congratulations! Another Secret Revealed! The rich and super rich advise their children to purchase as much LIFE insurance on their parents as possible instead of putting it in the stock market or the bank because unlike the small, non-existent growth at the bank or possible complete loss of funds in the stock market, we know that the LIFE insurance purchased on our parents will pay off some day. No risk. Guaranteed. No taxes due on the money. THIS IS WHAT THE RICH AND SUPER RICH DO. Does this sound a little creepy or wrong to you? Do you have a problem “cashing in” on Mom or Dad’s departure from this world? Ask Mom or Dad how they feel. Most likely they will love the idea of being able to leave you a huge financial gift of love that they made not have been able to do for you in their working years. How can something so natural be something that bothers you? Would you advise your children to buy LIFE insurance on you? Of course you would. Or you should if you want to help change their lives like the rich and super do for their children!

Now that we have exposed the secrets to you of the rich and super rich at the risk of our very own lives. You now have to understand that you need help. You need guidance with someone you can trust. As you may have heard many times on our radio show called: “THE PROTECTING YOUR FUTURE SHOW” we advise folks: • Not to give themselves a haircut • Not to do dental surgery on themselves • Not to perform heart surgery on themselves • And not to handle these financial issues alone

It can have lasting negative effects on your life! Contact us at Or call us at 440-376-0968 Hopefully we can be the ones you believe and trust! Hear us on WHK 1420AM Saturdays at 3pm
