Final Thesis Chapter i, II, & III



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Nowadays, it is a big deal for private institutions to have a decreased number of enrollees. To uncover the primary factors that are influencing a decrease in student enrolment at Notre Dame of Magpet, and to cut the struggles of this institution, researchers are now making a way to resolve this unending problem.This study focused on enrollment trends of Notre Dame of Magpet which is going to identify the needs of the school especially for todays extremely competitive world, marketing is a must survival. Think back to the earlier days of Catholic school education. If you grew up Catholic, you went to a Catholic school. Thats not the case anymore. Today, people shop for the school for their children, and often times the child is the decision-maker for which the school the child will attend.

The school must compete to get more students. The first thing that the school must consider is to find out what students and parents want and need in their school, adapt programs and services to meet their expectations.

As we all know,enrollingstudents is the most important need for the school. Without students, the school cannot fulfill its mission. With more students, school has the opportunity for greater impact in the community.

With increased competition among schools, as well as the current economic impact, it is increasingly important for administrators to focus on theirenrolment and marketing strategies. This not only requires relevant knowledge, but the practical know-how to generate enrolment revenue through an effective strategic plan.

The school must provide strategic planning to implement theenrolment managementand marketing systems, strategies and solutions needed to reach the goal of the school.

Background of the Study

The Notre Dame of Magpet is a catholic school founded in 1968 and administered by the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI) until the turnover of the administration to the Diocesan Priest in 2000.

The missionary founded the school with the zeal to promote catholic education to the local communities of the municipality of Magpet, by offering quality education, by promoting good character and by developing the spiritual life of its enrolees.

The Notre Dame of Magpet is composed of five offices; these are the Director/ Principals office, guidance office, cashiers office, prefect of disciplines office, and the registrars office.

As the team interviewed the staff, the school had difficulties with regards to the decreasing number of enrollees. As of now, the population reaches only to 173 with 10 personnel.

It has been observed, that all strategies and techniques were used and applied by the administration in the field to promote the school and yet still decreasing.

The problems of decreasing enrolment in Notre Dame of Magpet are likely to continue into the immediate future. Recognizing that communities have an important stake in their schools, it is felt that community input should be invited when schools are designated to come under review.

Thus, the researchers had chosen to study on the enrolment trends of Notre Dame of Magpet as basis of marketing plan.

Statement of the ProblemThis study aims to identify the enrollment trends of Notre Dame of Magpet as Basis of Marketing Plan.

It seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the marketing factors affecting the decreasing enrolment of Notre Dame of Magpet in the following areas:

1.1. Marketing & Recruitment

1.2. Pricing Strategies

1.3. Academic Program

1.4. Retention

1.5. Advising

1.6. Academic Assistance2. What are the enrollment trends of Notre Dame in terms of:2.1. Attrition

2.2. Census

2.3. Persistence

2.4. career guidance;2.5. Prospect

2.6. Enrollment Retention3. Is there a significant relationship between the marketing fators and the enrollment trends of Notre Dame of Magpet?

5. What management intervention plan maybe developed based on the result

of the study?Scope and LimitationThe study focused on determining the effects on the decreasing enrollment of Notre Dame of Magpet concerning the profile of the school, the factors affecting the decreasing enrolment, and the existing strategies adapted by the school. The study covers three school year from 2012-2015.Significance of the Study

Enrollment has been severely affected by recent economic downturn. Private educational institutions suffer from decreasing enrolment as a result.

This study sought to discover recent marketing practices. It attempted to answer the following questions using the marketing techniques:

a. How does education (type, teaching style/method, number of classrooms, number of illegible teachers) affect the enrolment trends of Notre Dame of Magpet?

b. How well administrators are addressing the educational needs of their stakeholders?The answer to these questions was intended to reveal how the researchers have dealt with the decline in enrollment. If marketing strategies were found to be commonly applied in school, this finding would suggest that marketing was perceived as a useful tool in maintaining enrollment.

This study was also intended to determine what marketing strategies were commonly used and whether those strategies were perceived as a big effective means of increasing student enrollment. The result of this study will be useful to the administrator, faculty and staff of Notre Dame of Magpet.

Definition of Terms

the following definitions are provided to ensure uniformity and understanding of these terms throughout the study. Career Guidance: refers to the activity/program to help promote the


Existence of public schools: refers to the rapid increase of different

annexes in barrios.

Faculty: refers to the rapid changes of new set of faculty members after

passing the licensure examination.

Financial : refers to the insufficient budget of parents.Home visitation: refers to the form of survey of how many students will enroll for the coming school year.

Instruction: refers to the the content of instruction; the processes and

techniques used to help make sense of a given topic; the learning materials produced by the teachers that demonstrate the learning of the students.

Interpersonal relationship of faculty members: is concerned with

developing an understanding of the nature of one community as

workers of the school.Personal Reason: refers to the lack of students interest; transfer of


Physical plant facilities: include school site, campus, buildings and other

physical infrastructures, equipment and complementinstitutional and program effectiveness.

Print and ads: refers to the form of advertisement with the use of

tarpaulin. Student services: is committed to provide student focused services in

partnership with others in and around the school campus.Teachers qualification: gives a teacher authorization to teach (a

graduate of Bachelors degree in Education or a post graduate).

Theoretical Framework

Knowledge of marketing in education and of message campaigns can be used as theoretical ground guiding this study. Research on marketing in education is based on the belief that a careful, well-planned, systematic marketing effort will help increase student enrollment (Cermy, 1992; Golgehn, 1990.

According to Kotler (1975), marketing could be defined as the analysis, planning, implementation, and control of carefully formulated programs designed to bring about voluntary exchanges of values with target markets for the purpose of achieving organization objectives. It relies heavily on designing organizations offering in terms of target markets needs and desires using effective pricing,communication, and distribution to inform, motivate, and service the markets.

Conceptual Framework

In this particular study, the independent variables are the marketing factors being implemented or not by the school administration of the Notre Dame of Magpet. These include the following:

1. Marketing and Recruitment including an analysis of key market areas, institutional position and targeted and segmented recruitment strategies.

2. Pricing Strategies including economic analyses of the demands curve at various rates of discounting and the need-merit-based financial aid policies.

3. Academic programs articulating niche programs conducting a demand analysis of current programs and identifying competitors successful programs4. Retention understanding where and why your institution retains and loses students and identifying institutional weaknesses which may be addressed to improve retention.

5. Advising articulating students are guided through the maze of curricular and career choices and assessing whether outcomes are consistent with plan objectives.

6. Academic assistance identifying student needs for tutoring and the structures to meet demands.

7. Co-curricular programs taking inventory of the planning and support divided to student organizations to engage them in life of the institution beyond the classroom and assessing the effectiveness of these programs in terms of student satisfaction and lifetime affiliation.

8. Data and technology identifying what trends need to be understood at the institution to better serve students and to meet students expectations in a timely fashion.

9. Budget specifying the resources you need to accomplish institutional objectives in each area and identifying funding priorities and sources.

On the other hand, the dependent variables are the enrollment trends or factors affecting enrollment at Notre Dame of Magpet as perceived by respondents, to wit;

1. Attrition: the rate of students who leave an institution without returning. Understanding how to measure this and why an institution loses its students is key to addressing institutional weaknesses.2. Census: the reporting of official enrollment data, usually taken six weeks after the first day of classes in the school year.

3. Persistence: institutions usually measure the number of students who persist from the beginning towards the completion of the given program without breaks in enrollment from one school year to another.

4. Prospect: short for prospective student which identifies any person who shows interest in the institution.

5. Enrollment retention: the rate at which continuing students from previous school year return for the following school year.

The study focuses on determining if there is a significant difference among levels of factors affecting enrollment trends in Notre Dame of Magpet and the marketing factors implemented or not by the school administration of the Notre Dame of Magpet, as perceived by respondents.

The schematic diagram is shown in figure 1.Independent Variables

Dependent Variable

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Independent and Dependent VariablesCHAPTER II


This chapter presents the literature related to the variables of the study.Student RecruitmentStudent recruitment has become competitive; forcing institutions to find efficient, fast and effective means of providing prospective students with information while they are in the process of deciding. The significance of this study is represented by its attempt to identify the effect of selected marketing communication tools in terms of enhancing student enrolment in private universities in Kenya. Independent variables under study are; public relations, advertising, personal selling and direct marketing; the dependent variable is student enrolment.

The results reveal that print media; newspapers, brochures and alumni networks were rated highly as the most effective marketing communication tools to provide information to prospective students. This is due the wide reach and reliability of these tools. The study found out that advertising plays a critical role in enhancing student enrolment in private universities. The study also found out that most universities have not embraced the use of social networks to use as student recruitment tools.

Technological advancements are changing how student recruitment is being conducted in higher learning institutions in targeting the techno-literate prospective students. The study established that internet use through university websites had a high usage rate which was equally indicated by student use in accessing university information. Websites are therefore effective marketing communication tools in enhancing student enrolment numbers. Traditional marketing communication tools like billboards, posters, radio, university newsletters, and alumni magazines were rated as less effective tools to reach and provide information to prospective students in bid to increase student enrolment numbers.

The study found out that Public relations influence student enrolment. It is crucial that higher learning institutions understand the perceptions and expectations of students and translate them into marketing activities that would attract and retain students. The need to provide value for money to the students and to be responsive to their needs has necessitated universities in general and marketing units in particular to look beyond marketing paradigms and customer approach in the HE sector. Declaring how their products are positioned against benchmarks and other ratings has already begun in many HEIs.

Public Relations, a universitys public image and its customer satisfaction index are important aspects in enhancing student enrolment because satisfied and happy clientele speak well of the institution and influence others to enroll with the institution. The study established that apart from an institutions academic excellence, exhibitions and university image are key tools in increasing student enrolment. Several aspects that need to be coordinated among quality assurance departments, academic staff, and the marketing departments in an effort to accomplish these needs.The Decline in Private School Enrolment Private schools represent a significant part of the education sector and provide an opportunity for children to attend schools, at cost, that may offer benefits unavailable in the public school system. Parents might choose to send their children to private schools for a variety of reasons, including the availability of academic programs and extracurricular activities, religious reasons, dissatisfaction with the local public schools, and school characteristics such as class size and student-teacher ratios.

Over the last decade, government statistics seem to show that private school enrolment has declined. Although the trend has been noted (Aud et al., 2011), the phenomenon has not been examined in detail. Since private schools represent a sizable portion of the education sector, a decline in enrollment would warrant attention. Specifically, is the decline the result of a particular data collection system associated with a specific survey, or a real trend? Does the trend hold for various socio-demographic subgroups? If so, what are potential underlying causes? This paper seeks to provide relevant background information on the topic by comparing trends across datasets and subgroups and exploring possible underlying causes of the decline in private school enrolment. Private School Survey (PSS) reports released yearly by the Department of Education provide a detailed look at enrolment by typology of private school; however, these annual reports do not provide a longitudinal analysis. The Condition of Education report (Aud et al., 2011) documented that the percentage and actual number of elementary and secondary school students in private schools declined from 1995 to 2010, but the report examined only a single source of data on private 2 school enrolment and did not explore possible explanations for the decline. Examination of additional data on private school enrolment from the Current Population Survey (CPS) and the American Community Survey (ACS) would prove illuminating. While little attention has been paid to possible declining private school enrolment and its causes, some attention has focused specifically on the struggling Catholic school system. The Catholic school system grew rapidly after the Civil War, particularly in cities and among working class immigrants (Baker 1999). By 1930, Catholic schooling comprised 60 percent of private school enrolment, and Catholic schools enrolled almost one third of school children in the largest cities such as New York City and Milwaukee (Baker 1999). However, there have been notable declines in recent decades, particularly in cities. While 5.2 million students were enrolled in 13,000 Catholic schools in 1960, only 2.3 million students were enrolled in 7,500 such schools by 2006 (Meyer 2007). While overall Catholic school enrolment declined by 1.6 percent annually from 2000 to 2008, the rate was a particularly high 5.6 percent in highly urban areas (Buddin 2012). The research literature suggests several factors have likely contributed to declining Catholic school enrolment and school closures. Underlying factors that specifically affect catholic schools rather than all private schools are the changing demographics of the Catholic population and sex abuse scandals (Buddin 2012). Although the Catholic population continues to grow, many Catholic working- and middle-class families have moved from urban areas to the suburbs where there are better public schools and fewer Catholic schools; furthermore, urban Catholics are increasingly Hispanic, a group which tends not to send their children to Catholic schools (Buddin 2012). Other suggested causes for declining Catholic school enrolment could also affect enrolment in other religious and non-sectarian private schools as well. Leading explanations include rising tuition costs and growth in the number of charter schools (Buddin 2012; Meyer 2007). Enrolment in private schools in general may have declined for a number of reasons. The economic downturn of the most recent recession may have made it difficult for families to afford private school tuition, students may have transferred to charter schools as parents now have more options in the public school sector, or parents may have decided to home school their children. Affordability of private school since private schools can be expensive, financial difficulties may cause some families who previously sent their children to private schools to transfer their children to public schools.

Studies have shown that financial considerations can be a determinant of enrolling children in private schools (Ferreyra 2007). For example, Ferreyra (2007) found that the availability of school vouchers, and the subsequent alleviation of some of the financial burden, results in increased private school enrolment. If the recession that began in December of 2007 financially hurt families with children in private schools, some may have decided to transfer their children to public schools to relieve financial strain. Consequently, the recession may be associated with the decline in private school enrolment.

HomeschoolingAn additional explanation for the decline in private school enrollment is an association with growth in homeschooling. Homeschooling is notable because it represents a form of schooling dramatically different from what is offered by public schools. If families who enrol children in private schools also seek schooling that radically differs from public schooling, then there might be underlying similarities between households that home school and those that send children to private schools. Analysis of data from the National Household Education Survey shows that families of homeschooled children often home school because they feel it is a better education than regular public schools (Bauman 2002). The same may be true for why many families send their children to private school. If both home school and private school families seek alternatives to public schools, then as homeschooling grows as a sector, it might draw from the population that had previously sent children to private schools. Bauman (2002) documented differences in characteristics between homeschooled children and public school children, noting that homeschooled children were more likely to be from two parent families with one adult not in the labor force. If the economic downturn led to more families with non-working adults, families that previously sent children to private schools might now fall into the group most likely to home school their children. Bauman (2002) showed that homeschooling grew during the second half of the 1990s and appeared on track to continue growing. If home school enrolment is negatively associated with private school enrolment, then growth in the home school sector may help to partially explain the decline in the private school sector. Charter schoolsAnother possible reason for the decline in private school enrolment is the growth of charter schools, which began in the 1990s. Charter schools are publicly funded schools that are exempt from some of the regulations of regular public schools, and many focus on particular curriculum or target specific groups such as special education students and at-risk students (Chakrabarti and Roy 2010). If parents perceive charter schools as an improvement over regular public schools, then some households that previously enrolled their children in private schools will change from private to charter schools. Strategic Marketing for Educational InstitutionsKotler and Fox (1995:28) view marketing as a tool that many educational institutions are utilizing to enhance their effectiveness in attracting and servicing students. To do so effectively, educational institutions need to provide value and quality as perceived by the students (customers). This means that schools need to deliver not only what is deemed academically appropriate, but also what is economically relevant and needed.

Smith (1986) stressed the importance of having a systematic marketing plan. In developing a successful marketing plan, one must utilize a more systematic approach in academic marketing focus, which builds image and sense of direction.

In a study by Goldgehn (1988), the most competitive institutions were found to utilize the following marketing techniques: (a) market segmentation, (b) target marketing, (c) publicity, (d) marketing position, (e) market research.Enrollment Management StrategiesIn order to address the research questions, a quantitative survey research design was employed for this study in accordance with similar research done by Chaffee (1984), Buffington (1990), and Muston (1985). The purpose of this survey was to evaluate the effectiveness of enrollment strategies and the collective effects on enrollment changes between 2005 and 2009. A survey was a good fit for this study due to the ease of data collection from participants who were spread across North America. The survey was crosssectional, as data were collected at a single point in time (Creswell, 2003). The survey was administered online to give participants convenient access to the instrument. This also provided the researcher with inexpensive and efficient data collection tools. The survey used was the CCCU Enrollment Strategy Survey, which can be found in Appendix A. The methods section contains a description the population and sample, the data collection, the survey instrument, the pilot test and survey validity, and the survey administration, the data analysis, and ethics.Characteristics of Successful Enrolment ManagementIt is critical to understand the basic purposes of enrollment management before defining what makes it successful. Enrollment management is concerned with the number and quality of the student body, the net revenue to the institution, student experiences that lead to graduation and outcomes, and the image and position of the institution in the minds of various publics, including prospective students and parents, high school teachers and administrators, current students and parents, alumni and the media. It is influenced by institutional mission, the type and quality of academic programs, the student life environment, the ways in which students are recruited, how the institution is priced and how financial aid is used and, even for independent colleges, the impact of public policies.

In order to be successful,enrollment management must be linked with strategic planning. It must be data driven and analytical, though the policies and practices that emerge from enrollment management must always be consistent with institutional mission and vision. Massa (2001) states that institutions must plan early and frequently in order to prosper and that, as a part of the planning process, they must constantly assess their progress. For that assessment to work, colleges must be nimble enough to move quickly when the environment changes or when goals have not been met.

Strategic enrollment planning requires strong leadership. Sevier (1998) tells us that plan leaders must be committed to listening carefully, thinking critically and acting boldly. They must earn the trust of those who can effect change by articulating a clear institutional direction and by achieving consensus, based on institutional mission, of long- and short-term goals. Beckwith (2000) adds that plan leaders must communicate a compelling reason for being. It is this compelling reason or the attitude that we have no choicebutto excel that motivates staff to achieve.Marketing Strategies Enrolment ManagementMarketing is the process of putting the right product before the right audience at the right price by including the following four elements: place, product, price, promotion (Sevier, 1998). Curriculum is the product in education; it includes academic programmes and services. When a product appeals to a well-defined segment of the prospect base that segment is called a "niche." Current niches at the UWC's prospect base include specific program offerings in all faculties. In addition, the development of UWC as a premier University offering traditional medicine training is an emerging niche (, 2002). Finding prospect groupings with common interests and characteristics is known as "market segmentation." Identifying market segments and describing their characteristics is a function of market research. Market research can identify the types of students that are attending particular parts of the UWC programmes (Grove, 1992). Market research can also help UWC uncover new opportunities. It can also help identify other market niches and populations and could provide insights into price sensitivity, especially for specialized training programmes (Sevier, 1998). Market research is an integral part of enrollment management. Market research needs to be sensitive to UWC demographics, including lifestyles, purchasing power, and buying behavior.

Marketing strategies are also an integral part to retention. Students recruited by the University are those that should also be retained (Fretwell, 2011).

Enrolment management is the process of defining enrolment goals and establishing procedures to reach these goals, thereby providing an institution with the mechanisms to control its size, shape, and character.

Enrolment management is a holistic approach which consists of a number of interdependent activities. The activities of enrollment management include clarification of institutional mission, long-range planning, academic program development, marketing and recruitment, retention, and career planning and placement (Fretwell, 2011). Responsibility for enrollment management begins with the campus president and extends throughout the institution, with the involvement of faculty being of critical importance. Deans and chairpersons of academic units are also in a key position to participate in and influence enrollment management. In addition to encouraging the central office administrators and others to clarify the mission of the institution, deans and chairpersons can work with the faculty in re-examining the mission, function and vitality of their own academic units (Hossler, 1985). Enrolment Management

Enrolment management is a term used frequently in higher education to describe well-planned strategies and tactics to shape the enrollment of an institution and meet established goals. Enrollment management refers to the traditional task of setting and meeting the goal of assembling a student body that comprises a predetermined and advantageous mix of students in terms of quality, number, and diversity in all its forms (Levitz, 2011). Plainly stated, enrolment management is an organizational concept and a systematic set of activities designed to enable educational institutions to exert more influence over their student enrollments. Such practices often include marketing, admission policies, retention programs, and financial aid awarding. Strategies and tactics are informed by collection, analysis, and use of data to project successful outcomes (Jantzen, 1991). Activities that produce measurable improvements in yields are continued and/or expanded, while those activities that do not are discontinued or restructured. Competitive efforts to recruit students are a common emphasis of enrollment managers. The numbers of universities and colleges instituting offices of enrollment management have increased in recent years. These offices serve to provide direction and coordination of efforts of multiple offices such as admissions, financial aid, registration, and other student services. Often these offices are part of an enrollment management division (Wikipedia, 2011).Enrollment Managementis a term coined by Dr. Jack Maguirethat is used frequently in higher education to describe well-planned strategies and tactics to shape the enrollment of an institution and meet established goals. Plainly stated, enrollment management is an organizational concept and a systematic set of activities designed to enable educational institutions to exert more influence over their student enrollments.

Such practices often include marketing, admission policies, retention programs, and financial aid awarding. Strategies and tactics are informed by collection, analysis, and use of data to project successful outcomes. Activities that produce measurable improvements in yields are continued and/or expanded, while those activities that do not are discontinued or restructured. A competitive effort to recruit students is a common emphasis of enrollment managers.


A Thesis Presented to

the Graduate School Faculty

Central Mindanao Colleges

Kidapawan City


In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree

of Masters in Education




RUBIO, SARAH JANE F. October 2014Chapter IIIMethodologyThis study was designed to explore the marketing concepts and practices used in Notre Dame of Magpet. This chapter discusses the methodology of this study. It describes research design, locale of the study, research instrument, data gathering, research procedure and statistical treatment.Research Design

This study utilized the descriptive-correlation method of research. The descriptive-correlation method was used to determine data and information on the enrollment trends of Notre Dame of Magpet as basis of Marketing plan is designed to help the institution to more effectively market potential students in order to increase program enrollment.Locale of the StudyThis study was conducted at Notre Dame of Magpet. The only catholic school in the Municipality of Magpet. There are problems encountered by the institution encountered due to the decrease of enrollment is the number of school annexes of every remote barangays, strategies being made by the school to attract more students during the recruitment period.

Research Instrument

The researchers used the school profile, number of enrollees from S.Y. 2012-2015, and demographic profile of students enrolled for the past three years.The data came from the Records-in-charge of Notre Dame of Magpet.Data Gathering

The researchers did the following procedures in conducting the study:

1. The researchers formulated the questionnaire. This was validated and tested for validity and reliability.

2. The researchers made a letter of request addressed to the school head of the chosen respondents to allow the researchers to conduct a study.

3. The questionnaire was administered to the respondents.

4. Data were collated and submitted for statistical treatment.

5. Results were analyzed and interpreted.

Research Procedure

For systematic conduct of the study, the following procedures were done.A letter was given to ask permission to conduct the study on the enrollment trends of Notre Dame of Magpet as basis of marketing plan. With permission granted, the survey was conducted.

Questionnaires were distributed by the researchers and the data were tabulated and treated statistically. Results were analyzed, and interpreted.

Statistical Treatment

Descriptive statistics was used to determine the effects of the decrease enrollment.A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to determine if there were statistically significant differences among institutional enrolment clusters of declining, maintaining, and increasing enrolment from 2012-2015 in regard to individual strategies and grouped strategies in use.

Enrollment Trends





Enrollment Retention

Marketing Factors

Marketing & Recruitment

Pricing Strategies

Academic Program



Academic Assistance

Co-curricular programs

Data & technology

