Final Review Chapters 1-11. Chapter 1: Nutrients Functions of nutrients 5 Factors that influence...


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Final Review

Chapters 1-11

Chapter 1: Nutrients

• Functions of nutrients• 5 Factors that influence food choices:– Sensory (flavors/taste/texture), Cognitive (food

habits, advertising, beliefs), Genetics, Environmental (economics, lifestyle, availability, cultural influences, religion), Health status

• Nutrient– Essential vs. Non-essential nutrient?

Chapter 1: Nutrients

• 6 classes of nutrients: carbs, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals, water– Macronutrient (carbs, proteins, lipids, water) or

micronutrient (vitamins, minerals, water)?

• Energy in Food– We use calorie as a general term for energy, and

kcal as a specific measurement or unit of that energy.

Chapter 1: Nutrients• Common Study Designs used in Nutrition

Research?1. Animal: effects of nutrients on animals2. Cell culture: effects of nutrients on cells3. Epidemiological: study of disease/death rates in

population to identify factors that may be related to cause of disease• Correlation is not always causation

4. Case Control: those with disease vs. those without disease

5. Clinical/Intervention: experimental vs. control groups (controlled diet, nutrient supplement, etc.)

Chapter 2: Nutrition Guidelines

• Main idea: how to access, read, interpret, and apply nutrition guidelines– Tools: Guidelines for Americans, 2010 and My

Plate (from USDA)• What are the tools? What are their main goals?

– Social-ecological model: model that describes which factors and elements of society affect people’s own choices about food/exercise

Chapter 2: Nutrition Guidelines

• DRI = Dietary Reference Intakes– Estimated Average Requirement (EAR): 50%– Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA): 97-98%– Adequate Intake (AI): when EAR/RDA is n/a– Tolerable Upper Intake Level: max level of

nutrient intake you can take without harmful effects.

Chapter 2: Nutrition Guidelines• Food labels– FDA (all foods) vs. USDA (poultry/meat)– 1990 NLEA: name of food, net weight, name/address

of food company, list ingredients, nutrition info (nutrition facts panel)

• Nutrient Claims on food and dietary supplements: 1.Nutrient content claims (fat free really means <0.5g

of fat per serving)2.Health claim3.Structure/function claim

Ch 3: Functional Foods and Dietary Supplements

• Functional foods: a food that may provide health benefit beyond basic nutrition (ex. phytochemicals, bacteria, fiber, etc.). – Foods can be enhanced with functional

ingredients during processing.– Phytochemicals: plant chemicals; act as


Ch 3: Functional Foods and Dietary Supplements

• Food Additives: direct (added intentionally) vs. indirect (added unintentionally)– Regulation by FDA: Food, Color, GRAS, Prior-

sanctioned substances• Dietary/herbal supplements: products that

contain a dietary ingredient– Regulation: supplement approval by FDA is NOT

required• Which one needs FDA approval?

Ch 3: Functional Foods and Dietary Supplements

• Fad diets most often eventually fail because they do not work.• The few that prove effective and have a scientific basis

become integrated into conventional nutrition and diet therapy.

Ch 4: The Human Body – From Food to Fuel

• Peristalsis vs. Segmentation• Organization– Parts (mouth anus)

• Mouth, esophagus, stomach (digestion, HCl, pepsin), small intestine (digestion, absorption), large intestine (digestion of fiber, absorption), rectum

– Accessory organs• Salivary glands (salivary amylase, lingual lipase), liver (bile),

gallbladder (stores bile), and pancreas (bicarbonate, insulin, glucagon, digestive enzymes)

• High fiber diet is beneficial for which GI disorder?

Ch 5: Carbohydrates

• Main carbohydrate sources: Plants• 2 Main Types: – Simple (sugars): 1-2 sugar molecules– Complex (starches and fibers): 3 or more sugar


• Storage form: Glycogen vs. Starch

Ch 5: Carbohydrates

• Forms of diabetes mellitus:– Type 1: lack of insulin production – Type 2: cells are resistant to insulin– Gestational diabetes: occurs during pregnancy

• Glycemic Index: measures effect of food on blood glucose levels

• Describe the relationship between blood sugar and glucagon/insulin.

• What is the difference between Nutritive vs. Non-nutritive sweeteners?

Ch 6: Lipids

• Storage form: Triglycerides• Saturation: – Saturated (all single bonds) vs. Unsaturated (1 or

more double bonds)– Fats with more double bonds are generally more


• How is Trans fat made?

Ch. 6 Lipids

• Apple/visceral vs. Pear/subcutaneous shape• To travel in your blood stream, lipids are

packaged into lipoprotein carriers:– Chylomicron (releases TG) VLDL (TG) IDL

returns to liver and converted to LDL (delivers cholesterol) Liver

– HDL (picks up cholesterol)• Which chronic diseases are related to intake

of saturated fat and trans fat?

Ch 7. Proteins

• Made up of: Amino Acids• Protein Synthesis: (Fig 7.9)– When cells make proteins, they use AA from

Amino Acid pool and dietary proteins.• Cells in your body constantly build and breakdown

proteins Protein turnover (“protein recycling”)– Proteins can also be precursors of non-protein

molecules (DNA/RNA/NT)– Breakdown of amino acids Urea Urine


Ch. 7 Proteins

• What are some basic functions of body proteins?

• Complete proteins vs. incomplete proteins• Vegan vs. Vegetarian – Diet and Lifestyle vs. Diet

• What are factors that increase our need for more dietary proteins?

Ch. 8 Energy Balance and Weight Management

• Correct order of body’s energy usage: – Carbs Fat Proteins

• Define the following: hunger, satiation, satiety, appetite

• _______ of American children are overweight/obese.

Ch. 8 Energy Balance and Weight Management

• Know how to calculate your BMI• BMI– Be able to interpret BMI to

underweight/normal/overweight/obese– Tools to measure potential health risks associated

to body fat vs. total body fat

• Internal vs. External factors that influence our food/energy intake

Ch. 9 Vitamins

• Enrichment vs. Fortification• Vitamins – organic, not an energy source,

needed in small amounts• Fat-soluble vs. water-soluble– Vitamins A/D/E/K vs. B-vitamins, vitamin C– Food preparation and vitamin content– General functions/deficiencies/toxicities

• Topics: Homocysteine

Ch. 9 Vitamins

• Example of the level of detail:1. Vitamin A/Beta-carotene: • Function: Vision, Immune System, Cell development• Toxicity: Teratogen

2. Thiamin/B1• Function: Energy metabolism• Deficiency: Beriberi• Toxicity: None

Ch. 10 Water and Minerals

• Thirst as source of body’s hydration• Water

1. Excretion: insensible water losses (evaporation from lungs and diffusion through skin), urine, illness• External factors that contribute to water losses: low

humidity, high altitude, high protein/salt foods

2. Water balance: hormonal effects (ADH/Aldosterone water reabsorption) + thirst

Ch. 10 Water and Minerals

• Minerals: inorganic, micronutrients• Minerals– General functions

• Topic: Thyroid metabolism

Ch. 11 Sports Nutrition

• Energy Systems:1. ATP-CP: anaerobic, fuel 3-15 sec, quick source of

ATP from creatine phosphate2. Lactic acid: anaerobic, glucose ATP + lactic

acid; muscle fatigue3. Oxygen: aerobic, endurance stage, breakdown

of carb + fat for energy in mitochondria

• Slow-twitch fibers (low-intensity/marathon) vs. Fast-twitch fibers (high intensity/sprint)

Ch. 11 Sports Nutrition

• Carbohydrate loading (beneficial if aerobic activity lasts less than 60-90 min)

• Carbohydrate Intake and Exercise– Pre-exercise meals should consist primarily of

carbohydrates (small portions of easily digestible carbs)/During (Sports drinks with carbs, salt/minerals)/After (carbs + protein)

– Fat as major fuel source for endurance/aerobic activities– Proteins intake after exercise to replenish glycogen more

efficiently.• Muscles and strength are built with exercise, not high protein diet

diuresis (loss of body water dehydration + mineral losses)

Ch. 11 Sports Nutrition

• Table 11.10 Types of Ergogenic Aids: – Nutritional (supplement), Physiological (blood

doping: increasing RBC to improve aerobic capacity), Psychological (pep talk/music), Biomechanical (body suits in swimming), Pharmacological (hormones)
