Final Review 60 Points: –70 Multiple Choice (.75 points each) –10 Map Identifications (.75...


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Final Review

• 60 Points:– 70 Multiple Choice (.75 points each)– 10 Map Identifications (.75 points each)

• 40 Points:– 15 DBQ Questions (1 point each)– DBQ Essay (25 points)




• Born in Corsica (1769)• Made a name for

himself through military ability

• Became a war hero• Why was he so

appealing to the French in 1799?

• Symbol of strength, leadership

From Directory to First Consul

• Assists in coup d’etat (1799)

• Establishes himself as First Consul

• Soon proclaims himself Consul for Life

• 1804 Emperor of the French– At this point he becomes

very active militarily throughout Europe

Napoleonic Era - Domestic• Concordat of 1801

– Peace with the Pope; Catholics practice freely but Napoleon in control of church appointments

– Peasants satisfied

• Police State– Joseph Fouche– Use of propaganda

and censorship

Napoleonic Era - Domestic• Civil Code of 1804 (Napoleonic Code)

– Written code of law; women lose power– Reasserts moderate principles of the Revolution:

• 1) equality of all male citizens before the law• 2) absolute security of wealth and private property

• Bank of France– Confirmed the gains of the peasantry and reassured

the middle class while still serving the financial oligarchy

• The Lycee– Education for future leaders

Napoleon’s Foreign Policy 1800-1807

• Napoleon vs. Austria, Britain, Prussia & Russia– Gains Austria’s Italian possessions & German territory

on the Rhine– Assumed the Italian crown– Gains some Prussian territory (Treaty of Tilsit)– Abolished the Holy Roman Empire and created the

Confederation of the Rhine


Continental System

• Britain serves as an obstacle to Napoleon’s goals of Grand Empire

• Attempts to restrict trade through a blockade

• Forces conquered territories and satellites to follow suit

• Major Failure

Grand Empire

• Part I: expanded France; By 1810 included Belgium, Holland, parts of Northern Italy, and much German territory on the east bank of the Rhine

• Part II: dependent satellite kingdoms on the thrones of which he placed the members of his large family

• Part III: Independent but allied states of Austria, Prussia, and Russia


• He brought revolutionary ideas with him as he conquered– NATIONALISM

• Spain revolts in 1808• Alexander I refuses to honor Continental System

– Napoleon goes into Russia 1812 – beginning of the end

– Underestimated the length of time it would take and the severity of the Russian winter

– Scorched-earth policy of Alexander I

Goya: The Shootings of May Third 1808

Napoleon’s Downfall

• Coalition defeats Napoleon• Attempts a comeback – Hundred Days• Final Defeat – Waterloo• Metternich Restores Stability – The Congress of

Vienna– Balance of power, containment, legitimacy


Liberalism and Nationalism are alive and well though!

Congress of Vienna• Ten month meeting of almost all European

leaders (except the Ottoman Empire)

– Castlereagh (Britian)– Hardenburg (Prussia)– Alexander I (Russia)– Talleyrand (France)– Metternich (Austria)

• Dominates negotiations

• Wartime unity (the Coalition) dissolves

Congress of Vienna

• Issues:– Status of France– Political boundaries, lost territories– Displaced monarchs

• Traditional approach taken– Ignored democratic, liberal, nationalist ideals– Conservative political groups gain most


Congress of Vienna

• 4 main principles followed by Congress:– 1. Legitimacy – old royal families power is

restored– 2. Encirclement of France – creates strong

neighboring states– 3. Compensation – land exchanges to

balance gains, losses– 4. Balance of power – prevent any one

country from becoming too powerful

Congress of Vienna• Effects:

– Holy Roman Empire officially dissolved– German Confederation dominated by Austria– Bourbon monarch restored in France (Louis XVIII)– 40 years of general peace followed– No major war in Europe until 1914

• Congress of Vienna suppresses Spanish and Italian revolts in 1820s – restores monarchies

• Congress System weakens over time– Britain largely isolates itself– By 1825, Congress little more than Austrian-Russian


France• The Bourbon Monarch returns

– Louis XVIII is new king (1815-1824)• Weak, inefficient• Tried to please both political extremes


– Charles X (1824-1830)• VERY conservative and oppressive• 1830 – Rebellions begin, Charles flees

– Louis Philippe (1830-1848)• Not really a “Citizen King”• Favored the wealthy• Endured many protests

Revolution Spreads• Germany (1819)

– Austria (Metternich) dominates German Confederation– Nationalism movements – students protest– 1819 – Carlsbad Decrees limit press, organizing, academic freedom

• Belgium (1830)– Congress of Vienna placed Belgium under Dutch rule– Belgians riot for independence, Belgium established in 1839

• Leopold I new king

• Poland (1830)– Congress of Vienna place under Russian rule with some self-

governing powers: “Congress Polan”– Unsuccessfully rebel for independence

• Italy (1830)– Divided by Congress of Vienna (Bourbon, papal, Austrian rule)– Revolutions in 1820-21 suppressed– Mazzini leads revolution in 1830

• founds “Young Italy” (political group pushing for unification)

1848: Revolutionary Year

New round of revolutions in Europe(Political and social pressures across Europe at an all-

time high…)

France’s 2nd Republic• Feb 1848 – Paris erupts in violence

– Provisional government set up– Universal manhood suffrage proclaimed– Louis Philippe flees

• Second Republic (1848-1851)– Gov’t soon splits to moderates v. radicals

• Moderates want existing social order• Radicals want social and economic revolution

– Radicals create national workshop program set up to guarantee employment for all – fails

– “June Days” – workers rebel, soon crushed– 1851 - France returns to Empire

Germany• French riots influence German Confederation• Rebellion breaks out

– Prussian King – Frederick William IV promises constitutional government and civil rights

• Frankfort Assembly (1848)– Meeting of German states, Austria, Bohemia– Issues: Unify Germany? Who leads Germany?– Creates “Declaration of the rights of the German

people”– Constitution approved– King William refuses the crown, movement


Italy• Inspired by French and German

revolts• Rebellion breaks out in Northern Italy

– King Charles Albert promises new constitution

• Influences other Italian states– Austria retakes Northern Italy

• Papacy – Pope Pius IX had begun reforms– Pius refuses to help fight off Austria

• Counter to unification• Forced to flee

– Mazzini takes over and declares a Roman Republic

– France sends in an army to defeat Mazzini

• Pius returns

The Habsburgs• Reformers in Habsburg lands

influenced by revolutions (Hungary especially)– Lajos Kossuth (nationalistic liberal

politician)• Demands parliamentary government• Students join Kossuth’s cause –

rebellion starts• Metternich forced to resign

– New Hungarian constitution– Political division weakens movement

• Austrians crush Hungarian independence movement

• Kossuth flees

After 1848• Two responses to the failed revolutions of

1848:– “Realpolitik”

• Machiavellian notion• The ends justify the means• Do whatever necessary to strengthen your nation• Germany, Italy, France

– Reform• Efforts to change political structure and governments

to fit the changing times and movements• Britain, Russia, Austria-Hungary

Out Loud Cool Down

• Do you think that if a revolution fails, it is a complete failure? What can be gained from a failed revolution? What can be lost?

• Discuss with a partner and be prepared to share in a class discussion.

Warm Up

• Nationalism – A belief that one’s greatest loyalty should not be to a king or an empire but to a nation of people who share a common culture and history.

• Nation-State: When that nation also has its own independent government

• Is nationalism a major force in our world? Where? How is it a force of unification & division?

Latin American Society

• Social Division based on place of birth:– Peninsulares: men who had been born in Spain

• Role: Could hold high offices in government– Creoles: Spaniards born in Latin America

• Role: could not hold high office but could be army officers

– Mestizos: persons of mixed European and Indian ancestry

– Mulattos: persons of mixed European and African ancestry

– Indians: provided little economic value to the Spaniards


Napoleon Invasion of Spain 1808

• Napoleon put his brother on the throne• Creoles might support a Spanish king but NOT a French one • Creole rebellion begins to break out in Spanish colonies in 1810• Napoleon is gone in 1814 – Powerful armies can be defeated!!!

Creoles Charge Forward!!

Libertadores: Bolivar & San Martin• Simon Bolivar

– Wealthy Venezuelan creole– Won independence for

Venezuela in 1821– Took over command of Martin’s

forces and won independence for Peru

• Jose de San Martin– Born in Argentina– Won independence for Chile

and Argentina• Helped by Bernardo O’Higgins

Mexico – Unusual Leadership

• Padre Miguel Hidalgo– Grito de Dolores – Spanish army and creoles

defeated him in 1811

• Padre Jose Morelos– Led revolution for four years

but defeated in 1815 by a creole officer

• Augustin de Iturbide– A creole officer who finally

declared Mexican independence from Spain in 1821

Brazil – Freedom from Portugal

• 1807-1815 years of independence

• 1815 monarch restored in Portugal wanted Brazil as a colony again

• 1822 Peaceful Independence– Brazilians called for the son of

the Portuguese king to rule– Bloodless Revolution

Haiti- Freedom from the French• Toussaint L’Ouverture

– An ex-slave - Slaves realized there was power in numbers

– Freed the slaves in 1802– Sent to prison and died April

1803– Independence continued and

completed by Jean-Jacques Dessalines in 1804

Impact of Independence

• Wars disrupted trade

• Devastated cities and countryside

• Dream of a united Latin America fell apart

• Split into several republics:– Columbia, Ecuador, Venezuela, El Salvador,

Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras

Political Ideologies• Conservatism:

– Who? Wealthy property owners and nobility

– What? “status quo,” restore legitimate monarchies, God & History, government run institutions to keep control, emphasis on community, government controlled economy

– Example: Metternich


• Who? Middle-Class business leaders & merchants

• What? Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, representative government, emphasis on the individual, laissez-faire economics

Do this mean that if you were a liberal you supported democracy?


• Most liberals didn’t really want to change things all that much.– Example: Voting restrictions, only the educated could

lead• Radicals favored democracy • Liberalism and radical democratic ideas will

merge in the late 1800s

What is going on in Europe that is changing the social structure throughout the 1800s?


• Nationalism and liberalism often get linked together but…– Just because you were a nationalist didn’t

automatically mean you were a liberal– Nationalism is liberal in that it believes in the ability

for individuals to cause change– Nationalism is conservative in that it emphasizes

the community rather than the individual. Identify yourself as part of a group.

– Extreme nationalism will lead to totalitarian states in the 20th century: Hitler, Stalin

Revolutions of 1830 & 1848

• Louis XVIII, Charles X, Louis Philippe – Why did they come into power? How did they

rule? What were the – Repercussions of their ruling style? Why?

• Know which countries had revolutions. Know why they had revolutions. Which were successful? Which were not?

Latin American Revolutions

• Know the social structure of Spanish America (Peninsulares, Creoles, etc) and know each group’s role in society.

• Know leaders of Latin American Revolutions (Who were each, where did the start rebellions, were they successful?)

• Know the impact of Latin American Revolutions – how did they influence the future of the region?

• Know the definition and examples of “nationalism”.

Reading Question #1

• What influence did Napoleon have on French and European history?

– Napoleonic Code– Concordat of 1801– Nationalism– Congress of Vienna

Reading Question 2

• How successful were the diplomats at Vienna in negotiating a peace settlement that prevented another continental war?

– Monarchs put back in place• Legitimate rule

– Put down revolts in Spain, Italy– No major war for 100 years– Relative peace for decades

Reading Question 3

• What forces led to the destruction in 1848 of the international created at the Congress of Vienna in 1815?

– Monarchies put back in place• Goes against democratic wants of the people• Monarchs favored the rich, oppressed the poor• Nationalism leads to desire for unification and

independence in Germany, Italy, Hungary (Austria)

Reading Question 4

• What effects did the Spanish and Portuguese have on their New World colonies?

– Mix of cultures, food, materials, ideas, diseases

– Disease, war, slavery destroy native populations

– Encomienda– Importation of African slaves – new races,

social class system

Reading Question 5

• How did Napoleon’s wars in Europe influence events across the ocean in Latin America?

– Takes over Spain and Portugal → Latin American colonies now owned by French → revolutions

– Ideas of nationalism

Industrial RevolutionIndustrial Revolution

1790s – 1860s1790s – 1860s

Goals of this UnitGoals of this Unit

• Why and how did the Industrial Revolution start? Why and how did the Industrial Revolution start? And why in Great Britain?And why in Great Britain?

• Why and how did it spread to the rest of Why and how did it spread to the rest of Europe?Europe?

• What was the industry like? What was it like for What was the industry like? What was it like for the workers in places like Manchester, England?the workers in places like Manchester, England?

• Why did Socialism develop during this time?Why did Socialism develop during this time?• What were the science, technology, and cultural What were the science, technology, and cultural

responses to the Industrial Revolution?responses to the Industrial Revolution?


• Western Europe and America dominated Western Europe and America dominated globe in 19globe in 19thth century century

• Individuals improved tools, adopted better Individuals improved tools, adopted better methodsmethods

• Industrialization brought greater productivityIndustrialization brought greater productivity• Scientists made advances, businesses Scientists made advances, businesses

discovered new opportunitiesdiscovered new opportunities• Middle classes dominated, controlled Middle classes dominated, controlled

industrialization, economic transformation; industrialization, economic transformation; benefited from social, legal reforms in benefited from social, legal reforms in France, Britain, U.S.France, Britain, U.S.

The British PhaseThe British Phase

The Revolution in Making ClothThe Revolution in Making Cloth

• Changes in agriculture Changes in agriculture →→ less people needed less people needed for farmingfor farming

• Demand for more cloth Demand for more cloth →→ output increasedoutput increased• ““Putting out system” Putting out system” →→ subcontracting system subcontracting system

– Example: cotton merchant makes contract with village Example: cotton merchant makes contract with village to produce certain amount of cottonto produce certain amount of cotton

The Revolution in Making ClothThe Revolution in Making Cloth

• Solving of practical problems in cloth Solving of practical problems in cloth making set pattern for all industrial making set pattern for all industrial revolutionsrevolutions

• Practical people solved these practical Practical people solved these practical problemsproblems– Through invention (and enhancements and Through invention (and enhancements and


Key InventionsKey Inventions

• John Kay (1733): the flying shuttleJohn Kay (1733): the flying shuttle

• James Hargreaves (1764): spinning jennyJames Hargreaves (1764): spinning jenny

• Richard Arkwright (1769): water frameRichard Arkwright (1769): water frame

• Samuel Crompton (1779): water muleSamuel Crompton (1779): water mule

• Edmund Cartwright (1785): power loomEdmund Cartwright (1785): power loom

Key InventionsKey Inventions• Eli Whitney (1793): the cotton ginEli Whitney (1793): the cotton gin

Key InventionsKey Inventions

• James Watt (1775): Perfects steam engineJames Watt (1775): Perfects steam engine– Used to make cloth, drive ships, locomotivesUsed to make cloth, drive ships, locomotives

Effects of New Inventions…Effects of New Inventions…

More efficient inventionsMore efficient inventions→→ Increased Increased industrializationindustrialization↓↓

Transition from rural life to urban lifeTransition from rural life to urban life

Britain’s AdvantagesBritain’s Advantages

• Sufficient population, Sufficient population, hardworking, inventivehardworking, inventive

• Risk-taking private sector, Risk-taking private sector, government supportgovernment support

• Good communications, Good communications, transportation, ports, merchant transportation, ports, merchant fleetfleet

• Flexible, merit-based social Flexible, merit-based social structure, stable societystructure, stable society

• Bank of England provided Bank of England provided money, financial stabilitymoney, financial stability

Britain’s AdvantagesBritain’s Advantages• Profited from need for Profited from need for

industry during Napoleonic industry during Napoleonic WarsWars– Continental system… Continental system…


• Expanded efficiency to iron, Expanded efficiency to iron, steelsteel

• ““Bessemer process” Bessemer process” produced hard, malleable produced hard, malleable steel in 1850ssteel in 1850s– Steel prices drop Steel prices drop

production soarsproduction soars

Britain’s AdvantagesBritain’s Advantages

• By 1850, Britain produced:By 1850, Britain produced:– 67% of world’s coal67% of world’s coal– 50% of world’s iron and cloth50% of world’s iron and cloth

• By 1850, half of British population lived in citiesBy 1850, half of British population lived in cities

The Continental PhaseThe Continental Phase

Warm Up

• Why do you think it took longer for the rest Why do you think it took longer for the rest of Europe to catch up to England? What of Europe to catch up to England? What factors might have lead to this?factors might have lead to this?

The Continental PhaseThe Continental Phase

• Industrialization and banking changes across Industrialization and banking changes across EuropeEurope– Eastern, southern Europe more limitedEastern, southern Europe more limited– Nobilities, political boundaries, tariff barriers block Nobilities, political boundaries, tariff barriers block

growth of industrygrowth of industry

BelgiumBelgium• By 1850, only one to compete with By 1850, only one to compete with

BritishBritish– Why?Why?

• Belgium had favorable:Belgium had favorable:– Government policiesGovernment policies– StabilityStability– Good transportationGood transportation

• Other countries and businesses Other countries and businesses used spies to copy Britain’s secretsused spies to copy Britain’s secrets

• By 1850, whole continent caught By 1850, whole continent caught upup– New banking systems allow modern New banking systems allow modern

investment banksinvestment banks– Many small investors in new banks Many small investors in new banks

rather than a few great familiesrather than a few great families

The The “Zollverein”“Zollverein”

• Customs union of Customs union of German states (1819)German states (1819)– Managed trade and Managed trade and

economies between all economies between all German ConfederationGerman Confederation

– Eliminated tolls, tariffsEliminated tolls, tariffs– Stimulated trade, Stimulated trade,

commercecommerce– Germany begins to Germany begins to


The Continental PhaseThe Continental Phase

• Euro population grows during eraEuro population grows during era– 175 million 175 million 435 million 435 million

• Problems with this?Problems with this?– Thomas Malthus (British economist)Thomas Malthus (British economist)

• Predicts food supply won’t keep up with pace of Predicts food supply won’t keep up with pace of population growthpopulation growth

– Malthus didn’t account for…Malthus didn’t account for…• Improved technology increases production of foodImproved technology increases production of food

• Why does population grow?Why does population grow?– Decline in death ratesDecline in death rates– Better sanitationBetter sanitation– More foodMore food– Earlier marriagesEarlier marriages

Communication and transportation systems Communication and transportation systems vastly improvevastly improve

• Better roadsBetter roads• New canalsNew canals

– Bridgewater, Suez, PanamaBridgewater, Suez, Panama

Communication and transportation systems Communication and transportation systems vastly improvevastly improve

• Railroads linked markets, brought nations together, Railroads linked markets, brought nations together, carried people efficientlycarried people efficiently– U.S. transcontinental (1869)U.S. transcontinental (1869)– Russian Trans-Siberian (1903)Russian Trans-Siberian (1903)

Communication and transportation systems Communication and transportation systems vastly improvevastly improve

• Urban rail lines, trolleys, subwaysUrban rail lines, trolleys, subways• Clipper ships, steamshipsClipper ships, steamships

Communication and transportation systems Communication and transportation systems vastly improvevastly improve

• Better postal systems, telegraph, telephone, typewriterBetter postal systems, telegraph, telephone, typewriter

The Workers of the Industrial Revolution

The New Type of LaborThe New Type of Labor

• Labor force went from… Labor force went from… – Agrarian work:Agrarian work:

• Work 2/3 of year, 8 hours a dayWork 2/3 of year, 8 hours a day• Seasonal, less demandingSeasonal, less demanding

• Factory laborFactory labor– 14 hours a day, 6 days a week, 52 weeks a 14 hours a day, 6 days a week, 52 weeks a

yearyear– No holidaysNo holidays– Intense, demanding, dangerousIntense, demanding, dangerous

The Factory SystemThe Factory System

• Dangers of factory work:Dangers of factory work:– Bad lightingBad lighting– Poor ventilationPoor ventilation– Dangerous machinesDangerous machines– No safety standards, no health or disability No safety standards, no health or disability

insurance until late 1800sinsurance until late 1800s– No job securityNo job security

• Owners vs. WorkersOwners vs. Workers– Owners hold power, workers only have power in Owners hold power, workers only have power in


Child Labor

• Children often worked the worst jobs– Mills, mines, etc– Smaller size benefits factory

and mine owners• Toughest jobs

that can’t bedone by adults

– Harder for kids to organize andprotest

Women Labor• Women laborers work in

factories• More organization led to

numerous strikes and workers’ rights movements

• Protested against factory owners for:– Better wages– Better working conditions– Better hours– Etc

Labor Movement

• Both men and women protest and strike– Attack machines as protest– Frustrated skilled craftsman out

of work– Peterloo Massacre (1819)

• Combination Acts prohibited worker’s associations– Repealed in 1825– Paved way for unions

• Become stronger throughout 19th century

Poor Urban Conditions

• European cities grew massively during Industrial Revolution

• Rapid increase causes many social problems

• Political leaders could not keep up with problems and demands– Factory system dangerous, spread of

diseases– Bad health conditions, alcoholism,

prostitution– Had to provide security, sanitation

services, schools, housing– Problems could not be fixed for first

generation of workers

• Haussmann implements city planning, urban renewal in Paris

• Not until 1900 did most cities start to fix problems

SocialismSocialism• System in which the factors of production are System in which the factors of production are

owned by the public and operate for the welfare of owned by the public and operate for the welfare of allall

• Industrialization is leading to selfish individualism Industrialization is leading to selfish individualism and is breaking down communityand is breaking down community– Optimistic view of human nature, a belief in progress, Optimistic view of human nature, a belief in progress,

concern for social justiceconcern for social justice– Planned Economy – competition is evilPlanned Economy – competition is evil– Rich & poor should be more equalRich & poor should be more equal– Private property restricted or abolishedPrivate property restricted or abolished– Capitalism increases the misery of the working classesCapitalism increases the misery of the working classes

Ex. Charles Fouray, Henri de Saint-Simon, Robert OwenEx. Charles Fouray, Henri de Saint-Simon, Robert Owen

Utopian SocialismUtopian Socialism

• Robert Owen (1771-1858)Robert Owen (1771-1858)– Shocked by misery and poverty Shocked by misery and poverty

of working classof working class– Factory owner who wanted to Factory owner who wanted to

improve conditions for his improve conditions for his workersworkers

– Created a Cooperative Created a Cooperative Community:Community:• No children under ten could workNo children under ten could work• Free schoolingFree schooling• Built houses for his workersBuilt houses for his workers

Karl Marx and CommunismKarl Marx and Communism

• Karl Marx (1818-1883)Karl Marx (1818-1883)– German economist, philosopherGerman economist, philosopher

• Meets Friedrich Engels (1820-1895)Meets Friedrich Engels (1820-1895)– Engels had experience in hardships of Engels had experience in hardships of

factory lifefactory life– Life-long partnershipLife-long partnership

• ““Communist Manifesto” (1848)Communist Manifesto” (1848)• ““Das Kapital” (1867)Das Kapital” (1867)• Problems with Capitalism:Problems with Capitalism:

– Factory system exploits the worker – Factory system exploits the worker – “surplus value”“surplus value”

– Capitalist system leads to greater division Capitalist system leads to greater division in societyin society

Communism (Marxism)Communism (Marxism)• Ideas:Ideas:

– Economy biggest and recurring force in historyEconomy biggest and recurring force in history– Human societies have always been divided into Human societies have always been divided into

warring classeswarring classes• Based off philosopher Freidrich Hegel’s theory Based off philosopher Freidrich Hegel’s theory

““haves” (bourgeoisie) haves” (bourgeoisie) vs. vs.

““have nots” (proletariat)have nots” (proletariat)

““The proletarians have nothing to lose The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. but their chains.

They have the world to win. They have the world to win. Workingmen of all countries, unite.”Workingmen of all countries, unite.”

Marx’s New World OrderMarx’s New World Order

• Proletariat is much larger and would use its numbers to Proletariat is much larger and would use its numbers to revoltrevolt

• Workers would create a “dictatorship of the proletariat”Workers would create a “dictatorship of the proletariat”• Period of cooperative living and education, then the state or Period of cooperative living and education, then the state or

government would wither away and a classless society government would wither away and a classless society would be developedwould be developed

• This allows for “Communism”This allows for “Communism”– Elimination of private property, all goods and means of production Elimination of private property, all goods and means of production

owned by the community – everyone equalowned by the community – everyone equal

The Labor MovementThe Labor Movement• Marx and others create “First Marx and others create “First

International” in 1864International” in 1864– Large meeting in London of labor Large meeting in London of labor

activists, anarchists, German activists, anarchists, German theoriststheorists

– Unsuccessful due to arguments, Unsuccessful due to arguments, too many different factionstoo many different factions

• Ferdinand Lassalle forms Social Ferdinand Lassalle forms Social Democratic political partyDemocratic political party– Successful in GermanySuccessful in Germany

• France too divided, England France too divided, England had Fabian Society or influence had Fabian Society or influence of Christianityof Christianity

The Labor MovementThe Labor Movement

• The Second International (1889-1914)The Second International (1889-1914)– ““Golden age of Marxism”Golden age of Marxism”– 12 million members, more cohesion12 million members, more cohesion

• Goals:Goals:– 8 hour workday8 hour workday– Welfare stateWelfare state– Universal suffrageUniversal suffrage

The Socialist Labor MovementThe Socialist Labor Movement

• Successes: Successes: – Strengthened labor unionsStrengthened labor unions– Helped workers gain labor and living Helped workers gain labor and living


• How?How?– Sometimes gained some political power in Sometimes gained some political power in

government legislaturesgovernment legislatures– Sometimes caused fears of a revolutionSometimes caused fears of a revolution

General Topics:

• Causes, effects, results of the Industrial Revolution

• Inventors and inventions

• Economic ideologies – capitalism vs. socialism

• Karl Marx’s ideas and theories

• The factory system – labor, hardships, unions, etc

Terms and names

• Laissez-faire capitalism• Zollverein• Thomas Malthus • Saint-Simon• Charles Fourier (Fouray)• John Kay• Adam Smith• James Hargreaves• Frederick Engels• Robert Owen• James Watt• Henry Bessemer

Unit Assignment / RQ 1

• Why did industrialization begin in Great Britain?

– Henry VIII’s naval conquest– Napoleonic Wars– Sufficient population, hardworking, inventiveSufficient population, hardworking, inventive– Risk-taking private sector, government supportRisk-taking private sector, government support– Good communications, transportation, ports, Good communications, transportation, ports,

merchant fleetmerchant fleet– Flexible, merit-based social structure, stable societyFlexible, merit-based social structure, stable society– Bank of England provided money, financial stabilityBank of England provided money, financial stability

Unit Assignment / RQ 2

How did the Industrial Revolution Spread from Britain to the rest of Europe?

– Political and economic reforms• Increased government support, banking systems

improve to favor industrialization• Zollverein• Bribed British industrialists, inventors, scientists• Industrial espionage • Eventually transportation and communication


RQ 3

Why did the industrialization fail to bring a decent standard of living to the first generation of industrial workers?

Factory system favored owners, not workers Competition for jobs – no job security Brand new labor, lifestyle Urban population explodes – city officials,

planners can’t handle large populations efficiently

Unit Assignment 3 / RQ 4 What is the relationship between socialism and

industrialization? Industrialization caused the birth of socialism Socialism is a response to the factory

system/industrialization/capitalism Industrialization (capitalism) –

• Factory owner owns all the property, production, and wealth

• Factory workers overworked, underpaid, own none of the property and gain no wealth

• Rich keep getting richer, poor getting poorer Socialism –

• Calls for the public to own all the property, production, and share all the wealth evenly

• Better wages, worker rights, working conditions, living conditions, etc

• Minimize divide between rich and poor

Isms – Response to Industrialization

• Capitalism– Adam Smith – The Wealth of Nations; Economic liberty guarantees progress

• In Practice? Little to No government intervention…at first

• Liberalism– Freedom of the individual, equal rights for all, fair competition (heavily supported

by the middle-class)

• Utilitarianism– Jeremy Bentham & John Stuart Mill; The Greatest Good for the Greatest Number

• In Practice? Not a very direct road map for legislation but rooted in socialism

• Socialism– System in which the factors of production are owned by the public and operate

for the welfare of all• In Practice? Government involvement of economy through the existing political


• Communism– “The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have the world to

win. Workingmen of all countries, unite.”• In Practice? Overthrow existing structure; Dictatorship leads to no government


• Utilitarianism - People should judge ideas, institutions, and actions on the basis of their utility

– Jeremy Bentham– The greatest good for the greatest number– John Stuart Mill led the movement

• Cooperative system of agriculture, women’s rights, reforms in legal and prison systems, education, do away with great wealth differences

Cultural Responses:Romanticism 1800-1850Realism 1850-1880Impressionism 1880-1905

Romanticism - Movement of Revolt

• Heart vs. reason; emotion vs. intellect; mysterious vs. rational; individual vs. set formula; senses and imagination vs. everything else

“the heart has its reasons which

reason does not know.”

Romanticism• Varied from country to country; reacts to movements

– Britain: industrial society– France: glory of man and liberty– Germany: promotion of national unification– Spain: reaction against Napoleonic rule

– Artists: Goya, J.M.W. Turner, Constable, Delacroix– Authors: Emily Bronte, Johann Wolfgang von

Goethe, Victor Hugo, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Keats, Shelley

– Composers: Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Liszt


• Went against Neo-Classicism and Romanticism

• Life as it was – stripped of idealism

• Impact of industrialization

• Focus on working class


• Reaction to the fluffy, bizarre, and unrealistic Romantic era

• Demonstrated life the way it was• Fit with Marx, Bismarck, and critics of bourgeois


– Artists: Millet, Courbet, Ford Madox Brown– Writers: Emile Zola, Honore de Balzac, Charles



• Color and light become the subject of the painting

• Free brush strokes• Impacted by development of photography

- daguerrotypes

• Artists: Degas, Manet, Monet, Renoir, Pissaro

Unit 8: Unification & Politics of the 19th Century


Germany Before Unification

• 39 States: The German Confederation

• Two dominant states– Austria & Prussia

• Prussia’s advantages– Mainly German

population– Powerful Army– Industrialization

Early Action towards Unification• Zollverein (1834): German customs union

– Purpose was to stimulate trade, increase revenues of member states

• Left out Austria – why?• Wanted to weaken Austria’s power over German states• Relationship between Austria and other states deteriorate

Prussia • Frankfurt Assembly (1848)– Movement for German

unification (excluding Austria) fails

• Olmutz (1850)– Major European powers afraid

of German unification– Prussia forced to give up

unification plan and accept the renewed German Confederation, still dominated by Austria

• Prussians refer to it as “Humiliation of Olmutz”

• Move towards more liberal government under King William I (ruled 1861-1888)

William I & Bismarck• William I: Conservative

– Supported by Junkers (nobles)

– Allowed liberals and moderates in government

– Wanted to strengthen army and unify Germany

– Liberals refused to approve army build-up

• Calls upon Otto Von Bismarck for assistance in 1862 stalemate over budget– “Realpolitik” – politics through sheer

force and power • To gain practical results, make no moral or

ideological considerations – just do it• Ends justify the means

Bismarck’s Realpolitik

• Bismarck urges king to ignore the liberals in government– Enforce taxes, build army

• Bismarck becomes leader of unification movement – named Prime Minister by William

• Bismarck a master politician– Would wisely assess a political

scene, used cleverness and force to accomplish goals

“The great questions of the day will not be decided by speeches and resolutions, that was the blunder of 1848 and 1849 – but by blood and iron.”

Bismarck’s Main Goal:


Bismarck unites Germany in three steps…

STEP ONE• Create alliance with

Austria– 1864 – Went to war with

Denmark over bordering regions of Schleswig and Holstein

– Prussia & Austria win in six weeks

• Prussia got Schleswig• Austria got Holstein

– Bismarck knew this arrangement would cause tension – Just what he wanted…


STEP TWO• Create conflict with

Austria– Border conflicts

between Prussia and Austria over Schleswig & Holstein

– With war looming, Bismarck isolates Austria from allies

• Convinces France to stay neutral

• Promised Italy control of Venetia (still owned by Austria)

STEP TWO• Lures Austria into war• Austro-Prussian War

– “Seven Weeks War”

• Prussia defeats Austria at Battle of Sadowa (July 1866)

• Results of war:– Austria lost Venetia to Italy

(who helped Prussia)– Prussia gained control of

northern German states

STEP THREE• Needed the Catholics in

the South to feel a sense of German nationalism

• France was isolated by Bismarck’s diplomacy

• “Ems Dispatch”– Bismarck altered a

telegram sent from Prussia to France – outrages both nations

• France declares war (1870)


• Franco-Prussian War (1870)• France launches attack on

southern German states• Outside attack stirred

nationalism in south, desire for protection

• Prussia sweeps down and defeats French at Battle of Sedan, Siege of Paris

• French surrender

Treaty of Frankfurt (1871)

• France owes compensation, forfeits Alsace and part of Lorraine

• Second Reich proclaimed– (First Reich refers to Holy Roman Empire)

• William I crowned emperor of German Empire

Mission Accomplished: Germany is United

The Second Reich• King William I (AKA Kaiser

Wilhelm I) from House of Hohenzollern– Hohenzollern monarch had

ruled in Prussia and parts of Germany for centuries

• Kaiser headed federal union, 26 states, 41 million in population

• Bicameral legislature:– Bundersat (upper house)– Reichstag (lower house)– Legislature does not have

power over Chancellor…

Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck• Bismarck believes effective states

have one faith, one law, one ruler• Distrusted Catholic Church, Socialist

party– Launched: “Kulturkampf” – persecution

against Catholics– Tried to suppress socialists, Socialist

Democratic Party• Despite Bismarck’s anti-socialists laws, party

gains popularity

– Eventually compromised on both issues

New Kaisers

• William I dies in 1888• His son, Frederick III is crowned

new Kaiser– More open to socialist and liberal


– Plans to apply more liberal ideas in Germany…

– Dies of cancer after 3 months of ruling

• His son, William II (AKA Wilhelm II) crowned new Kaiser rules from 1888-1918– Will be last of the Hohenzollern

rulers by 1918

Kaiser Wilhelm II

• New emperor lacked finesse, intelligence of father and grandfather– Resented Bismarck’s power,

pressured him into retiring

• Germany still progressed flourished– Highly competitive industry against

Britain– Dominated world market in chemicals,

electrical industries– High literacy, vocational training,

government supported industry

The Austrian Empire:What is a big problem here?

Decline of Austria• Nationalism rising throughout empire

– Problem for Austrians?– NOT Austrian nationalism: Hungarian,

Polish, Romanian, German, Czech, Italian, Slovakian, etc.

• Hungarians demanding equality with Vienna– Revolution for independence in 1848 fails

• 1864 – Defeat in Austro-Prussian War– Afterwards, King Franz Joseph I

(Habsburg) offers Hungary equal power– “Ausgleich” constitution accepted in 1867

• Creates a Duel Monarchy:• Franz Joseph now king of Hungary and

emperor of Austria

Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary

• Both Austria and Hungary had own constitution, language, flag, economies, etc

• Ethnic crises in both parts of the empire• 8 different nationalities, languages, cultures,

etc…• Hungarians try to force “Magyarization”

• Forcing diverse citizens to practice only one language and culture: Hungarian

• Complete disunity and disorganization• Chaotic, weak and inefficient empire would last

until 1914

Italy Before Unification• Italy reorganized at

Congress of Vienna in 1815

• Austria ruled Lombardy & Venetia

• Spanish ruled Kingdom of Two Sicilies

• Piedmont-Sardinia was the most powerful of the Italian States, ruled by King Charles Albert – an Italian monarch

Early Action• Revolutions of 1830

– Giuseppe Mazzini attempts to organize a movement

– Takes power from fleeing Pope Pius – forms a Roman Republic

– France invades, restores Pope’s power

• Revolutions of 1848– Many states granted

temporary liberal constitutions• Both Mazzini and Giuseppe

Garibaldi involved in this movement

Piedmont-Sardinia Takes Control• King Victor Emmanuel II

– Monarch of Sardinia• Prime Minister Camillo

Cavour aristocrat– Liberal, uses diplomacy against

Austria– Gains support of Britain &

France– Uses “Realpolitik”

• Together will lead unification– Goal at first: strengthen

Sardinia’s power, not to necessarily unify Italy

– Focused on Northern Italy

What empire was in their way in Northern Italy?

Austria Out Of Italy!• Made secret arrangement with

Napoleon III to provoke a war with Austria

• 1858 – Austria is lured into attacking Sardinia, France comes to defense and Austrians are driven out– France will get Nice and Savoy – Italians get part of Northern Italy

but not Venetia• They will get Venetia later by helping

the Germans fight Austria in 1866

Things worked out well so Cavoursets his sights on southern Italy.


Meanwhile in the South…• Garibaldi & his Red Shirts

captured Sicily in 1860, inspiring Sicilians to join the cause for unification

• Cavour secretly supports Garibaldi– Why is he helping?

• Garibaldi marches north toward Rome and the Vatican– Cavour afraid of implications, calls

for vote in conquered territories

• Voted to unite southern areas with Sardinia– Garibaldi stepped aside

Italy Unified!


What’s the problem?

Italian Unification• Ruled by Victor Emmanuel II• 1866 – added Venetia as a result of

the Seven weeks War (also called the Austro-Prussian War)

• 1870 – added Papal States– Pope still governed Vatican City

Challenges: • Regional conflicts

– Industrialized north vs. agricultural south– Peasant revolts, economic problems

• Political conflict leads to violence• Mass emigration to United States

Italy enters 20th century a poor and struggling nation

France’s Second Empire and Third Republic


Napoleon III (1808-1873)• No experience in politics• Nephew of Napoleon I• 1848 elected to four year term;

share power with National Assembly– Somewhat influenced to Marx’s

ideas– Still suppressed workers & peasants

who opposed him– Strengthened his power

• 1851 illegally dismissed Assembly; people voted to make him president for ten years

• 1852 – declares himself emperor Napoleon III

The Second Empire of France(1852-1870)

Successes:• Improved industrialization• Helped build the Suez

Canal• Improved railways• Allowed for some local

government• Legalized labor unions

– Right to strike guaranteed

• Haussmannization – urban renewal in Paris

The Second Empire of France(1852-1870)

Failures:• Rigged elections• Secret police• Failed puppet regime

in Mexico through Maximilian I

• 1870 – Defeated In Franco-Prussian War– Ends Napoleon III’s rule

and Second Empire

Third Republic of France• Bismarck imposes harsh peace terms

– The French bankrupt & in disarray – humiliated• Assembly of wealthy royalists formed• Paris Commune (1871)

– Coalition of resistance – lower classes wanted better rights & a republic

– Commune savagely repressed,• Assembly can’t agree on king, facing pressure

from lower classes– Choose a republic as least disagreeable compromise:

• The Third Republic of France (1871)– Constitution approved by 1875

• Despite weak Republic, France stable and prosperous by 1914

Reform in Great Britain

Legislation can solve problems

19th Century England: Undemocratic?

• What was going on in England in the 1800s?– Industrialization – many problems for poor

• Problems need to be fixed by government

• What type of government was ruling in England?– Parliament – representative democracy

• “Power to the people”

• Politically, who ruled in Parliament?– The Conservatives – “The Tory Party” (since 1770s)

• Led by Duke of Wellington• Severely repressed poor with laws and harsh tactics

• Unfair representation:– Manchester & Birmingham had no representation in


Reform in England• Problems growing, not being fixed:

– Tories forced out by 1830• Whig Party takes over – more liberal

– Led by Lord Charles Grey– Help lower classes

• “Chartism” – movement to reform:– Ends capital punishment, modern police force– Labor union restrictions removed, right to strike,

worker insurance– Reforms in public housing, education– Voting reforms:

• Universal manhood suffrage, secret ballot, end to property requirements, pay for members of Parliament

• Working class men 1867, rural workers 1884, women 1919

Names of British Reform• 1820s – Robert Peel and George Canning• Reforms increased in 1830s and 40s

– Chartist movement, regulation of working conditions and hours, repeal of the Corn Laws

• Corn laws (1815) – prohibited imported grain, benefit landowners

• Reform Act of 1832 – Middle class gains voting rights

• 1867-1880 Gladstone & Disraeli– Alternated as Prime Ministers of England– Gladstone was a Liberal; Disraeli a Conservative– Both achieved immense reform during reigns

• 1900 – The Labour Party – Political party demanding social and economic

reforms– Both Liberals and Conservatives felt threatened– Pushed through a number of social insurance

reforms as a result

What direction did the reforms move in?

• 1828 & 1829 Catholics and non-Anglican Protestants

• 1832 Middle class suffrage• 1833 Abolished slavery• 1847 Women and children• 1848 Public Health• 1830s & 40s Chartists• 1870s Education• 1875 Strikes allowed

“The Irish Dilemma”• England ruled Ireland since 1603• Oppression of Irish Catholics• Irish Economic hardships

– Potato famine of 1845• “Chartism” brings small reform:

– Some protection from eviction– No longer pay dues to Anglican Church

• Irish nationalism causes independence movements led by Charles Parnell:– Gladstone agrees to home rule (1914)

• Postponed when WWI begins– Easter Uprising (1916)– Ireland gains independence by 1921

• Excludes Protestant-heavy Northern Ireland

Anti-Semitism & Europe

• Anti-Semitism has been nurtured by periods of social instability and crisis. Anger is deflected onto scapegoats such as an available, isolated minority such as the Jews

• Ancient Rome– Devotion of Jews to their religion and special forms of

worship were used as political discrimination; denied Roman citizenship

• Crusades & Middle Ages– Jews massacred in great numbers; segregated into

ghettoes and required to wear identifying garments

Modern Anti-Semitism• 18th & 19th centuries – Enlightenment & FR

– Increasing separation of church and state, rise of modern nation-states; Jews experienced less persecution and gradually integrated

– Legal reforms changes things but racism persisted; political party platforms

• Eastern Europe– Medieval traditions isolating Jews as an alien

economic and social class solely for reasons of religion were never broken

– Pogroms – a product of deliberate gov’t policy aimed at diverting the discontent of the workers & peasants in Russia

The Dreyfus Affair 1894-1906

• Who was Dreyfus?– Captain in the French

army; one of the few Jewish officers

– Accused of selling secrets to Germany

How can nationalism contribute to the growth of anti-


Key Events & Players• 1894 – charged with passing military

secrets to the Germans based on handwritten evidence– Found guilty and sentenced to life in prison

• Major Esterhazy was the real author; tried and acquitted in 1898

• Emile Zola brought international attention to the case with J'accuse! in 1898

• Case reopened in 1899 with new evidence– A hasty trial found him guilty again;

sentenced to 10 years; pardoned by the President

– Wasn’t officially exonerated until 1906


• Strength of Anti-Semitism– Persecution of Jews was

actually much worse in Eastern Europe

• Zionist Movement 1890s– The movement to work for a

separate homeland in Palestine

– Theodor Herzel was the leader

Dreyfus Affair Wrap Up• How did Nationalism affect Anti-Semitism?• What effects did this have on France?• Political split:

– Conservatives, Army, Church• Anti-Dreyfus


– Liberal and Moderates• Dreyfus supporters

• Leads to…– Separation between Church and State (1905)– Eventually more cohesion between political factions

The Modernization of Russia• What event highlighted the backwardness of Russia

in the 1850s?– The Crimean War – battle for power of Eastern

Europe• Russia v. France, Britain, Sardinia, Ottomans• Unable to supply their armies on the Crimean peninsula• Russia needed railroads, better armaments, and to reorganize

the army

Russia: Tsarist Autocracy – The Romanovs

• Alexander I (1801-1825)– Congress of Vienna

• Nicholas I (1825-1855)– Decembrist Revolt: failed attempt at a

constitution• Alexander II (1855-1881)

– Reformer: abolished serfdom– Crimean War

• Alexander III (1881-1894)– Reactionary (restored power); pogroms– Sergei Witte – Finance Minister

• Nicholas II (1894-1917)– Russo-Japanese War– Revolution of 1905; Russian Revolution

The “Great Reforms” of Alexander II

1. Freeing of the Serfs 1861• Problem: Land owned collectively

2. Establishment of the zemstvo• Local assembly elected by towns, peasant villages &

noble landowners• Very little autonomy

3. Reform of the legal system• Independent courts, equality before the law

4. Censorship relaxed, education & policies toward Jews liberalized



• Political changes limited but economic changes working– 1860 –1,250 miles of railroad; 1880

–15,500– Sergei Witte – Encouraged foreign

investment in Russian industry– By 1900, steel production 4th;

producing half the world’s oil; exported grain

Russo-Japanese War 1903-1905

• Again, a major defeat led to turmoil at home• This defeat combined with separatist nationalist

movements (Poles, Ukrainians), liberals in the business & professional classes, disgruntled factory workers…all led to demands for change

Revolution of 1905• Bloody Sunday

– Nicholas II losing popularity fast

• October Manifesto– Nicholas II granted full civil rights and

an elected Duma

• Duma– VERY limited by the “Fundamental

Laws” (Russian Constitution)– Dismissed twice; landowners assured


In 1914, Russia was partially modernized, a conservative constitutional monarchy with a peasant-based but industrializing economy.

Unit 9: Imperialism1880-1914

Imperialism• The takeover of a country or territory by a

stronger nation with the intent of dominating the political, economic, and social life of the people of that nation.

Goals for Unit 9:• To know the economic and territorial gains

Europeans made during this era.• To be able to explain how Europeans ruled in

their newly conquered lands and how they varied.

• To understand the impact of Imperialism on Europe and the world

• To become better at using maps to observe the changing face of the world due to European expansion.

• To be able to explain why the once powerful Ottoman Empire declined during this time.

Goals for Unit 9:• To understand the impact of Britain’s rule over

India.• To realize the influence of Europeans on the

nations of China, Japan, and Southeast Asia• To develop an understanding of why the once

powerful China declined during this time, and what role European nations played in China’s downfall.

• To understand why Japan eventually became stronger in response to Imperialism and European influence

• To develop an understanding of the Asian nations.• To further understand the effects of geography

upon history.

Why Imperialism?

• National Pride• Economic

competition– France vs.

Germany, Britain vs. Germany, Britain vs. France

• Social Darwinism– “Survival of the

fittest”– Used as justification

Africa Before Imperialism

• Demographics– 1,000 different languages– Hundreds of ethnic


• Religion– Traditional beliefs,

Christianity, Islam

• Politics– Large empires to

independent villagesWhy is this important


Europeans Arrive

• Explorers, missionaries, humanitarians, reporters at first

Why not until the late 1800s?• Industrial Revolution

– Needed new markets and raw materials

• Technological superiority– Maxim Gun

• Medical Breakthroughs– Quinine to battle Malaria

What did Africa Have to Offer?• Mining:

– Congo: copper and tin– South Africa: gold and diamonds

• Agriculture: Cash-crops– Peanuts, palm oil, cocoa, rubber

• More colonies means more power

Pre-Conquest of Africa

• French in Algeria by 1830s

• Portuguese had Angola & Mozambique

• British took Cape Colony during Napoleonic Wars

• European powers only controlled about 10% of continent until 1870s

The Scramble for Africa

• King Leopold II of Belgium (1876) in Congo– Forms International Africa

Association (IAA)

• Influences Otto Van Bismarck– Economic/power reasons– Wants to divert French

hostility toward Germany– Calls for Conference

Berlin Conference 1884-1885• Headed by Bismarck

– Germany’s entrance into the game changed the rules

• European claims to African territory had to rest on “effective occupation” in order to be recognized– Also agreed to work to stop

slavery and the slave trade– No firearm or liquor sales in

certain areas– Missionaries free to spread


Africa’s Response to Colonization• European technology

outmatches most African armies – Maxim gun, gunboats, etc

• Europeans susceptible to disease– Solution?– Recruit rival African tribes to

help fight each other

• African leaders weigh options:– Build alliances with

Europeans, other tribes?– Make accommodations?


Africa’s Response to Colonization• Samori Toure – Western

African leader– Created powerful Islamic

Kingdom– 30,000 man army– Fought with invading French in

1881 and lost, moved east– After internal rebellions, and

imposing British forces from the west…

– Captured and exiled in 1898

African Response to Colonization

• Religious leaders more effective in uniting – why?– Religion unites, politics divide

• Muhammad Ahmad (1844-1885) in Sudan– Muslim “shaykh” (head of tribe, village,

religious order)– Proclaimed himself the “Mahdi” (1881)

• Muslim messiah, savior of the faith• Establishes “jihad” and successfully takes

back British controlled land until 1898

• The “Shona” tribe rises up against British in South Africa in 1890s

African Response to Colonization• Ethiopia only area to

successfully keep European powers out…

• Menelik II becomes emperor and unites the region– Starts to modernize and expand

Ethiopia – Makes agreement with Italians for

Red Sea coast

• 1896 – Italians break treaty• Battle ensues at Aduwa

– 100,000 Ethiopian soldiers vs. 20,000 Italian soldiers

• Italians make numerous mistakes in battle, are embarrassed in defeat.

The Mineral Revolution• Diamonds discovered in 1867 in

Southern Africa and thousands (both black and white) flocked to area to mine

• 1873 – European diggers lobby for British to establish laws prohibiting Africans from owning claims – sets tone for future laws

• European mine owners employ Africans

• Compound system controls labor

The Mineral Revolution• 1886 – Gold discovered in

Transvaal– Transvaal is Afrikaner territory – led

by President Paul Kruger– New discovery renews British

interest in controlling the Transvaal– Kruger determined to protect

Transvaal from “uitlanders”• 1888 – Cecil Rhodes and Barney

Barnato join to found De Beers– De Beers comes to control 90% of

diamond production– Rhodes becomes prime minister of

Cape Colony in S.A.– Expands British borders in S.A.

The Boer War – South Africa (1899)

• Rhodes attempts invasion of Transvaal and fails– Rhodes forced to resign – invasion is seen as

“reckless”– Afrikaners and Orange Free State ally and

modernize army– “Boers”• Alfred Milner replaces Rhodes

– Gave Kruger a list of demands that could not be met, war breaks out

• First modern “total war”– Boers used guerilla tactics– British burned Boer farms; imprisoned women &

children in disease-ridden concentration camps– 30,000 Afrikaners and 15,000 blacks died in the

camps• 1902 Union of South Africa created, controlled

by the British– By 1907 a self-governing dominion of the UK

After the War• British try to Anglicize Afrikaners but fail• Afrikaners controlled the government (first three

Prime Ministers were Afrikaner) and gained official recognition of language

• English speakers controlled the civil service and dominated the business sector

• They did work together to preserve white dominance over the black majority– 70% of population controlled on 13% of land– “Civilized Labor” policies of the 1920s

• Low-level civil jobs blacks held were given to large population of poor, unskilled whites

• Paves the way for…

Map Quiz Next Class!Identify the following on the map:

• Egypt• Libya• Sudan• Ethiopia• Angola• Mozambique• Algeria• Democratic Republic of

the Congo• South Africa• Nigeria

• Kenya• Botswana• Malawi• Rwanda• Uganda• Mali• Chad• Somalia• Tanzania

APARTHEID (1948-1994)• Apartheid (separateness) – a system of legal

racial segregation – Rights of the majority black inhabitants of South

Africa were curtailed– Minority rule by whites was maintained.

• Racial segregation in South Africa began in colonial times but Apartheid now an official policy in 1948

• New legislation classified inhabitants into racial groups, and residential areas were segregated – sometimes forced removals– 1958 – Blacks deprived of citizenship of S.A.– Now citizens of one of ten tribally based self-

governing territories called “bantustans”– Segregated education, medical care, and other

public services– Black services were made inferior to white ones

Forms of Colonial Control• Colony

– A country or region governed internally by a foreign power

• Protectorate– A country or territory with its own internal gov’t but

under the control of an outside power

• Sphere of Influence– An area in which an outside power claims exclusive

investment or trading privileges

• Economic Imperialism– Independent but less developed nations controlled by

private business interests rather than by other governments

Imperialist Management

• Indirect Control– Relied on existing

political rulers– Legislative council that

included colonial officials as well as local merchants and professionals

– Councils trained local leaders

• EX: Britain

• Direct Control– Africans are unable to

handle power – paternalism

– Brought in their own officials and did not train local people

– Assimilation: local populations would become absorbed into culture

• EX: French & Belgians

The Ottoman Empire(1300-1923)

• Anatolia – descendants of nomadic Turks

• Militaristic & Invading• No strong central power• Government organized by

“ghazis”– Broken up independent states,

warriors for Islam• Osman (Othman) build strong

state until his death in 1326– His dynastic successors expand

territory and create the “Ottoman” empire

The Islamic Empires

The Islamic Empires

• Safavid Empire (1501–1736)– Present day Iran (Persia)– “Squeezed” between Ottomans and Mughals– Forced to become militaristic– Shi’ite Muslims– Persecuted by Ottoman Sunni Muslims

• Mughal Empire (1526–1857)– Present day Northern India– Islam forced on partly Hindu population– Overexpansion, poor leadership weakens empire by

1800s• Enter England

Ottoman Empire: Notable Sultans

• Mehmet II (1444-1481)– Captured Constantinople in 1453– Ends Byzantine Empire, renames city Istanbul

• Selim the Grim (1512-1520)– Defeated Safavids– Swept through Syria, Palestine and into North Africa

• Suleiman (1520-1566)– Reached its peak size– Dominated Eastern Med., controlled coastal cities of

Africa as well as interior trade, pushed into Europe– Only Charles V rivaled his power

Ottoman Empire

Ottoman Empire in Decline• 17th and 18th centuries – Ottoman

empire in decline– Weak army – janissary corps– Not industrializing

• Selim III (1789-1806) attempted to modernize– Restructured army– Set up foreign embassies

• Mahmud II (1808-1839) – Restored central authority– Established new army (Euro trained)– Restructured government

Nationalism Dividing

• Nationalism stirring in Ottoman lands– Serbs revolted in 1804– Greeks in 1821– Romanians in 1850s– Bulgarians in 1870s

• All supported by Western Europe – why?Geopolitics: an interest in or taking of land for its strategic location or products

Western Europe wanted a balance of power

European Involvement • Crimean War 1853

– Russia vs. Ottomans– France & Britain help Ottomans win

• Egypt– Ottoman control since 1517

• French briefly took over 1800• Ottoman and British end French

occupation– Muhammad Ali in power (1801)

• Westernizes Egypt – Reforms military, economy, agriculture, education

– Under Muhammad Ali broke away from Ottomans

– Grandson Ismail constructed the Suez Canal

• Opened 1869• 1882 British controlled it

Young Turk Revolution

• Abdulhamid II (1876-1909)– Reformer and autocrat

• 1889 – students form Committee for Union and Progress– Want to combine Islamic

culture with Euro ideas and technology

• Young Turk Revolution (1908)– Constitution and assembly

instated– End of Ottoman monarchy,

CUP in control

Ottoman Empire By 1914

British in India

• British present since 1600s

• Mughal Empire collapsing in 1700s

• 1757 East India Company the major power– Had an army made up

of “sepoys”

Sepoy Rebellion 1857• Cartridges of rifles sealed with

beef and pork fat– Offends both Hindus and Muslims

• Mughal emperor reluctantly heads rebellion

• British use total war tactics• The British took direct

command: The Raj– Direct rule - paternalism– Indians could not overcome their

religious differences: Hindu vs. Muslim

– Sikhs remained loyal to the British

• British direct rule 1757-1947– Cabinet minister in London »

British Viceroy in India » Local Councils made up of Indians

Indian Nationalist Movement• Ram Mohum Roy (1772-1833)

– Began a campaign to move India away from traditional practices; these practices were allowing foreigners to control them

• Widow suicide, child marriage, caste system

• Indian National Congress 1885– Made up of both Indians and


• The Muslim League 1906– Form after the partition of Bengal– Both groups begin to call for self-

government– After Gandhi’s death the Muslim

League will create Pakistan

British & Malayan Peninsula

British in Malaysia

• 1796• Gained Singapore as well as most of

Malayan peninsula• Geopolitics – trade• Tin, rubber• Gained Burma (present day Myanmar)• Encouraged Chinese immigration

– Conflict still exists between Malaysians and Chinese

Dutch in Indonesia


• Indonesia referred to as Dutch East Indies• Dutch East India Company present since the

early 1800s• Sugar, tobacco, coffee, tea• Created a rigid social class system

1. Dutch

2. Wealthy & Educated Indonesians

3. Plantation workers1. Forced production, poor working conditions, little rights

gave way to independence movements

French Indochina• Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam• Protectorates • Did not encourage local

industry• Paternalism, assimilation• Rice production went up• Siam (Thailand) – neutral

zone under King Mongut• Modernized Thai

economy• Warded off foreign rule

Experience of Southeast Asia

• Products: sugar cane, coffee, cocoa, rubber, coconut, bananas, pineapple

• Europeans encouraged immigration from other Asian nations– Why?– To diversify the population – no unity– Southeast Asia became a melting pot of Hindus,

Muslims, Christians, and Buddhists– Many problems still exist between these groups

today in this area

U.S. in the Pacific

• U.S. involved in imperialist activity– Purchased Alaska in 1867– Overthrew Hawaiian

Queen in 1893• Spanish American War

– 1898– Gained Puerto Rico, and

Guam, and Philippines– Promised to prepare them

for self-rule– Economic exploitation– American-Philippine war

• 400,000 killed or imprisoned


China• Led by Manchus of Qing

Dynasty• Strong agriculture, mining,

manufacturing– Rice, sweet potatoes, peanuts,

salt, tin, silver, iron, silks, cottons, porcelain, maize

• Tribute system – states subordinate to China and receive gifts and protection in return

• Self-Sufficient– They didn’t need anything the

West had to offer– Had more people than any

empire in the world


• Foreigners only allowed in one port

• They earned more from their exports than they spent on their imports – trade imbalance– The British were determined to even out the

balance• Smuggled in Opium for non-medical use• By 1835 12 million Chinese addicted

Opium War –Turning Point

• 1839 Chinese vs. British• Superior British Navy humiliated the Chinese• Treaty of Nanking 1842

– Britain gained Hong Kong– 1844 Treaty gave US extraterritorial rights

Internal Problems

• 430 million people by 1850– Hunger widespread; Huang He flooded


• Government Inaction– Dikes in disrepair, granaries empty, bribery for

jobs– Many begin to turn against Qing Dynasty


Taiping Rebellion• 1850-1864 Led by

Hong Xiuquan• “Heavenly Kingdom of

Great Peace” – all would share China’s

vast wealth; there would be no poverty

• Imperial troops, local militias and British & French forces fought to put down rebellion– 20 million dead

DEMAND REFORMS!• Taiping Rebellion put down• Western Ways or Chinese

Traditions?• Dowager Empress Cixi 1861-

1908– Supported some reforms but

generally conservative• Sino-Japanese War 1894

– Leads to renewed aggression of West

• Open Door Policy 1899– China’s doors are open to all

nations– China never becomes a colony but

it is at the mercy of foreign powers

Chinese Nationalists hate the presence of foreigners!

Boxer Rebellion 1900

• Reforms being suppressed• Society of Harmonious Fists

(referred to as Boxers)– Peasants and workers who

resented foreign privileges; resented Chinese Christians

• “Death to the Foreign Devil!”– Surround European section of

Beijing • Begin to imprison and kill


– Soldiers from Britain, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Russia, Japan & the US defeated the Boxers

Rebellion a failure but Nationalism is not dead!!

JAPAN• Prior to 1867 ruled by the

Tokugawa Shogun– Tightly ordered society cut off

from the West– Traded with China and Dutch

traders in Indonesia; contact with Korea

– Commodore Matthew Perry arrived in 1853

• Treaty of Kanagawa 1854 opened up two ports to American ships

• 1860 foreigners allowed to trade in all treaty ports

• 1863-1864 Imperial naval fleets bombard two rebel-prone cities

The Meiji Era: 1867-1912

• Japanese annoyed with Tokugawa for giving into foreigners

• The Meiji Restoration – Peaceful coup by young

samurais– 1867 – End of military

dictatorship of the Tokugawa– Restructures government– Ruled for 45 years– “Enlightened Rule”

Emperor Mutsuhito

The Meiji Government• Japanese sent to study foreign

ways– Liked Germany’s centralized gov’t, the

skill of British Navy, and American system of public education

• Industrialization– By 1914 – 7,000 miles of railroad– Coal production grew, factories built,

developed shipbuilding, weapons production as well as local industries

• Who is left behind as Japan modernizes?

• Satsuma Rebellion 1877– Now irrelevant samurai rebel – over

30,000 are killedIwakura Mission (1871)

Japanese Imperialism• By 1890 strongest military

power in Asia– Build an empire to secure

their interests• War with China over Korea

– 1895 Sino-Japanese war – Within a few months the

Chinese were driven from Korea and Japan began to move into Manchuria

– Peace treaty gave Japan its first colonies

Europeans very surprised that Japan won

Russo-Japanese War 1905• The two major powers in

East Asia• Went to war over

Manchuria and Korea– Japan easily defeats the

Russians (really bad for Russia)

• Treaty of Portsmouth: forced Russia to withdraw from Manchuria and stay out of KoreaJapan is THE power in

East Asia

Korea & Japanese Imperialism

• After the Russo-Japanese War the Japanese don’t hold back in Korea

• 1905 – made a protectorate• 1910 – Japan annexed Korea• For the next 35 years brutal

Japanese rule– Forbade public protest– Shut down newspapers– Took over schools– Replaced the Korean language– Took away land


RQ 1

• What were the motives of European colonizers for conquering most of Africa in the last nineteenth century?– Economic competition (Industrial Rev.)

• Rare natural resources & new markets

– More colonies = more power– Geopolitics– National Pride– Social Darwinism– Spread of Christianity

RQ 2

• What difference did the discovery of gold and diamonds have on the relations between the British and Afrikaner and African states?– Afrikaners = Gold in the Transvaal region

• Led to Boer War between British vs. Afrikaner

– Africans = Diamonds in South Africa• British take over South Africa mines (De Beers)• Compound system• Laid foundation for Apartheid

RQ 3

• How did Europeans administer their African colonies?– Indirect rule vs. Direct rule

RQ 4

• In the 19th century, what were the pressures for change inside and outside the Ottoman Empire?– Inside:

• Failing centralized gov’t• Janissary Corps weakening, bankrupting empire• Nationalism• Not modernizing, industrializing

– Outside:• Geopolitics: western Europe supporting internal

revolutions, etc.

RQ 5

• How did British colonialism inspire a subcontinent of fractured principalities to develop a sense of nationalism?– India: very divided culturally, religiously– British economically and politically dominate

India – growth of unity against common enemy

– Through reform, improving infrastructure, working for more self-government, Indians gain nationalism

RQ 6

• What combination of local and international factors determined the fate of Southeast Asian countries in the face of European imperialism?– Southeast Asia very diverse: ethnicity,

religion, culture, etc.• Also not modernizing economies, armies, etc.

– Allows for European takeover• Forced cross-immigration, direct rule tactics

RQ 7

• What domestic and foreign pressures brought about China’s decline from being the world’s economic engine in the 18th century to being a failing monarchy, hobbled by unequal treaties, in the early twentieth century?– Imperialist powers wanting to even out trade

imbalance– Not modernizing– Government inaction– Numerous revolts

RQ 8

• What was the meaning of “modernity” and what did the Japanese do to attain it in the late 19th century Japan?– Japan realized it was overpowered by

imperialist countries– Iwakura mission sent out to learn foreign

ideas and technology• Government, education, army all modernized• Resulted in becoming world power

Unit 10: World War One

Goals of Unit 10

• To be able to explain the system of alliances in Europe and their influence upon the War.

• To understand the technological advances made possible due to the war.

• To recognize the impact of the war upon Europe and the world.

• To understand the rise in power of the Bolsheviks in Russia and how it changed the traditional Russian government.

• To further develop the skills of using maps by examining the changing face of Europe during the war years.

Britain in 1914

• Strong, stable, prosperous

• Led by King George V in 1914– Prime Minister David

Lloyd George

Germany by 1914

• Unified in 1871

• Progressed fast

• Very strong army, industry, economy, etc.

• Led by Kaiser Wilhelm II

Italy by 1914

• United in 1861 (fully by 1870)

• Poor, struggling nation

• Regional and political conflicts

• Led by King Emmanuel III– (Grandson of King Victor Emmanuel II)

France by 1914

• Weak republic, but stable and prosperous by 1914

• Led by elected president Raymond Poincare

Russia by 1914

• Partially modernized, slowly industrializing• Conservative constitutional monarch

• After Revolutions of 1905

• Peasant-based population• Led by Nicholas II

Japan by 1914

• Meiji era quickly and efficiently modernized Japan’s military, economy, government, etc

• Sino-Japanese War (1895) and Russo-Japanese War (1905)

• Quickly become strongest power in Asia

• Led by Emperor Taisho– Son of Meiji (Mutsuhito)

Ottoman Empire by 1914

• Weak and dwindling

• Constitution and Assembly created after Young Turk Revolution in 1908

• Led by Committee of Union and Progress– (Sultan Mehmed V had no real power)

Austria-Hungary by 1914

• 1867 – Dual Monarchy created

• Complete disunity and disorganization

• Chaotic, weak and inefficient empire would last until 1914

• Led by Franz Joseph– His nephew & heir to the throne is…

• Franz Ferdinand

• What major incident led to the break out of World War One?

• How can “one bullet” cause a whole world war?

• There were four M.A.I.N. causes of WWI… June 18, 1914 – Archduke

Franz Ferdinand assassinated by Bosnian-Serb assassins


Militarism (Arms Race)• Definition: Making your military bigger

and better than other countries. • Symbol of national prestige, Social

Darwinism, arms race

• What problems can arise when countries compete against other countries for military strength?

MilitarismCountry Defense Expenditures (mil)

1890 1914

Germany 144 554

British Empire 157 384

Japan 24 96

France 186 287

Russia 145 442

US 67 314Source: W.S. Morton. Japan: Its History and Culture., 3rd ed. (New York:McGraw Hill, 1994), p. 182.


Alliances• An agreement between two or more

countries to help each other. It can include military help, money or providing of weapons.

• Late 1800’s many countries in Europe made various alliances, Triple Entente (Britain, Russia and France) and The Dual Alliance (Germany and Austria-Hungary)

• How can complex alliances cause a problem?


Imperialism / Industrial Revolution

• During the 1800’s the Industrial Revolution was happening in Europe.

• Competition for colonies, economic rivalries • With the invention of factories, weapons were less

expensive to produce allowing countries to improve and buy them in mass quantities.

• Countries were also experimenting with new weapons such as airplanes, tanks, chemical warfare.

• How can imperialism cause a problem among competing nations?



• Devotion to the interests or culture of one's nation

• Excessive pride in one’s nation

• How can excessive nationalism be a contribution to WWI?

Goal of Today Met?

What were the “MAIN” causes of World War


Ottoman Empire

• North and South of Ottoman Territory are the independent states of Romania, Serbia, Greece, and Bulgaria

• The Austro-Hungarian Empire– Included states of

Croatia and Slovenia– Occupied Bosnia and

Herzegovina since 1878


• Pan-Slavism : A movement advocating the political and cultural union of Slavic nations and peoples.– Serbia desired to create a Slavic state

• Greece and Romania are not Slavic• Movement to unify Slavic states into a single

nation: Yugoslavia– Slavic people look towards Serbia as possible center

of this new nation– Serbia and Bulgaria conflict over Slavic leadership

Crisis in Eastern Europe


• Bosnian Crisis of 1908– Russia & Austria vs. Ottomans, France & Britain

• First Balkan War 1912– Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, & Serbia vs. Ottoman– Fight over Macedonia and size of Bulgaria

• Second Balkan War 1913– Austria intervenes over Albania; Russia comes to

Serbia’s aid

• “Third Balkan War” 1914– Austria-Hungary wanted a “local war” but that was


Declarations of War• June 28, 1914 Archduke

Francis Ferdinand assassinated

• Ultimatum to Serbia delivered July 24th

• Austria declares war on Serbia July 28th

• August 1st Germany declares war on Russia

• August 3rd Germany declared war on France

• August 4th Britain declares war on Germany

• By the end of August, Japan declares war on the Central Powers

• By 1915, the Ottoman Turks join the Central Powers

Taking Sides

• Allied Powers: Russia, France, Great Britain, Japan, Serbia, Italy– Italy claimed its

membership in Triple Alliance was a defensive strategy, changed sides

• Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottomans, Bulgaria– Bulgaria and the

Ottomans hoped to regain lost territories

Germany Strikes

• Schlieffen Plan:• Attack France in the

West first, then turn around and attack Russia in the East– March through

unfortified Belgium to take France quickly

– Russia’s lack of railroads would make it difficult to mobilize their troops

Battle of Marne

• First Battle of the Marne (Sep 1914)– French and British stop

and push back surging German army

– Schlieffen Plan fails– Allies win battle– Problem…– Allies are slow to chase

retreating Germans– Results in “trench

warfare” and the formation of the Western Front

The Western Front

New Technology

• Machine Guns• Flamethrowers• Poisonous Gas• Tanks & Planes• Land Mines• Mortars

Consequences of Trench Warfare

• By Dec 1914– 1.5 million dead– Single battles claiming

100,000+ lives– Borders on the Western

Front hardly moving– “War of Attrition”

• A war in which there are no decisive, conclusive battles. The two sides grind away at each other until one side is too exhausted and gives up


• Information, ideas, or rumors spread deliberately to harm or influence a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc

The Home Front – “Total War”

• 1914: Enthusiasm – Nationalism

• Support of the masses leads to an energetic war effort

– Demand for Men & Weapons

• Economic life and organizations had to change

Home Front - Economics

• Free market Capitalism abandoned

• Government decided what was to be produced and consumed– Rationing, price and wage controls– Effective and destructive

• Soldiers on the Battlefield & the Home Front– “…there are entire nations armed.

Thus the men (and women) who remain to till the soil and man the factories are not less a part of the army than the men beneath the battle flags.” - Woodrow Wilson

Home Front – Social Impact

• Poverty & Unemployment were the norm prior to 1914….But now– Full employment– Labor unions part of policy

making (socialist ideal)– Women: equal pay for equal

work– Blurred lines between rich

and poor

Home Front - Politics• 1914-1916 popular support for

the war• After 1916 there is a shift

– Soldier morale declining– Easter Uprising in Ireland– Public opposition to the war

• Government Attempts to Control This– Widespread censorship;

propaganda– Good news overstated; Bad news


Goal of Today:

What helped the Allies survive this “war of attrition”, and how did the unstable political and

social conditions of the Central Powers, help turn the tides of

WWI towards an Allied victory?

Battle of Gallipoli

• 1915• British wanted control of

Turkish owned Dardanelles Canal to ship supplies to Russia

• Australia and New Zealand (Anzacs) provide army

• Fails miserably, over 200,000 die

• Central Powers win battle

Russia on the Eastern Front

• 1915• Russia’s military

tactics, technology, and leadership outmatched

• Russian forces defeated in Poland

• 1.2 Million Russians killed, 1 million more imprisoned

• Central Powers win battle

Battle of Verdun

• Allies plan: – Deny Germany badly

needed supplies– Fewer, but bigger


• Feb 1916– Fought over strategic

location– Lasted months– French regain lost

forts, no clear winner– 700,000 dead

Battle of Somme

• July 1916• British attack German

lines along the Somme River

• British lose 60,000 in the first day

• Lasts until November• 1.2 Million dead• No clear winner• Western front

New Alliance• 1917 enter US, exit

Russia– Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

• Lenin-controlled Russia backs out of war, signs treaty with Germany

– German unrestricted submarine warfare

– Lusitania• German subs sink passenger

ship – 1,000 die, 100 American

– Zimmerman Note• Germany urging Mexico to

attack U.S.

The War Ends• July 1918 Second

Battle of the Marne– Last German attempt– United States adds much

needed strength to Allies– Bulgaria and Ottomans

surrender; Austro-Hungarian Empire falls apart; Turn against Kaiser Wilhelm

– Germany is forced to surrender

– Allies win battle, war

The War Ends

• November 11, 1918 – Armistice Day– Complete surrender

in Paris– Allies victorious

Treaty of Versailles• Decision-makers

– The Big Four• Woodrow Wilson – US• Georges Clemenceau – France• Lloyd George – Great Britain• Vittorio Orlando – Italy

• Problem: All are going to have very different agendas and visions for post-war Europe.

Goals of the Treaty of Versailles USA:

– Wilson’s aim was to achieve a just and lasting peace

• “The 14 Points”• The League of Nations

Europe:– But, France and

Britain wanted to punish Germany and strip it of its war making power

– Italy wants compensation Wilson will have to compromise…

Treaty of Versailles

• War Guilt/Reparations– The Allies forced

Germany to sign a war guilt clause and pay reparations

• Military Restrictions– The agreement limited

the size of the German army and prohibited Germany from importing or manufacturing war materials

Treaty of Versailles

• Territorial Changes– German territories in

Africa and the Pacific and Ottoman lands were declared mandates

– Austria, Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia were created as independent nations

Treaty of Versailles• Legacy

– Left a legacy of bitterness, betrayal, and hatred that would erupt into a second world war.

Aftermath of WWI

• Almost 20 million dead• Four empires crumbled:

– German Empire– Ottoman Empire– Russian Empire– Austria-Hungarian Empire

• Problem with crumbling empires?– Empires replaced with broken up republics with shaky


• New political boundaries, trading patterns, etc.• Colonial world in disarray

Aftermath of WWI• European economies ruined

– U.S. owed more than $10 billion from Europe

– Allies had borrowed from each other• Bolshevik Russia renounces debts

– Weimar Rep. of Germany suffers massive inflation

• Cannot afford war debts• Causes tension, Euro countries occupy

Ruhr to collect – fails

– U.S. creates Dawes Plan (1924) to handle German reparations

• Bends rules of Treaty of Versailles• Followed by Young Plan (1929)

– European economies begin to improve…

• U.S. Stock Market Crash (1929)– Leads to the worldwide “Great


Day 8: Russian Revolutions of 1917 (RQ8 Due)

WARM UP:• Karl Marx was a German

philosopher and ideologist who called for a violent and overwhelming social revolution of the working class (proletariat)

• What do you think works better: – One big, immediate revolution and

overthrow OR

– Gradual change over time (various reforms, protests, etc)

• WHY?

Karl Marx (1818-1883)

The Russian Revolutions of 1917

But first: a quick reminder… remember 1905?

Revolution of 1905• Russia not modernizing, falling

behind other world powers– Loss of Russo-Japanese War

(1905) humiliating defeat• Russians upset with

oppression, no democracy, loss of war

• Bloody Sunday– Nicholas II losing popularity fast

• October Manifesto– Nicholas II granted full civil rights

and an elected Duma• Duma

– VERY limited by the “Fundamental Laws” (Russian Constitution)

– Dismissed twice; landowners assured seats

The March Revolution (1917)• Russia did not have the

resources to fight a modern war - WWI– Nicholas II failing at the

frontlines• Spontaneous revolution

of striking men and women led to abdication of Nicholas II

• March 12, 1917 The Duma declared a provisional government

• The end of Tsarist Autocracy

The Provisional Government

• Made a number of reforms– Equality before law; freedom of

religion, speech, assembly; right of unions to organize and strike

• New Government split in two:1. Liberal bourgeoisie and moderate

socialists (Kerensky) who were technically in power

2. Petrograd Soviet: urban workers, soldiers, and radical intellectuals (Lenin & Trotsky)

Alexander Kerensky

Vladimir Lenin

Leon Trostky

Their Differences

• Provisional Gov’t (Kerensky): wanted to continue fighting WWI

• Bolsheviks (left-wing Marxists – Lenin and Trotsky) were opposed to the war– Military power essentially in the hands of the

Bolsheviks under the leadership of Trotsky

Lenin (1870-1924)• Leader of the Bolsheviks • Marxism-Leninism:

– Lenin argued that the revolution had to be led by a small conspiratorial elite of revolutionaries

– Waiting for the so-called proletarian revolution in agricultural Russia would be futile.

– Urban workers would only develop a trade-union consciousness and lose their vigor and determination for social reform

November Revolution• Lenin arrived in Russia in April 1917• Red Guards: workers’ armed forces

– There was little bloodshed when the Guards began to seize gov’t property

– Take over, exile Kerensky

• Council of People’s Commissars– Redistribution of land– Worker control of factories through workers’ committees– Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (March 1918)

• Had to give up some Russian territory with 1/3 of Russian population (Poles, Lithuanians, Finns)• Russia is out of WWI

Civil War (1918-1920)

• “Whites” (Anti-Bolsheviks) vs. the “Reds” (Bolsheviks)

• Allies support the Whites

• Lenin turned to a one-party gov’t: Communists– Encourage worldwide revolution based on the

principles of socialism• Trotsky led the Reds to victory

– War Communism: Bolshevik policy to…• Nationalize banks and industries; seize grains & introduced

rationing; and they reestablished the Cheka (secret police) to exterminate foes – prison camps, harsh rule, fear

• Now the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) AKA Soviet Union

New Economic Policy

• War Communism is failing and the USSR is facing economic collapse after the civil war

• N.E.P. (New Economic Policy)– Designed to restore Russian economy– Introduced some aspects of private ownership among the

peasants– They could sell surpluses in free markets and buy from

private traders and manufacturers

– Is this true communism?

Lenin compromised his Marxist ideals in order to survive

RQ 1

• What were the specific causes of WWI?– Balkan Wars– Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand– Ultimatum given to Serbia by Austria-Hungary

RQ 2

• What were the effects of WWI on the home front?– Free-market capitalism abandoned

• More government intervention• Rationing, price, wage controlled

– Full employment – women take up jobs in factories

– Less class conflict, less wealth gap– Propaganda keeps morale good

RQ 3

• Why was it so difficult for Allied leaders to achieve lasting peace in Europe?– Different motives and agendas at treaty talks:– US: Lasting peace, less punishment– England, France, Italy: Compensation and

punishment of Germany

RQ 4

• In what ways did the First World War destroy global economic equilibrium?– 20 million dead, some land and cities

destroyed– Europe spent millions on war effort

• All in debt to each other• Germany punished with financial compensation

– Leads to economic chaos in Germany, Europe

– Colonial world in disarray

RQ 5

• How did the revolutions of 1917 transform Russia?– Overthrow of Nicholas II leads to end of Tsarist

Autocracy• Russians now have representation in government (Duma)

– Bolsheviks transform Russia into Communist society:• Redistribute land, workers own factories, Russia leaves WWI

– forfeit land• “War Communism” – nationalize banks, industry; seize and

ration grains• “War Communism” fails, N.E.P. created

– Infuses some capitalist ideals into Communist Russia

Stalin’s Russia


Totalitarian Dictatorship

Stalin Video Terms

• Five Year Plans– Series of plans to increase industrial output

• Collectivization– System Stalin put in place to steal crops and agricultural

resources from farmers

• Kulaks– Wealthiest farmers who owned most land, resources, laborers,

machinery – harshly exploited during collectivization

• Famine in the Ukraine– Over 1 million die of starvation, many in work camps

• Great Purge– Stalin systematically “eliminating” any threat to his power so he

can gain total control

• Propaganda/Censorship/Secret Police

“Man of Steel”

• By 1928 in total command of the Communist Party

• Aspects of Totalitarian Rule– Dictatorship and one party rule– Dynamic leader– Ideology– State control over all sectors of society– State control of the individual– Dependence on modern technology– Organized violence

Dangerous Leaders Rise• Post WWI political and

economic chaos, Great Depression lead to rise of totalitarian and/or fascist regimes:– Joseph Stalin (USSR)– Francisco Franco (Spain)– Benito Mussolini (Italy)– Hirohito (Japan)– Adolf Hitler (Germany)

• Totalitarianism focuses all efforts on empowering the state


• Extreme Nationalism + Militarism = Fascism

• Emphasized loyalty to the state and obedience to its leader

• Revive economy, restore national pride, punish those responsible for hard times

• Nations must struggle – peaceful nations get conquered

• Wore uniforms, used special salutes, and held mass rallies

Fascism & Communism

Similarities• Both ruled by dictators• One-party state• Denied individual rights• The state is of utmost

importance• No democracy


• Fascists did not seek a classless society

• Fascists parties didn’t focus on working class; Instead aristocrats, industrialists, war veterans, lower middle class

• Communists were internationalists; Fascists were nationalist


• What was going on in Italy that allowed a Fascist dictator to come to power?– Bitter disappointment over the

Treaty of Versailles• Didn’t get the territory they


– Rising inflation & unemployment

– Upper and middle classes feared a communist revolution


• Newspaper editor & politician

• Founded the Fascist Party in 1919

• As conditions worsened he gained more popularity

• Played on the fears of a workers’ revolt

Mussolini Gains Power

• October 1922: 30,000 Fascists “March on Rome”

• King Victor Emmanuel III put Mussolini in charge of the government

• “Il Duce” – The Leader– Abolished democracy & all other

political parties– Used a secret police, censored

radio and publications– Outlawed strikes– Allied with industrialists and large


Franco in Spain• Spain had been a monarchy

until 1931; a republic was declared and it was run by liberals and socialists– The Fascists staged a revolt in

1936 under Francisco Franco’s leadership

• Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)– Franco was assisted by Hitler

and Mussolini– Other Western powers did little

to help the Spanish Republic to fight back against Franco


• 1939 – Franco became Spain’s Fascist dictator– Rules until his death in 1975

• Royal family turned power over to the Spanish people

• Spanish Republic was created

Post-War Germany

• Germany’s new Weimar Republic failing after WWI– unstable, war guilt,

inflation, unemployment

– 1923-1929 – economy recovering

– 1929 – Great Depression starts

Hitler Rises to Power in Germany

• Little-known political leader

• Fought in World War I• 1920 joined the

National Socialist German Workers’ Party – Nazi Party

• Supported by middle and lower middle classes

Hitler• Attempted to seize power in

1923– He spent nine months in jail; wrote

Mein Kampf which summarized his ideas:

• Blond and blue-eyed Germans, “Aryans,” were a “master race”

• Jews, Slavs, Gypsies etc. were subhuman

• Versailles Treaty an outrage; regain German lands

• Lebensraum: living space; to be gained by conquering eastern Europe and Russia

Nazi Party

• Not very popular until the Depression was in full swing

• By 1932, the largest political party

• January 1933 – President Paul von Hindenburg named Hitler chancellor

Hitler Consolidates his Power• Reichstag Fire

– Six days before an election, a fire destroyed the parliamentary building

– Blamed on the communists– Nazis won the majority in that

election; Hitler then demanded absolute power for four years

• Banned all other political parties• Created the SS to get rid of

opponents• The Gestapo – secret police – use

terror to guarantee obedience• Government took over business &

labor; strikes and labor unions outlawed

So much terror – Why did people like him?

• Germans constructed factories, built highways, manufactured weapons, and served in the military– Unemployment dropped from 6 million to

1.5 million by 1936

• Hitler molded public opinion– He used the press, radio, literature,

painting and film as propaganda tools– Book burnings in public squares– Churches forbidden to criticize the

government– Children had to join the Hitler Youth

Racial Science and Propaganda

Hitler & the Jews

• Less than 1% of German population

• Nazi’s used them as scapegoats for Germany’s troubles since the war

• Anti-Semitic laws began to be passed in 1933

• November 9, 1938 Kristallnacht – Signaled the real start of

eliminating the Jews

The Holocaust• Anti-Semitic laws began

to be passed in 1933• 1935 – Nuremberg laws

passed– Took away German


The Holocaust• 1935-1942

– Germany starts to invade and occupy Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland (Millions of Jews reside)

– Deportation and resettlement in ghettos

– Work camps starting to be opened• Produce weapons for war, materials, etc• Worked to death

• 1942-1945– “Final Solution”– Auschwitz, Dachau, etc – death

camps• Approx. 6.5 Million Jews killed

– 2 million non-Jews killed

Turning a Blind Eye• Martin Niemoller was a Protestant pastor and head of the anti-

Nazi Confessing Church. Arrested for 'malicious attacks against the state', he spent seven years in the Dachau and Sachsenhausen Released in 1945 by the Allies. He penned the moving and oft quoted poem:

In Germany, they first came for the communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Catholics and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Catholic.

Then they came for me -- and by that time there was nobody left to speak up.

-Martin Niemoller


• What do you think the word “appeasement” means?

• Appeasement – giving into demands to avoid conflict

• Why do you think the idea of appeasement is going to be a crucial factor in WWII starting?

Japan Invades Manchuria• 1931 – Japan invades

Manchuria region of China– For economic benefit

• Clearly strong nation bullying a weaker one

• League of Nations does very little:– Threaten trade boycott

• Not enforced, countries trade with Japan anyway – why?

– Economic depression – nations need trade

Italy Invades Ethiopia

• October 1935 – Mussolini invades Ethiopia with Hitler’s support– Revenge for humiliating

defeat of Italians by Ethiopia in 1896

• League of Nations again does nothing

Hitler Militarizing

• Treaty of Versailles forbids and restricts German armament

• 1935 – Hitler announces German rearmament

• 1936 – German armies move in unopposed into the demilitarized Rhineland

• League of Nations again does nothing

Spanish Civil War• Spanish Civil War breaks out (1936-

1939)– Fascist government vs. republican

government• Germany and Italy help fellow fascist

General Franco• Franco and Spanish Fascists win

control• Franco’s 40 year dictatorship begins• Democracy falls in another European

country• League of Nations again does nothing

Japan Invades China

• 1937 – Japan conducts mass invasion of China (1937)– Second Sino-Japanese

War– “Rape of Nanking” –

Japanese army murders 300,000 unarmed Chinese civilians

• League of Nations again does nothing


• League of Nation’s policy of appeasement, past negligence, and U.S. isolationism all lead to Hitler gaining more power

• Hitler breaks Treaty of Versailles:– Builds up German military– Remilitarization of the Rhineland region

(1936)– Annexes Austria (1938)– “Anschluss movement” (reunification of

Germany and Austria)

• Hitler convinced European leaders each step of expansion would be his last

• League of Nations appeased every demand of his

• Hitler demands annexation of Sudetenland (small bordering region of Czechoslovakia)

• Munich Conference called to discuss (Sept. 1938)– Tense talks lead to appeasement

of Hitler’s demand– English Prime Minister

Chamberlain: “I have returned from Germany with peace in our time.”

– All of Czechoslovakia annexed months later

• Russo-German Nonaggression Pact signed (1939)– Stalin and Hitler promise no military

aggression against each other– This ensures Hitler will not fight a two-front

war like WWI and also allows for an easier invasion of Poland

• Hitler’s motives clear – France & Britain finally takes a stand– Warns Hitler an invasion of Poland would

merit war declaration• Hitler attacks Poland one week later

(Sep 1, 1939)• War declarations ensue – WWII starts

Battle Lines Drawn

Belligerents as of 1940:

Allies: Britain, France, Poland


Axis: Germany, Italy, Japan

Causes of WWII?

• Too much negative aftermath from the Treaty of Versailles

• Hitler’s imperialistic actions

• Failure of Appeasement policy

• Failure of the League of Nations– Not all countries joined the league– League had no power, no army, unable to act


Lightening Strikes• Sept 1939 – Germany defeats

Poland• Months of inactivity – some

suspected a “phony war”– Hitler amasses & consolidates


• April 1940 – Hitler suddenly launches “blitzkrieg” attack– “Lighting warfare” using tanks,

planes, infantry simultaneously – very effective

– Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium all defeated instantly

Lightening Strikes• France invaded and surrenders

by June 1940– Italy joins and invades weakened

France before surrender

• Britain is last of the Allies left standing in Europe

• America shocked – begins immediate military built up

• Hitler begins bombing Britain with planes– All-air “Battle of Britain” ensues– Britain temporarily fights off Germany

• U.S. begins loaning Britain weaponry and supplies– “Lend-Lease Act”

Atlantic Charter• June 1941 – Paranoid Hitler breaks

pact with Russia and attacks Moscow – Russia joins the Allies– FDR sends $1 billion to help Russia– Germany’s quick invasion fails by

December due to harsh winter• August 1941 – “Atlantic Conference”

called as meeting between Winston Churchill, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (and absent Stalin)

• “Atlantic Charter” created to discuss aid to Soviets & layout plans for postwar– Main points similar to Wilson’s 14

Points:• New peace-keeping organization

• U.S. rapidly moving away from isolationism and neutrality

End of U.S. Neutrality• Japan beating China badly in

since 1937– Numerous massacres of

Chinese civilians and sinking of USS Panay angered Americans

• July 1941 – In protest, U.S. puts embargo on Japan who heavily relied on U.S. oil

• Japan’s solution was to attack• American code breakers

suspect possible Japanese activity in the Pacific – Philippines? British Malaysia? Australia?

Pearl Harbor

• December 7, 1941 – Japan launches all-out sneak attack on U.S. naval bases in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

• 3,000 Americans killed, Pacific fleet of U.S. Navy almost entirely wiped out

• America declares war, joins Allied Powers

War in Pacific• Dec 7, 1941 – Japan

launches series of attacks on American and British islands in Pacific:– Guam, Wake Island, the

Philippines, Hong Kong, Dutch East Indies, coastal China, etc

• By March 1942, all islands except the Philippines had fallen to overpowering Japan

• Japan defeats Allies in Battle of the Philippines – 75,000 American and Filipino

POWs subjected to “Bataan Death March”

• Japan seemed unstoppable

Battle of Midway• Code breakers intercept messages of

surprise attack on Midway Island• June 7, 1942 – Battle of Midway• Japan’s surprise attack spoiled,

ambushed by waiting U.S. fleet• U.S. routs Japan:

– 3,000 Japanese killed vs. 300 Americans killed

– 4 Japanese carriers sunk vs. 1 American carrier

– 250 Japanese aircrafts shot down vs. 150 American aircrafts

• Midway was the turning point of war in the Pacific

• Japan’s fleet virtually wiped out

War in Pacific• America’s new plan in Pacific:

“island hopping” AKA “leapfrogging”– Do not attack mainland Japan yet– Attack the weaker islands around

the Pacific one by one– Build airbases on each island– Cut off resources to Japan– Main islands of Japan would then

be bombed into submission

• Progress was being made, but slowly and at great costs

Belligerents as of 1942:

Major Allies: Britain, Russia, United States, France


Major Axis: Germany, Italy, Japan

Turning Point• 1940-1942: German

dominance– Germany occupying most of

Europe– Britain trying to hold off Hitler– Controlling the seas with deadly

u-boat “wolf packs” • 1942: turning point of war in

Europe (and Pacific)– Germany’s “enigma code” broken– Prowling u-boat wolf packs can

now be located• Allies begin to win Battle of the

Atlantic– Supplies can now easily be

shipped to Britain & France

Hitler Halted• Britain bombs Germans

in Cologne, France

• Americans bomb Germany

• Sept 1942 – Battle of Stalingrad– Russians stop German

offensive at Stalingrad, begin successful counteroffensive

Hitler Halted

• Oct 1942 – Battle of El Alamein– German Gen. Erwin Rommel

dominating North Africa• Nicknamed the “Desert Fox”

– Stopped by the British from gaining control of Suez Canal

• Germany stopped in both campaigns– Endures heavy losses,

retreat ensues

The “Soft Underbelly”

• Burdened Soviet Union urges Allies to open second front

• FDR wants to invade through France

• Churchill wants to invade through Northern Africa and Italy– “Soft underbelly”

• “Soft underbelly” approach chosen to lure war away from Britain

The “Soft Underbelly”• Nov 1942 – Gen. Dwight

Eisenhower leads successful campaign in North Africa– Jan 1943 – Casablanca Conference

• FDR & Churchill agree to seek “unconditional surrender” of Germany

• Germans pushed out of Africa by May 1943

• Sept 1943 – Allies invade south Italy– Mussolini overthrown, Italy surrenders– German soldiers keep fighting invading

Allies– Invasion slow and bloody– Allies finally take Rome by June 1944

• Campaign soon becomes just a diversion…

D-Day Invasion• Nov-Dec 1943 – Tehran

Conference– FDR, Churchill, and Stalin meet to

coordinate– Plans of a new invasion of France

made– Gen. Eisenhower chosen to lead the


• June 6, 1944 – D-Day Invasion– Over 150,000 Allied soldiers

successfully invade beaches of Normandy region on French coast

• Largest amphibious assault in history

– Invading Allies spread through France into different campaigns

Effects of D-Day Invasion

• Paris liberated by 1945– Huge morale boost

for Allies

• Germany in full-on retreat– End was nearing for

Hitler and German army

War in Europe• Nazis make one last centralized

push at Ardenne Forest…• Dec 1944 – Battle of the Bulge

– Surprised Americans pushed back• Creating a “bulge” in the battle line

– Largest and bloodiest battle for American Army

– Americans hold on to key city of Bastogne until Allied reinforcements arrive

– Germans eventually defeated, resume retreat

• Both America and Russia converging towards Berlin

Holocaust Discovered

• Holocaust had been just an rumor and thought to be embellished at most

• Retreating Germans accelerate “final solution”

• Advancing Allies shocked as they begin to discover Nazi concentration camps

• German civilians forced to march through camps

Katyn Massacre• Poland, 1943:• Katyn Massacre discovered by Nazis

– 22,000 Poles secretly executed in 1940– Soviets blamed Nazis, Nazis blamed Soviets– Evidence surfaces it was Stalin’s orders– Helps cause tension between Allies and Russia

Germany Surrenders

• April 1945 – Russia reaches Germany– Hitler kills himself

• May 8, 1945 – Germany officials surrender– V-E Day (Victory in


War in the Pacific• By 1945, U.S.

weakening Japan:– U.S. subs destroying

Japanese merchant ships

– U.S. bombers devastating Japanese cities with firebomb campaigns

• Mar 1945 – Two day fire-bomb raid on Tokyo

– 1/4 of city demolished and 80,000 deal

War in the Pacific

• Series of costly, hard-fought, U.S. victories:

• Mar 1945 – Battle of Leyte Gulf– Gen. MacArthur recaptures the


• Mar 1945 – Battle of Iwo Jima– U.S. takes small, but strategic


• June 1945 – Battle of Okinawa– Last island before Japanese

mainland– American victory

• But with 50,000 American casualties

The Atomic Bomb• Japan refusing to surrender

– Seen as dishonorable to give up – “Kamikaze” suicide missions increase– Must protect their godlike emperor

• U.S. leaders know invasion of Japan would be grueling and deadly

• Manhattan Project – Since 1940, U.S. secretly began developing world’s first atomic bomb– Mostly worked on by ex-German scientists– 1945 – Tested in New Mexico and ready

for use

• July 1945 – Potsdam Conference– American, British and Russian officials

meet to give Japan final ultimatum: “Surrender or be destroyed”

Japan Surrenders• Japan refuses to surrender,

continue hostility• American aircrafts drop leaflets

warning of atomic bomb, urging evacuation of targeted cities

• Aug 6, 1945 – Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima– 70,000 die instantly, 200,000 casualties

overall• Aug 8, 1945 – Russia declares war

on Japan– Invades Manchuria

• Japan still refuses to answer Potsdam Declaration,

• Aug 9, 1945 – Second bomb dropped on Nagasaki– 80,000 killed

War Ends• Aug 19, 1945 – Japan

officially surrenders – WWII ends– V-J Day

Postwar Settlements• Japan devastated

– Ready to return to democracy

• Europe– Reconstruction– Bitterness from conflicts– “Denazification” of Germany

• Nuremberg trials – Nazi officials tried for war crimes

– Yalta Conference (1945)• Occupation zones established• Germany divided• Paved way for Cold War…

• United Nations established

Wrapping Up WWII

• War stops German, Italian, Japanese aggression

• Unprecedented millions killed in war

• Losses:– Germany: 4.2 million – Allies: 1.5 million– USSR: 25 million– Yugoslavia had highest per capita

deaths: 1 in 10– Asian population drops by 55

