final report in bioethics


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  • 8/7/2019 final report in bioethics



  • 8/7/2019 final report in bioethics


    What is paternalism?What is paternalism?

    -- it comes from the latin word paterit comes from the latin word pater


    father or paternus meansfather or paternus meansfatherlyfatherly

    -- a paternalistic act is believed anda paternalistic act is believed and

    intended to protect or advance theintended to protect or advance theinterest of its recipient, although suchinterest of its recipient, although such

    an act may go against the latter wherean act may go against the latter where

    ones own immediate desires or mayones own immediate desires or may

    limit his freedom of choice.limit his freedom of choice.

  • 8/7/2019 final report in bioethics


    Types of paternalismTypes of paternalism

    Pure or ImpurePure or Impure

    Restricted or ExtendedRestricted or Extended

    Positive or negativePositive or negative

    Soft or hardSoft or hardDirect or IndirectDirect or Indirect

  • 8/7/2019 final report in bioethics


    Pure or ImpurePure or Impure

    Pure paternalismPure paternalism

    -- it justifies intervention to ait justifies intervention to a

    persons life for the sole welfare ofpersons life for the sole welfare ofthat person.that person.

    Impure paternalismImpure paternalism

    --justifies interference with anotherjustifies interference with anotherperson not only for that personsperson not only for that personswelfare of another.welfare of another.

  • 8/7/2019 final report in bioethics


    Restricted or ExtendedRestricted or Extended

    Restricted paternalismRestricted paternalism

    -- it supports intervention whichit supports intervention which

    overrides an individuals actionoverrides an individuals actionbecause of some defect or weaknessbecause of some defect or weaknessin that that individual.

    Extended paternalismExtended paternalism

    --is one in which an individual isis one in which an individual is

    restrained from doing somethingrestrained from doing somethingbecause it is too risky or dangerous.because it is too risky or dangerous.

  • 8/7/2019 final report in bioethics


    Positive or NegativePositive or Negative

    Positive paternalismPositive paternalism

    -- it pertains to a situation whereit pertains to a situation where

    the other individual is forced intothe other individual is forced intosomething for his/ her own good.something for his/ her own good.

    Negative paternalismNegative paternalism

    --the contrary of positive.

  • 8/7/2019 final report in bioethics


    Soft or HardSoft or Hard


    Soft paternalismSoft paternalism

    -- the patients values are used to

    justify the intervention with hispossible action or decisionor decision

    Hard paternalismHard paternalism

    -the patients values are not the

    ones used to justify a paternalistic act

  • 8/7/2019 final report in bioethics


    Direct or IndirectDirect or Indirect

    Direct paternalismDirect paternalism

    -- in the case of the former, the individualin the case of the former, the individualshould received the suppose d benefit isshould received the suppose d benefit isthe one whose values are overridden orthe one whose values are overridden ordisregard for his own good.disregard for his own good.

    Indirect paternalismIndirect paternalism

    -a particular individual will be benefit , if

    one person is restrained from doingsomething.

  • 8/7/2019 final report in bioethics


    In the medical context:In the medical context:

    Personal paternalismPersonal paternalism

    State PaternalismState Paternalism

  • 8/7/2019 final report in bioethics


    Personal paternalismPersonal paternalism

    -- is one in which an individualis one in which an individual

    decides on the basis of onesdecides on the basis of ones

    best knowledge of what isbest knowledge of what is

    good for another a person.good for another a person.

  • 8/7/2019 final report in bioethics


    Justifications forJustifications for

    Personal paternalismPersonal paternalism

    the recipient of the paternalistic act isthe recipient of the paternalistic act issick and consults the physiciansick and consults the physicianseeking medical expertise.seeking medical expertise.

    the recipient of the paternalistic actthe recipient of the paternalistic acthas some incapacity which preventshas some incapacity which preventshim/her making the decision.him/her making the decision.

    to the best of ones knowledge andto the best of ones knowledge andtraining; there is ones probability oftraining; there is ones probability ofharm unless a paternal decision isharm unless a paternal decision ismade.made.

  • 8/7/2019 final report in bioethics


    Justifications forJustifications for

    Personal paternalismPersonal paternalism

    the probable benefit of paternalthe probable benefit of paternalintervention outweighs the probableintervention outweighs the probable

    risk of harm from nonrisk of harm from non--

    interferenceinterference the physician has an obligation to actthe physician has an obligation to act

    in the best interest of the patientin the best interest of the patient

    the patient upon consulting thethe patient upon consulting thephysician , voluntary transfers part ofphysician , voluntary transfers part ofhis/ her autonomy to the latter basedhis/ her autonomy to the latter basedon faith in the physician.on faith in the physician.

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    state paternalismstate paternalism

    -- refers to the control exertedrefers to the control exerted

    by the legislature , an agencyby the legislature , an agency

    or other governmental bodiesor other governmental bodies

    over particular kinds ofover particular kinds ofpractices and procedures inpractices and procedures in


  • 8/7/2019 final report in bioethics


    Justifications forJustifications for

    state paternalismstate paternalism

    to improve the good quality ofto improve the good quality of

    medical educationmedical education to upgrade a high standard ofto upgrade a high standard of

    medical caremedical care

    To control drug addiction , or otherTo control drug addiction , or otherdrug abuses, or the spread of AIDSdrug abuses, or the spread of AIDSand other sex related diseases.and other sex related diseases.

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    Truth TellingTruth Telling

    -- Does a patient have the rightDoes a patient have the right

    to know the truth about him/to know the truth about him/


    -- Does a physician have theDoes a physician have the

    obligation to tell the truth?obligation to tell the truth?

  • 8/7/2019 final report in bioethics


    Truth TellingTruth Telling

    Person CenteredPerson Centered

    --considers the patient as a personconsiders the patient as a person

    with a problem, but not as problemwith a problem, but not as problemhimself/herself.himself/herself.

    Problem CenteredProblem Centered--considers the patients problem,considers the patients problem,

    illness, or condition.illness, or condition.

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    -- it refers to medical or professionalit refers to medical or professional

    secrecy in which certain information issecrecy in which certain information iscommittal to a physician in an officialcommittal to a physician in an official

    capacity for the sake of medicalcapacity for the sake of medical


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    Under the moral principles ofUnder the moral principles of

    situationism , one should consider thesituationism , one should consider the

    circumstances prevailing in a particularcircumstances prevailing in a particularsituation . Whatever the circumstancessituation . Whatever the circumstances

    are, however one should make onesare, however one should make ones

    decision in the name ofdecision in the name ofagapeic love oragapeic love or

    concern for the welfare of the patient.concern for the welfare of the patient.

    Would it do the patient more goodWould it do the patient more good

    than harm?Then the expediency of thethan harm?Then the expediency of the

    given situation should be ones guidegiven situation should be ones guide

  • 8/7/2019 final report in bioethics


    Moral question:Moral question:

    If a young man contemplating marriage hasIf a young man contemplating marriage hasAIDS, the treating physician must dissuadeAIDS, the treating physician must dissuade

    him from marriage and encourage him tohim from marriage and encourage him toinform the fiance about his condition.inform the fiance about his condition.Suppose, however that the young manSuppose, however that the young manrefuses and intends to marry her in hisrefuses and intends to marry her in hispresent condition. Is it morally legitimate forpresent condition. Is it morally legitimate forthe physician to violate the confidencethe physician to violate the confidenceentrusted to him by the young man withentrusted to him by the young man with

    AIDS, so that he can warn the woman aboutAIDS, so that he can warn the woman aboutthe impending danger that their marriage willthe impending danger that their marriage will

    bring about? Justify your answer.bring about? Justify your answer.

  • 8/7/2019 final report in bioethics



    Prepared by:

    BSN II-3 GROUP 6

    Maria Karmela Louise T. Vinco Carmela Marie Nazario

    Harlene Casao

    Dorris De Sagun

    Jose Christopher Suiagan
