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UNA NOCHE CON SANINT NAME: Una Noche con Sanint PREMISE: A joyful night of games and laughs with friends from your own living room. GENRE: Talk Show Comedy DURATION: 1 hour, 1 chapter per week 15 chapter per season HOSTS:Antonio Sanint AUDIENCE:18 to 40Women and MenSocioeconomic stratus: 3, 4 and 5 Geographical location: Principal cities of Colombia. TIME AND CHANNEL OF EMITION:Saturday FROM 9:00 TO 10:00 p.m. RCN CENTRAL IDEA OR/AND STORYLINE: Antonio Sanint is a fun guy who hosts a party every Saturday night in his apartment with his friends. Through the night they play games, listen to music, dance and talk. To enjoy a good party from your living room, Sanint brings the fun with a show that combines interviews, comedy, music and games inviting the youth to participate of this party on their T.Vs and social networks. GENERAL OBJECTIVE: To entertain young audiences, who have left the national television, with a program that makes them feel the fun of a Saturday night. SPECIFFIC OBJECTIVES: - To generate laughs talking about the trending news, topics and personalities of the moment. - To make the audience feel confident with the famous personalities that assist to the show. - To differentiate the show throughout the integration of music in some segments. - To integrate the public on the studio and the audience at home with social networking and special segments partially made by the audience.- To generate expectative in the audience creating a dynamic and different show every week.

DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROJECT Una noche con Sanint is a pre-recorded late night talk show that involucrates sketch comedy and variety shows concepts. Every show, conducted by a host, will have a special guest. According to him or her there will be activities develop through segments, that also include the public and audience. These activities are related with music, comedy, games or acting, depending on the profile of the guest. If the guest has some special talent or skill, it can be showed in the program. Structure: Set segments 1.Opening: The host welcomes the public and the audience to the program, and performs a small monologue where he brings up the latest news or relevant events mocking them and also making fun of his personal experiences. 2.The interview: Every show there is a new national or international guest, who can come from the political, entertainment or sportive environment. During the talk is presented the guest and what are his projects of the moment. Also is important that the host talks with the guest about his daily life and funny experiences he has had. Random segments 3.Games: This section objective is to show the guest in a different environment, which brings him, closer to the audience through the playing of a fun and typical game of a night with friends. From the next list of games, depending on the guest, it will be chosen one. But if the guest has new viable option it can be done. The host will explain the game before the section is shown. a.Lip Sync b.Mimics c.Typical Colombian youth games d.Beer pong e.Truth or Dare 4.Outside sections: This section will be composed by short videos recorded in different locations. This segment searches the idea of bringing comedy and the famous guests to the daily life of the audience. a.Undercover as common people b.In the ear of! c.Pranking the guest 5.Musical or Comedy sketches: This section is based on the creation of a small comedy sketch (scene) or a song with the participation of the guest and in some cases the musical. 6.Social network segments: To integrate the audience through social networking this section will be divide in two parts. The first one is asking the audience to send videos of a specific topic or activity during the week. The other one is what the audience wants the host to do in the next show. People have to send videos doing those things.All of these will be based on making something comic. ARGUING FOR ECONOMICAL POINT OF VIEW As the project will be made for the national private television in Colombia, there is a big necessity to analyze how this industry works, compare it with different mediums and answer why this specific channel of exhibition has been chosen for the present project. The next analysis is based on the indicators made by Autoridad Nacional de Television en Colombia in their Informe del Sector de la Television en Colombia 2013, which reveal the general behaviors of the television sector in the year of 2013. Also will be include results of the Estudio General de Medios (EGM), made by the Asociacin Colombiana de Investigacin en Medios (AMIC) and offered by Germn Arango in his presentations Media Issues in Colombia and Television Economics First, theres a need to demonstrate why the television sector is a good choice and better than the radio or the motion picture in this particular case.For that the next graphic, made by DANE, shows most of the people in Colombia have a T.V. (91%), also is presented according to the geographical region. Graphic N 1 - Percentage of households per region who have a T.V This proves that most of the people in Colombian have access to a T.V and in that way to the open free television system. For the present project, this is relevant because it demonstrates that with a T.V program, in the national broadcasting system, there is a real possibility to reach almost all of the audience in country. For 2011, in accordance to AMIC, the television industry still is the first medium in Colombia, with the highest numbers of penetration in all the socio-economical classes. (EGM/ACM, 2011) Taking account of the social stratum to which this project is directed, the next graphic validates the possibility to reach them through television. From the stratum Medio Bajo up to the Medio Alto the preference of media is the television with a more than 90% of the audience. Graphic N2 Media Audience by Socio-Economical Level - 2011 Is important to recall that the audience consumption of different mediums shown in the last graphic has changed through the years. Nevertheless, pursuant to the next graphic, one of the media industries that has remained stable is the television, and also, more specifically the national television. (EGM/ACM, 2013) On the other hand, there has been an increase in the consumption of international television and Internet, which is important to keep in mind at the moment of developing the project and selling it. Graphic N 3 - Media audiences evolution, consumption rates Since the project will be focus mostly on the open (free) television model, is significant to look further into it. For Colombia, this system is defined as intended to be received by the general public using radioelectric spectrum in the frequency bands allocated to the television, in a broadcasted way.1 (ANTV, 2013, page 15) But it has different modalities depending on the corporate purpose of the service operator (private or public) and the coverage area.In the case of the private open television the following are channels that belong to this division, and one of them will be used to distribute the present media project.

1 Original definition: Es aquella destinada a ser recibida por el pblico en general haciendo uso del espectro radioelctrico, en las bandas de frecuencias atribuidas al servicio de televisin, de manera radiodifundida (ANTV, 2013, page 15) " Original definition: Es aquella destinada a ser recibida por personas que cuenten con un vnculo directo con el prestador del servicio, bien sea como suscriptor (por suscripcin) o a nivel de Graphic N 3 Operators of the Open Television (Private) Fuente: AutoridadNacional de Television For this division of the Colombian television theres a high dependence on the advertising sales, because it is the principal method of getting revenues. For 2013, this income produced more than $1.2 billion pesos, and the next highest revenue came from the sales of productions into the international market ($42 thousand million pesos). (ANTV, 2013, page 20) Graphic N 4 Percentage of participation in the operative incomes on the Open TV Despite the big dependence on advertising, the Colombian television is the industry that gets more investment in publicity spots, if you compared it with other mediums like radio or print. Graphic N 5 Advertising Sales in Some Media Outlets. Even though the Open Free television presents a stable economy, a leadership between other media activities and a big investment from the advertising agencies, there is big competitor threating the preferences of the audiences, specially the young ones. This refers to the Closed (Paid) Television system. The closed television system in Colombia is defined as the one intended to be received by people who have a direct link with the service provider, either as subscriber (subscription) or associate level (shared). This TV mode basically used two means of transmission, wired networks and direct satellite access (DTH).2 From to 2008 to 2013 the subscription television system has increased more than 50%, equivalent to a net increase of more than two million subscribers. (ANTV, 2013, page 27) Graphic N 6 - Total television subscribers Source: ANTV 2013 Graphic N 7 - Total subscribers Source: ANTV 2013

" Original definition: Es aquella destinada a ser recibida por personas que cuenten con un vnculo directo con el prestador del servicio, bien sea como suscriptor (por suscripcin) o a nivel de asociado (comunitaria). Esta modalidad de televisin utiliza bsicamente dos medios de transmisin, las redes cableadas y el acceso satelital directo (DTH). This is a problem for the open television because as the Pay T.V grows rapidly, especially the young audience is migrating to this model and leaving the national private channels, which are the ones where we are exhibiting the present project. Graphic N 8 Satellite and Cable T.V. vs. Free T.V. rating share As the graphic above shows, the Pay T.V service is a big competitor of audiences for the Free Television, and it will continue to grow because of the recent increase of interest in the international content. Continuing with the examination of the implications that the Paid T.V. brings to the media market of the Open Television System in Colombia, and how this affect the present project, it will be analyze the market for the show, taking into account the characteristics of the audience and how the marketplace works for them. For this, was taken as a reference the article Juvenile Television Audiences in Colombia: Fragmentation Generated by Multichannel Consumption, made by Germn Arango Forero and Manuel Ignacio Gonzlez Bernal for the academic magazine Palabra Clave, in 2009. In that article is presented an investigation financed by the National Television Board, used to build the programming for a channel called Channel Zoom, as the National University Channel (Arango and Gonzalez, 2008, page 215). The research looks for the tendencies of the youth audiences in Colombia (college students and high school juniors) in their habits of consumption and their preferences of content in television. This works for the present article because the principal targets of this project are young-adults. The first topic to talk about the market is the globalization and the over supply of content. Is inevitable to affirm that there has been a unification and standardization of the supply in formats and contents (Arango and Gonzalez, 2008, page 218) because of the big developments in technology and the expansion and growth of international conglomerates. Nevertheless, at the same time these standard contents have been adapted to the national markets, applying new local characteristics to the product or service. This trend is called glocalization. Is essential to be aware of this phenomenon, because in a market where the audience tends to emigrate to the international contents, making and adaption of one of this successful productions and putting in them local aggregations, can result in big hit. An other tendency to talk about, before its analyze deeply the television market and consumption, is the interactivity. Thanks to the technological developments, the consumers passive activity has changed and now there is a new relationship between the transmitter and the receptor. This relationship is based on the concept of prosumers, which is a result of the combination between the word producer and the word consumer. This implicates that theres a new audience who participates actively in the creation or modification of the content and who needs new ways of reaching and engaging them (Arango and Gonzalez, 2008, page 218). For the purpose of the current project, it will be developed to this new type of consumers taking advantage of the Internet and technological features, so the spectators will participate on the production of the content, searching an engage of the young audiences who are online. Concentrating more on the research results it can be analyzed different aspects of the media market. The composition of the participants was of all social classes but above all from the strata 3 and 4 and 80% percent of the consulted had some kind of T.V. paid subscription, as is shown in the next graphics.

Graphic N 9 Graphic N10 Socio-economical composition Penetration of the Paid T.V serviceof the participants in households Source: Arango and Gonzalez, 2008, page 222 Source: Arango and Gonzalez, 2008, page 222 The graphic N 10, shows the important competition that the Open-Free television have and the variety of supply that the audience have when they choose which channel or program to watch. Now, in the next graphics are presented the habits of consumption of the audience in the quantity of hours they watch per day and it what moment of the day. Also the investigation deepens into the change of habits when people watch during the week and in the weekends. Graphic N 11Graphic N12 Hours of consumption of T.V Hours of consumption of T.V on theduring the weekweekend

Source: Arango and Gonzalez, 2008, page 223 Source: Arango and Gonzalez, 2008, page 223 The last to graphics (N11 and N12) determine that the level of consumption of T.V. increases on the weekend, where 60.9% watch more than 3 hours of television. And according to the article of Arango and Gonzalez (2008) the afternoon and the night are the moments where the young audiences watch more television during the weekend (65,2% and 59,9%, respectively). Applying this data to the project, that it will be broadcasted on Saturday late nights, it can prove that a majority of the target audience will be tuned and can possibly reach the program. Even though this first graphics show benefits for the present show, there is other information that shows some difficulty for the program in the channel of emission that has been chosen. In the next graphics, is exposed the tendency of the young audiences to watch more international television on weekends than national television. 17,5% of the respondents watch three or hours of national television on the weekends, while 21,6% watch three or hours of international television on the weekends. This migration has different reasons told by the respondents, such as the oversaturation with the genre of reality, the repetition of movies and the lack of variety in the programming. Moreover, they emphasize the need to create more content for young audiences (Arango and Gonzalez, 2008, page 230). Graphic N 13 Graphic N14 Daily hours in weekendsDaily hours in weekends of National T.Vof InternationalT.V.Source: Arango and Gonzalez, 2008, page 223 Source: Arango and Gonzalez, 2008, page 223 All this data presented, allow this project to find their way in to making a solution for the request that the audiences present. As the show is designed for younger audiences, in the late nights of the weekend and have different storytelling of the realities or the novelas, is very likely that this people find in the program something that the market has not given them before. The next results that can contribute to this article are related to the content preferences of the audience. In the investigation of Arango and Gonzalez (2008) is found that for the youth the entertainment is the most important type of content with a 59%, also that movies and music videos are the preferred products, the humor is not far from them and the realities and novelas are the least admired. Having the storyline concept of the show in mind, it can be said that this product is aiming to the right kind of audience if it involucrate the music and the humor in a right way, which are one of the main topics of preference of the audience. In the graphic N 15 is presented just some of the results on the investigation in content preferences, the ones related to the interest of this production. Graphic N15 Appreciation of programs Source: Arango and Gonzalez, 2008, page 224 The following information is about the preferences of channels in television, open and closed. The result shows that Colombian private channels RCN and Caracol keep being the favorite, but only until the fourteen positions there is another national channel. Most of the channels pick by the interviewers are international and have a thematic of entertainment. (Arango and Gonzalez, 2008, page 230). This reflects the previous analysis of the growth of the Paid T.V. system and the migration of consumers. This presents a big challenge for the national industry, especially for the private channels, to create new content and get back the young audiences.Graphic N16 Favorite channels Source: Arango and Gonzalez, 2008, page 225 Graphic N 17 - Preference of channel according to the geographical coverage area. Evoking the dual product market: Una noche con Sanint, is project made for television broadcasting, and also for Internet as a way of promotion. In that way it can be affirm that the project presents a service to the audience not a product. Taking into account the dual product market that the media presents, it can be exploited many characteristics of the content. One of them is the unlimited exhibition, and it refers to the possibility of creating a single content that can be enjoyed by many people at the same time (Arango, 2015). This massive consumption allows the content to expand its implications. Using other mediums like the Internet, the consumption can grow more and even one person can enjoy the content more than just one time. In that way the revenues also go higher and the quantity of audience does it to. Another point of the dual product market is the way the content can be sell in different ways to the consumers, either through direct sales, advertising or freemium. Later it will be taken and explained in depth this concepts and how they apply to the project. As for the wants and needs of the project, before it was demonstrated the biggest interests of the young audience in the television content. So in that way, the project presented here will satisfy the search of the audience for an entertainment show, that is not a reality, and that combine two of their favorite things: music and humor.This program wants to make a fun night for younger audiences, sometimes forgotten on the open television system, with a content o quality, that have an international format adapted to the local ideas, traditions and characteristics that can get the audience feel related to it. The spectators will have the option to access the program via two platforms. The main one is the television, and the other is the Internet, more specifically YouTube. It is impossible to deny that most of the young audiences are leaving the T.Vs and going to watch content online, that is why the mechanism of reaching the people will be through the uploading of some segments in a YouTube channel created for the show. Yet, the full content will be broadcast in the open television and the audience can have the first contact point there or can come from Internet to it.

Business model Our business model is going to be indirect sales to the consumer, so what we want to do is to acquire revenue through advertising. Then the idea is to have the support of one of the most important national channels in Colombia, which is RCN. Through this channel we are looking for the full financing of production, but without selling the whole idea. Therefore, we as creators of the project want to continue participating in this. Due to the format of the program, advertising can be exposed to the audience in different ways. Sponsorship: The logos of the sponsors will appear at the end of the program. The presenter during the course of the program mentions the marks that sponsor program. Adds:The idea is to have a channel on YouTube, where the most important segments will be uploaded. Then as the channel gain followers; companies see an opportunity to promote themselves. Product placement: The program segments will be the key point for this type of advertising because we are going to make join ventures with interested companies and in this case will be the guest who includes the marks on the program. We chose advertising as the main form revenue because in this type of programs there are many ways to include the advertising. Then is more viable than sell just the idea. Also we as a creators want to participate. Graphic N 18 Percentage of participation in the operative incomes on the Open TV Source: ANTV 2013 In this table we can see that the competition of television in Colombia is mainly measured by advertising that is tied to the rating and clearly see that most of the proceeds from these national private television channels came from advertising. RCN 3.We chose RCN because according to the rating, the Saturday nights are lead by Caracol Channel, then we have a market opportunity and also we can generate competition with an innovative idea that covers a significant range of audience. Graphic N 19 Rating Colombia Saturday 25 April Source: Graphic N 20 Rating Colombia Saturday 18 April Source: Graphic N 21 Rating Colombia Saturday 16 May 2015 Source: YOUTUBE CHANNEL Apart from the benefit that provides us with advertising, this channel will help us attract the attention of younger audiences, making them return to watch national television, since with our product we aim directly to this niche. Media Value Chain Our project uses a horizontal integration because the only thing that we as creators have clear and manage is the content and storytelling. Then in this part of the production we want to be partner with the RCN who also take charge of the exhibition, and in terms of the distribution will be available for open television that it is a free a channel for all Colombians. But also RCN has agreements with companies of cable. Therefore the distribution is going to be in charge of this companies that will provide the content for close television also. We think this is a good way to provide to audience the product because like this we cover almost all the territory. Graphic N 22 Expansion Plan OfTDT Private channels Graphic N 23 - Total television subscribersSource: ANTV 2013 Expanding the national coverage in private channels and television subscribers shows that RCN is a good choice for a partnership because they know how to handle the two ways in which TV is distributed in Colombia. Distribution of the media market. Colombians do have preferences and they vary between the open free television and the close paid television. However the two most viewed channels in the country are RCN and Caracol, the two only national private channels. Graphic N 24 Channel Preferences Source: EGM 2013 III en Yahoo Colombia Celebridades. Knowing the program will be broadcasted in the commercial open free television, firstly, the market structure where we are working in is an duopolistic one; only two firms are sharing the market. In the open free Colombian television there are two private national channels: RCN and Caracol. Una noche con Sanint will be broadcasted in RCN. In this case, being in a duopoly it will be better for us (the sellers) because there are few substitutes for the product, however, the cannel competitor will react with other projects trying to get the audience back. Although the duopolistic market structure is characterized for having high barriers to entry, our project will not have this problem. We are not creating a competitor for these two big channels, trying to get inside of the broadcasting schedule is one of our strategies. The Colombian private channels mainly have a vertical integration, they create and distribute the content, but they need the exhibition channels (television). If we take the advantage of the integration we would also have a vertical integration. However we are developing a single project, then, we are in a horizontal integration: we are the content developers and content packaging, as well as developing the marketing strategy, but we need the players to make the roles of distribution and exhibition. -The supply and demand curve Our project is sold by indirect sells; it is based on audience measurement because of the advertising dependency. Depending on the demand (audience rating) the selling of spaces or gaps for adverts will be lower or higher (the lower the demand the lower the price / the higher de demand the higher the price). Cross elasticity of demand Internet is having a huge penetration in the Colombian market. From 2012 to 2013 the amount of subscribers increased with about 2 million people, day by day this platform enters into the Colombian homes in a stronger way, what makes of it a platform to take the advantage of. Graphic N 25 - Total Number of subscribers and penetration percentage of fixed and mobile Internet Source: MinTic Boletn trimestral de las TIC (Aos 2011-2013) Although the project is focused on the television, as content developers we want to make a more elastic supply through the using of different platforms. Trying to reach those audiences that prefer to consume the content in Internet, the creation of a YouTube channel, where there will be part of the content showed in TV. is an indispensable way of getting specific audiences. Along the program the social networking is an aspect that can not be forgotten, interactivity plays an important role with the audience, apart of keeping people linked to the program, social networking will attack audience to the given program. Continuing with the using of different platforms it is important to talk about the long tail curve in the project. (Medios, TV colombiana: preferencias nacionales, 2013)Being a television program, the project will be focused on the head of the long tail, where popularity is. Taking the advantage of the audience RCN has reached along its process of growing, we want to get the most common and traditional audience with generic content, the late night talk show. However, specific targets are also important to have a wider point of impact, that is why from the content created for television will be chosen special features to share through internet (YouTube). How globalized the market is? Who leads the market? OurProjectwillbefocusedonthenationalmediamarket.TheColombianTV duopoly would be our market of operation. The open (free) TV market is divided on three primary windows: National, Regional and Local channels and, is lead by the two Colombian Commercial Private Channels: Caracol and RCN: Source: ANTV 2013 In this order of ideas, the two Colombian private channels dispute the leadership of the national market, thats why is a duopoly. Now, our product is directed to young audiencesandisbasedonhumorandentertainmentsegments.Ourdirect competitionisSbadosFelices,broadcastedat8:00pmeverySaturday.Each week, on Saturday, Caracol with Sbados Felices, gets the most rating points. Graphic N 26 - Rating ColombiaSbado 16 de Mayo de 2015 Source: But, RCN with the biographic novel Diomedez and Sala de Urgencias, form Monday to Tuesday, is the leading media rating point content. Graphic N 27 - Rating Colombia Viernes 15 de Mayo de 2015 Source: RCN is de leader on the TV commercial free Market on weeks, and Caracol is the leaderonweekends.Bothproducecontentforfamilies,butCaracolsSbados Felices is more directed to the most popular audiences who watch national TV: 2 to 5socialstatus.Now,RCNdoesnthaverightnowaTVentertainmentshow directed specifically to the major type of audience on the country. We are going to compete towards the traditional humor of Sbados Felices with a new fresh type of entertainment to attract the Colombian audience. Regulation, Promotion, Restrictions. Time of commercials. Graphic N 28 - RCN Saturday Schedule Source: Source: On Saturdays, RCN broadcast Quien quiere ser millonario at 8:00pm and Caracol broadcasts Sbados Felices at 8:00pm (normally). We are going to transmit at the 9:00pm on Saturdays for RCN. According to governmental regulations. The commercial open (free) TV model has specific rules that the product must comply: "Por la cual se reglamenta el servicio de televisin y se formulan polticas para su desarrollo, se democratiza el acceso a ste, se conforma la comisin nacional de televisin,sepromuevenlaindustriayactividadesdetelevisin,seestablecen normas para contratacin de los servicios, se reestructuran entidades del sector y sedictanotrasdisposicionesenmateriadetelecomunicaciones".(Law182of 1995) This public service is related to the popular opinion and the cultural formation, as a dynamicinstrumentoftheinformationprocessesandaudiovisualcommunication of Colombia. UnanocheconSanintpromotestheculturalopinionoftheColombianaudiences byaspecificspacethatisbasedonhumoristicsectionsofprevalentpeopleand situations important in a popular level through the week. As for regulation sections, the product placement and sponsorship in the program will show the correct products through the prime time AAA space. Beer nor Sexual contentwillbeshownduringtheshow,butotherbrandswillbepresentedand publicity will be implicit. Also, there will be 12 minutes of commercial sports for the hour-long time of the show. Advantages and Disadvantages: CriteriaClassification Transmission TechnologyRadio distribution Cabled Satellite Service UsersOpen Closed Programming OrientationCommercial Public and cultural affairs Covering LevelAccording to country of origin and the signal receptor: International Colombia Level of territorial covering: National public operation National private operation Regional Local Non-profit Source: ANTV Repblica de Colombia TheColombianTVbroadcastingsystemhasthreetypesoftransmission technology, Radio distribution, Cabled and Satellite. However, the most technology usedisthroughradiowaves,fortheCommercialFreeTVmodeltocover.Our product is going to be distributed though national commercial television, for the all-typeofaudiencesaroundthenation.Now,totakeadvantageoftechnology(asit wassaidbefore),YouTubewouldbethemosteffectivewebsitetodistribute segments of the show in order to distribute the show online. Analyzing Audiences: Graphic N 28- Media Inversions 2010 - 2013 Source: ANTV 2013 TheNationalmarketstatesthattheTVisthemostwatchedplatformforthe ColombianMediaMarket.Mostofthepeoplestillwatchtelevisionandthedigital mediaisstillgrowing.Now,UnaNocheconSanintwillbeexhibitedontheprime timewhentheColombianfamiliesarewatchingTVathome,butalsowillbe orientingnewaudiencesasyoungpeopletowatchtheshowbecauseofthe popular content that is presented. But, this show will distribute the type of sections that the program is about in order to interfere on the consumers time consumption throughsocialnetworkandvideoondemand.Still,theshowisdirectedtothe nationalmarket,however,theformatcanbesoldtowardsotherLatinAmerican countries and the show can be exhibited on Netflix for more consumers. Marketing: To promote the content, it's going to be developed a strategy through the social media, the television and billboards around the city. For the billboards, it will be used the image of the presenter in the set and the logo of the program. This kind of publicity it's going to be placed around the country principal cities. In the social media and the television is going to be created a campaign that will begin one month before the premiere of the show. Here we want to include the audience on the streets, making some videos where we want to see the reactions of the people. This segments will be similar to the section of the program called "Undercover as common people" and it will be exhibited through commercial spots in the channel of emission of the program (RCN). The first two weeks the videos won't have the name of the program in any part of it to create intrigue in the audience. The next week the videos will have the name of the program and the date of release at the end of the spot. And the week before the premiere, there will be videos showing the name and previews of what the show is about. Through social media, the videos explained before will also be place on a YouTube channel and in the channel (RCN) web page. Also it will be created a Facebook, Twitter and Instagrahm account to promote the premiere of the show and continue to advertise the next episodes, with pictures of the guest, the games and the hosts. Bibliography: ANTV. (2013) Infome del sector de la television en Colombiaa. 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