Final Major Project Proposal Form


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ALYX ENTWISTLE Salford City College Eccles Sixth Form Centre BTEC Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production Unit 4: Final Major Project Proposal Form

Media Format (film, documentary, motion graphics, photography, animation, graphic design etc)

Print based project, more specifically a football magazine. I have chosen to do a football magazine as I have a massive interest in football and ideally would see myself having a career which involves writing about football.

Synopsis of Idea (content, narrative, genre)

Will contain a front cover, a contents page and a double page feature. The feature will be named ‘The Greatest Managers Ever’

Target Audience? (demographic NOT age range)

Aimed at males: late teens and young adults

Target Audience Needs?

Less focused on posters and puzzles and more on serious football discussions

How will your project meet the needs of your target audience? (Make reference to content you think will appeal to your target audience)

It’ll be a mature look at football. It won’t be like the ‘Match’ magazine as that is aimed for males aimed between the age of 8 to 14 or so.

What production techniques will you use to realise your project?

The look of the magazine will also be a more adult layout, with a sophisticated colour scheme and font.
