Final Lab Project


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8/11/2019 Final Lab Project 1/2

Eduardo Tenorio

Final Lab Project.

Carthaginians Sacrificed own Children, Archaeologist say.


1. Burying to !ut in the ground and co"er with earth.

#. $is%issed to direct &an asse%bly of !ersons' to dis!erse or go.

(. )"erwhel%ing so great as to render resistance or o!!osition useless.*. Fulfilling to carry out, or bring to reali+ation, as a !ro!hecy or !ro%ise.

. Burial the act or cere%ony of burying.

-. Accounts an e!lanatory state%ent of conduct, as to a su!erior.

/. 0e%ains iscellaneous, frag%entary, or other writings still un!ublished at the ti%eof an author2s death.

3. Stillbirth the birth of a dead child or organis%.

4. Perha!s %aybe5 !ossibly6 Perha!s the !ac7age will arri"e today.

18. 9a!ing !it : ;ole where children were sacrificed.


<hesis6 Carthaginians did 7ill their own infant children to gi"e than7s for fa"ours

fro% the gods.

A. Carthaginians 7ill children li7e sacrificed.

1. Burying children with sacrificed ani%als and ritual ascri!tions.

#. Children were !utted in s!ecial ce%etery.(. Peo!le just did not want to belie"e it.

*. All e"idences are o"erwhel%ing.a. Archaeology : urns with children bones and ani%al=s bones. b. >!igra!hic : Pictures with !riest carrying children.

c. Literary : Scri!tures.

B. Children sacrificed were not a co%%on e"ent.

1. ?t %ust ha"e been a%ong elite.

#. <he cre%ation was "ery e!ensi"e.

C. <hey showed tender res!ect for cherished children who died before of soon after


1. Another grou! of archaeologists defend that the Carthaginians did notsacrificed his children.

#. @uinn and her colleagues co%!letely reject the latter tory.

(. Ani%al were sacrificed in the sa%e way who children.*. ;undreds of re%ains were found, there were far too few to re!resent all the


. <here were !erha!s # such burials a year, for a city of !erha!s 88,888


8/11/2019 Final Lab Project 2/2

Eduardo Tenorio


?n his article Carthaginians sacrificed own children, Archeologists say, ae" ennedy

#81*, tells us about the sacrificed of infant children by Carthaginians. According ennedy the

Carthaginians sacrificed their children to gi"e the than7s for fa"ours fro% the gods. ;owe"er,

 !eo!le cannot belie"e it. <he e"idences are unDuestionable, according ennedy the archaeology

together e!igra!hic and literary !ro"e that Carthaginians sacrificed own children. <he

archaeology found ce%eteries where children bones were found together re%ains of ani%als

used to sacrifice. ?n the urns where the bones were they found !ictures, in this !ictures one !riest

caring one child. )ther e"idences are the scri!tures in to%bs and urns. ;owe"er, so%e

archeologists told that it is not true. <hey defend that the Carthaginians only showed res!ect for 

their children who died early. For another hand, the e!erts who agree that the Carthaginians

sacrificed their children told that the nu%bers of children found are "ery big to natural died.
