FINAL Bio Computing


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  • 8/2/2019 FINAL Bio Computing


    Biological Computer


    The fields of computing and biology have begun to cross paths in new ways. In this paper a review of the

    current research in biological computing is presented. Fundamental concepts are introduced and these

    foundational elements are explored to discuss the possibilities of a new computing paradigm. We assume

    the reader to possess a basic knowledge of Biology and Computer Science. Biological computers are

    special types of microcomputers that are specifically designed to be used for

    medical applications. The biological computer is an implantable device that is mainly used

    for tasks like monitoring the body's activities or inducing therapeutic effects, all at

    the molecular or cellular level. The biological computer is made up of RNA (Ribonucleic Acid -

    an important part in the synthesis of protein from amino acids), DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid -

    nucleic acid molecule that contains the important genetic information that is used by the body for

    the construction of cells; it's the blue print for all living organisms), and proteins.


    It is easy to miss natures influence and subsequent impact on living forms. This applies to our day to day

    activities as well. Humans use a variety of gadgets and gizmos without realizing that the gadget could be

    working on a pattern already patented and perfected by Mother Nature. Computers and software are no

    exception. The last few decades have ushered in the age of computers. Electronics have invaded all walks

    of life and we depend on electronics to accomplish most of our day to day activities. As predicted by Dr.

    Gordon E. Moore, modern day electronics has progressed with miniaturization of electronic components.

    According to Dr. Moore, the miniaturization of integrated electronics will continue to be bettered once

    every 12 18 months with a reduction in cost (Moore, 1965). True to his prediction modern day chips

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    have up to 1 million transistors per mm2.However as with other things, miniaturization cannot continue

    forever, the laws of nature and in particular physics will soon catch up to impose a limit on the silicon

    chip. Such limitation will not prevent us from progression. The route is clear but the ways to reach it may

    be unusual. Imagine having billions of Deoxyribonucleic (DNA) acids instead of silicon chips powering

    the computer. The fact that silicon chips will even be replaced will be anathema to some but we are well

    on our way for some surprises. Hence it is imperative that software engineers have an understanding even

    if it just includes the basics of microorganisms and how they will impact computing.

    Our fascination and its logical conclusion, which is reflected in this paper, is due to the behavioral

    similarity between microorganisms (DNA) and computers. As soon as you understand what

    microorganisms can do, then relating that to a computer or program that runs on a computer becomes

    easy. Much like microorganisms, computers have evolved over a period of time. However time will tell if

    DNA will indeed play a prominent role in their march to future glory. It is our endeavor to shed light on

    biological computing thru a lay persons eyes.

    Todays silicon-based microprocessors are manufactured under the strictest of conditions.

    Massive filters clean the air of dust and moisture, workers don spacesuit-like gear and the

    resulting systems are micro-tested for the smallest imperfection. But at a handful of labs across

    the country, researchers are building what they hope will be some of tomorrows computers in

    environments that are far from sterilebeakers, test tubes and Petri dishes full of bacteria.

    Simply put, these scientists seek to create cells that can compute, endowed with intelligent

    genes that can add numbers, store the results in some kind of memory bank, keep time and

    perhaps one day even execute simple programs.

    All of these operations sound like what todays computers do. Yet these biological

    systems could open up a whole different realm of computing. It is a mistake to envision the kind

    of computation that we are envisioning for living cells as being a replacement for the kinds of

    computers that we have now, says Tom Knight, a researcher at the MIT Artificial Intelligence

    Laboratory and one of the leaders in the biocomputing movement. Knight says these new

    computers will be a way of bridging the gap to the chemical world. Think of it more as a

    process-control computer. The computer that is running a chemical factory.

    As a bridge to the chemical world, biocomputing is a natural. First of all, its extremely

    cost-effective. Once youve programmed a single cell, you can grow billions more for the cost of

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    simple nutrient solutions and a lab technicians time. In the second place, biocomputers might

    ultimately be far more reliable than computers built from wires and silicon, for the same reason

    that our brains can survive the death of millions of cells and still function, whereas your

    Pentium-powered PC will seize up if you cut one wire. But the clincher is that every cell has a

    miniature chemical factory at its command: Once the organism was programmed, virtually any

    biological chemical could be synthesized at will. Thats why Knight envisions biocomputers

    running all kinds of biochemical systems and acting to link information technology and


    Realizing this vision, though, is going to take a while. Today a typical desktop computer

    can store 50 billion bits of information. As a point of comparison, Tim Gardner, a graduate

    student at Boston University, recently made a genetic system that can store a single bit of

    informationeither a 1 or a 0. On an innovation timeline, todays microbial programmers are

    roughly where the pioneers of computer science were in the 1920s, when they built the first

    digital computers. Indeed, its tempting to dismiss this research as an academic curiosity,

    something like building a computer out of Tinker Toys. But if the project is successful the results

    could be staggering. Instead of painstakingly isolating proteins, mapping genes and trying to

    decode the secrets of nature, bioengineers could simply program cells to do whatever was

    desiredsay, injecting insulin as needed into a diabetics bloodstreammuch the way that a

    programmer can manipulate the functions of a PC . Biological machines could usher in a

    whole new world of chemical control. In the long run, Knight and others say, biocomputing

    could create active Band-Aids capable of analyzing an injury and healing t h e damage. T h e

    technology could be used to program bacterial spores that would remain dormant in the soil until

    a chemical spill occurred, at which point the bacteria would wake up, multiply, eat the chemicals

    and return to dormancy.

    In the near termperhaps within five yearsa soldier might be carrying a

    biochip device that could detect when some toxin or agent is released, says Boston University

    professor of biomedical engineering James Collins, another key player in the biocomputing field.

    The New Biology

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    Biocomputing research is one of those new disciplines that cuts across well-established

    fieldsin this case computer science and biologybut doesnt fit comfortably into either

    culture.Biologists are trained for discoveries, says Collins. I dont push any of my students

    towards discovery of a new component in a biological system. Rockefeller University

    postdoctoral fellow Michael Elowitz explains this difference in engineering terms: Typically in

    biology, one tries to reverse-engineer circuits that have already been designed and built by

    evolution. What Collins, Elowitz and others want to do instead is forward-engineer biological

    circuits, or build novel ones from scratch. But while biocomputing researchers goals are quite

    different from those of cellular and molecular biologists, many of the tools they rely on are the

    same. And working at a bench in a biologically oriented wet lab doesnt come easy for

    computer scientists and engineersmany of whom are used to machines that faithfully execute

    the commands that they type. But in the wet lab, as the saying goes, the organism will do

    whatever it damn well pleases.

    After nearly 30 years as a computer science researcher, MITs Knight began to setup his

    biological lab three years ago, and nothing worked properly. Textbook reactions were failing. So

    after five months of frustratingly slow progress, he hired a biologist from the University of

    California, Berkeley, to come in and figure out what was wrong. She flew cross-country bearing

    flasks of reagents, biological sampleseven her own water. Indeed, it turned out that the water

    in Knights lab was the culprit: It wasnt pure enough for gene splicing. A few days after that

    diagnosis, the lab was up and running. Boston Universitys Gardner, a physicist turned computer

    scientist, got around some of the challenges of setting up a lab by borrowing space from B.U.

    biologist Charles Cantor, who has been a leading figure in the Human Genome Project. But

    before Gardner turned to the flasks, vials and culture dishes, he spent the better part of a year

    working with Collins to build a mathematical model for their genetic one-bit switch, or flip-

    flop. Gardner then set about the arduous task of realizing that model in the lab. The flip -flop,

    explains Collins, is built from two genes that are mutually antagonistic: When one is active,or expressed, it turns the second off, and vice versa. The idea is that you can flip between

    these two states with some external influence, says Collins.It might be a blast of a chemic al

    or a change in temperature. Since one of the two genes produces a protein that fluoresces under

    laser light, the researchers can use a laser-based detector to see when a cell toggles between

    states. In January, in the journal Nature, Gardner, Collins and Cantor described five such flip-

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    flops that Gardner had built and inserted into E. coli. Gardner says that the flip-flop is the first of

    a series of so-called genetic applets he hopes to create. The term applet is borrowed from

    contemporary computer science: It refers to a small program, usually written in the Java

    programming language, which is put on a Web page and performs a specific function. Just as

    applets can theoretically be combined into a full-fledged program, Gardner believes he can build

    an array of combinable genetic parts and use them to program cells to perform new functions. In

    the insulin-delivery example, a genetic applet that sensed the amount of glucose in a diabetics

    bloodstream could be connected to a second applet that controlled the synthesis of insulin. A

    third applet might enable the system to respond to external events, allowing, for example, a

    physician to trigger insulin production manually.

    GeneTic Tock

    As a graduate student at Princeton University, Rockefellers Michael Elowitz constructed

    a genetic applet of his owna clock. In the world of digital computers, the clock is one of the

    most fundamental components. Clocks dont tell timeinstead, they send out a train of pulses

    that are used to synchronize all the events taking place inside the machine. The first IBM PC had

    a clock that ticked 4.77 million times each second; todays top-of-the-line Pentium III computers

    have clocks that tick 800 million times a second. Elowitzs clock, by contrast, cycles once every

    150 minutes or so. The biological clock consists of four genes engineered into a bacterium (see

    A Clock in a Cell, p. 72). Three of them work together to turn the fourth, which encodes for a

    fluorescent protein, on and off.Elowitz calls this a genetic circuit.Although Elowitzs clock

    is a remarkable achievement, it doesnt keep great timethe span between tick and tock ranges

    anywhere from 120 minutes to 200 minutes. And with each clock running separately in each of

    many bacteria, coordination is a problem: Watch one bacterium under a microscope and youll

    see regular intervals of glowing and dimness as the gene for the fluorescent protein is turned on

    and off, but put a mass of the bacteria together and they will all be out of sync. Elowitz hopes to

    learn from this tumult. This was our first attempt, he says. What we found is that the clock we

    built is very noisythere is a lot of variability. A big question is what the origin of that noise is

    and how one could circumvent it. And how, in fact, real circuits that are produced by evolution

    are able to circumvent that noise. While Elowitz works to improve his timing, B.U.s Collins

    and Gardner are aiming to beat the corporate clock. Theyve filed for patents on the genetic flip-

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    flop, and Collins is speaking with potential investors, working to form what would be the first

    biocomputing company. He hopes to have funding in place and the venture launched within a

    few months. The prospective firms early products might include a device that could detect food

    contamination or toxins used in chemical or biological warfare. This would be possible, Collins

    says, if we could couple cells with chips and use themexternal to the bodyas sensing

    elements. By keeping the modified cells outside of the human body, the startup would skirt

    many Food and Drug Administration regulatory issues and possibly have a product on the market

    within a few years. But Collins eventual goal is gene therapy placing networks of genetic

    applets into a human host to treat such diseases as hemophilia or anemia. Another possibility

    would be to use genetic switches to control biological reactorswhich is where Knights vision

    of a bridge to the chemical world comes in. Larger chemical companies like DuPont are moving

    towards technologies where they can use cells as chemical factories to produce proteins, says

    Collins. What you can do with these control circuits is to regulate the expression of different

    genes to produce your proteins of interest. Bacteria in a large bioreactor could be programmed

    to make different kinds of drugs, nutrients, vitaminsor even pesticides. Essentially, this would

    allow an entire factory to be retooled by throwing a single genetic switch.

    Amorphous Computing

    Two-gene switches arent exactly new to biology, says Roger Brent, associate director of

    research at the Molecular Sciences Institute in Berkeley, Calif., a nonprofit research firm.

    Brentwho evaluated biocomputing research for the Defense Advanced Research Projects

    Agencysays that genetic engineers have made and used such switches of increasing

    sophistication since the 1970s. We biologists have tons and tons of cells that exist in two states

    and change depending on external inputs. For Brent, whats most intriguing about the B.U.

    researchers genetic switch is that it could be just the beginning. We have two-state cells. What

    about four-state cells? Is there some good there? he asks. Lets say that you could get a cell

    that existed in a large number of independent states and there were things happening inside the

    cell...which caused the cell to go from one state to another in response to different influences,

    Brent continues. Can you perform any meaningful computation? If you had 16 states in a cell

    and the ability to have the cell communicate with its neighbors, could you do anything with

    that? By itself, a single cell with 16 states couldnt do much. But combine a billion of these

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    cells and you suddenly have a system with 2 gigabytes of storage. A teaspoon of programmable

    bacteria could potentially have a million times more memory than todays largest computers

    and potentially billions upon billions of processors. But how would you possibly program such a

    machine? Programming is the question that the Amorphous Computing project at MIT is trying

    to answer. The projects goal is to develop techniques for building self - assembling

    systems. Such techniques could allow bacteria in a teaspoon to find their neighbors organize into

    a massive parallel-processing computer and set about solving a computationally intensive

    problemlike cracking an encryption key, factoring a large number or perhaps even predicting

    weather. Researchers at MIT have long been interested in methods of computing that employ

    many small computers, rather than one super-fast one. Such an approach is appealing because it

    could give computing a boost over the wall that many believe the silicon microprocessor

    evolution will soon hit (see The End of Moores Law? p. 42). When processors can be shrunk

    no further, these researchers insist, the only way to achieve faster computation will be by using

    multiple computers in concert. Many artificial intelligence researchers also believe that it will

    only be possible to achieve true machine intelligence by using millions of small, connected

    processors essentially modeling the connections of neurons in the human brain. On a wall

    outside of MIT computer science and engineering professor Harold Abelsons fourth-floor office

    is one of the first tangible results of the Amorphous Computing effort. Called Gunk, it is a

    tangle of wires, a colony of single-board computers, each one randomly connected with three

    other machines in the colony. Each computer has a flashing red light; the goal of the colony is to

    synchronize the lights so that they flash in unison. The colony is robust in a way traditional

    computers are not: You can turn off any single computer or rewire its connection without

    changing the behavior of the overall system. But though mesmerizing to watch, the colony

    doesnt engage in any fundamentally important computations. Five floors above Abelsons

    office, in Knights biology lab, researchers are launching a more extensive foray into the world

    of amorphous computation: Knights students are developing techniques for exchanging

    data between cells, and between cells and larger-scale computers, since communication between

    components is a fundamental requirement of an amorphous system. While Collins group at B.U.

    is using heat and chemicals to send instructions to their switches, the Knight lab is working on a

    communications system based on bioluminescence light produced by living cells. To date,

    work has been slow. The lab is new and, as the water-purity experience showed, the team is

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    inexperienced in matters of biology. But some of the slowness is also intentional: The

    researchers want to become as familiar as possible with the biological tools theyre using in

    order to maximize their command of any system they eventually develop. If you are actually

    going to build something that you want to controlif we have this digital circuit that we expect

    to have somewhat reliable behaviorthen you need to understand the components, says

    graduate student on Weiss. And biology is fraught with fluctuation, Weiss points out. The

    precise amount of a particular protein a bacterial cell produces depends not only on the bacterial

    strain and the DNA sequence engineered into the cell, but also on environmental conditions such

    as nutrition and timing. Remarks Weiss: The number of variables that exist is tremendous. To

    get a handle on all those variables, the Knight team is starting with in-depth characterizations of

    a few different genes for luciferase, an enzyme that allows fireflies and other luminescent

    organisms to produce light. Understanding the light generation end of things is an obvious first

    step toward a reliable means of cell-to-cell communication. There are cells out there that can

    detect light, says Knight. This might be a way for cells to signal to one another. Whats more,

    he says, if these cells knew where they were, and were running as an organized ensemble, you

    could use this as a way of displaying a pattern. Ultimately, Knights team hopes that vast

    ensembles of communicating cells could both perform meaningful computations and have the

    resiliency of Abelsons Gunkor the human brain.

    Full Speed Ahead

    Even as his laband his fieldtake its first steps, Knight is looking to the future. He

    says he isnt concerned about the ridiculously slow speed of todays genetic approaches to

    biocomputing. He and other researchers started with DNA-based systems, Knight says, because

    genetic engineering is relatively well understood. You start with the easy systems and move to

    the hard systems. And there are plenty of biological systemsincluding systems based on nerve

    cells, such as our own brainsthat operate faster than its possible to turn genes on and off,

    Knight says. A neuron can respond to an external stimulus, for example, in a matter of

    milliseconds. The downside says Knight, is that some of the faster biological mechanisms arent

    currently understood as well as genetic functions are, and so are substantially more difficult to

    manipulate and mix and match. Still, the Molecular Sciences Institutes Brent believes that

    todays DNA-based biocomputer prototypes are steppingstones to computers based on

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    neurochemistry. Thirty years from now we will be using our knowledge of developmental

    neurobiology to grow appropriate circuits that will be made out of nerve cells and will process

    information like crazy, Brent predicts. Meanwhile, pioneers like Knight, Collins, Gardner and

    Elowitz will continue to produce new devices unlike anything that ever came out of a

    microprocessor factory, and to lay the foundations for a new era of computing.


    This paper talks about how two diverse systems, biology and computers are brought together to take

    mankind into the future. A basic understanding of the lowest unit (Deoxyribonucleic acid - DNA) of life

    will help. People should not imagine that DNA will replace the CPU in biological computing. In our

    opinion such a scenario is at least two decades or more away from reality. As like other inventions one

    can safely anticipate or expect baby steps in this direction before conceiving bigger pictures. Although not

    exceeding a few microns in size, the DNA molecule has a number of tricks that will be useful for

    biological computing. One of them is the ability to generate proteins. Once programmed, by altering the

    cell by chemical or changing the environment the reprogrammed cell does its job to near perfection as per

    the changed environment Another trick that may be useful is the ability of DNA to make exact copies of

    itself. Imagine the advantage of having such molecules programmed for different purposes and its impact

    on applied sciences like medicine, agriculture, and various industries, in fact such molecules act like

    micro computers. There is no clear road map for this programmable feature to be taken advantage of to

    eventually replace the CPU. In essence, Biological computing is about harnessing the enormous potential

    of the DNA to the benefit of mankind by manipulating the DNA. Having laid down the concept and to

    provide clarity to better understand and appreciate biological computing we are providing a brief

    introduction to DNA. We will also provide the similarities between DNA and the computer; briefly

    provide information on current research and finally touch upon trends, impact and future prospects.

    Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)

    This section provides a summary of DNA. This detailed information can be found in any biology book

    but is condensed here to set up this discussion of bio-computing. The essence of life is enclosed in a 20

    micron long substance called DNA. The structure of DNA (Figure 1) was first identified by Watson and

    Crick (1953). The earliest discovery of DNA was by Swiss physician Fritz Miescher in cell nuclei as early

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    as 1868. According to the WatsonCrick model, the DNA molecule consists of two polymer chains. Each

    chain comprises four types of residues (bases) namely A (adenyl), G (guanyl), T (thymidyl), and C

    (cytidyl). The sequence of bases in one chain may be entirely arbitrary, but the sequences in both chains

    are strongly interconnected because of the complementary principle so that:

    A is always opposite T;

    T is always opposite A;

    G is always opposite C;

    C is always opposite G.

    DNA was recognized as the most important molecule of living nature. In living organisms, DNA does not

    usually exist as a single molecule, but instead as a tightly-associated pair of molecules. These two long

    strands entwine like vines, in the shape of a double helix. The nucleotide repeats (structural units of DNA,

    Figure 1) contain both the segment of the backbone of the molecule, which holds the chain together, and a

    base, which interacts with the other DNA strand in the helix. In general, a base linked to a sugar is called

    a nucleoside and a base linked to a sugar and one or more phosphate groups is called a nucleotide. If

    multiple nucleotides are linked together, as in DNA, this polymer is called a polynucleotide (Frank-

    Kamenetskii, 1997). At the time of discovery of the structure by Watson-Crick, it was a great step for

    mankind in the field of biology but very difficult to have dreamt that half a century later it will also help

    mankind in another field computing.

    Biological Computing Simplified

    The above brief definition about DNA may be Latin and Greek to pure computer engineers. We hope to

    change that via Figure 2 given below. In the figure, under Laboratory conditions it is possible to take part

    of a DNA molecule and engineer it to reproduce a particular protein (the end product of a successful DNA

    transcription is a protein). Computers use registers to flip the binary between 1 and 0. In microorganisms

    the same Registers and flip-flop occurs but at the DNA level. In the above example you can imagine

    Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, and Thymine are the registers that are involved in protein synthesis. Any

    change to this structure or inhibition of the normal protein synthesis by changes in environment results in

    a completely new product; worse in some cases if no product is created. This is the whole idea of using

    DNA (refer to Concept section) in biological computing. As you can see the comparison between DNA

    and the computer is as close as one can imagine. DNA is ubiquitous in life forms and is self contained. Its

    intelligence and ability to adapt to changing conditions far surpasses anything and everything one could

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    imagine. A double stranded DNA within a single cell is fully self contained. It works with clockwork

    precision, has the ability to repair itself; provide backup; create new patterns; select the best for its

    survival. Most complex computers exhibit the above in one way or the other. As a DNA has to survive in

    nature, only the fittest survive and hence the ability to adapt to changing environment. However the same

    environment (extreme heat, chemicals, Ultra Violet rays, etc.) can sometimes causes changes to DNA that

    may make them loose some of their magic and in carries to successfully replicate thereby passing some

    cases can be catastrophic. In real life, the DNA is intelligent enough to recover from catastrophic failures.

    There are many tools that it on the important traits to its progeny. A few of them include redundancy, self

    recovery by protein synthesis/translation, and ability to shut down malfunctioning parts of DNA.

    Compare this with a computer and the software that runs the computer. Even a pure software engineer

    will now be able to link the computer to the DNA. In fact I would go as far to say that what we know in

    computer jargon as Primer, Reusability, etc., has been in existence since time immemorial in the

    DNA molecule. Microsoft had in fact coined the terminology DNA in the late 1990s to market their

    Distributed networking solutions (since then Microsoft has dropped it for whatever reasons) and one can

    safely assume that they had borrowed it from biology. Table 1 below compares a DNA with a modern

    day computer.

    Figure 1: Structure of Single strand of DNA (only a portion shown)

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    Figure 2: Simplified diagram of Protein synthesis

    We would like to touch upon a few of the points mentioned in the above comparison table to highlight the

    benefits of taking biological computing to its next step, which is to make it a reality. The ability to store

    billions of data is an important feature of the DNA and hence to biological computing. While DNA can be

    measured in nano grams, the silicon chip is far behind when it comes to storage capacity. A single gram

    of DNA can store as much information as 1 trillion audio CDs (Fulk, 2003). This offers storage

    possibilities previously unheard of and at the same time businesses can reduce the cost of storage and

    plough investments into other areas. While we are all familiar with Von Neumanns sequential

    architecture which has stood the test of time, the fact that we could have millions of DNA molecules in a

    small vial allows us to think of massive parallel computing when using microorganisms. Parallel

    processing using DNA can achieve speeds that man could not have imagined. For comparison, the fastest

    supercomputers can perform around 1012 operations per second, but even current results with DNA

    computing has produced levels of 1014 operations per second or one hundred times faster. Experts

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    believe that it should be possible to produce massively parallel processing in biological computers at a

    level of 1017operations per second or more, or a level that silicon-based computers will never be able to

    match (Fulk, 2003).

    DNA Computer / ProgramsFully Autonomous Self contained to a great degree dependent on

    peripherals, power etc.

    Has inbuilt redundancy Depending on need has redundancy built inside

    Ability to recover from failure is remarkable

    redundancy, shut down etc.,

    Depending on need. Redundancy, backups, disks,

    additional power sources etc help systems to


    Can adapt to environment Not available

    Store billions of pieces of information due to their


    Limited by technology

    Can reproduce information with precision Can reproduce information with precision

    Garbage in and Garbage out

    Can be manipulated by external stimulus

    chemicals, heat, etc.,

    Can be manipulated by external stimulus mouse,

    external commands etc

    Impacted by environment changes Less Impacted by environment changes

    No toxic byproduct is generated Composed of Toxic products and generates lot of


    Energy Efficient Less Energy Efficient (generates heat)

    Table 1: Comparison between DNA and current computers

    Second, in the case of DNA computing, the biological reactions involved produce very little heat, wasting

    far less energy in the process. This allows for these computing processes to be up to one billion times as

    energy efficient as their electronic counterparts. Third, the components of a computer composed of DNA

    as the primary unit is non toxic when compared to the current systems which is highly toxic due to use of

    chemicals and other materials that are not easily degradable. Not only is the material toxic but in some

    cases production of such materials also results in toxic byproducts. The damage of such toxic materials to

    the environment is unimaginable and the cost to clean up is also high.

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    Lastly, DNA has the inbuilt ability to repair itself in case of any impact to its functioning. This type of

    self-healing is not possible in a hardware based computer. It may sound a bit like an H.G Wells story, but

    imagine a computer that does not break down after a few years in operation and one that does not require

    a hardware upgrade? The benefits of moving towards biological computing appear immense.

    Current Research

    Before embarking on this paper we did some research to find out where the world is in terms of biological

    computing? As one would expect we see a lot of baby steps being taken in this field. Part of the reason is

    because software engineers need to first understand Biological sciences. It is a radically different field

    where there is no easy way to debug; to fix and run a program. Take for example the Genetic Circuit,

    worked on by Michael Elowitz and his team (Garfinkel, 2000). The circuit consists of four genes

    engineered into a bacterium. Three of them work together to turn the fourth, which encodes for a

    fluorescent protein, on and off. Although this circuit is a remarkable achievement, it doesnt keep great

    timethe span between tick and tock ranges anywhere from 120 minutes to 200 minutes. And with each

    clock running separately in each of many bacteria, coordination is a problem: watch one bacterium under

    a microscope and youll see regular intervals of glowing and dimness as the gene for the fluorescent

    protein is turned on and off, but put a mass of the bacteria together and they will all be out of sync. This is

    a big first attempt and we have many miles to go (Garfinkel, 2000). Another interesting work with a name

    that almost rhymes like a software object is being carried out by James J. Collins at Boston University.

    The main focus is on Genetic Applets. Similar to what a Java applet is and does the genetic applet is

    modeled on the same lines, i.e. programmatically altered to perform one or more functions repeatedly

    with perfection (Garfinkel, 2000)

    One might wonder how such DNA molecules that are programmed for one or a few functions can one day

    replace the CPU. To answer this one must look into the work that is carried out by Dr. Thomas F. Knight.

    His team has forayed into what is known as amorphous computing. Knights lab is working on techniques

    to exchange data between cells and between cells and large scale computers as communication between

    components is a fundamental functionality of computers. The concept of bioluminescence is used for this

    purpose. Needless to say all of the techniques involve splicing and dicing of genetic materials which isnothing but the DNA.

    Trends, Challenges & Future Prospects

    It is clear that scientist and various teams have been working to realize the huge potential of the DNA

    molecule. James J. Collins and his team have gone to the extent of enabling communication between the

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    molecules and a computer. Knowingly or unknowingly biology has been the inspiration for computers to

    a great extent. The similarities are too many to think otherwise. So it is time for harnessing the power of

    DNA using computers as the inspiration. While we live in the age of computers, biological computing is

    slowly gaining prominence but without much fanfare. True, biological computing has played a big role in

    modern medicine and will continue to do so, but to see a computer being solely powered by

    microorganisms/DNA is far away. We feel that we are not even close enough to say that the next years

    will see the dawn of biological computing where CPU is replaced by DNA. Some of the challenges that

    stare us in our face to eventually replace silicon chips with DNA include:

    a) Ability to control the DNA.

    b) How to make the various altered DNAs to communicate with each other.

    c) Can the programmed DNA or microorganism go wrong?

    d) Can it impact health?

    Maybe the above may not be an issue at all but still they need to be answered. For all those hard core

    computer professionals who are wedded to silicon chips it is time to look at the future and prepare for the

    next big thing in computers. The future for biological computing is bright. Already some of the

    medical/industrial products like Vaccines, Insulin (for diabetes treatment) are benefiting from this

    research. Most of the design/patterns coming out of various software companies have already been in

    existence in nature (DNA) and all we need to do to effectively use the DNA is to reverse engineer,

    understand the inner workings and make it fit to work to our requirements. The advent and gaining

    popularity of Nano technology offer more avenues to use DNA. Under laboratory conditions, DNA self-

    assembly has been demonstrated successfully, simple patterns (e.g., alternating bands, or the encoding of

    a binary string) that are visible through microscopy has been used successfully for simple computations

    such as counting, XOR, and addition (Wooley and Lin, 2005).


    The main advantage of this technology over other like technologies is the fact that

    through it, a doctor can focus on or find and treat only damaged or diseased cells. Selective cell

    treatment is made possible. The biological computer can also perform simple

    mathematical calculations. This could enable the researcher to build an array or a system

    of biosensors that has the ability to detect or target specific types of cells that could be found in

    the patient's body. This could also be used to carry out or perform target-specific

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    medicinal operations that could deliver medical procedures or remedies according to the

    doctor's instructions. This not only makes the healing process easier. It also allows the doctors to

    focus only on the damaged, diseased or cancerous cells found in the patient's body without

    causing stress to other healthy and normal cells.


    Biological computers are made inside a patient's body. The researchers or doctors merely

    provide the patient's body with all of the necessary information or a "blueprint" along which

    lines the biological computer would be "manufactured." Once the "computer's" genetic blueprint

    has been provided, the human body will start to build it on its own using the body's natural

    biological processes and the cells found in the body. As of today, reading signals produced by

    cell activity is not yet possible due to technological limitations. However, through the use of a

    tiny implantable biological computer, these cellular signals could easily be detected, translated

    and understood using existing medical and laboratory equipment. Through Boolean logic

    equations, a doctor or researcher can easily use the biological computer to identify all types of

    cellular activity and determine whether a particular activity is harmful or not. The

    cellular activities that the biological computer could detect can even include those of mutated

    genes and all other activities of the genes found in cells. As with conventional computers, the

    biological computer also works with an output and an input signal. The main inputs of the

    biological computer are the body's proteins, RNA and other specific chemicals that are found in

    the human cytoplasm. The output on the other hand it could be specified using laboratory



    The implantable biological computer is a device which could be used in various

    medical applications where intercellular evaluation and treatment are needed or required. It is

    especially useful in monitoring intercellular activity including mutation of genes.

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    y We have many interesting and ingenious ways of looking at biological processes. The biotech revolution has allowed us to develop methods for detecting and quantifying

    molecules produced by living cells; we can detect gene expression and activity, and we

    can pinpoint within a cell the precise location of proteins. However, while these tasks are

    relatively easy to perform in vitro on a lab bench, imagine the benefits to medicine if we

    could apply them in vivo (in a whole, living animal). Nanotech machines could be

    injected into a patient that would then monitor for certain conditions and respond

    accordingly. There is a paper, published online today in Nature Biotechnology that brings

    this dream a little bit closer to reality. Scientists at Harvard and Princeton have detailed

    the construction of a biological circuit that uses siRNA to affect boolean logic statements.

    The circuit works by having two different mRNA strands that code for the same protein

    but contain untranslated regions that correspond to different siRNA sequences.

    Different endogenous inputs will control the expression of the various siRNAs, thereby

    affecting which of the two mRNA strands gets expressed; an example would be inputs A

    and B targeting one mRNA, and inputs X and Y inputting the other mRNA, thereby

    giving the logic expression (A AND B) OR (X AND Y). Other mRNA strands can be

    designed to work for (A AND NOT B), and so on. The output of the mRNA strand that

    isn't silenced can be a reporter protein: luciferase or GFP, for example.Although this

    research describes relatively simple artificial molecular machinery, it doesn't take muchimagination to see the potential. Biological machines can be implanted or even built

    within a patient's own cells that will act as biosensors, watching out for disease markers.

    Should they find such markers, the molecular logic circuits like this could choose the

    most appropriate action. That could involve inducing programmed cell death in the case

    of cancerous cells or synthesis of a drug in specific tissues. Obviously such

    therapies remain vapor ware for now, but that won't remain true for much longer.

    y Biocomputers constructed entirely of DNA, RNA and proteins can function inside thebody as "molecular doctors," according to Harvards Yaakov Kobi Benenson, a Bauer

    Fellow in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Center for Systems Biology.Each human

    cell already has all of the tools required to build these biocomputers on its own, says

    Harvards Benenson. All that must be provided is a genetic blueprint of the machine

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    and our own biology will do the rest. Your cells will literally build these biocomputers

    for you.

    y Benson and colleagues claim to demonstrate that biocomputers can workin human kidney cells in a culture.

    y Also, they have developed a conceptual framework by which various phenotypes couldbe represented logically. Phenotypes are characteristics that are measurable and that are

    expressed in only a subset of the individuals within that population (like blond hair or


    y In theory, using a biocomputer as the calculation mechanism, researchers couldbuild biosensors or medicine delivery systems that could single out specific cell types in

    the body. These molecular doctors could target only cancerous cells, for example,

    ignoring healthyones.

    y Bimolecular computers have been proved in concept by researchers at the WeizmannInstitute of Science; see the article Biomolecular Computer: The Tiniest Doc?.Dr.

    Leonard Adleman, a computer scientist at USC, discussed thepossibility of biocomputers as early as 1994. Science fiction fans didn't have to wait so

    long; they could read about the intellectual cells in Greg Bear's 1984 novel Blood

    Music:His first E. coli mutations had had the learning capacity of planarian worms; he

    had run them through simple T-mazes, giving sugar rewards. They had soon

    outperformed planaria...Removing the finest biologic sequences from the altered E. coli,

    he had incorporated them into B-lymphocytes, white cells from his own blood...Using

    artificial proteins and hormones as a means of communication, Vergil had "trained" the

    lymphocytes in the past six months to interact as much as possible with each other and

    with their environment-a much more complex miniature glass maze.

    For a scientist who has just staked a claim to the first programmable and autonomous

    biological nanocomputer, Professor Ehud Shapiro is remarkably low-key when asked to

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    predict how such research may eventually change the world.

    He refuses to get drawn into detailed discussions of futuristic applications for the

    technology, and prefers to leave prophesying to others. At the same time, his incremental

    approach to the embryonic science of turning DNA into trillions of tiny computers,

    swimming inside a test tube, has given Shapiro a keen sense of direction as he embarks


    y Shapiro does not see his computer as a potential competitor to silicon -based electroniccomputing, as some have suggested. Instead, he envisions DNA computers as a

    "molecular computing device that can operate initially in a test tube and eventually inside

    an organism and interact with its biochemical environment."

    y DNA computing could possibly be used to streamline laboratory analysis of DNA, byeliminating the need for sequencing. This, he said, could happen within a decade.

    y "In the longer term, you may have medical applications in which this device can operatein vivo, inside a living organism," he says. "Based on the information it receives from the

    environment and medical knowledge encoded in the software it may diagnose theproblem and prescribe a solution, and then it could synthesis that molecule and output it."

    y Modest initial goal was to find a way to use turn DNA into the most elementarymathematical computing device known as a finite automaton, capable of answering "yes"

    or "no" to very basic questions about a bunch of zeroes and ones. They constructed a

    molecular realization of this mathematical device.It has input, it has software and it has

    hardware components; and when it computes it produces output, which is

    another molecule.To do this, Shapiro and his colleagues used the four components of

    a DNA strand known as A, C, G and T to encode the zeroes and ones and create an input

    molecule with an exposed "sticky" end. Then, another DNA strand -- the software --

    swoops in to try and hook up with an exposed edge like a Lego piece attempting to lock

    into a complementary block. Each exposed edge has a specific complementary DNA

    strand. After hooking up, the hardware gets to work. An enzyme called ligase seals the

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    link, and another called Fok-1 moves in to snip the strand, leaving the next section

    exposed. The process continues several times until the computer delivers an answer to the

    question. There are 765 different possible software programs that can be used for simple

    calculations, such as whether there are an even or odd number of zeroes or ones.Shapiro's

    research is the latest step forward in a field founded by Leonard Adleman of the

    University of Southern California, Los Angeles. In 1994, Adleman proved that DNA

    could compute, when he used the stuff to solve the "traveling salesman" problem, in

    which the shortest route between several cities must be mapped without going through

    thesame citytwice.

    Conventional computers have extreme difficulty solving the problem, especially when

    dealing with many points on a map. This is because electronic computers are based on

    sequential logic, which makes them good at solving a problem requiring lots of

    computations in a row. But posed with a puzzle of how to figure out the shortest route

    between 100 cities -- a problem best cracked by simultaneously performing an enormous

    number of short operations --conventional computers do not make the grade. Adleman

    demonstrated that DNA could be an efficient way to solve such problems.Shapiro says

    his DNA computer is fundamentally different from Adleman's breakthrough. Although

    Adleman's computer was composed of many trillions of tiny DNA molecules swimming

    around in a test tube, Shapiro says it was essentially a large operation that required

    active involvement of scientists."The calculation needed to be carried out by humans. In

    our case, the computer is just the molecules," says Shapiro, who can put a trillion of his

    own biological computers into a drop of solution. "His computer is measured in meters,

    ours is measured in nanometers."Experts point out that Shapiro faces stiff competition

    and will be challenged to scale up the work to perform more complex computations.John

    Reif, professor of computer science at Duke University, described Shapiro's work as

    "ingeniously constructed experiments" that clearly demonstrated the ability to perform

    simple computations via solid experimental protocols."But there is a lot of competition

    out there in the DNA computing world," he added, singling out DNA computing research

    at Princeton University and the University of Wisconsin that has gone beyond the finite


    "People are really aggressively pushing the limits, so the challenge for the Israelis is to go

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    in and push those limits as defined by some of those strong competitors," Reif said.

    Shapiro has no illusions. The biggest stumbling block now is the dependency on natural

    enzymes, meaning scientists must search for the right enzymes that could help perform

    computations on DNA. Science till has no clue how to create designer enzymes that

    could pave the way to dramatic progress. For his part, alongside the finite automaton,

    Shapiro has taken an important theoretical step forward by building a model of a

    molecular Turing Machine, which is a representation of a computing device capable of an

    infinite number of computations. It is in this green, squarish model, sitting in a cardboard

    box in his office, that Shapiro sees the real potential for molecular computing. The ability

    to create a molecular Turing Machine would allow scientists to use DNA to

    generate massive computing power. Inthe meantime, he is keeping focused on

    the scientific challenges ahead -- and plans to be tied up in his DNA strands for a while.

    y Biocomputers constructed entirely of DNA, RNA and proteins can function inside thebody as "molecular doctors," according to Harvards Yaakov Kobi Benenson, a Bauer

    Fellow in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Center for Systems Biology.

    Each human cell already has all of the tools required to build these biocomputers on its

    own, says Harvards Benenson. All that must be provided is a genetic blueprint of the

    machine and our own biology will do the rest. Your cells will literally build these

    biocomputers for you.

    Benson and colleagues claim to demonstrate that biocomputers can work in human kidney cells

    in a culture. Also, they have developed a conceptual framework by which various phenotypes could

    be represented logically. Phenotypes are characteristics that are measurable and that are expressed in

    only a subset of the individuals within that population(like blond hair or brown eyes).

    In theory, using a biocomputer as the calculation mechanism, researchers could build biosensors or

    medicine delivery systems that could single out specific cell types in the body. These

    molecular doctors could target only cancerous cells, for example, ignoring healthy ones.

    Bimolecular computers have been proved in concept by researchers at the Weizmann Institute of

    Science; see the article Bimolecular Computer: The Tiniest Doc?.

    Dr. Leonard Adleman, a computer scientist at USC, discussed the possibility of biocomputers as

    early as 1994. Science fiction fans didn't have to wait so long; they could read about the

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