Fin341quiz#5basedonexercise#5 (1)




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FIN 341 Quiz#5 Based on Exercise#5Due Date 2-24-15 -Tuesday-Midnight. Calculating the Net Present Value (NPV) using the Excel Spreadsheet.

Calculate NPV using the Excel spreadsheet. Show the layout and answer on an Excel spreadsheet and send the Excel spreadsheet through Desire to Learn to Dr. Tucker. Do not send anything in MS-Word to Dr. Tucker.1.II (Initial Investment) = $400,000 year 1 to 5 cash flow is $60,000, $80,000, $100,000, $125,000, $150,000 at the end of year 5 there is a $10,000 TCF, R = 9%. Calculate the NPV.

2.Same as #1 except due to an increase in political risk the risk adjusted discount rate increased to 12%. Calculate the NPV.3.Same as #1 except due to a decrease in political risk the risk adjusted discount rate decreased to 6%. Calculate the NPV.4.II (Initial Investment) = $425,000 year 1 to 4 cash flow is $100,000, $120,000, $150,000, and $180,000 at the end of year 4 there is a $5,000 TCF, R = 8%. Calculate the NPV.

5.Same as #4 except due to an increase in political risk the risk adjusted discount rate increased to 11%. Calculate the NPV.6.Same as #4 except due to a decrease in political risk the risk adjusted discount rate decreased to 5%. Calculate the NPV.7.II (Initial Investment) = $500,000 year 1 to 5 cash flow is $100,000, $125,000, $160,000, $180,000, $220,000 at the end of year 5 there is a $10,000 TCF, R = 15%. Calculate the NPV.

8.II (Initial Investment) = $1,000,000 year 1 to 5 cash flow is $200,000, $250,000, $320,000, $400,000, $450,000 at the end of year 5 there is a $15,000 TCF, R = 12%. Calculate the NPV.

9.II (Initial Investment) = $2,000,000 year 1 to 5 cash flow is $420,000, $540,000, $650,000, $700,000, $750,000 at the end of year 5 there is a $25,000 TCF, R = 10%. Calculate the NPV.

10.II (Initial Investment) = $5,500,000 year 1 to 5 cash flow is $850,000, $900,000, $1,400,000, $1,600,000, $2,000,000 at the end of year 5 there is a $100,000 TCF, R = 14%. Calculate the NPV.

Calculating the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) using the Excel Spreadsheet.

Calculate the internal rate of return (IRR) using the Excel Spreadsheet for a NPV project. Show the layout and answer on an Excel spreadsheet and send the spreadsheet through Desire to Learn to Dr. Tucker. Do not send anything in MS-Word to Dr. Tucker. 11 .II = $620,000 year 1 to 4 cash flow is $130,000, $150,000, $250,000, and $280,000. Calculate the IRR.

12. II = $950,000 year 1 to 5 cash flow is $200,000, $230,000, $260,000, $280,000, and $300,000. Calculate the IRR.

13 .II = $800,000 year 1 to 3 cash flow is $260,000, $320,000, $350,000, at the end of year 3 there is a TCF of $25,000. Calculate the IRR.

14 .II = $500,000 year 1 to 4 cash flow is $125,000, $140,000,

$150,000, and $180,000. Calculate the IRR.

15. II = $280,000 year 1 to 4 cash flow is $90,000, $100,000,

$120,000, and $150,000. Calculate the IRR.

16. II = $250,000 year 1 to 3 cash flow is $95,000, $125,000,

and $140,000. Calculate the IRR.

17. II = $460,000 year 1 to 3 cash flow is $150,000, $200,000,

and $250,000. Calculate the IRR.

18. II = $1,200,000 year 1 to 5 cash flow is $160,000, $280,000, $300,000, $325,000, and $350,000. Calculate the IRR.

19. II = $650,000 year 1 to 3 cash flow is $210,000, $240,000,

and $350,000. Calculate the IRR.

20. II = $680,000 year 1 to 4 cash flow is $155,000, $175,000, $200,000, and $250,000. Calculate the IRR.

END FIN 341 Quiz#5
