Film Poster Research 1


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Film Poster Research

By Chris A

O Olly Moss creates fan-made film posters in a simplistic, signature fashion.

O His work generally features the silhouette of an important character and uses a single bold colour to accompany the black and cream background.

O I am interested in using this style when creating the short film poster.

Here are his posters for Star Wars episodes IV, V and VI

…and episodes I, II and III

O As you can see from the Star Wars examples, the posters all have a recurring theme and their own individual ‘feature’ colour.

O Within these silhouettes, an important scene is pictured, one example is in ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ where Cloud City, the location of the films climax is pictured. This is also used as Boba Fett’s visor (the silhouette).

The following greatly emphasize the colours black , orange and cream.

Examples of ‘Thor’ and ‘The Evil Dead’