Film opening sequence analysis report sheet (3)


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Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

Friday the 13th: Name:Kendell Burgess

My Analysis Supporting Images

Cinematography & Camera Techniques

At the start of this sequence the camera technique used is an establishing shot. The director has used this to show off the area of where the film is to take place at/near.Another camera technique used at the beginning of the sequence is a close up. The close up here is used to show the emotion on the girls face as she looks around.In this sequence the director has used an over the shoulder shot. An over the shoulder shot is used mostly when two people are talking to one another, this shot gives us a view of what the other person expression looks like when they’re speaking or listening to what is being said to them. In this short showing though we can’t see the other person’s expression as they are wearing a mask.Another shot used is a medium shot when the man turns around.In this sequence the director uses a two shot. The two shot here is to show off two of the main characters as they search through the house, it’s also used to show the viewers the different emotions on both their faces at the same time.The tracking shot used here shows off the surroundings around the tent as if their alone to make the viewer’s think different about what’s going to happen.

Establishing shot:

Close Up:

Over the shoulder:

Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

Medium shot:

Two shot:

Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

Tracking shot:

Visual Effects & Colour Scheme

Through the beginning of the title sequence there was a lot of high key lighting used because everything started off happy and they didn’t have anything to worry about but once things started getting bad that’s when the they edited the footage to make it a lot darker to keep with the scary theme as they were all about the get killed.

High key:

Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

Low Key:

Genre Conventions

Friday the 13th is a horror film. You can tell that it’s of this genre because of the typical things you see in horror films being featured in it, e.g. killer, victims, house where bad things happen, blood, killing weapon, etc.

Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

Narrative Both diegetic sound and non-diegetic sound is used in this sequence. Diegetic sound for when the characters are speaking and doing things and non-diegetic sound for when the woman at the beginning talked over the footage about a young boy drowning.

Editing Techniques

Title Credit Design The titles in this sequence are fairly simple. The writing is in a block font and it’s white in colour. This stands out to the audience because it’s bold and kind of bright in contrast to the dark background. Titles like this are similar in other films of the same genre.