Fill and COMSEC Procedures for the AN/PSC-5 Series Radios


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Fill and COMSEC Procedures for the AN/PSC-5 Series Radios

DAMA Orderwire Important Information for COMSEC Custodian, Planner and Operator

DAMA Orderwire is an unclassified live key that is utilized around the world by every radio on a DAMA SATCOM network. The DAMA Orderwire is a weekly key. You (COMSEC Custodian) MUST check the callout for the correct segment for the week of operation prior to issuing the key. If you do not, you most likely will give out to wrong segment and the operator WILL NOT communicate and you (COMSEC Custodian) will be required to complete a COMSEC Incident report for each key wrongly handled. In addition, the Orderwire must be correct short title for the footprint they are operating in.


Virginia CONUS 100/105W AKAT / AKAE C5592 1 & 2

Naples, Italy LANT 15/23 AKAT / AKAE C5594 3 & 4

Guam IO 72/72.5E AKAT / AKAE C5596 1 & 2

Hawaii PAC 172/177E AKAT / AKAE C5598 3 & 4

The operator has the capability to enter two weeks of orderwire at once in the radio. So when the weekly turnover occurs, there will be no break in communications. Then when the operator has the time, the operator can write over the expired week with the next week’s OW.The only issue we have here is when operating in a 5 KHz MHOP network, the operator will be required to maintain both keys required for operation and at the time of changeover, the operator must shut down and load the next OW keys to operate.The same Orderwire is used for both 5 KHz and 25 KHz Networks.NOTE; Positions 5-8 are not used.

See PSC-5 Support with DAMA document for NCTAMS POC info. Or contact PSC-5 Support for further info at 1-800-545-2340.


F4.09 / 4.10 / 4.11 / 5.70• Refer to Handout


• Select Radio from “soi radio supervisor” screen on ANCD.• Select SEND• Displays “ send to” select Radio• Select ICOM• Displays “connect to RT AUD\FILL connector” using W-4 cable connect to

ANCD to radio aud/fill connector, press down arrow key one time.• Displays “Set function switch to ld on rt.” Set RT to load and press the

down arrow key one time.• Displays do you want to include time select yes.• Press Ld on Rt. • ANCD displays ICOM transfer successful.*Note if RT displays BAD or ANCD displays fail handshake then check the connection of

the W-4 cable… you must have o-rings on both ends, ensure pins are clean and shiny you can use an eraser to clean

the pins… sometimes it takes a couple of tries to work successfully. If it stills does not work try zeroizing the RT.

Loading SINCGARS Loadset

• PSC-5D– Function Switch to F2

• Select Hot Key 3• ANCD

– Select “Radio”– Select “Send”– Select “Radio”– Select “Abn”– “Do you want to load COMSEC to a KY58 (Y/N)”– “Do you want to load an airborne radio? (Y/N)”– Connect ANCD to RT ( )– Set FCTN switch to LD on RT ( ) (Ignore)– Prepare to load ESET– On Radio Press ENT– Once filled store in position 01– Disconnect ANCD

• ANCD will come up as fill failed (Ignore)


“TEK”• Select RADIO from soi radio supervisor screen, on ANCD.• Select COMSEC• Select LD• Select TEK• Select the TEK for your mission, or ask the comsec custodian for the

appropriate TEK for the time. Find it by scrolling down using the P DN key on the ANCD. Once you find the TEK, select it by pressing ENTR on the ANCD. XMT should appear on the bottom right corner of the ANCD display. Select QUIT.

• Displays connect ANCD to RT, press down one time.• Press LD on RT.• TEK transfer successful, press STO and the alpha numeric for the channel

you are using for example (press STO and 6 for channel six.)


CT-3 Loading instructions for the AN/PSC-5D

Steps for F1• AN/CYZ-10

– Power-up by pressing the “ON/OFF” button on the top right of the keyboard.– Select “Xmit”.– Press ENTR button.– Select “A_xmt” Press” ENTR”– Select “Platform” Press” ENTR”– Use the “P UP” and “P DN” to search through the list for the Platform you need to load in your radio. (SOTM F1)– Once found, Select “Sel_plt” and Press “ENTR”

• AN/PSC-5– Confirm nothing is attached to the radio.– Turn the Mode switch to PT and allow BIT to complete.– Turn Mode switch to CT and allow to initialize.

• If nothing is currently loaded in the radio it will come up with the message “Proceed to F1 and hit ENT Twice”– Turn the mode switch to F1 and press ENT twice.– Select “DS-101” (Used for CT-3 only)

• Connect the AN/CYZ-10 to the Radio “FILL” Port via a fill cable.• AN/CYZ-10

– Select Automatic and Press “ENTR”• AN/PSC-5

– Watch the screen on the radio and it will count the fills being loaded in the radio• AN/CYZ-10 will return to the Main menu when complete.• AN/PSC-5

– Cycle power on the radio before moving on.

F1: COMSECConnect Device

1-Transfer VariablesSel Device: DS-101

COMSEC RandomizedProceed to F1 and Press ENT Twice


Steps for F2• AN/CYZ-10

– Select “Transmit” Press ENTR– Select “Platform” Press ENTR– Use the “P UP” and “P DN” to search through the list for the Platform you

need to load in your radio. (SOTM F2)– Once found, Select “Sel_plt” and Press “ENTR”

• AN/PSC-5– Turn the mode switch to F2.– Select “DS-101” (Used for CT-3 only)

• Confirm the connection of the AN/CYZ-10 to the Radio “FILL” Port via a fill cable.

• AN/CYZ-10– Select “Automatic” and Press ENTR

• AN/PSC-5– Watch the screen on the radio and it will count the fills being loaded in the

radio• The AN/CYZ-10 will return to the Main menu when complete.

F2: TRANSEC Connect Device1-Transfer Variables Sel Device: DS-101

AN/PYQ-10Simple Key Loader (SKL)

PSC-5 Series

SKL DS-101 Loadset Creation

1. Plats Tab selected1. File->Add Platform2. Enter (Name, Path, Bussed)

2. Eqs Tab selected1. File->Add Equipment2. Enter (Name, Type, Path, Buss Addr)

3. Platform Tab selected1. File->Assign->Equipment2. Select Equipment, Enter

4. Eqs Tab selected1. File->Assign->Key Tags2. Select Key, Next3. Select Location, Finish

SKL Receiving Keys

2 Methods 1. Create Key Tag (TM pg 2-257)

1. File->Create Key Tags2. Must fill in Tag information3. File->Receive->Key Needed

2. Pull in Key (TM pg 2-1831. File->Receive->Key2. Must fill in Tag info if DS-102 or verify DS-101

SKL-RT DS-101 Load

An Platform or an individual Key can be loaded by DS-101.

Loading or ‘Transmit’ can be done by a ‘LOAD’ shortcut in the upper right hand corner or by highlighting the Platform or Key and selecting File->Transmit->Load

SKL-RT DS-101 Platform Load

1. Plats tab selected2. Highlight Platform name to load3. Load shortcut or File->Transmit->Load

1. Gathering Data occurs2. Load ECU Wizard comes up to verify info.

Connect Device, Next3. Any checkmark commands are to be performed

on device to be loaded, Send

SKL-RT DS-101 Key Load

1. Plats, Eqs or Keys tab selected2. Highlight Key name to load (Navigate down to the

Key symbol if in Plats or Eqs tab)3. Load shortcut or File->Transmit->Load

1. Gathering Data occurs2. Load ECU Wizard comes up to verify info. Connect

Device, Next3. Any checkmark commands are to be performed on

device to be loaded, Send

SKL-RT DS-101 Hopset Load

1. Plats or Eqs tab selected2. Highlight Location name to load (Navigate

down to the LOC symbol)3. Load shortcut or File->Transmit->Load

1. Gathering Data occurs2. Load ECU Wizard comes up to verify info.

Connect Device, Next3. Any checkmark commands are to be performed

on device to be loaded, Send

SKL-RT DS-102 Key Load

1. Keys tab selected2. Highlight Key name to load (Navigate down

to the Key symbol)3. Load shortcut or File->Transmit->Load4. Key Load Settings comes up

1. Select settings (Default settings work) Next2. Connect Device, Change any info if needed, OK3. Press Initiate in Receiving Device

General TroubleshootingFilling COMSEC

Step #1: Zeroize the radio (Rotate the Mode Switch to Zero and allow "Complete" to appear on the display)

Step #2 Cycle Power (Turn Mode Switch to OFF the back to PT and allow BIT to complete)

Step #3: Go to the Main Menu (Once BIT Completes, Press ESC twice)

Step #4: Press 6 then 4 (Takes you to Maintenance, Erase Parameters)

Step #5: Press 1 for Erase Parameters (Complete this by selecting Yes and waiting for "Complete" to appear in the display)

Step #6: Press 2 Restore Factory Settings (Complete this by selecting Yes and waiting for "Complete" to appear in the display)

Step #7: Cycle power, stop at PT to allow the BIT to complete (Current LOS operating Mode will appear when complete, unless the radio fails BIT)

Step #8: Follow the included instructions for loading COMSEC


Perform the following steps to receive an Over-the-Air Re-key (OTAR). OTARs may be sent in VINSON, FASCINATOR, ANDVT, MELP, or KG-84 modes of operations.

NOTEWhen in ANDVT or MELP, the AN/PSC-5D can transmit OTARs to legacy equipment (e.g. KY-99,

KY-100) but cannot receive OTARs from legacy equipment. The AN/PSC-5D can receive OTARs in ANDVT or MELP from another AN/PSC-5D, an AN/PSC-5C, or an AN/ARC-231.

a. Ensure the terminal is in CT and has the current TEK and KEK for the appropriate crypto mode of operation installed.

b. Configure the radio for the appropriate operating mode.

c. Wait for NCD sending station to establish communications.

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