· Web view2 days ago  · Hey everyone, Last week before a well-earned half...


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Hey everyone,

Last week before a well-earned half term.

Please know that you are all doing an amazing job. Keep the pictures and e-mails coming and stay safe.

Miss Loney xx

Phonics/sound lesson

Now that we have completed set 1 we would normally use the last week before half term to assess the children to see how much they have retained so this week is a slightly different format for home learning. Please don’t worry about assessing/testing your child, we will do that when we get back together but for now please;

· watch the you tube video which allows the children to practice all the sounds they have learnt so far

· watch 1 ‘word time’ reading video each day

· watch 1 ‘word time’ spelling video each day

· play a phonics game.

Extra information

In addition to the phonics lessons please watch one of the following video’s below each day with your child; you will need a pen and paper to hand. During the blending lessons please encourage your child to segment and blend the words along with Rosie AND write the words. I have also added 2 red word lessons. These are words which we cannot Fred talk, we call these words tricky words, and they are words we just need to know. Have a go and reading and writing them.

Blending lesson 11;

Blending lesson 12:

Red word lesson 1:

Red word lesson 2:


Learning intention: to recap all the sounds they have learnt.

Flash card practise videos (watch either of these videos, but not both):

Word time 1:2 Reading :

Word time 1:2 spelling :

Activity: Using loose parts in or outside the house e.g buttons, Lego, raisins, leaves, stones, sticks etc can you use the objects to make letters to spell the following words: pin, mat, set, cot, mum


Learning intention: to recap all the sounds they have learnt.

Choose any sound in phase 2 or any sound from set 1-7 in phase 3

Flash card practise videos (watch either of these videos, but not both):

Word time 1:3 reading :

Word time 1:3 spelling:



Learning intention: to recap all the sounds they have learnt.

Flash card practise videos (watch either of these videos, but not both):

Word time 1:5 reading :

Word time 1:5 spelling:

Activity: draw a happy face and a sad face on a post it note or a piece of paper and attach each face to two cups or two bowls. Write the following words on to paper and scrunch them up like a snowball. Then mix them all up then pick a snowball, read the word and decide if it’s a real word (in which case you must try and throw it onto the happy cup) or a nonsense word (in which case you must try and throw it into the sad cup)



Learning intention: to recap all the sounds they have learnt.

Flash card practise videos (watch either of these videos, but not both):

Word time 1:6 reading:

Word time 1:6:spelling

Activity: Play the space race phase 2


Learning intention: to recap all the sounds they have learnt.

Flash card practise videos (watch either of these videos, but not both):

Word time 1:7 reading:

Word time 1:6 spelling :

Activity: Play CVC snakes and ladders. To make it easier, make your own

Version and write in sounds that you might find tricky. To make it harder,

make your own Version with some words you might find a little tricky,


This week we are recapping the numbers 6,7 and 8. We will be looking at the composition of these numbers and combining two groups to make different totals.


Learning intention: To count and match the numbers 6,7 and 8.

Adult led: Click on the link and watch session 1

Activities: Have a go at session 1 activity


Learning intention: To understand ‘pair’ being 2 things.

Adult led: Click on the link and watch session 2

Activities: Have a go at session 2 activity


Learning intention: To combine 2 groups and find the total

Adult led: Click on the link and watch session 3

Activities: Have a go at session 3 activity


Learning intention: To combine 2 groups and find the total

Adult led: Click on the link and watch session 4

Activities: Have a go at session 4 activity


Learning intention: To add on from a number and add more.

Adult led: Click on the link and watch session 5

Activities: Have a go at session 5 activity


This week looks a little different. There are 3 different special events happening in February which we would learn about in school: Chinese New year, Valentines Day and Pancake day. Please have pick and choose the activities your child would most enjoy.

Watch this short cbeebies video following Abbie and her brother as they clean the house in preparation for the Chinese New Year:

Maybe clean your house ready for the new year and put on your best clothes…remember to wear something red…it’s a lucky colour.

Watch this short video as Abbie takes to the streets of Liverpool with her family for a parade and firecracker display:

Abbie gives her mum a good luck message …maybe you could have a go at writing your grown up a good luck message in Chinese?

During Chinese New Year celebrations, children are sometimes given envelopes with money inside! With an adult, look at some coins and see if you can see any numbers on them. What numbers can you see? What shape are the coins? What colours are they?

You could make your own lucky Chinese envelope and maybe your grown up might put some lucky coins in there.

Order numbers 1-5 or 1-10 on this game:




Have a go at writing or painting your numbers in Mandarin.

Can you use chop sticks to move objects from one bowl to another? Or even better…try some chinese food such as noodles or egg fried rice using your chop sticks

Make a Chinese dragon or lantern. Look on our home learning website for lots of Chinese crafts.

Watch Rosie and Poise visit China and learn a Chinese fan dance. Maybe you could make a fan and join in.

Make a love bug using play dough

Make a love sandwich

Make a valentine heart shape flower.



Make a Kandinsky Valentine's Day Painting

Make some number hearts.

Make a valentine’s day card for your loved ones.

Have a try at making a toilet roll heart stamp

Design your own pancake – cutting and sticks skills

Watch the story The big Pancake

It’s just like the gingerbread man but with a pancake.

Can you balance a coin on a lemon?

Make a pancake with your grown up.

Pancake day

Learn all about Pancake day using the pancake ppt:

Have a pancake race

Can you make your own pancake face?

Watch the story Mr Wolf’s pancakes