Field Geology Quiz - off to the moon to do geology – or is that selenology To accompany use of...


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Field Geology Quiz- off to the moon to do

geology – or is that selenology

To accompany use of From the Earth to the Moon – Episode 10

• Dave Scott

• Genesis Rock

Lee Silver

• Farouk El Baz

• GeneShoemaker

• Meteor Crater

• What is the mystery of the “dead cat”?

• What does that have to do with being a field geologist?

•What does “context” mean? –(in a field geology sense)

•What is “a suite”?

–(not the hotel room!! In terms of field geology!)

•The rocks of an area tell a __________.

•What do the rocks of the Big Island tell us?

• How did the astronauts get “the Big Picture”?

•What was the point of the video?

• What was the name of the Astronaut / Geologist?

• What was the name of the CalTech geologist / professor?

• What was the name of the crazy moon guy?

Gems Gem name | Color(s) | What country

A> | |

B> | |

C> | |

D> | |

Name the “gem” made by an animal. _______

• Hadley Rille – site of Apollo 15 landing

• East side of Mare Imbrium

• EVA on Apollo 15

• Hadley Rille and rover
