FF Dec 2012


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  • 8/12/2019 FF Dec 2012


  • 8/12/2019 FF Dec 2012


  • 8/12/2019 FF Dec 2012



    Lead Article Why Yoga? Sadhguru on Transforming Oneself from a Person to a Presence 4

    Musings Enlightened but Still Not Free?

    Sadhguru on the Difference between Enlightenment and Liberation 7 Fan Club or Spiritual Process? Sadhguru on How to Experience His Presence 8 Loss of a Child Sadhguru on What Parents Can Do for a Child Who Passed Away 9

    In Conversation with the MysticHow to Eradicate Conflict in Society

    Sadhguru in Conversation with Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan Part 5 12

    Leela Series

    The path of the playful part XXXVIII: The Three Worlds 14

    Sadhguru Spot In Time for Formula 1

    From Sadhguru Spot of 7 November 2012 16

    Sharing Experiences

  • 8/12/2019 FF Dec 2012


    The following is an excerpt from a darshan withSadhguru at the Isha Yoga Center, VelliangiriFoothills, India, on 30 October 2012.

    Of all the things in the world, of all the thingsthat a human being can do, why yoga?

    Everything that human beings can do is essentiallyan expression of who they are. Yoga is diametricallyopposite to this because it is not an expression

    of who you are. If you nd full expression throughany particular activity, it may also leave yousomewhat transformed. If you cook with all yourheart, some transformation may happen. Taking

    care of a cow can change your life. If you singwith all your heart, some transformation mayhappen. If you dance with all your heart, sometransformation may happen. Absolute involvementin a particular activity has a certain impact, but


    W Y ?Sadhguru on TransforingOneself om a Person to

    a Presence

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    relationships, associations, and whatever else allthese things make you a certain kind of person.

    This is a very western thing but it is very muchthere in India today too because a lot of Indiansare far more western than westerners. People say,Im a morning person. Im an evening person.What they mean is, I cannot stay awake in theevening, so Im a morning person. Or, I cannotwake up in the morning; that means I am anevening person. Not only that, it is going so farthat some are BlackBerry people, some are Applepeople. These are not just instruments that youuse you get identi ed with them. The worldis getting divided in so many ways. There arechapatti people, there are rice people, there aredosa people, there are idli people there are allkinds. What kind you are is essentially a certaintype of compulsion.

    You put yourself into the process of yoga becauseyou do not want to be this kind or that kind you want to be the kind that you are required to

    be in a particular moment. If it is morning, youare a morning person. If it is evening, you are anevening person. If you are not required to be aperson, you are not a person. You become exible.We work on this exibility with your body tostart with; afterwards, it should come to everyaspect of your life. Your physical structure, yourpsychological structure, your emotional structure,your karmic structure everything should become

    exible, so that it can be whatever it is requiredto be; so that it is not stuck with being this way

    shell thinner and thinner, more and more porous,so that one day, you can exist without a shell.

    All aspects of physicality are cyclical. Planetsare going around the sun, the solar systems aremoving everything in the cosmos is cyclical. Themore identi ed you are with your physical system,the more cyclical you are too. Your experiencesare cyclical; the process of life is cyclical. If youwatch carefully enough, even the situations thatyou face in your life come in cycles. Yoga meanson one level to break the cycle of life. Becauseif you are going in circles, it just gives you theimpression that you are going somewhere, butyou are not really going anywhere; you are goingthrough the same thing again and again.

    Yoga means to open up the circle and stretch itout like a straight line so that if you follow theline, you go somewhere; you are not going roundand round. Do not experiment with this now, butlets say you have been doing sadhana for two,three, or ve years and then you stop it for three

    months, you will see so many compulsions thatwere long time gone suddenly become a part ofyou again. These compulsions will come back ifyou break the sadhana because nature is not goingto release you so easily. You have to keep workingat it; otherwise you must be happy doing thecircle. If you become conscious and you can seethe whole circle of your life, it looks like a circus,and de nitely you do not want it to continueforever; you want to do something about it.

    These repetitive cycles of compulsiveness come

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    If you watch a movie in the cinema, it is so bigand so real, more real than the real; it becomes abigger reality than the actual reality because it isso exaggerated. But all this is just memory being

    played out. Whether it is recorded in a lm or in adigital format or whichever way, it is just memory;it is already over. Even your thoughts, youremotions, your compulsions, what you like, whatyou dont like, whom you love, whom you dontlove whatever is in your mind is all memory; it

    is already past. Yesterday you loved somebody with that memory, you live today. Yesterday youdisliked somebody with that memory, you livetoday. So you are trying to live that which is over.If you try to live that which is over, that which iswill bypass you.

    Yoga means to liberate yourself from theinformation that determines who you are rightnow. The information that determines the colorof your skin, the information that determines theshape of your body should not determine howyou think, feel, and experience your life but

    unfortunately, it does. If this information does notdetermine anymore how you are right now, thenyou are moving into yoga. The daily sadhana is

    just to slowly, gradually create a distance from thatinformation you dont have to lose it. Peoplesay, I want to forget. If you forget, you will do

    the same stupid things all over again. Never everforget. The more unpleasant your life has been, themore you should never forget.

    This is not about forgetfulness but about being

    Yesterdays love, yesterdays dislike everythinghas determined who you are today. It will notallow you to experience what is today; it will notallow you any possibility of life; you will be like a

    broken record, just going on with the same thing.I dislike this person. I dislike this person. I dislikethis person. Yesterday, he did something and youdisliked him there is no need to dislike him today.But the memory is playing up. Whether you likehim or dislike him, both ways it is an old record

    playing, which will not allow you any perception.Unless you begin to perceive life in larger andlarger doses, there is really no experience of life,

    just the mind playing the same record over andover again.

    Yoga means breaking this cycle. Nature will notrelease you from it just like that; it needs a certainamount of work. If you want to be released justlike that, you have to release yourself from thebody itself. The foundation of information thatwe carry has constructed this body the way it is.To stay in the body, which is the way it is only

    because of its memory, and not to be a part of thatmemory; to live in it and not to be of it, will notcome easy. I am not saying it is dif cult, but itneeds to be worked at.

    The sadhana is just about this. However simplethe sadhana is, if it is worked at every day, slowlyyou can see a certain level of freedom happeningwithin you. It will slowly release you. If you wantto go rapidly, there is a lot more to do. If you dontmind going slowly, there is something to do. So

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    Questioner: Sadhguru, you mentioned that theBuddha said after his enlightenment that he was stillnot free. Does this mean that after enlightenment,there is still karma? Are enlightenment andliberation not the same thing?

    Sadhguru: Karma means action. How doesyesterdays action live in you today? Only becauseof memory. If yesterday lives in you today, it is avirtual life. People are talking about virtual realitiestoday. This is nothing new people have always beenin a virtual reality. They are either in yesterday ortomorrow. This has always been a human problem people are not in reality; they are in the virtualreality of their own mind. Your psychologicalrealities are virtual realities, not actual realities. Andall your suffering generally comes from the virtualreality; very rarely somebody actually poked you.

    The rest of the poking is only done by you. Most ofthe suffering, people do to themselves.

    There is something called memory and there issomething called imagination. Most people do nothave a line between the two. They are using memoryas an armory and are ring their imagination. Ifsomebody said something yesterday, this memoryand your imagination come together today, multiplya million-fold in your head and drive you crazy.People have not done the needed work to create adistinction between the two When you are given

    possible way. Individual people may have somehowmanaged to create a clear-cut boundary betweentheir memory and imagination, but there are nosocial and educational tools available today todistinctly separate the two. If you do not separate

    your memory and imagination, you are for sureheading for madness. Has it not happened manytimes some incidents occurred in your life, youwere racing towards madness, but then somewhereyou got back to your senses? Maybe by reading abook or turning on the television, by talking to a

    friend or going to a psychiatrist in some way youdealt with it and put brakes on your madness.

    So, this is a question of memory. When I use theword memory, you may think about your mindand how much memory you have. But your mindhas just a miniscule of the memory that you carry

    in your body. Your body has enormous memory. Itstill remembers how your great grandfathers nosewas; he is still sitting in your face. Your body stillremembers how your forefathers were thousandsof years ago, how their skin texture was. Yourbody has phenomenal memory; your mind has

    very little memory. When Gautama said after hisenlightenment, Till I get rid of all these thousandsof lifetimes of memory, Im not really free, he wassaying that he knows the way to freedom but till hesheds his body, he is not really free because all these

    Sadhguru on the Difference bet een Enlightenment and Liberation

    E B S N F ?

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    F C B S P ?Sadhguru on How to Ex er ience His Presence

    The following is an excerpt from a darshan withSadhguru at the Isha Institute of Inner-sciences,Tennessee, USA, on 9 May 2011.

    Questioner: Every day at 6:20 p.m., we sit and tryto tune in to your presence. But if I am honest, forme it is just not the same as when you are herewith us. I am wondering how I can improve thatbecause I would like to have your presence insideme all the time.

    Sadhguru: A man was standing on the scale in thebathroom and trying to pull his belly in with both

    his hands. His wife looked at him and said, John,it doesnt work like that. Just because you pull yourbelly in, your weight will not go down. He said,Thats not it I am trying to see the display. Soyou must see what is in the way. Not the belly,

    club. But actually, I am important in your life onlybecause I can be something more than this bodyand this mind. So do not limit it to relating to mybody and mind. Hold the belly back so you can readthe display. What is getting in the way is that for along time, your idea of yourself and of someone else

    has only been body and mind. So if you do not seesomebody, in your perception, they are not here.

    Not too long ago, I was to speak to a popularfootball club in the UK who are in the EnglishPremier League. Two of the boys who had donethe Inner Engineering Online program asked for

    a few minutes of private time with me. Then theytold me, Sadhguru, I dont want anybody to know.Dont tell anybody. I said, Yes, what happened?He said, On the fth day of the Online program,I was crying, man. I was crying! He is a massive

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    The following is an excerpt from a darshan withSadhguru at the Isha Yoga Center, VelliangiriFoothills, India, on 12 September 2012.

    Questioner: Sadhguru, I lost my daughter last weekand I came to the ashram to do the KalabhairavaKarma 1, so I feel I have done the best that I could dofor her. I just wonder if there is anything else I cando for her and for myself.

    Sadhguru: You must pardon me what I am goingto say is not intended to hurt you. It is just a littletechnical I want you to look at it that way. I couldspeak a few words of solace instead but that would

    pain simply because that life was not full- edgedyet. Now that the medical interference has becomea little too much, it is no longer so, but earlier, manychildren died before they were four years of age alot of them without any ailment, simply like that,because before four years of age, that life is not yetfully established in the body.

    When your child is an infant, you have the mostcontact with him or her. But in spite of them beingso much with you, before four years of age, youare physically not so strongly connected to thembecause they themselves are not very strongly

    d h b d h h

    L CSadhguru on What Parents Can Do for a Child Who Passed Away

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    experience. At four years of age, the child is runningaround, wanting to see the world. So people areconcerned with other things where the child isgoing, the school admission, and all that. Otherwise

    they would notice that at that time, somethingclicks in within them because that being and itsbody clicked in, approximately 40 to 48 monthsafter its birth. When that clicks in, you come to acertain ease because it becomes a part of you. Youdont have to consciously hold it anymore; a naturalholding is happening.

    You will see that if a child dies before four years of age,people will be disappointed, emotionally disturbed,but not grief-stricken. This is because that being hasnot yet connected with that body. And you mustunderstand that you are only a provider of the body;

    you cannot create a being. It is not in human handsto create a being; you can only facilitate a body. So,only when that being really clicks into the body thatyou provided, something clicks in within you andoccupies a certain space within your own system. Ifwe just check somebodys energy, we know whetherthey have had children or not because your childrenoccupy a certain space within you.

    This physiological connection is very strong till thechild becomes 21; after 21, it starts dissipating onceagain. This is a beautiful natural system of caring forthe offspring, bringing it up, and also being capableof releasing it when you have to. If somebody comesto me and says, Bless my children, I will ask howold they are. If a child is below 21 years, you canbless a mother or a father and have a deep impacton the child. But if the children are over 21, they

    When you die, you want your child around you.Traditionally, they said the son, because practically,it was only possible for the son to be around; thedaughter would often be somewhere else. The reason

    why a child should be around is, there are methods tomake use of that little pocket, that little empty spacewithin you which is occupied by that being whomyou refer to as my child. And if he does the rightthings, he can liberate you. Those people who livecompletely unaware and do not do anything aboutthemselves depend upon their children to liberatethem. And that became a whole tradition by itself.Varanasi is known for this. People come either withtheir aged parents who want to die in Kashi, or theirparents have just died and they come with the ashes because they somewhere understand they could liberate them. But today, there are very few people

    who know how to do these things properly. It hasbecome a mere ritual.

    Generally, peoples interaction with each other isonly physical, mental, or emotional it never goesbeyond that. We believe that this is everythingabout that person. But when a person sheds his orher body, the mental structure is gone, the emotionsare gone, and the body is surely gone. So everythingthat you knew about this person is gone. And thatbeing that you have always held as your child willbe as much a stranger to you as just about anybodyelse.

    So as a parent, you have a little space occupied bythe quality of that being that you consider as yourchild, but your children dont have that little spacewithin them occupied by you. The future generation

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  • 8/12/2019 FF Dec 2012


    Sadhguru in Conversation with Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan How to Eradicate Confict in Society

    In the most recent episode of the In Conversation with the Mystic series, which took placeon 16 June 2012 in Hyderabad, Sadhguru and Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan discuss a range ofsubjects from morality to politics and corruption, nation and society, and the spiritual andtemporal. The following is the fth part of their conversation.

    Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan: Sadhguru, I entirelyagree with you that unless unity and order arekept even above liberty if there is a clash, we

    are in danger. Could spirituality be the glue tokeep the country united? If the emphasis is ona spiritual tradition which is beyond a certainreligion or beyond a certain philosophical tradition,then that will be perfectly all right. But if, in thename of spirituality, a certain religious persuasionor a certain philosophical tradition is propagatedin a very pluralist country like India, the dangersof disunity are even greater, some people couldargue. This mix of religion and politics has doneus a great disservice. So how do you distinguishbetween religion, politics, and a spirituality that istrue and all-encompassing?

    Sadhguru: Let us rst of all make a distinctionbetween religion and a spiritual process. A religionarises because people have a set of beliefs. A beliefarises because somebody says this is it. If nobody

    that my God said, initially I will tell you, Pleasedont do it. If you dont listen, I will want to putyou in Gods lap so that you will be well. [Laughter]

    The moment you believe something that you do notknow, you have started a con ict. The con ict mightnot have erupted yet but it will erupt someday. Thatis the reason one should understand the distinctionbetween believing, knowing, and seeking. Whenyou say you are a religious person, you refer toyourself as a believer. That means you have assumedsomething and concretized the assumption and youwant other people to concretize that assumption too.When you say you are on the path of spirituality,you are saying you are a seeker. No seeking can begenuine if you assume something. You can seek onlywhen you have realized that you do not know. Ifyou do not know, you have no cause to ght withanybody; you have nothing to protect.

    Spiritual process will remove con ict entirely notjust in the society. It essentially removes it within

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  • 8/12/2019 FF Dec 2012


    The following is an excerpt from a Q&A withSadhguru during Leela, the path of the playful,a unique exploration into the mystical realm ofKrishna that took place at Isha Yoga Center inSeptember 2005.

    Questioner: I have a question about the last part ofchapter 1, verse 35. What are the three worlds that

    Arjuna is referring to?Sadhguru: This is Arjunas question: Oh Govinda,of what use is a kingdom and happiness when thosewith whom we may enjoy these are now arrayed inbattle? When teachers, fathers, sons, grandfathers,maternal uncles, fathers-in-law, grandsons, brother-

    in-laws, and other brethren are standing here readyto ght, risking their lives? I have no desire to killeven those bent on killing me. Oh Krishna, I am notready to ght with the sons of Dhritarashtra even inexchange of the three worlds, much less an earthlykingdom. Oh Mahadeva, we will only incur sin by

    killing these aggressors. It is not right for us to killthe sons of Dhritarashtra and our friends. How canone be happy after destroying ones own family?

    It is interesting that Arjuna is referring to Krishna as

    naraka and swarga as hell and heaven. Buddhiststalk about the lower world and the higher world. Itis not that one is up and the other one is down. Up

    and down are more metaphorical, more in termsof your understanding and experience. Dependingupon their nature, some beings get into a torturousstate. Even living within the play of elements, somepeople have become a torture within themselves,some people have become joy within themselves. Allof us have come with the same ingredients, but justsee how different each one of us has become. Oneis in fear, another is in anger, another is in anxiety,another is in joy, another is in love. The sameingredients, but each one turned out differently.

    The importance of human life is, you have come

    with discretion. You can employ your discretion toenhance yourself. The words heaven and hell havewrong connotations, so let us call one a blissful worldand the other one a torturous world. Either you havebecome bliss or you have become a torture. Onceyou have lost your body, you have no choice; youhave no discrimination capabilities because withyour body, your intellect is gone too. Because theintellect is gone, you just move according to yourtendencies. If you have created a torturous tendency,you cannot stop it. The torture just goes on till that

    Leela Series The path of the playful

    Part XXXVIII

    The Three Worlds

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    or you enjoy, according to the tendencies thatyou have created. Unfortunately, for most humanbeings even now their tendencies are carrying themon not their intelligence, not their awareness. If

    you live by choice moment to moment, I am surethat you would choose to live blissfully, joyfully,and lovingly. But that is not happening 24 hoursof the day, simply because you are going by yourtendencies, not by your choice. Though you havethe discriminatory capability, you use it only hereand there. If your intellect and discriminatoryprocess were truly active, you would not besubject to the tendencies within you. No matterwhat karmic tendencies are there, no matter whatoutside forces are provoking you, if you functionedaccording to your discrimination, you would justbe the way you wish to be in this moment. Thispossibility, capability, and power exist only whenyou are as a human being in this world. In both, the

    tortuous world and the blissful world, you have nosuch possibility, capability, and choice.

    There are any number of stories in India how

    devas or gods, if they want to advance themselvesfrom the state they are in, come down as humanbeings and do the necessary sadhana because here,there is discriminatory ability. If you are holdinga body and you dont employ your discrimination,you just oat along by your tendencies as if youdont belong to this world of possibility but to thatworld of passivity. You will get there. But rightnow, this world is most important because youhave discriminatory capabilities here. Employ yourdiscrimination. If you employ your discrimination24 hours of the day, you will be blissful there isno other way to be.

    An Invitation to the Divine


    If you transform mud into food, we call this agriculture. If you make food into fleshand bone, we call this digestion. If you make flesh into mud, we call this cremation.If you can make this flesh or even a stone or an empty space into a divine possibility,

    that is called consecration. Sadhguru To accommodate the growing number of seekers coming to receive the Grace of the Dhyanalinga, theSuryakund, a new Theerthakund for men, will soon be established. At the beginning of Uttarayana a timeof great spiritual signi cance, when the suns run shifts to the Northern Hemisphere, Sadhguru will


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    Sadhguru Spot Musings from the Master

    I T F 1Excer ted om Sadhguru Spot of 7 November2012

    Last two weeks have been a blitz of travel andactivity after the wonderful Bhava Spandanaweekend in Tennessee and a quick dash to thebig island of Hawaii for a few important and veryinteresting meetings. First time on an island with alive volcano. Washed tracks of black lava leftoversand pockets of lush green. Fabulous blue-greenocean and manicured golf courses. Wish there was

    more time to explore the island.

    Thanks to Air India, now you can skip the Europeanstopover to land in Delhi in time for the Formula1 race. Only second time in India. My interest in

    are vivid and rich with human faces and varietyof terrain that I enjoy immensely. In all this,my only companion was the throbbing internalcombustion engine that took me around. Racetrackis a celebration of this incredible product of humangenius. The screams of a Formula 1 machine needto be heard to be believed. Incredible machines anddriving skills. Only sad part was our own F1 driver

    from Coimbatore crashed out of the race midway.

    Since then, a quick two-day trip to the ashram,Literature Live festival in Mumbai, an event inRishikesh and one more at Goa, and here I am at


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    Environmental Presentation for World Peace in Rishikesh from 23 Nov 2012

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    Lonely and sad my moods would swingwith a wish that if I had wings

    in a ash I would y

    high and high in the sky

    happy and free in the clouds

    where glee and joy knew no boundsto a land unknown of grief and dismay

    and make my heart feel happy and gay

    where anger and frown never stayed a while

    and faces around were glued with a smile

    But in my head now I hear a scream

    Its time to come out of the dream

    into the world full of bodies without a soul

    and in their hearts a deep dark hole

    I had nowhere to turn, had nowhere to go.

    this is just something I think you need to know

    I dont know what made me trust you

    I still remember the day when I told you what Ive been throughI thought I should run away, go hide in a hole

    but then you really brought out my true soul

    My Eternal Guru

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    E J L D GAs even a most potent seed needs fertile soil to find full expression of life, a

    consecrated space is the need of every human, to blossom and transcend thelimitations imposed by karmic and social situations. Sadhguru

    A Linga Bhairavi Yantra will benet you in many ways:

    With the Linga Bhairavi Yantra and Linga Bhairavi Avighna Yantra, Sadhguru offers you theprivilege of turning your home or business area into a consecrated space. These yantras are livingrepresentations of Linga Bhairavi through which you and your family can constantly connect to Deviand bene t from her Grace.

    In a Yantra Ceremony, you can receive your consecrated and personalized Yantra directly from Sadhguru.This sacred process includes a powerful initiation that will connect you with the energies of Linga Bhairavi.

    It enhances the physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing of all those in its sphereIt creates the right kind of atmosphere for a healthy, successful, and prosperous life

    Physical contact with the yantra brings a profound transformation in your energy system so that you canblossom to your full potential

    The presence of Devi creates a conducive atmosphere for your spiritual sadhana

    The linga shaped-form will sustain its energy for hundreds of years, enabling you and generations of yourfamily to enjoy the bene ts of living in a consecrated space

    Linga Bhairavi YantraLinga Bhairavi Avighna Yantra

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    Program Highlights

    Date Program Place Contact

    29 Nov - 2 Dec 2012INSIGHT: The DNA ofSuccess with Sadhguru

    and Dr. Ram Charan

    Isha Yoga Center,Coimbatore, India

    94430 09000


    9 - 12 Dec 2012 Shoonya IntensiveResidential Program

    Isha Yoga Center,Coimbatore, India



    13 - 15 Dec 2012 Hata YogaResidential Program

    Isha Yoga Center,Coimbatore, India



    21 - 22 Dec 2012 SuryakundConsecration

    Isha Yoga Center,Coimbatore, India

    0422-2515300, 83000 11000theerthakundconsecration@


    28 Dec 2012 Yantra Ceremonywith Sadhguru

    Isha Yoga Center,Coimbatore, India

    94425 04720


    8 - 12 Jan 2013 ChamundiSacred Walks

    Chamundi Hill,Mysore

    94881 11555info@sacredwalks.orgwww.sacredwalks.org

    18 - 20 Jan 2013 Inner Engineeringwith Sadhguru

    Thyagaraj SportsComplex, INA,

    New Delhi, India

    96500 92100, 88600 41275delhi@ishayoga.org

    9 - 10 Feb 2013 Shambhavi Mahamudraprogram with Sadhguru

    London ExCeLLondon, UK


    15 - 17 Feb 2013 Inner Engineeringwith Sadhguru

    R.R.C. Grounds,Secunderabad,

    Hyderabad India

    85000 61000, 85000 62000hyderabad@ishayoga.org

  • 8/12/2019 FF Dec 2012


    Isha Recipes For Healthy Living


    PREPARATION METHODSeparate the broccoli into small florets and then cut into small, even-sized pieces.

    Heat oil in a pan and add the fenugreek and cumin seeds. As they begin to change color, addthe red chili powder, followed by the broccoli pieces and saut well.

    Sprinkle a little water. Add salt to taste. Stir and cover the pan with a lid. Open the lid oncein a while to stir the broccoli. Once the broccoli is cooked, add pepper powder and cook forhalf a minute.

    Remove pan from heat, add the lemon juice, stir, and serve.


    1 medium-sized head Broccoli1 tablespoon Sun ower oil / olive oil1 teaspoon Fenugreek seeds

    1 teaspoon Cumin seeds1 teaspoons (or to taste) Red chili powderTo taste Salt 1 teaspoon Black pepper (freshly ground)1 tablespoon Lemon juice





    Broccoli is a member of the cabbage family and was originally cultivated in Italy. Itshealth bene ts are many:

    Broccoli contains three phytonutrients that have a strong impact on our bodysdetoxi cation system.

    It is a rich source of a particular avonoid that helps to battle allergies and

    F Flow !

  • 8/12/2019 FF Dec 2012


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