Fernand Van Gansbeke DG Enforcement and Mediation Belgium Enforcing Consumer Protection Legislation...


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Fernand Van GansbekeDG Enforcement and Mediation


Enforcing Consumer Protection Legislation

The Belgian Experience



Enforcement and Mediation

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

1. Introduction Belgium : federal state - Kingdom 10,1 mio inhabitants (91 % Belgians) 3 languages (61 % Dutch - 38 % French -

<1% German) 3 federate states (Flanders - Wallonia and

Brussels Capital Region) 10 provinces + Brussels Capital Region 26 judicial districts 589 municipalities

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

2. DG Enforcement & Mediation


Market Surveillance : a federal matter DG Enforcement & Mediation (part of the

F.P.S. Economy) > 35 Acts and 250 Decrees DG Enforcement & Mediation = economic and administrative police

(under supervision Minister and Public Prosecutor) Central offices and 7 regional offices 310 officers (200 field officers)

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

3. Market Surveillance in general

Importance of market surveillance and consumer protection for the market economy

The larger market due to globalisation

The importance of international cooperation

The necessary links between public authority, consumers and the economic agents.

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

4. Protection of Consumers’Economic Interests

Amsterdam Treatyhorizontal policy in the EU

Priority for the new government

Nuclear priority : > 15.000 complaints per year

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

5. DG Enforcement & Mediation Role (1)

The basic legislation >25 laws and 250 Royal Decrees

Trade Practices Act (>40.000 Enquiries/year) Consumer Credit Act (> 1.500 Enquiries/year) Matrimonial Agencies Act Travel Organisation and Intermediation Contract

Act Time Sharing Act ...

Evolution in priorities

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

5. DG Enforcement & Mediation Role (2)

How do the enforcers take action ?

information prevention - warning procedure repression

administrative settement public prosecutor administrative measures.

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

6. The role of consumer organisations

Advice in individual cases

Injunction procedure for the protection of

consumer interests

Consumer education and information

Deliberation with professional organisations

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

7. Cooperation : Public Authorities and Consumer Organisations (1)

Consumer Organisations’ impact

Constant dialogue with professional organisations:

--> through the Consumption Council >250 balanced opinions on consumer


Consumer Information and Education --> time/place on TV and Radio

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

7. Cooperation : Public Authorities and Consumer Organisations (2)

Elaboration of Model Contracts (together with professional organisations), with mediation systems

(--> support from Public Authority)

No direct subsidies from the Public Authorities in order to maintain the independency

The ‘CRIOC’ : study and rechearch center for the Consumer Organisations

--> technical support for C.O. --> training and information for C.O.

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

8. International cooperation

Globalisation of economy European internal market

Bilateral cooperation Protocols FR - UK - LUX - HU Pragmatic NL - DU

Multilateral cooperation International Consumer Protection &

Enforcement Network (ICPEN)

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

9. Latest trends in consumer protection - e-commerce

The dilemma

Surveying the internet

Regulatory Framework :

Trade Practices Act

+ Law on e-commerce Growing number of consumer complaints

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

10. Consumer protection ine-commerce (1)

Circumstances Need for protection against new impostors Special unities with enforcement services

Specific strategy for controlling e-commerce 2 search teams of 6 officers each a search day per week in special internet lab registration of findings, copy of illegal items warning and follow-up, or repression

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

10. Consumer Protection in e-commerce (2)


Specialised research modules




Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

10. Consumer Protection in e-commerce (3)

Findings and results after 3,5 years of exercice

> 3500 Belgian commercial sites examined

1154 breach records -> 529 warning procedures

> 120 repressive actions


sites aimed at the Belgian market

sites responding on Belgian visitors

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004

11. Conclusions

Authorities, professional and consumer organisations have all an important role to play

Cross-border consumption --> need for international administrative enforcement cooperation

Welcome the regulation on Consumer Protection Cooperation

Thessaloniki (Greece) - 22 - 24 November 2004


DG Enforcement & MediationWTC 3 - Office 9-050Boulevard Simon Bolivar 30B- 1000 BRUSSELS

Phone : +32- : +32- : fernand.vangansbeke@mineco.fgov.beWebsite : www.mineco.fgov.be



Enforcement and Mediation
