Fenn Letter Dec 1 1863


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  • 8/13/2019 Fenn Letter Dec 1 1863


    South of the Rapidan, December 1st, 1863

    Dear Wife as I had A Prospect of Staying here in this spot long enough I thought I

    would start A letter For You, but when I shall get A chance to send it is more than

    I can tell at present. in the Firstplace I am well in the next place we have had aDevil of A Fight. I suppose you enjoyed yourself well Thanksgiving day I hope so

    anyhow. well Thanksgiving day the 26thwe left Brandy Station and crossed the

    Rapidan the Same night it rained and was very muddy we crossed at Jacobs Ford.

    and climbed a steep Bank 2 or 3 feet high which we named Jacobs Ladder. the next

    Morning we moved on again, we went very slow, about noon we heard the

    cracking of Rifles and we knew the Enemy was near. the Country is A Complete

    Wilderness here only once in A while A few Acres Cleared land. we are now

    where the Army of the Potomac never was before. well A little past one they begun

    to get our Brigade in Position our Second Division had been Fighting the Rebels

    about two hours, and we was to releive them and let them go to the rear. the trees

    were very thick and we had to push through Brush and limbs for half an hour,

    when we got our Position in A small Hollow, now at this time two o clock,

    Business was getting lively there was an open Field between the rebs position and

    ours and they had come Across this field and the Balls flew over our heads like

    Bees. there was A stout rail Fence 7 feet high. Close to the edge of the woods we

    was in and the rebels Johnnys we call them laid behind this Fence. Plugging away

    at our skirmishers like the Devil we laid on our Bellys about five minutes to avoidtheir Balls when the order Come to rise up. I knew that we was going to have A

    rough time than. then Came the order Fix Bayonets charge. and away we went

    through the Brush and woods yelling like so many Devils. the Johnys gave us one

    volley from the Fence and than run as fast as their legs would let them most of the

    regt stopped on our side of the Fence but I and two others in our Company went

    over and stopped and Commenced Firing as soon as the Rebs got into their side of

    the Clearing in the woods they returned it. we had it hot and heavy than for an hour

    when we was releived by the 14th

    New Jersey and Fell to the rear. they stood it Awhile and than we went up and gave it to them until Dark when our Division was

    releived by the 1stDivision. and so ended our part of the Fight that day we lost 78

    men killed wounded and missing. 11 Killed 57 wounded and 10 missing. Elmore

    Whitney of , was killed, shot through the head, XXVIX, December 3rd.

    where do you suppose we are now, back to Brandy Station I figure. night before

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    last it begun to be whispered around that we were going back, our Regt was out on

    Picket than. we could see the rebel earthwork plain, they were the strongest kind

    reaching from east to west over 4 miles I couldnt beleive from the first that our

    Army would ever attack them and they didnt. we was getting short of rations and

    our Cripplys couldnt get up. at half past two o clock yesterday Morning we quietlyleft our Posts and started on the back track and got here clock last night

    having marched 29 Virginia miles in one day which are a Darned Sight longer than

    Vermont miles any time our regt bring on Picket didnt Come with the Corps but

    showed through alone the Corps didnt get in until this Morning. we have had an

    awfull tough time. it has been very cold the ice froze nearly an inch thick and the

    wind has blowed A good deal besides. it is warmer today and the sun shines

    pleasant. Elmore Whitney, the one that was killed has Bunked with me ever since

    Jim went to the Hospital. Oscar Garrett was badly wounded he tented with meWilliam Cobb, was Color Guard, he was badly wounded this was all that was lost

    in our Company out their was some narrow escapes. Cook got his Foot Bruised

    Some by A spent Ball. Some of our wounded have since died, you will get A list of

    the names in some Vermont paper. the old Brigade lay about A quarter of A mile

    to our rear they say that they never heard such rapid Firing for the length of the line

    and so long kept up I Fired 19 times, some 19 some 24 some not so many and

    some more. we laid A mile of rebs that day our Pioneers were all night burying the

    dead. one of our Officers went over the ground the next Morning they dug great

    holes and Pitched the Johnnys in just as it happened he see A Board stuck up at one

    grave Marked with A pencil, forty Johnny sly here we are in hopes of getting some

    papers and our Mail now, we aint had any since the 25thof last Month we hear

    their has been big doings off West, but what, we have no Particulars. one thing on

    this trip I have been tough as A Bear and had enough to eat but some that was

    afraid of carrying rations have suffered for the want of them. I might as well write

    of A little tight spot I got into in the Fight, and it has made A good deal of Fun for

    the officers and the Boys how I got out of it. I was on A heavy 7 foot rail Fence

    with about 75 others of the regt A fair target for the rebs and they sent their Balls

    in unmercifully, I got on one knee and kept my eye Cusses and loaded. Fired as

    fast as Could and take aim I had a fair view and could see them in in the

    woods about 40 rods off their was so many behind one firing over my head I begun

    to get and wished myself back on the other side of the Fence. I looked

    around but they was so thick I couldnt get over without being in danger of getting

  • 8/13/2019 Fenn Letter Dec 1 1863


    shot by our own Men So I contented myself where I was, and blazed away. Some

    one gave the order to fall back and they went back on A full run, I didnt know as

    they was going back until I see the Damned rebels Coming out of the woods right

    towards as I looked around than and our regt was going over the hill like the Devil.

    I sprung up on the Fence pretty darned quick than but A rail that stuck up sidewaysof the Fence Catched on my Knapsack and I was hung. I yanked 3 times the 4 th

    time the rail give way and over I went on to my head and shoulder on to the ground

    I run my Bayonet in the ground the whole length when I struck and twisted the

    shank so it was spoiled. I could hear the rebs yelling like so many wildcats cClose

    behind all this time and the Balls flew like hail by me but thank fortune they didnt

    have my name on one of our Corporals see me tumble over the Fence and he asks

    me every little while how I like straddling the Fence. it was an almighty narrow

    escape but after I got up I couldnt help laughing at what Aperformance I hadmade. Somehow I tore of every button on the Front side of my Breeches and broke

    both suspenders in the operation. but I tied them up before Ive went up the second

    time. Well this sheet is most full and poorly wrote my ink is so thick it bothers me

    I presume our Mail will go out tomorrow and will have more than that I dont think

    of now.