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Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirments for Literary Degree

at English Literature Department













ن ذكر أو أن ثى نكم مي ل مي يع عمل عامي ن ب عض فاستجاب لم رب هم أني ل أضي ين ب عضكم مي فالذيهم سييئاتيي رن عن م وأوذوا في سبييليي وقات لوا وقتيلوا لكفي يريهي ن دي لن هم جنا هاجروا وأخريجوا مي م ولدخي

ن عيندي اللي ن تتيها الن هار ث وابا مي عينده حسن الث وابي تريي مي ﴾٥٩١﴿آل عمران: والل


“Maka Tuhan mereka memperkenankan permohonannya (dengan

berfirman): “Sesungguhnya Aku tidak menyia-nyiakan amal orang-

orang yang beramal di antara kamu, baik laki-laki atau perempuan,

(karena) sebagian kamu adalah turunan dari sebagian yang lain.

Maka orang-orang yang berhijrah, yang diusir dari kampung

halamannya, yang disakiti pada jalan-Ku, yang berperang dan yang

dibunuh, pastilah akan Ku-hapuskan kesalahan-kesalahan mereka

dan pastilah Aku masukkan mereka ke dalam surga yang mengalir

sungai-sungai di bawahnya, sebagai pahala di sisi Allah. Dan Allah

pada sisi-Nya pahala yang baik”.1

The Meaning:

And their Lord hath heard them (and He saith): Lo! I suffer not the

work of any worker, male or female, to be lost. Ye proceed one from

another. So those who fled and were driven forth from their homes

and suffered damage for My cause, and fought and were slain, verily I

shall remit their evil deeds from them and verily I shall bring them

into Gardens underneath which rivers flow – A reward from Allah.

And with Allah is the fairest of rewards.2


Semarang 2 AL-QUR’AN TERJEMAH, Surah Al Imron Ayat 195,

http://ayatalquran.net/2015/01/surah-ali-imran-the-family-of-imraan-terjemah-bahasa-inggris/. Accesed on Sunday 12 November 2018 at 13.45




In the name of Allah SWT most gracious merciful and the Prophet

Muhammad SAW, the inspiration of Moslem’s life, I dedicate this thesis to my

beloved father, Heryadi and my beloved mother Siti Fatimah, you are my hero

and thanks for your praying. My beloved brother Evan Hermadi and my beloved

sister Anatri Islamiyah you are my strength. I do love you all. I feel so prestigious

because living around the super skillful and wise people as you are all.

For my friend Muhammad Parmadi and other friends who cannot be said

one by one. I would like to say thanks a lot for your care and suggestion that are

given to me as long as my journey in writing this thesis. The last for all people

who have helped me in writing this thesis, I would like to say thank you so much. I

love you all as always.



Firstly, I would like to say Alhamdulillahirabbil’ alamin, all the prise to

Allah subhanahu wata’ala the lord of all creatures, because of His Blessing from

the starting point of my study until now at the end of my study. Peace be upon to

our Prophet Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, hopefully we will get His

syafa’at later at the last day.

Secondly, I would like to say thanks a lot to people who helped the writer

to write this thesis. I would like to say thanks to my supervisors Dr. H. M. Yusuf,

M.Ed, Minsakutra, SS, M.Hum who have helped me, guided, supported and

suggested me in writing this thesis. I also would like to say thank a lot to my

classmate E-LITE 2014 who have given suggestion and support to finish this


To accompolish this thesis I would like to give one great deal to many

people. I would like to say thanks for their contribution, they are:

1. Dr. H. Hadri Hasan, MA as a Rector of Islamic University of Sulthan

Thaha Saifuddin Jambi.

2. Prof. Dr. Maisah, M.Pd.I as the dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty.

3. Dr. Alfian, S.Pd, M.Ed as the First Dean Deputy of Adab and

Humanities Faculty. Dr. H. Muhammad Fadhil, M.Ag as the Second




Hertina Perawati 2018: Feminism in Maleficent Film by Robert Stromberg,

English Literature Department, Adab and

Humanities Faculty, The State Islamic University

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Supervisor : 1. Dr. H. M. Yusuf, M.Ed

2.Minsakutra, SS, M.Hum

The writer choose to analyze feminism in Maleficent film by Robert

Stromberg besides being interested, the writer also found that there was an

element of women oppression by men where men wanted to control women. This

research is entitled "Feminism in Maleficent Film by Robert Stromberg". The

purpose of this research are; 1) to know the kind of feminism in Maleficent film

by Robert Stromberg, 2) to know the factors causing the appearance of feminism

in Maleficent film by Robert Stromberg, 3) to know the influence of feminism on

the main characters in Maleficent film by Robert Stromberg.

The writer used the mimetic approach by Abrams and feminism theory by

Rosmarie Putnam Tong to support the writting of this thesis. Qualitative research

and descriptive method have been used to describe and analyze the data. The data

in this research are Maleficent scripts and films.

The results of this research, the writer had found one kind of feminism that

existed in the Maleficent film, namely ecofeminism. For the factors that led to the

appearance of feminism in the Maleficent film, the writer had found, namely:

ecological protection factors and ending domestic violence and abuse factors. The

writer also found the influence of feminism on the main character, namely:

Women and nature are dominated and thus stresses the need for a more

interdependent worldview and All living things are essential to the well being of

the planet and that humans are not separate or superior.



Hertina Perawati, 2018: Feminism in Maleficent Film by Robert Stromberg,

English Literature Department, Adab and

Humanities Faculty, Universitas Islam Negeri

Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Supervisor : 1. Dr. H. M. Yusuf, M.Ed

2. Minsakutra, SS, M.Hum

Penulis memilih menganalisis feminisme yang ada pada film Maleficent

oleh Robert Stromberg, selain tertarik penulis juga menemukan ada unsur

penindasan terhadap wanita yang dilakukan laki-laki, dimana laki-laki ingin

mengontrol wanita. Penelitian ini berjudul "Analisis Feminisme Dalam Film

Maleficent oleh Robert Stromberg". Tujuan penelitian ini adalah; 1) untuk

mengetahui jenis feminisme dalam film Maleficent oleh Robert Stromberg, 2)

untuk mengetahui faktor penyebab munculnya feminisme dalam film Maleficent

oleh Robert Stromberg, 3) untuk mengetahui pengaruh feminisme pada karakter

utama dalam film Maleficent oleh Robert Stromberg.

Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan mimesis oleh Abrams dan teori

feminisme oleh Rosmarie Putnam Tong untuk mendukung penulisan thesis ini.

Penelitian kualitatif dan metode deskriptif telah digunakan untuk memaparkan

dan menganalisa data. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah naskah dan film


Hasil dari penelitian ini, penulis menemukan satu jenis feminisme yang ada

pada film Maleficent, yaitu ekofeminisme. Untuk faktor penyebab munculnya

feminisme dalam film Maleficent, penulis telah menemukan yaitu: faktor

perlindungan ekologis dan juga faktor mengakhiri kekerasan dan penyiksaan

domestik. Penulis juga menemukan pengaruh feminisme terhadap toko utama

yaitu: Perempuan dan alam didominasi dan dengan demikian menekankan

perlunya pandangan dunia yang lebih saling bergantung dan Semua makhluk

hidup penting bagi kesejahteraan planet dan bahwa manusia tidak terpisah atau

lebih unggul.



PAGE OF TITLE. ................................................................................ i


LETTER OF RATIFICATION ....................................................... iii

ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT ............................................... iv

MOTTO ............................................................................................... v

DEDICATION .................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................vii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................ ix

ABSTRAK ........................................................................................... x

TABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................... xi

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ..................................................... 1

1.1 Background of the Problem .................................................. 1

1.2 Formulation of the Problem .................................................. 6

1.3 Limitation of Problem .......................................................... 6

1.4 Purpose of the Research ....................................................... 6

1.5 Significant of the Research ................................................... 7

CHAPTER II : THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ......................... 8

2.1 Mimetic Approach ................................................................. 8

2.2 Feminism Theory ................................................................... 9

2.2.1 Kinds of Feminism .................................................. 12

2.2.2 Factors Causing of Feminism .................................. 17

2.2.3 Influence of Feminism ............................................ 20

2.3 Definition of Film ................................................................ 22

2.4 Character and Characterization............................................ 23

2.4.1 Major and Minor Characters ................................... 24

2.4.2 Dynamic and Static Characters ............................... 24

2.5 Review of Related Research ................................................ 25

CHAPTER III : METHOD OF THE RESEARCH ....................... 28

3.1 Design of Research .............................................................. 28

3.2 Source of Data ..................................................................... 30

3.3 Technique of Data Collecting .............................................. 30

3.4 Technique of Data Analyzing .............................................. 31


CHAPTER IV : FINDING ANALYSIS .......................................... 33

4.1 The Kind of Feminism in Maleficent Film by Robert Stromberg 33

4.2 The Factors Causing the Appearance of Feminism in Maleficent Film by

Robert Stromberg ............................................................... 42

4.3 The Influence of Feminism on The Main Character in Maleficent film by

Robert Stromberg ............................................................... 50


5.1 Conclusion ........................................................................... 59

5.2 Suggestion ........................................................................... 59

REFERENCES .................................................................................. 61

APPENDIX I.................................................................................... xiii

APPENDIX II ................................................................................... xvi

APPENDIX III .................................................................................. xx

APPENDIX IV .................................................................................xxii




1.1 Background of the Problem

Literature in any current encyclopedia and you will be struck by the

vagueness of its usage as well as by an inevitable lack of substance in the attempts

to define it. In most cases, literature is referred to as the entirety of written

expression, with the restriction that not every written document can be categorized

as literature in the more exact sense of the word. The definitions, therefore,

usually include additional adjectives such as “aesthetic” or “artistic” to distinguish

literary works from texts of everyday use such as telephone books, newspapers,

legal documents, and scholarly writings. Underlying literary production is

certainly the human wish to leave behind a trace of oneself through creative

expression, which will exist detached from the individual and, therefore, outlast

its creator. The earliest manifestations of this creative wish are prehistoric

paintings in caves, which hold “encoded” information in the form of visual signs.3

It is only in drama that the union between the spoken word and visual

expression survives in a traditional literary genre, although this feature is not

always immediately noticeable. Drama, which is traditionally and without

hesitation viewed as literature, combines the acoustic and the visual elements,

which are usually classified as non literary. Even more obviously than in drama,

the symbiosis of word and image culminates in film. This young medium is

3 Mario Klarer, An Introduction to Literary Studies,(Routledge: New York, 2004), p.14


particularly interesting for textual studies, since word and picture are

recorded and, as in a book, can be looked up at any time. Methodsof literary and

textual criticism are, therefore, frequently applied to the cinema and acoustic

media. Computer hypertexts and networks such as the Internet are the latest

hybrids of the textual and various media; here writing is linked to sounds, pictures

or even video clips within an interdependent network.

As early as Greco-Roman antiquity, the classification of literary works into

different genres has been a major concern of literary theory, which has since then

produced a number of divergent and sometimes even contradictory categories.

Among the various attempts to classify literature into genres, the triad epic,

drama, and poetr has proved to be the most common in modern literary criticism.

Because the epic was widely replaced by the new prose form of the novel in the

eighteenth century, recent classifications prefer the terms fiction, drama, and

poetry as designations of the three major literary genres. The following section

will explain the basic characteristics of these literary genres as well as those of

film, a fourth textual manifestation in the wider sense of the term. We will

examine these types of texts with reference to concrete examples and introduce

crucial textual terminology and methods of analysis helpful for understanding the

respective genres.4

From statements above that means literature has wide meanings as written

expression as an art in the life to reflex feeling into literary work, every person

can defined what is literature, based on the both of statements literary works such

4Mario Klarer, An Introduction to Literary Studies,(Routledge: New York, 2004),p. 22


as: Drama, Poetry, Novel and also Film which became the focus of the author who

made the film as the object of research in this thesis. How the film inflences the

viewers in psychological condition, such as happy, sadness, fear, regret, laughter,

encourage and hopes all of them representing of feeling as human.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, it is impossible to neglect film

as a semi-textual genre both influenced by and exerting influence on literature and

literary criticism. Film is predetermined by literary techniques; conversely,

literary practice developed particular features under the impact of film. Many of

the dramatic forms in the twentieth century, for example, have evolved in

interaction with film, whose means of photographic depiction far surpass the

means of realistic portrayal in the theater. Drama could therefore abandon its

claim to realism and develop other, more stylized or abstract forms of

presentation. Photography and film have also had a major influence on the fine

arts; novel, more abstract approaches to painting have been taken in response to

these new media. The same can be said for postmodern fiction, which also derives

some of its structural features from film.5

Maleficent film is an American fantasy film directed by Robert Stromberg

from a screenplay by Linda Woolverton. Produced by Joe Roth for Walt Disney

Pictures, principal photography took place between June and October 2012.

Maleficent live on EI Capitan Theater in Hollywood on May 28, 2014, and

released in the UK in the same year. The film was released in the US on May 30,

2014 in Disney Digital 3D, RealD 3D, and IMAX 3D formats, as well as in

5Mario Klarer, An Introduction to Literary Studies,(Routledge: New York, 2004), p. 69


conventional theaters. The film was commercially successful after earning $ 758

million worldwide, becoming the fourth grossing film of 2014. The film received

an Academy Award nomination for best costume design at the 87th Academy

Awards, and the film also looks feminism so the author feels interested to analysis

this film.

Feminism comes from the Latin word, femina or female. This term began to

be used in the 1890s, referring to the theory of equality of men and women and

the movement to obtain women's rights.6 Today many define it as a differentiation

of women's rights based on the equality of women and men.

Feminism is a notion to awaken the low position of women in society, and

the desire to improve or change the situation.7 The position of women so far in

society is always below or behind men. A position that is very unfavorable for

women to develop themselves. Feminism is a move for the changing position of

women in society.

The writer chose to analyze feminism in Maleficent film by Robert

Stromberg besides being interested, the writer also found that there was an

element of women oppression by men where men wanted to control women, the

emergence of feminism in this film was caused by several factors such as;

ecofeminism protection and ending domestic violence and abuse.

Mimetic approach and feminism theory also used by the writer to analyze

this Thesis. Based on the observations by the writer in the Maleficent film, the

6 Asmaeny Azis, Feminisme Profetik (Yogyakarta: Kreasi Wacana, 2007), 78. 7 Ratna Saptari dan Brigitte Holzner, Perempuan Kerja Dan Perubahan Sosial, (Jakarta :

PT Pustaka Utama Grafiti, 1997) , 47


writer founds the factors of conflict that led to the emergence of feminism in this

film, such as the conflict between Maleficent and King Henry, Maleficent and

Stefan. Conflict factors that cause the emergence of feminism are political factors

and revenge factors.

To get better understanding of the analysis. Firstly, writer writes about the

conflict of Maleficent and King Henry in Maleficent film. The example of

conflicts are :

Picture 18 Maleficent: Go no further!

King Henry: A king does not take orders from a winged elf.

[his soldiers laughs]

Maleficent: You are no king to me!

[Henry stares at Maleficent for a moment then addresses]

King Henry: Bring me her head.9

From the above dialogue, the writer sees the conflict between Maleficent

and King Henry, where it appears that Maleficent want to save her place from

king Henry. Maleficent is not afraid to losing the battle with King Henry and his

army, and Maleficent bravely challenged King Henry.

Based on the explanation above, to find out the feminism in the Maleficent

film by Robert Stromberg, writer wanted to analyze : “Feminism in Maleficent

Film by Robert Stromberg”

8 Duration 00:10:59 9Duration 00:10:59-00:11:22


1.2 Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of the problem, the formlation of problem in this

research are :

1. What is the kind of feminism in Maleficent film by Robert Stromberg?

2. what are the factors causing the appearance of feminism in Maleficent

film by Robert Stromberg?

3. How are the influence of feminism on the main character in Maleficent

film by Robert Stromberg?

1.3 Limitation of the Problem

Based on the problem, so the writer limits this research only concerning

about the main character of Maleficent in Maleficent film by Robert Stromberg

and the factors that cause the appearance of feminism in Maleficent film by

Robert Stromberg.

1.4 Purpose of the Research

The purpose of this research are :

1. To know the kind of feminism in Maleficent film by Robert Stromberg.

2. To know the factors causing the appearance of feminism in Maleficent

film by Robert Stromberg.

3. To know the influence of feminism on the main character in Maleficent

film by Robert Stromberg.


1.5 Significant of the Research

The writer hopes that this research will add to benefit both academic and

also practice, this research will give additional academic reference in enlarging

the english term catalog, it can be used as the reference for other studies in the

case of feminism. The readers can know the struggle and power of women and to

inform readers about the ability of women which is can be same event more than





2.1 Mimetic Approach

From the initial position that are imitates the world of appearance and not

of essence, it follows that works of art have a lowly status in the realm of ideas is

the ultimate locus not only of reality but of values, the determination that art is at

second remove from the truth automatically establishes it is equal remoteness

from the beautiful and good. The mimetic orientation is the explanation of art as

essentially an imitation of aspects of the universe.10

According to Abrams, the mimetic approach is the most primitive aesthetic

approach. Its historical roots are contained in the views of Plato and Aristotle.

According to Plato, the basis of his consideration is the world of experience, that

is, the literary work itself cannot represent the real reality, but only as an

imitation. In a hierarchical manner, artwork is under reality. This view was

rejected by Aristotle with the argument that the work of art tried to purify the

human soul, as katharsis. Besides that, artwork also tries to build its own world.11

The mimetic approach is an approach in studying literary works in the form

of understanding the relationship of literary work with reality or factuality. In this

approach literary works are considered as imitations of nature or lif

10Abrams, Orientation of Critical Theories, pdf books, p.8 11 Prof. Dr. Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori, Metode, dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra, (Pustaka

Belajar:Yogyakarta, 2004), p. 69-70


2.2 Feminism Theory

The term ‘feminism’ was derived from the Latin word ‘Femina’ meaning

‘woman’ and was first used with regard to the issues of equality and Women’s

Rights Movement. Ever since antiquity, there have been women fighting to free

their half of the total population of the world from male oppression. Feminism is

neither a fad nor a logical extension of the civil rights movement, but the protest

against the legal, economic and social restrictions on the basic rights of women

which have existed throughout history and in all civilizations. Naturally, the

principles of feminism have been articulated long ago.12 Wilfred al Guerin said:

“Feminism has often focused upon what is absent rather than what is

present, reflecting concern with the silencing and marginalization of

women in patriarchal culture, a culture organized in the favor of men,

feminism is an overtly political approach and can attack other

approach for their false assumption about women.”13

The definition of the term ‘feminism’ differs from person to person.

Chaman Nahal in his article, “Feminism in English Fiction”, defines feminismas

“a mode of existence in which the woman is free of the dependencesyndrome.

There is a dependence syndrome: whether it is the husband or the father or the

community or whether it is a religious group, ethnic group. When women free

12 Shodhganga, “Concept Of Feminism in Literature”, http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in

/bitstream/10603/44108/7/07_chapter%202.pdf, on March 15, 2018 at 14.05 13 Wilfred L. Guerin, et.al, A Handbook of Critical Approach to Literature Fifth Edition

New York: Oxford University Press. 2005, p. 222


themselves of the dependence syndrome and l ead a normal life, my idea of

feminism materialises.14

Feminism is a movement influenced by the ideas postulated, popularized

and precipitated by thinkers and authors like Alice Walker, Naomi Littlebear,

Judith Felterbey, Michele Wallace, Lillian Smith, Elaine Showalter, Simone de

Beauvoir, Kate Millett and others. It is a modern movement expressing protest

against the male domination. It provides strategies for change. The aim of feminist

is to understand women’s oppression keeping in mind race, gender, class and

sexual preference.15

The impact of feminism on literary criticism over the past thirty-five years

has been profound and wide-ranging. It has transformed the academic study of

literary texts, fundamentally altering the canon of what is taught and setting a new

agenda for analysis, as well as radically influencing the parallel processes of

publishing, reviewing and literary reception. A host of related disciplines have

been affected by feminism literary enquiry, including linguistics, philosophy,

history, religious studies, sociology, anthropology, film and media studies,

cultural studies, musicology, geography, economics and law.16

The overview begins with the first two chapters, Carolyn Dinshaw’s

‘Medieval Feminism Criticism’ and Helen Wilcox’s ‘Feminism Criticism in the

Renaissance and Seventeenth Century’, which together establish the

14 Wilfred L. Guerin, et.al, A Handbook of Critical Approach to Literature Fifth Edition

New York: Oxford University Press. 2005,p. 53 15 Wilfred L. Guerin, et.al, A Handbook of Critical Approach to Literature Fifth Edition

New York: Oxford University Press. 2005,p. 54 16 Gill Plain and Susan Sellers, A History of Feminist Literary Criticism, Cambridge

University Press: New York, 2007, p. 1


conditions of pre Enlightenment female subjectivity. These chapters

illustrate that ‘woman’ was a site of intense literary and critical activity that

examined the power of the feminine as symbol even as it worked to contain and

constrain women in practice. For Dinshaw, the tension between literary

embodiments and lived reality is at the heart of the often fraught debates that

surrounded narrative practice. These debates in many cases prefigured the

concerns of contemporary feminist enquiry, but ultimately Dinshaw con-cludes

that ‘medieval critical gestures’ cannot straightforwardly be regarded as

‘protofeminism’. Nonetheless, there are important historical continuities that need

to be acknowledged, and a recognition of the relationship between gender and

textuality is integral to understanding the literature and culture of the medieval

period, from Chaucer’s iconic Wife of Bath to Margery Kempe’s autobiographical

acts of self construction.17

Nasaruddin umar stated:

“ Kaum perempuan sejajar dengan laki-laki dalam potensi intelektualnya,

mereka juga sebagaimana laki-laki, dapat berfikir, mempelajari kemudian

mengamalkan apa yang mereka hayati dan zikir kepada allah serta apa

yang mereka fikirkan dari alam raya ini”18

In oxford advance learner’s dictionary, feminism is belief in the same right

as men.19 Based on some definition above, the writer can take the conclusion that

feminism is a movement for social, cultural, political and economic equality of

17 Gill Plain and Susan Sellers, A History of Feminist Literary Criticism, Cambridge

University Press: New York, 2007,p. 6-7 18 Nasarudin Umar. Argumen Kesetaraan Gender Perspektif Al-Qur’an. Jakarta:

Paramadina.1996.p xxxii 19 Bull Victoria, Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary, Forth Edition, New York: Oxford

University Press.2008, p. 163


men and women. It is a campaign againts gender inequalities and it strives for

equal rights for women.

2.2.1 Kinds of Feminism

According to Rosemarie Putnam Tong in her book there are some kind of

feminism, those are :

a) Liberal feminism

Liberalism, the flow of political thought which is the origin of

liberal feminism, is in the process of reconceptualization, rethinking and

restructuring. Although liberals define reason in general in moral and

prudential terms, they agree that a just society will allow an individual to

show his autonomy, and also to satisfy himself. According to liberals,

"rights" must be given priority over "good" in other words, the whole

system of individual rights is justified, because this right produces a

framework, which is the basis for us to choose what is the best for each

of us, as long as we don't take away the rights of others.

Liberal feminism wish to free women from oppressive gender

roles, that is, from the roles used as reasons or justifications for giving a

lower place, or not giving a place at all to women, both in academies,

forums and markets.

In a discussion of attitudinal and structural barriers that hinder

women's progress, contemporary liberal feminism often disagree about

steps to overcome this difficulty. Classical liberal feminism believe that


after discriminatory laws and policies are eliminated, women have been

formally enabled to compete equally with men. Discussions on gender

differences, gender roles and androgyny have helped to focus liberal

feminism drive on freedom, equality and justice for all.

b) Radical Feminism

To understand the radical-libertarian and cultural radical feminism

views, it is important to first define the sex / gender system. The sex /

gender system is "a series of arrangements, which are used by society to

transform biological sexuality into a product of human activity. Among

other things, radical-libertarian feminism reject the assumption that there

is or should be a definite relationship between the sex of a person (male

or female). Instead, they claim that gender is separate from gender, and

patriarchal society uses rigid gender roles, to ensure that women remain

passive (loving, obedient, responsive to sympathy and approval, cheerful,

kind and friendly) and men stay active (strong, aggressive, curious,

ambitious, full of plans, responsible, original and competitive). In the

opinion of socialist feminism like Ann Ferguson, libertarian and radical-

cultural feminism need to improve their divisions to avoid unnecessary

polarization. As emphasized earlier, Ferguson emphasized that instead of

their objections regarding man and women sexual relations, radical

libertarian feminism believe that consensual heterosexuality (not

compulsory) can be equally pleasing to women, as it is pleasing to men.

c) Marxist Feminism


Like the liberal concept of human nature present in liberal

feminism thinking, the Marxist concept of human nature is also present

in Marxist feminism thought. Marxists reject the liberal conception of

human nature, and emphasize that what makes us human is that we

produce our ways to stay alive.

For liberals, individual ideas, thoughts, and values can change over

time. For Marxists, the impetus for the material production and

reproduction of social life is the main driver of history. Marxist feminism

believe that social existence determines consciousness.

d) Psychoanalysis and Gender Feminism

Contrary to liberal, radical and Marxist feminism, psychoanalysis

and gender feminism believe that fundamental explanations for women's

ways of acting are rooted in women behavior, especially in women's

ways of thinking. Unlike psychoanalysis feminism, gender feminism tend

to argue that there may indeed be biological differences as well as

psychological differences, or cultural explanations of male masculinity

and female femininity.

e) Existentialist feminism

In the beginning, narcissism was beneficial for women. As

someone who is experiencing puberty, she can build from worship of her

ego, a courage to face a very unpleasant future. In the end, narcissism

hinders women's progress. She becomes bound by the need to fulfill male

desires and to adjust to people's tastes. Narcissistic self-esteem depends


on the approval of the man and the community towards her. She is only

beautiful if the community states that she is beautiful. She has no power

or sway to express her beauty.

f) Postmodern feminism

Because the relationship between postmodernism and feminism is

rather difficult, feminism which clarifies itself as a postmodern feminism,

often finds it difficult to explain how they can become postmodern and at

the same time, feministm. Postmodern feminism, trying to avoid every

action that will restore fologocentric thinking, every idea that refers to

the word (logos) whose style is "male" thus, postmodern feministm view

suspiciously every feminism thought that seeks to provide a certain

explanation, concerning the causes of oppression against women, or ten

specific steps that women must take to achieve freedom. Postmodern

feminism invite every woman who reflects on her writing to be feminism

in the way she wants. There is no one formula to be a "good feminism".

Even if you think that all postmodern feministm are interested in

feminism theory in ways that marginalize feminism practices is wrong, it

must be admitted that most postmodern feminism are very skilled in the

field of theory. Because postmodern feminism insist that their goal is to

write something new about women.

g) Multicultural and Global Feminism

Multicultural and global feminism share similarities in their way of

looking at the Self, that is, the Self is divided. Nevertheless, for


multicultural and global feminism this division is more of a cultural,

racial, and ethnic nature than sexual, psychological, and literary. There

are many similarities between multicultural and global feminism. Both

oppose "essentialism of women", namely the view that the idea of

"women" exists as a platonic form, which as if by every woman with

blood and flesh, could fit into that category. Both of these feminism

views also deny the "women chauvinism" which is the tendency of a few

women, who are benefited because of their race or class, for example to

speak on behalf of other women.

Instead of important similarities linking multicultural and global

feminism, there are some major differences that distinguish them.

Multicultural feminism is based on the view that even in one United

States, for example all women are not created or constructed equally.

Depending on race and class, as well as sexual tendency, age, religion,

educational attainment, occupation, marital status, health conditions, etc.,

every woman in the United States will experience operations as a

different American woman. Enriching a multicultural feminism

viewpoint, global feminism further emphasize that depending on whether

a woman is a first or third world citizen, an advanced or developing

country, a country that is colonized or colonized will experience

oppression differently.

h) Ecofeminism


Like multicultural and global feminism, ecofeminism seeks to

show the relationship between all forms of human operation, but also

focuses on human efforts to dominate the world rather than humans, or

nature. because women are culturally associated with nature,

ecofeminism argue that there is a conceptual, symbolic, and linguistic

relationship between feminism and ecological issues. According to Karen

J. Warren, the basic beliefs, values, attitudes, and assumptions of the

western world for themselves and their people are shaped by an

oppressive, partiarch conceptual frame of mind that aims to explain,

justify, and maintain the relationship between domination and

subordination in general and male domination of women in particular.20

Ecofeminism emerged in the 1970s with an increasing

conscious-ness of the connections between women and nature. The

term,“eco-feminisme,”was coined by French writer Francoise

d’Eaubonne in 1974 who called upon women to lead an ecological

revolution to save the planet. Such an ecological revolution would

entail new gender relations between women and men and

between humans and nature.21

20 Rosemarie Putnam Tong, Feminist Thought; A More Comprehensive Introduction,

Second Edition, Yogyakarta: Jalasutra. 1998 21 Ecofeminisme, http://www.vedegylet.hu/okopolitika/Merchant%20-%20Ecofeminism.

pdf. P. 184


2.2.2 Factors Causing of Feminism

Feminism are as diverse as any group of people. Values, beliefs and causes

vary from person to person. Below are just a handful of the many items that

feminism have been known to concern themselves with. Also, included are links

to organizations that work to solve these issues.

a. Ending Domestic Violence and Abuse

You may not realize it, but the vast majority of people know a

women who has been the victim of domestic violence. And because this

is such as widespread issue that disproportionately affects women (yes,

men can also be victims of spousal abuse) it is one that receives a lot of

attention from the feminist community. Amnesty International is one of

the many organizations that deals with domestic abuse towards women.

b. Reproductive Rights

Ensuring that every woman was the ability to make the best

decisions for herself and her family regarding reproduction is a big issue

in the feminist community. This doesn't mean that every feminist wants

free abortion parties for all women, but instead being able to consider all

available options without restriction from the government or anyone else.

The Center for Reproductive Rights is one group that is working to

advance reprooductive rights for women nationally and internationally.

c. Equal Pay and Maternity Leave


It doesn't seem to make much sense that two people who do the

exact same work, in equal conditions with identical experience may not

make the same amount of money. And while there are a ton of variables

that can be considered when looking at a situation like this, most of the

time the difference boils down to gender. Also, workers in fields that are

typically dominated by women, like cleaning services, nursing and food

service; are more likely to be low-wage, no-benefit, underappreciated jobs.

This is despite that fact that they are services that nearly everyone utilizes.

To learn more about this issue, check out The National Committee on Pay


d. Ecological Protection

Also known as eco-feminism, this is a movement that connects the

subordination of women with the deprivation of nature. The ideology

claims that patriarchy has oppressed not only women and minorities, but

also the environment and even men. The current system, it says, treats

people, land and animals only as resources available for consumption.

The Web site for the Women's Environmental Network has a lot of great

information on eco-feminism.

e. Legal and Economic Autonomy

This is less of a concern in the United States now than in other

regions, specifically in Asia, South America and Africa. But there are

several organizations in Europe, North America and even in these other

regions that are dedicated to providing women with more rights to


property and in marriage, access to health care and legal representation.

These are just a few of the many issues that The National Organization

for Women deals with.22

So the factor causing of feminism is by the injustice against women. such as

domestic violence and abuse, reproductive rights, equal pay and maternity leave,

ecological protection, legal and economic autonomy. So women struggle to free

themselves from these injustices. The women wanted to show their ability and

their power in front of society, and broken dwon the term that women's place is in

'kitchen' at the time.

2.2.3 The Influence of Feminism

Equality of women and men is an issue that never stops being discussed

among women activists. Feminists take advantage of the term "human rights" and

"empowerment" of women to voice the movement of feminism. At first glance,

the concept of feminism is not problematic because it aims to uplift women who

have been considered discriminated against and violated by men. But the concept

of feminism that in fact comes from the West and uses the standards of life of

Western women who tend to be free.

Later it was known that many problems for women themselves. They are

unhappy in their lives, even among women who are caught in crime. Sahar El-

Nadi said :

22 Shanon Parrish, A Guide to Feminism: Causes, Concerns and Movements,

http://iml.jou.ufl.edu /projects/fall09/parrish_s/issues.html. Accesed on 31 October 2018, at 11.50 am


“konsep feminisme jadi problem karena dengan alasan persamaan

hak dan kesetaraan, sadar atau tidak sadar perempuan ditanamkan

pemikiran dan pandangan bahwa kaum lelaki adalah manusia yang

agresif, emosional, memonopoli lapangan kerja dan menutup

kesempatan bagi kaum perempuan untuk memiliki banyak pilihan

selain hanya mengurusi urusan rumah tangga.”

Equivalence according to the concept of feminism, that men and women

must have the same life, equal responsibility and ultimately experiencing the same

pressures of life. Does the concept make women happy? Apparently not. The

more women feel that they are able to live up to the standards of feminism, the

more they feel miserable. The Institute of General Social Survey has conducted

research on this subject among US society. They examined how the mood of US

society from 1972 until now, and the result, the women of the United States who

in fact embraced the concept of feminism, their life more bleak than the men.

Women experience worse conditions, because they are asked to play two

roles rather than one role that women's duties within the home and men's duties

make a living outside. Carried by the 'feminist revolution' women are victorious in

gaining so-called freedom in the world of men, while many men experience a

crisis of identity. So no wonder if now many men are 'feminine', dress and behave

like a woman. This kind of change can be understood, because of the concept of

equality, since girls are encouraged to learn bold and aggressive children like

boys. Educational style like this will be carried away until the girl was an adult.

They will grow with an approach to become the "selfish man" in the world.

The concept of feminism is now developing, making women, especially in

developed countries undermine the role of women as wives and mothers. Many of

them do not want to be bothered with obligations as wives and mothers so they


tend to vote for free sex without commitment, choosing to raise children without

the presence of a father and even same-sex marriage. It is all done in the name of

"women's rights." If so, then the women's wars in society disappear.23

According to Karren J warren, there are two influence of ecofeminism:24

1. Women and nature are dominated and thus stresses the need for a more

interdependent worldview.

2. All living things are essential to the well being of the planet and that

humans are not separate or superior.

2.3 Film

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, it is impossible to neglect film

as a semi-textual genre both influenced by and exerting influence on literature and

literary criticism. Film is predetermined by literary techniques; conversely,

literary practice developed particular features under the impact of film. Many of

the dramatic forms in the twentieth century, for example, have evolved in

interaction with film, whose means of photographic depiction far surpass the

means of realistic portrayal in the theater. Drama could therefore abandon its

claim to realism and develop other, more stylized or abstract forms of

presentation. Photography and film have also had a major influence on the fine

arts; novel, more abstract approaches to painting have been taken in response to

23 Viska, Muslimah dan Feminisme, https://renares.wordpress.com/tag/pengaruh-

feminisme/. Accesed on April 27,2018 at 16.34 24 Karren J Warren in Susan Dobscha Journal, Women and the Environment: Applying

Ecofeminism to Environmentally-Related Consumption, (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State

University:1993), p. 36-40


these new media. The same can be said for post-modern fiction, which also

derives some of its structural features from film.25

Film is one of literary works, it needs and interested to analyze. Film

communicates information and ideas that contains in it. According to Andrew

Bennett and Nicholas Royle in their book, film is neverthless, inextricably tied in

with the study of literature. Thinking about film provides innovative ways of

thinking about literature, and vice versa.26

Film was designed to have effects on viewers. late in the 19th century,

moving picture emerged as a public amusement. They succeeded because they

spoke to the imaginative needs of broad based audience. All the traditions that

emergedtelling fictional stories, recording actual events, animating objects or

pictures, experimenting with pure form aimed to give viewers experiences they

could not get from other media. The men and woman who made film discovered

that they could control aspects of cinema to give their audience richer, more

engaging experiences. learning from one another, expanding and refining the

options available, film makes developed skills that became the basics of film as an

art form.27

2.4 Character and Characterization

Character is fiction of the players in a very important story and a picture of

real people who are involved in the story. It is another window for determining

25 Mario Klarer, An Introduction to Literary Studies,(Routledge: New York, 2004),p 56 26 Bennet, Andrew, and Nicholas Royle, Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory

third edition. Britain :Pearson Longman.2004, p. 142 27 Kristin Thomson and David Bordwell, Film art: An Introduction, New York:

McGrawhili.2008, p.28


and comprehending the story within. Characterization is the means by which

writers present and reveal character28. It is mean that characterization depicts of

character in a fiction. There are four types of character. They are major and minor

characters, dynamic and static characters.

2.4.1 Major and Minor Characters

Major character is an important figure at the center of the story’s action or

theme. It is sometimes called a protagonist whose conflict with an antagonist my

spark the story’s conflict.29 It means the story will be blank and uninteresting

without this character, until each character is different personality depending on

the family background, education, region and setting that differentiate between

one character and another.

Minor character is supporting the major character whose fiction is partly to

illuminate the major character. It could be divided into two or more characters.

2.4.2 Dynamic and Static Characters

Dynamic character exhibits some kinds of change of attitude, of purpose, of

behavior as the story progress. And static character is character that unchanging.

Minor character is often static. But, someone should be careful not to

automatically equate major characters with dynamic ones or minor character with

static ones.

28 Robert Di Yanni, Literatre ; Reading Fiction, Poetry, Drama and Essay (United State of

America : McGraw-Hill Pblishing Company, 1990 ) p. 36 29 Robert Di Yanni, Literatre ; Reading Fiction, Poetry, Drama and Essay (United State of

America : McGraw-Hill Pblishing Company, 1990 ) p. 36


2.5 Review of Related Research

The writer finds some researches that has same topic like this research.

First, Dewi Hegarsari a student of Syarif Hidayatullah University on her thesis

with the title ‘An Analysis of Female Main Character in Maleficen (2014) Film

Viewed by Ecological Feminism' the thesis analyzed (1) How is Maleficent

character described in the Maleficent film. (2) How is Maleficent as the main

character reflect ecological feminism in the Maleficent film. In this research she

use ecological feminism theory to analyze her thesis and use descriptive method

to analyze and find character of Maleficent. The result show that in Maleficent

film the ecological feminism is one of the theories related to nature also

women, and better explain the result of action oppression conducted by a person.

Second, Aenun Nahdiyati the student of University Syarif Hidayatullah

Jakarta on her thesis with the title “An Analysis On Liberal Feminism Values Of

The Main Character In The Film “Miss Potter”.30 The purpose of this research is

to explores the concepts of liberal feminism to express women’s idea through the

film which appears in the film Miss Potter. This research use qualitative

descriptive analysis as the method to analyze the relationship between the main

character and the liberal feminism values which are appeared in the main

character of the film. The writer search and collect some reference for documents

like books, film, articles, and journals. The result for the analysis are; the

30 Aenun Nahdiyati, An Analysis On Liberal Feminism Values Of The Main Character In

The Film “Miss Potter”.(Thesis: Syarif Hidayatullah University of English Liters Department), 2009,p.1


characteristics of the main character which reflects the liberal feminism values

and the main character applies androgyny in her life like liberal feminists suggest.

Third, Rahma Ayu Dwi Jayanti a student of STAIN Tulungagung on her

thesis title “An Analysis Of Feminism Portrayed In The Main Character,

Elizabeth Bennet, In Jane Austen’s Pride And Prejudice”31 The purpose of this

research are 1) describe the character of the main character, Elizabeth Bennet

presented in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. 2) reveal feminism portrayed

through the main character, Elizabeth Bennet. In writing this thesis the writer

conducted a library research to answer all the questions that are presented in the

problem formulation. There are two kinds of sources that are used in this thesis.

The primary source is obtained from the novel itself, Pride and Prejudice. The

secondary source is obtained from the books related to the theories and other

sources are from the internet. Based on the analysis, the results of the study are

follows. First, the writer can conclude the Elizabeth is describes as a person who

is intelligent, brave, sharp tongue, independent and family lover in the novel.

Second, the feminism is clearly portrayed through Elizabeth’s character. Elizabeth

reflected the Marxist feminism, which this type of feminism shows the woman’s

problems within the framework of capitalism. From her intelligent, brave and

independent she dares to turn society’s image for woman’s role in a family and

she can change the view for marriage under capitalism in Pride and Prejudice


31 Rahma Ayu D, An Analysis Of Feminism Portrayed In The Main Character, Elizabeth

Bennet, In Jane Austen’s Pride And Prejudice, (Thesis: STAIN Tulungagung of English Education Department), 2013, p.1


Meanwhile, the authors lifted the title of a film focusing on Maleficent as

the main character of her strength and courage as a woman who is not afraid of

anyone including men. The author uses feminist theory and psychological

approach to analyze it. Dewi Hegarsari, Aenun Nahdiyati and Rahma Ayu

Dwijayanti use the same object with the author, but using different approaches

and theories




This chapter describes about the procedure of the writer used in analyzing

this thesis includes design of research, source of the data including primary and

secondary data, technique of collecting data, and after that technique of analyzing


3.1 Design of Research

In this research, the writer uses qualitative research method, because

qualitative method is suitable with the aim of this research. Qualitative research

may be in descriptive form. The data were collected in the form of word as a

descriptive method explanation than a number. Descriptive is : "data yang

dikumpulkan berupa kata-kata, gambar dan bukan angka-angka. Hal itu

disebabkan oleh penerapan metode kualitatif".32 In this theory,Moleong explains

that qualitative research is research procedures which produce descriptive data as

spoken words of the person or behavior being researched.

It means that descriptive research is a research which aims describe a

phenomenon accurately based on the characteristic of research. One of the

characteristic of qualitative is analytic descriptive, which means the result of the

32Lexi J Moleong, (2005). Metodologi Penelitian Kalitatif. ( Bandung: PT. Remaja Roda

Karya), p.11


research will give the description of research phenomena. According

Sukmadinata in Nisaul Fadhilah’s book stated that :

“penelitian kualitatif adalah suatu penelitian yang di tujukan untuk

mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis fenomena, peristiwa, aktivitas

sosial, sikap, kepercayaan, persepsi pemikiran orang secara

individual maupun kelompok”33

Base on the quotation above, it can conclude that qualitative descriptive

research to describe and analyze phenomena in the society. An according to

Nyoman Kutha Ratna stated that :

“penelitian kualitatif memberikan perhatian terhadap data alamiah,

data dalam hubungannya dengan konteks keberadaanya. Cara-cara

inilah yang mendorong metode kualitatif dianggap sebagai multi

penelitian sebab penelitian pada giliranya melibatkan sejumlah besar

gejala sosial pengarang, lingkungan sosial di mana pengarang

berada, termasuuk unsur-unsur kebudayaan.”34

Base on the quotation above, the qualitative this research can be used in

this research due to the qualitative method not only involves the intrinsic aspect in

literary work, but it also can be related with the extrinsic aspect in the literary

itself, so, that is why, the qualitative method also can be said as multi method.

Because, the relating of the intinsic aspect and extrinsic aspect in the literary

itself. From those statements, it can conclude that qualitative research is analyzing

about the descriptive data such as writer or spoken, by using this qualitative

method make the writer easy to answer the problem formulation in “Maleficent


33 Nisaul,f, (2005), Metodologi Penelitian, Publishers MISYKAT Anggota IKAPI. P . 34 34 Nyoman Kutha Ratna. (2015). Teori, Metode, Dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra. Cet. Ke-1

edisi (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar), p. 47


3.2 Source of Data

Source of data in this research is taken from Maleficent Film. Maleficent

film is an American fantasy film directed by Robert Stromberg from a screenplay

by Linda Woolverton. Produced by Joe Roth for Walt Disney Pictures, principal

photography took place between June and October 2012. Maleficent live on EI

Capitan Theater in Hollywood on May 28, 2014, and released in the UK in the

same year. The film was released in the US on May 30, 2014 in Disney Digital

3D, RealD 3D, and IMAX 3D formats, as well as in conventional theaters. The

film was commercially successful after earning $ 758 million worldwide,

becoming the fourth grossing film of 2014. The writer took the data from the

dialogues in the script and also the picture in the Maleficent Film by Robert


3.3 Technique of Data Collecting

In other to get the information in this study, the writer uses qualitative

research. The writer also used documentation technique to get the data. Sugiyono

stated that “Dokumen merupakan catatan peristiwa yang sudah berlalu dan

dokumen ialah setiap bahan tertulis, film ataupun dari record yang dipersiapkan

karena adanya permintaan seorang penyidik”.35 It menas tha in qualitative

35 Sugiyono. (2013). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, DAN R&D.

(Bandung:Alfabeta), P.240


research, the writer uses some documents that have correlation to get the data,

because this research is descriptive, so that why the writer described and analyzed

the data that has been found in Maleficent Film to answer of the problems that has

been formulated in the formulation of the problem.

There are some steps of the technique of data collecting in doing this

research :

a) Collecting the data are getting from Maleficent Film directed by Robert

Stromberg from a screenplay by Linda Woolverton. Produced by Joe

Roth for Walt Disney Pictures, principal photography took place

between June and October 2012.

b) Reading the script and watching the film, after collecting all the data,

the writer watching the film carefully and repeatedly to find the point in

the film, and read the script to make sure that is have correlation to this


c) Marking on the words or sentence and all the important statements and

information in this research. Then marks some dialogue, in Maleficent

Film, and made a note of the data.

d) After finding all data completely, the writer processes and analysis all

the data and the last, arrange the thesis as the end of this research.

3.4 Technique of Data Analyzing

After collecting the data the writer going to next step that is analysis the

data using qualitative research method and the technique analysis data is applied


to answer formulation of the problem in analysis data, in this research the writer

uses technique descriptive analysis, in order to make this research more specific.

According to Bogan state in Sugiyono’s book :

“ Data analysis is the process of systematically searching and

arranging the interview transcript, field notes and other materials that

you accumulate to increase your own understanding of them and to

enable you to present what you have discovered to other”36

In this research the writer will describe, analyze the data that has been found

in the script Maleficent film to find the answer of the problem have been

formulated in the formulation of the problem. The writer had several techniques

from the data analysis, in order to make this research more specific following are :

a) Identifying

The writer identify the data and make the assumptions or finds the

feminism of the main character in Maleficent film.

b) Classifying the data

The writer classified the data which has correlated with the topic of the

research, the source are taken from Maleficent film.

c) Analysis

The writer analysis the data based on the theory that is use to find the

answer for the feminism that have been formulated.

d) Conclusion

After all the things above done well, then the writer makes conclusion

from the finding of the analysis.

36 Sugiyono. (2013). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, DAN R&D.





4.1 The kind of feminism in Maleficent film by Robert Stromberg

In this chapter the writer showed the finding and analysis of problem

formulation number one using feminism theory by Rosemarie Putnam Tong.

There are eight kinds of feminism based on her statement; Liberal Feminism,

Radical Feminism, Marxist Feminism, Psychoanalysis and Gender Feminism,

Existentialist Feminism, Postmodern Feminism, Multicultural and Global

Feminism, Ecofeminism.37 Based on Maleficient film by Robert Stromberg, the

writer found one kind of feminism there was Ecofeminism.

Ecofeminism showed the relationship between woman to all forms of

human being, but focuses on woman efforts to dominate the world rather than

others, or nature. The ecofeminism is theory that explained about the relationship

between woman with nature.38 Because women are culturally associated with

nature, ecofeminism argued that there was a conceptual, symbolic, and linguistic

relationship between feminism and ecological issues.

In this analysis the writer had analyzed about the ecofeminism issues that

rised in Maleficent film by Robert Stromberg. Maleficent as the main characters

of this film told as the fairy who loved Moors which was her nature. She would do

everything to save the Moors from human. Such as in this scene at duration below

37 Rosemarie Putnam Tong, Feminist Thought; A More Comprehensive Introduction,

Second Edition, Yogyakarta: Jalasutra. 1998 38 Rosemarie Putnam Tong, Feminist Thought; A More Comprehensive Introduction,

Second Edition, p. 359


the wrtier had found the relationship between Maleficent to the nature as her


Picture 239

Picture 340

Young Maleficent : There you go.41

The film started with the scenes when Young Maleficent took a rest in the

big tree. She lie down in the big tree and played a doll which made from stem of

tree with her magic. Suddenly she saw a broken tree branch. Then, she repaired

the broken tree branch become good as before used her magic also.

Based on the explanation above the writer has analyzed that it is include to

ecofeminism. Because the scene above told about the relationship between Young

Maleficent with nature. Young Maleficent as the fairy has responsibility to save

the nature and make good relationship with the nature also. And this situation has

related with the definition of ecofeminsm.

39 Duration 00:01:53 40 Duration 00:02:04 41 Duration 00:01:53-00:02:04


The other relationship between woman and nature have writer found in the

other scene. Such as in the duration 00:03:08-00:03:29

Picture 442

Picture 543

Young Maleficent : What’s all the fuss about?

Knotgrass : The border guards…

Flittle : Why’d you get to tell her? I want to tell her!

Thistletwit : I want to tell her!

Knotgrass : There are rules, Flittle. I tell this time, you tell next

time. The border guards…

Flittle : No, you told last time. So I should tell this time and

Thistletwit next time.

Young Maleficent : Tell me what?

Knotgrass : Fine!

Flittle : Ah, thank you. Maleficent, the border guards…

Thistletwit : The border guards have found a human thief at the Pool

of Jewels

Thistletwit : I’m sorry.44

In these scene above happened when Young Maleficent was flown around

the Moors. She saw there were commotion happened among the fairies, then she

asked to the another fairy about what happened in there. The three of fairies said

42 Duration 00:03:08 43 Duration 00:03:29 44 Duration 00:03:08-00:03:29


that there is a thief was stolen something at the pool of jewels in the Moors. when

Young Maleficent hear that immediately she went to the pool of jewel to fixed it.

Based on the explanation above the writer has analyzed that is include to

ecofeminism. Because the scene above shows how Young Maleficent very care

about her nature and she did not want anyone to broke her nature. Then Young

Maleficent went to the pool of jewel to stopp the thief to stolen the jewel and

asked back the jewel that was took by the thief.

The other relationship between woman and nature have writer found in the

other scene. Such as in the duration 00:07:33-00:07:37.

Picture 645

Picture 746

The scene above happened when Young Maleficent walked in the forest and

found an animal to give feed. When she take a seat in the forest, a deer comes to

45 Duration 00:07:33 46 Duration 00:07:37


her and ask some food. Then, Young Maleficent gave the deer some food with her

hand. In this situation below, it showed that Young Maleficent very care to

anyone except an animal. She is a good fairy and she did not choose for help

anyone which need her help.

Based on the explanation above the writer has analyzed that it is include in

ecofeminism. Because the scene above told about the relationship between Young

Maleficent with nature, an animal.

In other scene the writer also found the relationship between woman and

nature. Such as in the duration 00:12:06-00:12:33.

Picture 847

Picture 948

In these scene above happened when King Henry and his soldiers want to

dominated Moors and they zap the Moors. But, King Henry plans to dominated

47 Duration 00:12:06 48 Duration 00:12:33


the Moors did not walk easily because Maleficent comes and stoped them. There

Maleficent was not affraid with King Henry and she challenged King Henry and

his soldiers, fisrtly King Henry so arrogant to defeat Maleficent and disparage her.

King Henry think that Maleficent just a winged fairy, but he did not know that

Maleficent is very strong fairy in the Moors. Then Maleficent in the help with

other creature of the Moors battle with King Henry and his soldiers.

Based on the explanation above the writer has analyzed that it is include in

ecofeminism. Because the scene above told about the relationship between

Maleficent with nature. How Maleficent tried to keep the moors which it is her

place, she did not want to see her place shattered with human. So she do battle

with King Henry and his soldiers to keep the moors, this situation showed the

relationship between woman with nature and other creature.

In this scenes below the writer found how Maleficent save the crow from

the farmer and made him became a man. Such as in the duration 00:22:15-


Picture 1049

49 Duration 00:22:15


Picture 1150

Maleficent : Into a man.

Farmer : It’s a…it’s a demon! 51

In these scene above happened when Maleficent walked in the forest. She

saw a crow which trapped in the dragnet, and the crow would be killing by a bad

farmer. Then Maleficent help the crow, she changed the crow became a man used

her magic. The farmer shocked and was affraid when he saw it and he run away,

this situation showed that Maleficent has a kind-hearted and she help each other.

Based on the explanation above the writer has analyzed that it is include in

ecofeminism. Because the scene above told about the relationship between

Maleficent with nature, an animal. She did not want violence happened between

human and animal, so she helped the crow and made it became a man. This

situation showed the relationship between woman with other creature.

In other scene the writer also found the relationship between woman and

nature. Such as in the duration 00:33:52-00:33:59

50 Duration 00:22:39 51 Duration 00:22:15-00:22:39


Picture 1252

Picture 1353

In these scene above happened when Maleficent made the thorned trees to

save the Moors from human that want to broke the Moors. Maleficent used her

magic to made the thorned trees, so no one of human can come to the moors


Based on the explanation above the writer has analyzed that it is include in

ecofeminism. Because the scene above told about how Maleficent want to save

her nature with made the thorned trees, Maleficent do not want to see her nature

was broken by human.

In this scenes below the writer found Maleficent save her nature from King

Stefan’s soldiers. Such as in the duration 00:38:40-00:39:08

52 Duration 00:33:52 53 Duration 00:33:59


Picture 1454

Picture 1555

Stefan’s General : Burn it all down!

Soldier in Wood : Yes, sir!

Stefan’s General : Flame! Release!56

In these scene above happened when king stefan’s soldiers tried to burn the

thorned trees with launched the fireballs that Maleficent made. Fisrtly the soldiers

successful to burn the thorned trees, but Maleficent comes and foiled their

behavior. Then Maleficent made the thorned trees grow taller with her magic and

the soldiers saw it then they run off in fear.

Based on the explanation above the writer has analyzed that it is include in

ecofeminism. Because the scene above told about the relationship between

Maleficent with nature. How Maleficent tried to keep the moors, she did not want

to see the moors shattered with human. So she made the thorned trees to keep the

54 Duration 00:38:40 55 Duration 00:39:08 56 Duration 00:38:40-00:39:08


moors from human, this situation showed the relationship between woman with


Based on the analyzed above, the writer concluded that ecofeminism is the

relationship between woman to her social environment especially to the nature.

How the woman save her culture, environment and nature which was related with

her. From these film, ecofeminism related with the struggle of woman to save her

social enviroment from the dominated of man.

4.2 The factors causing the appearance of feminism in Maleficent film by

Robert Stromberg

The term of feminism has existed since the 19th century. Talk of feminism,

we also indirectly talk about gender equality between men and women. In the 19th

century women tried to show their abilities and women's strength in equalizing

their rights to men.

There are some kinds of feminism, one of them is ecofeminim which was

raised and happened in this film. So the writer wanted to analyze the factor

causing the appearance of ecofeminism in Maleficent film by Robert Stromberg.

Such in this scene below, the factor causing of ecofeminism in this film because

ecological protection and ending domestic violence and abuse factors.

4.2.1 Ecological Protection

In this film, the writer has found some data that has corelation with

ecological protection which did by the main character. Such as in the duration

below, the woman do ecological protection to protec her nature.


Picture 1657

Picture 1758

Young Maleficent : There you go.

These scenes above showed when Young Maleficent took a rest in the big

tree. She lie down in the big tree and played a doll which made from stem of tree

with her magic. Suddenly she saw a broken tree branch. Then, she repaired the

broken tree branch become good as before used her magic also.

Based on the scene above the writer concluded that the factor causing of

ecofeminism in Maleficent film by Robert Stromberg is ecological protection

factor. Because these scene shows how a woman care and save her nature.

57 Duration 00:01:53 58 Duration 00:02:04


Picture 1859

Picture 1960

Young Maleficent: What’s all the fuss about?

Knotgrass: The border guards…

Flittle: Why’d you get to tell her? I want to tell her!

Thistletwit: I want to tell her!

Knotgrass: There are rules, Flittle. I tell this time, you tell next time. The border


Flittle: No, you told last time. So I should tell this time and Thistletwit next time.

Young Maleficent: Tell me what?

Knotgrass : Fine!

Flittle : Ah, thank you. Maleficent, the border guards…

Thistletwit: The border guards have found a human thief at the Pool of Jewels

Thistletwit : I’m sorry

In these scene above showed when Young Maleficent was flown around the

Moors. She saw there were commotion happened among the fairies, then she

asked to the another fairy about what happened in there. The three of fairies said

that there is a thief was stolen something at the pool of jewels in the Moors. when

Young Maleficent hear that immediately she went to the pool of jewel to fixed it.

59 Duration 00:03:08 60 Duration 00:03:29


Based on the scene above the writer concluded that the factor causing of

ecofeminism is ecological protection factor. Because the scene above shows how

Young Maleficent very care about her nature and she did not want anyone to

broke her nature. Then Young Maleficent went to the pool of jewel to stopp the

thief to stolen the jewel and asked back the jewel that was took by the thief.

Picture 2061

Picture 2162

The scene above showed when Young Maleficent walked in the forest and

found an animal to give feed. When she take a seat in the forest, a deer comes to

her and ask some food. Then, Young Maleficent gave the deer some food with her

hand. In this situation below, it showed that Young Maleficent very care to

anyone except an animal. She is a good fairy and she did not choose for help

anyone which need her help.

61 Duration 00:07:33 62 Duration 00:07:37


Based on the scene above the writer concluded that the factor causing of

ecofeminism in Maleficent film by Robert Stromberg is ecological protection

factor. Because the scene above told about the relationship between Young

Maleficent with nature, an animal.

Picture 2263

Picture 2364

Maleficent: Go no further!

King Henry: A king does not take orders from a winged elf.

Maleficent: You are no king to me!

King Henry: Bring me her head.

General: Battalion!

General: Attack!

Maleficent: Arise and stand with me!

General: Hold the line!

General: It’s the dark creatures!

General: Charge!65

The picture above showed when King Henry wanted to dominate the moors.

Because King Henry heard that so many riches and many magical creature in the

63 Duration 00:11:22 64 Duration 00:12:16 65 Duration 00:11:22-00:12:16


moors. King Henry is a greedy king, he wanted to dominate the moors and human

kingdom also. But Maleficent did not want to submit the moors to King Henry.

So, she used her magic and power to battle with King Hanry and his soldiers.

Based on the scene above the writer concluded that the factor causing of

ecofeminism in Maleficent film by Robert Stromberg is about ecological

protection factor. The woman (Maleficent) wanted to show her ability and power

in front of society (man) and show that woman also has equal right with man to

againts and defend her place.

Picture 2466

Picture 2567

Maleficent : Into a man.

Farmer : It’s a…it’s a demon!

In these scene above showed when Maleficent walked in the forest. She saw

a crow which trapped in the dragnet, and the crow would be killing by a bad

66 Duration 00:22:15 67 Duration 00:22:39


farmer. Then Maleficent help the crow, she changed the crow became a man used

her magic. The farmer shocked and was affraid when he saw it and he run away,

this situation showed that Maleficent has a kind-hearted and she help each other.

Based on the scene above the writer concluded that the factor causing of

ecofeminism in Maleficent film by Robert Stromberg is ecological protection

factor. Because the scene above told about the relationship between Maleficent

with nature, an animal. She did not want violence happened between human and

animal, so she helped the crow and made it became a man. This situation showed

the relationship between woman with other creature.

Picture 2668

Picture 2769

In these scene above showed when Maleficent made the thorned trees to

save the Moors from human that want to broke the Moors. Maleficent used her

68 Duration 00:33:52

69 Duration 00:33:59


magic to made the thorned trees, so no one of human can come to the moors


Based on the scene above the writer concluded that the factor causing of

ecofeminism is ecological factor. Because the scene above told about how

Maleficent want to save her nature with made the thorned trees, Maleficent do not

want to see her nature was broken by human.

The writer also found the factor causing feminism in other scene such as in

duration 00:38:40-00:39:08

Picture 2870

Picture 2971

Stefan’s General : Burn it all down!

Soldier in Wood : Yes, sir!

Stefan’s General : Flame! Release!72

70 Duration 00:38:40 71 Duration 00:39:08 72 Duration 00:38:40-00:39:08


In these scene above showed when King Stefan held blessing ceremony of

her daugter, but he did not invite Maleficent to come to the ceremory. Maleficent

felt angry because she isolated to another people, so she cursed King Stefan’s

daughter. King Stefan felt angry also so, he commanded his soldiers to kill

Maleficent and burned the thorned trees which made by Maleficent with her

magic as the guardrail to save the Moors from human. But suddenly Maleficent

came and flub their plans. Maleficent did not want the other human destroyed her

place and hurt the creature of the Moors.

Based on the scene above the writer concluded that the factor causing of

ecofeminism in Maleficent film by Robert Stromberg is ecological protection

factor. Because the women want to show their existence in the society without

isolated to another people. And these scene shows how a woman (Maleficent)

shows her resistance to a man, and how a woman tries to keep her place from

irresponsible people.

4.2.2 Ending Domestic Violence and Abuse

The other factors that causing the ecofeminism are ending domestic

violence and abuse. The writer found these factor in this film at some scene. The

ending domestic violence and abuse not only happened in family but also in

relationship of someone that has loved without marital status. Such as in the

scenes below the writer found the ending domestic violence and abuse that

happened in this film.


Picture 3073

Picture 3174

The picture showed when Stefan wanted to kill Maleficent but he can not

did it because of his relationship with Maleficent from childhood was better. And

he just stolen Maleficent wings. Stefan do that because he want to be a king, he

was willing to betraying Maleficent because of his ambitions.

From the explanation above, the writer has analyzed that ending domestic

violence and abuse was happened in this scene. Stefan was abuse Maleficent with

cut her wings as a part of her body. After got abuse Maleficent was suffert and

hurt, she was too weak. Because of the violence and abuse that she got,

Maleficent tried to get up and revenged him.

73 Duration 00:17:30 74 Duration 00:18:20


Picture 3275

Picture 3376

The picture above showed when Maleficent wanted to go out from King

Stefan’s Kingdom, but she was trapped with dragnet that made by King Stefan

and his soldiers to catch and kill her.

From the explanation above, the writer has analyzed that the ending

domestic violence and abuse happened in this film. Maleficent as a woman who

loved King Stefan got violence and abuse from him through his armies. King

Stefan wanted to kill her because he did not love her again and he just used her to

get position as King. Maleficent got violence and abuse from the armies used

dragnet that made her suffer and all of her body too weak to against.

75 Duration 01:18:34 76 Duration 01:18:49


4.3 The influence of feminism on the main character in Maleficent film by

Robert Stromberg

The equality based on the concept of feminism there are men and women

should have the same life, and the responsibilities as well. But in the truth, women

had pressure in her life. The women should confront that they think about gender

equality is not always good. The concept of feminism did not make the women

happy, but made the women felt miserable.

4.3.1 Women and nature are dominated and thus stresses the need

for a more interdependent worldview.

In this chapter the writer had analyzed about the influence of

ecofeminism to the main character in Maleficent film by Robert Stromberg.

From this film the influence of ecofeminism very close to the main

character, such as in the scenes below.

Picture 2077

77 Duration 00:11:17


Picture 2178

In these scene above happened when King Henry and his soldiers

want to attack the Moors. But Maleficent stoped them, and challenged King

Henry and his soldiers to battle. Maleficent did not afraid with King Henry

and his soldiers althogh she just alone and she just a woman.

The writer has analyzed that in these scene above shows the

influence of ecofeminism which is women and nature are dominated and

thus stresses the need for a more interdependent worldview. Maleficent

shows that a woman can changed human perspective that a woman just

being a weak and could not do the work as a man. These scene above also

showed the domination of Maleficent to the nature when she fought with a


The writer also found the influence to the main character in

Maleficent film by Robert Stromberg in these scene.

78 Duration 00:11:22


Picture 2479

Picture 2580

In these scene above happened when Maleficent made the thorned

tress for save the moors from human. And from that day no one of human

can became to the Moors, Maleficent do that to save and keep the Moors

because she was caring with the creatures of the moors.

The writer has analyzed that in these scene above shows the

influence of ecofeminism which is women and nature are dominated and

thus stresses the need for a more interdependent worldview. Because

Maleficent save the nature from man with made fence from torne trees. She

showed that women has great power to dominate the world with nature.

79 Duration 00:33:52 80 Duration 00:33:59


4.3.2 All living things are essential to the well being of the planet and

that humans are not separate or superior.

From this film the writer found some of the influence ecofeminism

very close to the main character, such as in the scenes below.

Picture 2681

Picture 2782

From this picture above when Young Maleficent ask back the jewel

from stefan. And Stefan give it back, then Maleficent send the jewel to pool

again. Based on the explanation above, the writer has analyzed that these

scene included into all living things are essential to the well being of the

planet and that humans are not separate or superior. Because Maleficent as

81 Duration 00:05:15 82 Duration 00:05:19


the main character tried to save the nature with gave back the jewel to the

pool. The jewel as the part of nature helped to balance the nature.

Picture 2883

Picture 2984

The scene above showed when Young Maleficent walked in the

forest and found an animal to give feed. When she take a seat in the forest, a

deer comes to her and ask some food. Then, Young Maleficent gave the

deer some food with her hand. In this situation below, it showed that Young

Maleficent very care to anyone except an animal. She is a good fairy and

she did not choose for help anyone which need her help.

Based on the explanation above, the writer has analyzed that these

scene included into all living things are essential to the well being of the

planet and that humans are not separate or superior. Because Maleficent as a

83 Duration 00:07:33 84 Duration 00:07:37


woman showed her attention to animal as a part of nature. She also showed

that between woman and animal can made relationship in the environment




5.1 Conclusion

After analyzing the data collection from Maleficent film by Robert

Stromberg, the writer concluded as follows:

1. The kind of feminism in Maleficent film by Robert Stromberg included in

ecofeminism, because in this film tells about how a man want to dominate

nature in a cunning and evil ways, namely by oppressing the weak (woman).

In this film also shows how a woman wants to protect her nature from man


2. The factors causing the appearance of feminism in Maleficent film by

Robert Stromberg are ; ecological protection factor and ending domestic

violence and abuse factor.

3. The influence of feminism on the main character in Maleficent film by

Robert Stromberg are ; Women and nature are dominated and thus stresses

the need for a more interdependent worldview and All living things are

essential to the well being of the planet and that humans are not separate or



5.2 Suggestion

In the end of this thesis, the writer wants to give some suggestions; first, love the

nature around us and do not let anyone destroy it. Take care for nature as we care

for ourselves, because nature is one of the most important ecosystems in this life.

Second, do not be a greedy person because you can harm yourself and others, and

do not oppress the weak just because you have high power. And the last, the

writer hopes this thesis will give contribution and add the knowledge of readers

espesially to the student of English Literature Department of Adab and

Humanities Faculty about kinds of feminism, the factors causing of feminism and

the influence of feminism. The writer hopes that junior of English Literature

student will continue this research with another subject and this thesis will help

them about the theory.

The writer realize this thesis was not perfect yet, this thesis has many

mistakes, therefore the writer expect to the reader for give some critics and

suggestion for make this thesis better.


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