Female: 50% Hispanic: 12% Male: 50% Other: 16% 1 in 5 harassed€¦ · BULLYING 2019 For a full...


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For a full report, please visit www.ottawacountyyouth.org

Male: 50% Female: 50%

8th grade: 31% 10th grade: 35%12th grade: 33%

White: 72% Hispanic: 12% Other: 16%

The Teens Who Took the YAS:

Total participants:6,674

In the YAS, bullying is described in this way: "often includes one or more students teasing, threatening, spreading rumors about, purposely excluding, hitting, shoving, or hurting another student over and over again. It does not mean when two students of about the same strength or power, argue or fight or tease each other in a friendly way".

*All data is showing an increase in incidents among students since 2015 or before.


20% Were bullied or harrassed on school property.*

22%8th grade

22%10th grade

17%12th grade


14% Were bullied or harrassed electronically through e-mail, chat rooms, instant messaging, websites, texting, Facebook, Twitter, etc.*

11%8th grade

16%10th grade

16%12th grade


13% Were bullied or harrassed somewhere else.*

12%8th grade

13%10th grade

13%12th grade

Among those who reported being builled or harrassed in the past 12 months...

students report they have been bullied or harassed in the past 12 months.1 in 5
