Feel with Metamucil Wellness Plan


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Feel with Metamucil

Wellness Plan

1Source: IMS Health OTC Global Analysis Data.Based on 2014 ex-manufacturer sales of fiber laxatives category.

We want you to feel super every day, so Metamucil has partnered with Fernwood Fitness, Australia’s leading chain of women’s only health clubs, to bring you the Feel Super with Metamucil Wellness Plan.

The experts in women’s fitness want to facilitate a healthier and more positive lifestyle with Fernwood Fitness Ambassador, Lana Kennedy providing some great ways to help you feel lighter and more active, ensuring you get the most from every day.

Packed full of movement, mindfulness and nutrition advice, The Feel Super with Metamucil Wellness Plan includes the best exercises to maintain digestive peace, helpful nutritional tips, meal plan ideas and tasty Metamucil smoothie recipes, as well as some useful and easy techniques to help manage stress and keep you accountable to your health goals.

We can’t wait for you to feel super every day!

Team Metamucil and Fernwood Fitness.


Feel with Metamucil Wellness Plan

Made from 100% natural psyllium, a humble superfood with great health benefits, Metamucil has been loved by Australians. The world’s number one selling fibre supplement1 works to cleanse from within, helping you to feel lighter and more active.

The psyllium in Metamucil is a great source of fibre. The health benefits of psyllium were discovered in India, more than a thousand years ago. This super-fibre has been used historically in both traditional and herbal medicines as an internal cleanser.

1Source: IMS Health OTC Global Analysis Data. Based on 2014 ex-manufacturer sales of fiber laxatives category.

Lana KennedyFernwood Fitness Ambassador"My ultimate goal is to see all women in the world living and leading healthy lifestyles."

With over 20 years industry experience, fitness and training have always been a huge part of Lana's life. Based in Canberra, Lana became the franchisee for Fernwood Fitness Tuggeranong in 2011, and has since won club of the year twice in five years. She’s a firm believer in the notion that fitness is about lifestyle, more than anything else.

As well as being a mum to a beautiful daughter, Lana is busy running her Fernwood club in Canberra, constantly inspiring members through her training and Les Mills group exercise classes; BodyPump and SH’Bam.

Lana is currently expanding her professional expertise within the industry appearing in a number of Fernwood's online programmes and initiatives like Summer Sculpt and the 12 week challenge.

"It's all about the club's members and their transformations, not just physically, but mentally. It is these achievements that I am most proud of."

From being up early in the morning to embracing outdoor activities and channelling genuine passion into workouts, Lana’s vision is to share with as many women as possible that joining Fernwood is a life-changing decision.

"I am focused on mentoring women to be better versions of themselves. I hope you find my tips and advice in this Wellness Plan beneficial in helping to change your lifestyle for the better!”

MOVEMENTWhat I love about exercise is that you can walk into the gym feeling unmotivated or you can finish work in a bad mood, but once you’ve smashed out a good workout you can’t help but feel positive and more energetic, and leave with a smile on your face. This is down to endorphins which are released when you exercise. They trigger that feel good feeling that so many Fernwood members have come to know and love.

Staying fit and healthy is an essential part of maintaining inner digestive peace

As women, we need to include a variety of cardiovascular and strength training in our workout routine, something I teach as a group fitness instructor at Fernwood Fitness.

I cannot recommend enough the importance of getting outside for long walks. Not only are you exercising your legs and enjoying the fresh air, but you are also soaking up some vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D intake is important for the regulation of calcium and phosphorus absorption, and helps maintain healthy bones and teeth.

Exercise plays an important role in maintaining healthy bacteria in your gut. Yoga can keep your digestive system healthy by improving blood flow to the intestines as well as helping to regulate stress.

For something a bit more intense, crunches are a great way to strengthen your abdominal muscles as well as improve blood flow. Your abdominals are also part of your core muscles and these are hugely important for maintaining stability and keeping your body moving in harmony.

Compound exercises, like squats and lunges, that involve more than one muscle group are great for women who lead busy lives as they are an incredibly time efficient way to train.

1. Start off standing upright with your feet spread shoulder-width apart.

2. Lower your body as far as you can by pushing your hips back and bending the knees.

3. Pause at the bottom before slowly pushing yourself back to the starting position.

4. For a cardio boost, follow a squat with a press up.

1. Keep your upper body straight, your shoulders back and relaxed and chin up, and make sure to engage and tighten your core.

2. Step forward with one leg and lower your hips until both knees are bent at about a 90-degree angle. Ensure your front knee is tracking directly above your ankle, and that your other knee doesn’t touch the floor.

3. Keep the weight in your heels as you push back up to the starting position.

If you do only one thing each day, be sure to stretch. Stretching is one of the most effective ways to help find and maintain digestive peace. I love the TRX Suspension Trainer at Fernwood Fitness, a performance training tool that leverages gravity and the user’s body weight to complete hundreds of exercises, including strength and rehabilitation movements. TRX helps you to become stronger and leaner, improves flexibility and helps prevent injuries.

If you’re training at home, replace the TRX Suspension Trainer with some simple basic stretching movements like a child’s pose to open up the back and the tummy. Kneel on the floor and with your big toes together, sit on your heels. Separate your knees as wide as your hips and stretch your arms and body down and out in front of you.

Be sure to stretch every day


meal plan

A healthy and balanced diet is vital for good mental and physical health. Food provides our bodies with the protein, energy, essential fats, vitamins and minerals to function properly and to ensure good wellbeing.

Consuming a variety of whole foods, including fibre, wholegrains, fruit and vegetables, and limiting the amount of fat, sugar and salt you eat, is recommended for good nutrition.

Psyllium is a super-fibre with many health benefits like helping you to feel lighter and more active. Metamucil contains 100% natural psyllium and can be mixed into

a glass of water or into your favourite smoothie recipe for a fibre-packed psyllium boost.

Rich in potassium and packed with fibre, avocado is loaded with vital nutrients like heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty

acids. Try it smashed on top of a piece of rye bread with some scrambled eggs.

A refreshing fruit full of nutrients, watermelon is one of a few foods which is high in lycopene, an

antioxidant that is particularly important for our cardiovascular health and which can potentially lower bad cholesterol. Watermelon provides a high number of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals for a low number of calories.

Cashews are high in fat and protein, rich in vitamin E and a good source of minerals. They are also low in carbohydrates making them the perfect filling and healthy snack.

Tuna is a great source of lean protein and contains important omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids are associated with many health benefits

including supporting heart health, regulating cholesterol levels, and supporting mental health and brain function. Tuna is so versatile and can be tossed into a mixed salad, or baked with pasta or rice and lots of veggies for a more substantial meal.

Whilst my diet is pretty clean, I like to support my body’s natural toxin removal process by having a daily glass of Metamucil. It acts as a cleanser for my insides and helps me feel lighter and more active.

Following a simple and nutritious meal plan for the week helps make healthy eating easy.

Metamucil helps cleanse my insides so that I feel lighter and more active

Breakfast Lunch DinnerPorridge with chia seeds, sultanas, LSA and honey.

Tuna with some healthy veggies like broccoli and spinach, legumes and rice, followed by another portion of fruit in the afternoon.

A mix of protein like chicken or fish, some more veggies and a healthy dose of carbohydrates.

I love to cook and make everything from scratch with fresh foods so that I know exactly what is going into my body

Enjoy the zesty flavours of mango and pineapple with the added benefits

of 100% natural psyllium, the fibre-rich superfood ingredient in Metamucil1.

It cleanses from within and helps you feel lighter

and more active.

INGREDIENTS125g vanilla low-fat yoghurt1/2 medium peeled banana1/2 cup mango juice or papaya juice1/2 cup pineapple juice1.5 tsp Metamucil Orange Smooth(natural granular fibre powderalso works well)Crushed or cubed ice (1/2 cup or 115g)

DIRECTIONSCombine all ingredients and blend untilice is crushed. Garnish with yourfavourite tropical fruit!

1Always read the label and use as directed. If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional

Here are three delicious and nutritious smoothie recipes

Enjoy the sweet flavours of strawberries and kiwifruit with the added benefits of 100% psyllium super-fibre in Metamucil1.

INGREDIENTS1 medium peeled banana2 kiwifruit, peeled and chopped1 cup apple juice115g frozen strawberries1.5 tsp Metamucil Berry SmoothCrushed or cubed ice (1/2 cup or 115g)

DIRECTIONSCombine all ingredientsand blend until ice is crushed.

Say “Aloha!” to the tropical flavoursof the Metamucil Hawaiian Smoothie.

INGREDIENTS1/4 cup apple juice3/4 cup pineapple juice1.5 tsp Metamucil Orange SmoothCrushed or cubed ice (1/2 cup or 115g)

DIRECTIONSCombine all ingredients and blend untilice is crushed. Garnish with your favouritetropical fruit and enjoy!

Metamucil is so easy to incorporate into your daily diet!

MINDFULNESSAs a business owner and manager of Fernwood Fitness in Tuggeranong, Canberra, I have to pinch myself sometimes! I wake up every day feeling blessed to be living the dream, knowing that I get to share my passion of optimal health and fitness with so many women in our community. I truly love my job.

I am passionate about helping women strive to be the best versions of themselves, and in order to do this it’s important to achieve balance in life.

Whether you’re sitting or standing, this technique can be done pretty much

anywhere. Sit comfortably and just focus on your breathing for one minute, breathing slowly in and out, feeling your tummy rise and fall with each breath. Breathe in through your nose drawing your breath down into your belly and exhale out through your mouth slowly. One full cycle should last around six seconds.

Try to empty your mind of thoughts, instead choosing to focus on your breath during this time. Controlled

diaphragmatic breathing will help keep your mind and body functioning well. The action of breathing deeply into your abdomen helps to de-stress the nervous system, can help to lower blood pressure and can encourage feelings of calm.

Committing your goals to writing can have huge positive effects on your mental health and wellbeing. When you have the courage to write down your personal goals it encourages you to believe that those goals can become a reality. Visualise your goal in your head, think about what it feels like and instead of worrying about how it’s going to happen, just trust that it will and get it penned to paper. I like to have visual reminders of my goals around the house, whether that’s pinning a postcard to your wall of the destination you want to travel to or sticking a picture of that special dress you’re planning to buy on your fridge.

Often the best time for mindfulness is when you take a time out and allow yourself to simply ‘be’. Life can be stressful with lots of distractions and we all need a breather sometimes. So go easy on yourself, and enjoy a few moments of calm, whether that be meditation, some yoga or just listening to some tranquil music.

To become the best and most positive version of yourself be sure you combine a healthy diet with regular exercise and a good dose of mindfulness, whatever that looks like for you. Movement, nutrition and mindfulness go hand in hand and integrating all three into your daily routine can have a dramatic effect on your overall health. But the real secret to success is organisation. It’s about having a ritual and sticking to it every day!

Cooking can be incredibly therapeutic and a form of stress relief and mindfulness all in one. Focusing on the preparation, chopping and cutting up of veggies and overseeing every part of the process helps keep me in the moment.

Music is so powerful and can instantly uplift you. Whether I’m in the gym or the kitchen, I love sticking on a good playlist and zoning out. I’ve even been known to sing into my dumbbells when exercising

My family mean everything to me. Seeing the smiles on their faces and hearing them laughing really brightens up my day and spending time with them helps create balance by reminding me about what’s important in life.

I believe everyone should treat their body like a temple. However, it is important to remember that

exercise goes hand in hand with nutrition in maintaining a positive mindset.

Writing down your goals

Enjoy ten minutes to yourself10

Whoever said no to feeling good? Do things you enjoy and spend time with the people you love. Once your head is in the right place, your body will follow. The following mindfulness exercises may also help cultivate balance:

www.metamucil.com.au | #dailyglassofsuper
