Feeding of Dairy Cattle


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    Feeding of Dairy Cattle

    An efficient dairy animal is the result of better breeding, but its productivity depends largelyupon the feed and care given to it. Many innovations are under way to meet nutritional needs of

    dairy animals. Feed is the largest input into commercial milk production and accounts for overhalf of its total cost. Proper attention to feed can help bring down this cost. Moreover, Indis milk

    output could be doubled if the dairy animals were only adequately fed.

    In India, the common feeding practice is to let animals graze on pastures besides feedingthem a mixture of cakes, grains by-products and other filler ingredients. The concept of com-

    pound cattle feed is also catching up, though slowly. There is tremendous scope for innovationsto meet nutritional demands of high-yielding crossbred animals and even low-yielders.

    A dairy animal is known as one of the most efficient producers of food for man. It can

    utilize large quantities of feed, much of which is inedible in the natural state. Economicalproduction of milk, however, depends largely upon three main factors-the efficiency of an

    animal, its nutrition, and management. The efficient cow /buffalo is the result of inheritanceand improved breeding. Its productivity, however, depends upon the adequate inputs in

    terms of feed and care.

    It has been estimated that India's present milk output could be doubled if dairyanimals were only adequately fed. Some of the ways and means of achieving this objective

    are discussed. At the outset, it is useful to consider the normal milk production pattern ofwell-fed and well-managed animals.

    Bio-safety of Feed ingredients and its Impact on Milk Quality

    The milk producers should realize that they are not only in business of animal keeping and

    milk production, but also in business to provide safest food to people. Milk is a verycomplex liquid. Its primary purpose is to provide nutrients and protection to the young

    mammal until it is capable of consuming solid foods.

    The milk processors should realize that the milk is processed to: eliminate health risksand spoilage; remove remaining contaminant particles; maintain the flavour of the product;

    reduce the fat content if it necessary and stabilize the fat content to stop separation; and, tomake various products.

    Once the milk leaves the cow, nothing can be done to enhance the value of the milk, but

    much can be done to prevent loss of value before the milk reaches the consumer. It must behandled correctly from the moment of milking.

    Protection from contamination before, during and after milking; holding time for milk

    at any temperature or stage in the storage and transportation chain critically affect the rate ofbacterial multiplication; and, temperature strongly affects the rate of bacterial growth.

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    Milk Contaminants

    Water Bacteria and other microorganisms Antibiotics and other drugs used to treat cows. Pesticides or insecticides applied to cow or her environment Products of fungi (mycotoxins) in the feed Chemicals used in cleaning the equipment. Others.

    It is illegal to add water in milk in any country.

    Antibiotic residues in milk should be minimized as:

    Some people are allergic. Antibiotics interfere with preparation of some dairy products like cheese and


    Low levels of antibiotics in food contribute to the emergence of antibiotic resistantstrains of bacteria.

    Aesthetic: Consumers assume that milk they purchase comes from healthy cows.Pesticide and insecticide residues in milk

    They appear through feed or as a result of contamination after milking. They are carcinogenic for consumers. The pesticides are DOT, BHC and their isomers and chlorinated compounds like

    aldrin, dialdrin, hepatochlor, etc. There are many reports that the pesticide levels are

    many times more than prescribed PFA limits.

    Mycotoxins and other feed contaminants

    Through mould contaminated feed Aflatoxins and other toxins are reported to be mutagenic, carcinogenic, teratogenic

    and hepatotoxic in most animals and human beings. Regular monitoring of

    mycotoxins is essential.

    Aflatoxin from aspergillius flavus.It is estimated that as much as 25 per cent of the worl( cereals are contaminated with

    known mycotoxins. Comm fungi are Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicilia. Fungi can grow

    any stage - crops in field, at harvest, in storage or during fe processing. These silent killershave negative impact on anin productivity and human health. In colder temperate climatl

    vomitoxin, zearalenone, ochratoxin, DAS, T-2 toxin, etc. , common. In warm and humidclimates, aflatoxin is major pre lem. In winter, vomitoxin, zearalenone, ochratoxin, T-2 to)

    etc. can create problems. About 1-4 per cent of aflatoxin present in feed can be excretedthrough milk. Aflatoxin B" G" G2 are converted to hydroxyl derivatives. These toxins can

    appear in milk within 48 hours of their intake of contaminated feed and continue for 3-4days after the withdrawal of feed. Various methods of milk processing only partially destroy

    a toxin M.

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    Effect of mycotoxicosis on health and production performance include:

    Poor feed efficiency. Reproductive problem caused by Zearalenone. Swelling of mammary glands Atrophy of the ovaries.

    - Increased susceptibility to diseases.

    Mycotoxin residues in milk- Presence of aflatoxin M,- The ratio of transfer from feed to milk is 65-100:1.

    Recent trends in mycotoxin control

    Nutritional modifications. Use of mineral clays, activated charcoal, zeolites, alur silicates, etc. Use of new generation products like yeast cell wall content~ mannan

    oligosaccharides (Adsorbents).

    Mould inhibitorsOther feed contaminants

    Wild onion and kale can impart flavours. Heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic etc. been reported in milk and milk


    To ensure biosafety at the dairy farms, no animal protein Sources should be used infeed. Like in poultry farms, biosecurity me, should be followed in dairy farms also.

    Biosecurity refers to practices intended to make herds more secure against biologic meaningcontagious diseases. The most significant risk factor introducing a new disease onto a dairy

    farm is purchasing animals.

    Theseproduction ceilings will not be reached unless the animal remains in good healthfor the remaining eight months of lactation, is fed adequately his period, and is milked and

    handled competently in the shed. If average yield per cow /buffalo is to be raised, thenthefirst assault must be directed at improving the performance of the cows at beginning of their


    What determines starting yield? The importance of good yield at the commencement of thelactation cannot be over-emphasized. If one assumes that the animals are healthy then the

    three main involved are:

    The animal must be in adequate physical condition at the time of calving. The shed routine for milk removal from the animal must be efficient. The ration after calving must contain adequate amount of energy and protein.

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    Good hay should be leafy, green in colour, free from mould and foreign materials. It shouldpreferably be from legume crops. It must be cut at an early stage of maturity. Hay from a

    late crop is less palatable and lower in total digestible nutrient, protein, calcium and


    Cereal hays can be made from oats, barley, bajra, etc. These hays when cut early in the

    flowering stage and sufficiently before the milky stage retain much of their green colour andhave reasonably good feeding value. However, they are less palatable and nutritious than

    legume hays. Cereal hays are low in protein and so they must be fed with a proteinsupplement.

    Legume hays contain higher protein and calcium than cereal hay. They are also more

    palatable. The most important point to remember in preparing legume hay is to preserveleaves which contain over 75 per cent protein of the whole plant. Good quality hay is made

    mostly from lucerne and berseem crop if they are cut at the proper stage and cured withoutloss of leaves.


    Highly palatable and rich in carotene, silage is an efficient feed because there is little waste when

    it is fed to animals. Even silage made from plants with coarse stalks, such as maize and sorghum,will be eaten with practically no waste. Also, the crop can be ensiled in weather that does not

    permit curing into dry forage (hay). If storage is a problem, silage offers the additional advantageof being highly compact. The feeding value of any silage depends on its moisture content and

    efficiency of making it.

    The feeding system for dairy cattle has three important components. They are:1.Roughages/Dry Fodder

    2. Forages/Green Fodder3. Concentrates/Oil cakes, etc.

    1. RouhgagesThey are low in energy and protein and form the bulk of the feed. Roughages are rich in

    crude fiber constituting cellulose and hemicelluloses. The crude fiber is degraded in therumen by microbes to volatile fatty acids like acetic, propionic and butyric. These acids are

    the source of energy and precursors of milk fat. Roughages are must in the feed. Roughagesare obtained from maize or jowar, kadbi, wheat or rice straw, sugar cane tops, dry hay etc.

    Roughages have low palatability but animals still relish them.

    2. ForagesThey are green forages. They contain about 80% moisture and hence are juicy in nature.They add value to the feeding system. Forages have better digestibility than roughages.

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    They also form the bulkof the feed and are rich in energy and protein. Usual source of foragesare green Lucerne, berseem and green frass. The forage are used for silage making.

    3. ConcentratesConcentrates are rich in protein and are essential to meet the protein deficit. They are alsorich in energy. Concentrates are palatable. They are essential part of the feeding system.

    Concentrates are made up of cereals, cereal byproducts, cakes and extraction. The list ofingredients that he part of the concentrates is given in below table.

    Thus the roughages, green forages and concentrates form the complete feeding system. They

    are supplemented with minerals and trace elements and vitamins A and D3. In addition to

    the above, there are various supportives which when added to this ration, improve feedquality, food digestion, body metabolism, apart from increasing milk yield and improving

    body condition.

    Ingredients used in Cattle feed concentratesEnergy Source Maize, Jowar, wheat, Damaged grains, Wheat Bran, Rice polish,


    Protein Source Cottonseed Cke, Rapeseed Meal, Sunflower Meal, Peanut Meal.

    Maize Glutan, Coconut Meal, Soybean Meal

    Low energy source Liquid Molasses, Rice Bran Extraction, Safflower Extraction



    Breweries Grains, Malt Sprouts, Bread/Biscuit Waste, Tomato Waste,

    Babul Chuni, Tamarind Seed Powder, Mango Seed Kernel, TurmericPowder, Cassiatora Seeds, mahuwa Seed Cake, Salseed Meal, RubberSeed Cake, Ambadi cake.

    New Feed Ingredients

    It is estimated that feed requirement of ruminants at moderate levels of production can be metwithout using much of cereals and other human food ingredients. Important non-conventional

    feed ingredients include seeds of mango, tamarind, babul; seed cakes like castor, mahua, sal andniger; agro-industrial by-products like apple waste, bagasse; and, agricultural wastes like

    sunflower heads and straw.Two major limitations in the large-scale utilization of these ingredients are: collecting them

    economically and presence of some anti-nutritional factors in some of them. Theselimitations may be overcome through reduction in size (by cutting, grinding, etc.), heat

    treatment, softening, treatment with alkalies, acids, salts, use of enzymes for digestion or

    bio-degradation, using suitable microbial cultures, etc.

    Use of Probiotics

    Directly fed micro-organisms (DFM), popularly called as probiotics, contain live cells ofyeasts and bacteria. In trials, yeasts have shown significant improvement in animal

    performance. These cultures help in ruminal digestion by supplying essential amino acids

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    and vitamins to microflora and also creating optimal conditions of pH in rumen. So far,limited success has been achieved.

    Mineral Nutrition

    Minerals are often insufficient in the green and dry fodder. They are generallysupplemented through concentrates. They can be provided in the form of mineral premixesor urea-molasses mineral block licks. More recently, the supply of minerals is being

    advocated in the form of chelates. Chelation technology is also practised for the supply ofessential amino acids, but it has not been widely accepted so far due to cost consideration.

    Minerals in Dairy Cattle Nutrition

    Dairy Cattle require at least 17 minerals in their diet for optimal milk production, reproductive

    performance and herd health. As milk producing ability of dairy animals increases, more andmore attention is needed to the importance of mineral matter in dairy ration.

    For dairy cattle, the major minerals are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium,

    chlorine and sulphur. Growing and lactating animals particularly need specific quantities ofminerals, specially calcium and phosphorus. Minor minerals, which are required in very small

    quantities, are known as trace minerals or micro minerals. These include manganese, zinc, iron,copper, iodine, cobalt and selenium. Though the requirement of these trace minerals is small,

    their proper level should be ensured in the feed to achieve optimum performance and herd health.Due to peculiar inter-relationship between minerals, the excess of one may cause deficiency of

    another even though the latter may be present in the diet at the required level. Even smallimbalances or deficiencies can result into problems related to reproduction, health and milk

    production. There are two sources of minerals: (a) Grains and fodder; and, (b) Supplements, tobalance the minerals present in the feedstuffs. The mineral contents of feed or supplements are of

    little value for any given feed formulation unless the availability, or digestibility, of the mineralis known. The bio-availability can be improved by chelation and biotech application. Such

    biotech minerals are also referred to as organic minerals.

    Role and requirements of Minerals have been described below:

    - Calcium & Phosphorus: Calcium is needed for developing and maintaining the rigidity ofbones. It also contributes to the formation of intracellular cement and the cell membranes,

    and regulation of nervous excitability and muscular contraction. About 90 per centcalcium is stored in the bones, where it can be reabsorbed by blood and tissues. It builds

    strong bones and teeth, keeps animal heart beating regularly, helps in normalizing blood-clotting action and helps metabolize body's iron. Phosphorus combines with calcium in

    the bones and teeth. It plays an important role in energy metabolism of the cells, affectingproteins, carbohydrates and fatty acids. Phosphorus deficiency is the most widespread of

    all the mineral deficiencies affecting grazing livestock.

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    - Magnesium: It is a key substance in proper functioning of nerves and muscles. It is alsoneeded for the maintenance of bones. Magnesium is often coupled with calcium in the

    feed supplements because of its synergistic effects.

    - Sodium, Potassium and Chloride: Salt is unique in that animals have a much greaterappetite for sodium and chloride in salt than for other minerals. Most plants provideinsufficient sodium for animal feeding and may lack adequate chloride content, a':ldtherefore, salt supplementation is a critical part of a nutritionally balanced diet for

    animals. Sodium makes up approximately 93% of the basic mineral elements in the bloodstream. The other nutrient in salt is chloride, which is also essential for life. The popular

    chloride shift is the backbone of acid-base balance of the blood. It is also an essential partof the hydrochloric acid produced by the stomach, which is required to digest most

    feedstuffs. The requirement of salt by growing animals is usually adequately supplied byadding one per ce'1t common salt to the concentrate mixture and providing free-choice to

    a source of salt, like mineral brick, after the calf is a few months old. Lactating cows needapproximately 30 gm of salt per 1.8-2 Iitres of milk while dry cows need approximately

    40 gm salt daily.

    The third most abundant mineral in the animal body after calcium andphosphorus, is potassium. It works closely sodium and chloride to maintain fluid distribution, pH

    balance and to augment nerve-impulse transmission, muscle contraction, regulation of heartbeatand blood pressure. A natural salt of the mineral chlorine, chloride works with sodium and

    potassium to help maintain the proper distribution and pH of all body fluids and encouragesnerve and muscle functions.

    - Sulphur: Sulphur is part of every cell, especially in the rich tissues of animal hair, hoof,muscle and skin. It is forming mineral that is part of the chemical structure of the acidsmethionine, cystine, taurine, and glutathione. It assists in metabolism as part of vitamin

    B1, vitamin-H and vitamin Bs; and helps regulate blood glucose level as a constituent ofinsulin, and helps regulate blood clotting. Sulphur is also known to convert so substances

    into non-toxic ones that can be excreted and therefore is used to treat poisoning fromcadmium, lead and mercury.

    - Manganese: It is essential for the proper formation and maintenance of bone, cartilageand connective tissues. It also plays role in synthesis of proteins and genetic materials,and helps produce energy from feeds. It also acts as an antioxidant and in normal blood


    - Zinc: It is an important mineral for many functions of body to the root structure of allliving cells. It is integral to the S' of RNA and DNA, the genetic material that controls celldivision and function. It is also essential for proper wound However, excessive quantities

    of zinc interfere with utilize other trace minerals such as copper and iron.- Iron: An important component of hemoglobin, the protein red blood cells, iron is

    important up to two months of age, a its deficiency in dairy cattle is not common.

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    - Copper: Its many functions include: Role in the formation of hemoglobin in the blood, inthe absorption and utilization of facilitate red blood cells to carry out oxygen

    transportation, regulation of blood pressure, heart rate and promoting fertility.

    - Cobalt: Most dairy rations will require no supplemental sources of cobalt. This is amineral part of vitamin B'2 which help in red blood cell formation and also maintainsnerve tissues.

    - Iodine: It is a part of several thyroid hormones and it strongly influences nutrientmetabolism, nerve and muscle function teeth condition, and physical and mental

    development. At least 12 mg iodine should be provided to dairy animals on daily basis.

    - Selenium: It is essential to mammals and higher plants in small amounts. It stimulates themetabolism, and is an antioxidant which protects cells and tissues from damage caused

    by free radicles.


    Molybdenum: It is a component of the enzyme xanthine oxidase and an important tracemineral which acts as antioxidant and helps the body remain healthy by detoxifying

    sulfites and sulphur compounds.

    - Chromium: It works with insulin to regulate the body's sugar to help body bum sugar andit plays a role in metabolism and is essential to fatty-acid metabolism.

    - Fluoride: It is a natural form of the mineral fluorine, which is required for healthy teethand bones. It helps form the enamel that protects teeth from decay and cavities, andincreases bone strength and stability.

    New trace elements of the future: Nickel, vanadium, tin, and silicon are some of the trace

    elements that may be deficient in animal diets in the future as soils decline in fertility crop oranimal yields increase.

    Feed Requirement

    It is essential to understand the feed requirement of the dairy animal. Feed is required for

    maintenance, growth, production of milk and reproduction (growth of foetus). The

    requirement is measured in terms of:

    Total Digestive Nutrients (TDN) Digestive Crude Proteins (DCP)

    Rumen Degradable protein (RDP) Undegradable Protein (UDP) Metabolizable Energy (Me/Kcal/Kg) Calcium (Ca) Phosphorus (P0

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    These requirements vary as per the body weight, status of milk yield and the age of theanimal. It is important that these nutrient requirements are met with a combination of

    roughages, fodder and concentrates. A judicious use of this combination is necessary tooffer balanced feed to the animal. Since concentrates are made from various sources of

    ingredients, it is essential that standard specifications to be maintained.

    Specifications for Compounded Feed

    As per the specifications issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the compounded cattle

    feeds shall be in the form of a meal or cubes or pellets. The feed shall be free from harmfulconstituents, metallic pieces and adulterants. The feed shall also be free from fungal growth and

    insect infestation; and from fermented, musty, rancid or any other objectionable odour. Thefarmer is advised to use the following tips:

    The total feed consumption of a cow is estimated at the rate of 3% of body weight on drymatter basis i.e. without moisture.

    This proportion is 3.5% in case of buffaloes. Feed recommendation is as follows: concentrates 1.5 kg for body maintenance and 0.4 kgper litre of milk production. Roughages and fodder ad libitum. In this case 50% greens

    are advisable on dry matter basis.

    Depending upon body weight and milk yield, one can choose between premium to lowerend of concentrate compound volume.

    At a very high level of milk yield, it may not be possible to feed all the daily requirednutrients from the feed.In such a case, the cow is able to use the body reserves to meet the

    milk demand. It is, therefore, imperative that feeding care is taken through challengefeeding system.

    UMMB Lick

    The UMMB (Urea Molasses Mineral Blocks) licks supply most of the nutrients generally

    deficient in a straw based diet. These are urea, molasses, mil supplements, common salt andbrans/cakes. Guar gum powder, sodium bentonite and lime are used as binding agents. The

    proportion of key ingredients like urea and molasses in the formulation is adjusted to ensure theiroptimum utilization. The level of binding agents is adjusted to obtain the blocks of good texture

    under different climatic conditions. The UMMB licks are manufactured in different statesunder the cooperative sector. In manufacturing UMMB, a hot process technique was employed

    The UMMB lick should be kept before the animal in a special dispenser to facilitate it to lick asand when desired. In offering UMMB lick, provision of adequate straw / fodder and water

    should be made Licking of block may be slow in the beginning, but it should not be

    discontinued. The block should be fed only as Iick. It should be fed regularly to get the desiredresults. Block should be protected from water, dust, dung and urine.

    Urea Treatment of Straw

    Straw is a coarse, fibrous, lowly palatable material deficient in nitrogen and minerals and

    poorly digestible. As a result, there is less consumption of straw by animals. Various methodshave been developed to improve straw utilization by employing physical, chemical, physio

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    chemical and microbiological agents. However, in field application the urea treatment methodhas been widely accepted. Treatment of straw by urea can greatly increase its nutritional value,

    digestibility, palatability and intake. Straw becomes soft and pliable and protein enriched aftertreatment, and cattle relish it. Open stack treatment of straw in bulk of 500Kg or more is

    recommended for the following reasons:

    It eliminates the need for repeated treatment of small lots of straw. The method requires minimum input cost. Long form (unchaffed) treated straw can be chaffed very easily. Bulk treatment ensures long duration feeding of treated straw.However, other suitable methods can be red depending upon the area needs.

    Method of treatment

    The methodology comprises packing of straw in a welded wiremesh or other suitable enclosurelayer-by-layer. Urea at the rate of four per cent of straw is sprinkled in solution form layer-by-

    layer and then well-pressed by manual trampling. The volume of water to be used for solution

    depends on the type and initial moisture content of straw. Mineral mixture at appropriate level isalso sprinkled layer-by-layer and the heap is kept covered by plastic sheet. Treated straw heap isleft undisturbed for two-to- three weeks before its use as feed.

    Feeding Treated Straw

    The recommended mode of feeding treated straw is as follows:

    Take out the required quantity of the urea treated straw each time. Initially aerate the treated straw for half-an-hour before feeding. Once the animal is accustomed to the treated straw, feed it without aeration. Cattle relish

    the ammonical smell. Animals can consume 50 per cent more treated straw than the

    untreated one. Watch for increase in milk yield after two weeks of feeding treated straw regularly. Do

    not disturb the concentrate level if the increase in milk is observed. However, if increase

    in milk yield is not found, start reducing concentrate a handful every day progressivelyuntil the milk production starts declining. This way one-third of total concentrate can be

    replaced by treated straw without affecting milk production

    In case an animal does not accept the treated straw initially, sprinkle some concentratepowder / flour over it to induce eating.

    Bypass Protein Feed

    Apart from the normal feeding system, two new concepts are becoming popular in dairy feeding.They are by pass proteins and bypass fat. The basic difference between conventional balancedcattle feed and Bypass protein Feed (BPF) is that the basis for formulation is protein/DCP in the

    former and RDP/UDP besides protein in the latter.Ideally, compounded BPF should have a minimum of 28 percent crude protein, 18 percent

    UDP and minimum 8 percent RDP. These levels result in maximum economic gains. Therecommended allowance per litre milk is 250-300gms which is almost half of the allowance

    recommended for conventional balanced feed. Though the cost of BPF per kilogram is higher

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    (about 1.3 to 1.5 times to that of cattle feed), the cost per litre of milk is lower because of itslower allowance per litre of milk.


    The BPF has distinct superiority over the conventional feed in many ways as described below:

    The efficiency of protein utilization is far superior in BPF formulation as it is based onthe principle of dietary protein degradability.

    Nutritionally, it is quite similar to traditionally used oilcakes which are very expensiveranging from Rs 5 - 10 per kg. As such, it could be used as a replacement of

    traditional oilcakes being used by the farmers.

    As only choice materials of high palatability are used in BPF manufacture, itsacceptance by the animal is excellent.

    It can support the nutrient requirement of even high yielding animals. The need for concentrate per unit milk production is substantially reduced using BPF as

    compared to the conventional CF. As a result of this, the existing feed processingcapacity can cater to the needs of larger population of milch animals.

    It is well known that the proteins are broken down to peptides and amino acidsin

    rumen by microbial fermentation. The microbes convert these aminoacids into microbialproteins. All the proteins, however, are not converted by microbes. Some of them escape

    rumen and go for normal gut digestion. Microbes generally attack easily available proteinswhich are also nutritious for post ruminal function. These proteins are classified as rumen

    degradable proteins (RDP) and undegradable proteins (UDP).

    It has been observed that milk production can be enhanced by providing easily

    breakable peptide chain and good quality amino acids for ready availability for milksynthesis. These essential amino acids are lysine, methionine and arginine. While best

    protein sources could be soyabean meal, maize gluten and groundnut cake or their

    extractions, such protein sources can be protected from rumen microbial attack by way ofheating or chemical treatment such as with formaldehyde or coating.

    Choose best protein or amino acid composition, protect the source from rumen microbial

    attack and make it available for direct synthesis. This improves the milk yield. Such proteinsare called bypass protein.

    By pass protein therefore:

    Must be protected from ruminal attack. Must be good in amino acid source. Should have quality, suitable for easy digestion. Should have a ratio of 50:50 UDP:RDP Is a sure way to boost milk yield.

    Bypass Fat

    It is always a dream for a farmer to get fat content in his cow's milk. Generally, feed contains

    about 2.5% to 3.5% the case of cattle the milk fat is synthesized by the biochemical processin rumen from the feed source.

    Farmer often resorts to feeding vegetable oil to the cow. This, however, is utilized purely asenergy source and may partly improve milk yield and fat but that is because the animal may

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    be on marginal feed deficit, which is corrected by giving high energy in the form of oil.Such oil liberates unsaturated fatty acids, which have in fact inhibiting effect on

    carbohydrate splitting microbes. This restricts formation of acetic and propionic acid. Toovercome this a new concept of bypass fat with saturated fatty acid composition has been


    By pass fat concept is based on the following principles: About 35% of the fatty acid component in milk fat is accounted for by C-16:0 and C-

    18:0 fatty acids.

    Bypass fa contains 99% crude fat. Its principal constituents are C-16:0 (48-25%) andC-18:0 (42-48%) fatty acids.

    This fat is entirely of vegetable origin with palm oil as its major base. It has a ME value of 90Kcal/Kg. This two saturated long chain fatty acids are partially released in the rumen but

    mostly pass in the small intestine where 95% of them are digested.

    The fatty acids pass from blood to the udder where they can be incorporated directlyin the milk fat.

    This results in the increase in milk and milk fat output.Thus the normal productivity of milch cow can be achieved if the above-mentioned feedingmethods are implemented.

    Factors effecting Milk Yield and Milk Fat

    Milk yield: Normal lactation days are 300. The milk yield increases for about 2 months afterparturition and reaches the peak. After this period, there is steady decline of 10% every month

    till the 10th month. Day-to-day variation, usually drop, in the milk results due to: Improper andunder feeding; denial of water; diseases, excitement oestrus; incomplete evacuation of udder.

    Age of cow: The milk yield potential depends on the age of the cow-First lactation

    75%; Second lactation: 85%; Third lactation: 92%; Fourth lactation: 98%. Pregnancy: Aspregnancy advances milk yield comes down, 60 days dry period optimizes milk yield.

    Temperature: For optimum profitable dairying, ambient temperature from 40F t,is a safe zone. Extremes are not good.

    Milk fat: There is direct relationship between milk fat and milk yield. As the milk

    goes up milk fat comes down and vice versa. Fore milk has 1 % fat, last drawn mil8-15% fat. long interval in milking reduces milk fat. Exercise increases milk fat. M milk has low

    fat. Evening milk has high fat.

    Feed Components and their significanceComponent Significant Function

    Water Most important nutrient for digestion, absorptionProteins Amino acids for growth of tissues and muscles

    Carbohydrates Soluble starch, SugarCrude fiber for providing energy

    Fats For body conditioning as reserved source of energy, forhealthy skin and central nervous system.

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    Minerals Ca, P, Mg, Na, K Cl, Co, Fe, Zn, Mn, se, Iodine. Theseare important constituents of body tissues, help in

    metabolism, important for fertility.Vitamins A,D.E and K which are fat soluble

    B Complex group- B1,B2,B6,B12, Niacin,

    pantothenate, Biotin, choline, Folic acid, ascorbic acid.These are very essential in all metabolic processes,normal health and development.

    Calculation for Estimating Body weight of Cow

    Body weight (in Kgs)= Length+Height+ Girth (in centimeters)The Length can be measured from the mouth to the. hind end starting from the base of the tail.

    The Height from the top of the hump to the base of the front feet.The Girth from the centre of the back taking complete round (that is end to end). This principle

    applies to all he bovines.

    Ten Pointers for Effective Feed Management

    To fully tap the potential of high yielding cows and buffaloes the following points of feeding

    management are of practical importance:

    Feeding dairy animals on homegrown fodder, especially leguminous or a mixture ofleguminous and nonleguminous, would be most economical as compared to feeding them

    on crop residues and concentrates.

    Feed roughages (hay or hay and silage) twice a day and concentrates or grain mixture ator before milking. Green forages are much more palatable than the hays prepared from

    them. Through liberal feeding of greens or silage, the need to feed concentrates can becut down by 33 per cent. When leguminous fodder such as lucerne and berseem is fed,

    the quantity of concentrates can be further cut down. Again, the greens especiallyleguminous fodder should not form the entire roughage ration because of the risk of

    producing bloat. It should be mixed with green grasses/ hay or other non-leguminous fod-

    ders/ crop residues before feeding. If grass is not readily available, it may be replaced

    with straw in the proportion of one kg of straw for every four kg of green grass. Longgrasses / other fodder / crop residues must be chaffed before feeding to reduce wastage.

    Concentrate must be fed after moistening it with some water to reduce dustiness. Themoistened feed should be fed the same day.

    The digestive system of a high-producing dairy animal has a limited capacity and soto obtain the required nutrients, the digestibility of the ra tion on dry matter basis

    must per cent or higher. It will enaL cow to assimilate the available ents in the feed.

    Roughages ma) to be supplemented with feel centrates to ensure nutrients for mummilk production.

    The cow must be conditioned adequately before calving so as to the needed bodyreserve for good milk production after calving. For this itmust calve in relatively fat

    condition and so must be on a fattening ration for the last two months of the dryperiod. It must be provided energy requirements equal to that of a cow producing

    about 10 kg of milk a day and gain at least half a kg in bodyweight. everyday in the

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    last two months of lactation. Feed at least one kg of concentrate mixture per day andin larger quantities for the high-yielder.

    A dry cow is often considered as d which is not in 'profit', whereas it should beconsidered as a cow preparing for profit' - and the amount of the profit depends on

    the thoroughness of the preparation. In a herd is well managed, the dry cow r high in

    priority for feed. A well-conditioned cow loses weight after calving, but increases her daily milk

    yield. In fact, if it is going to produce 10 to 12 kg or more milk a day any length oftime, it will have to lose some weight. Cows usually cannot take enough feed in a

    day to produce this quantity of milk for any length of time without losing weight,irrespective of how good the feed may be. The weight loss is largely from body fat

    stored for this purpose when it was dry. A well grown jersey cow may lose about 50kg in the two months after calving, while a large Holstein may lose 150 kg over the

    same period.

    The cow that is poorly conditioned at calving time I hardly likely to respond to additionalfeed inputs. In any case, her yield will be mediocre of even low. Some of the additional

    feed supplied will be diverted to her body conditioning. It is more expensive to fattencows after calving then it is to fatten them before calving.

    For maximizing income, the dairy animals should be fed individually according to theirindividual milk yield and nutritional requirements, instead of allowing the same ration toeach animal in the herd. Liberal feeding is necessary for continued high milk production

    and its persistency throughout the lactation.

    An abundant supply f clean drinking water must be provided at all times. It is the mostessential feed ingredient. Do not permit cattle to drink water from dirty ponds, streams or

    tanks as it would result in increased incidence of diseases, lowered vitality and decreasedmilk production. Daily water intake for an animal of 30 kg bodyweight yielding 5kg of

    milk daily will be about 35-40 litres. About the same quantity of water is required for

    general cleanliness of the animal and its shed.


    Dairy India 2007Published by Dairy India Year Book,

    A-25, Priyadarshini Vihar,New Delhi-110092


    Ph: +91-11-225543326
