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                               ASSIGNMENT 2 



                              SEMESTER 1 ‐ 2018 









Dear Students of Principles of Language Use (PLU411s)

This is a feedback tutorial on Assignment 2 which you have all just completed. In addition to the

individual comments made by your marker-tutors at the end of your assignments, this tutorial will focus

on overall strengths and weaknesses of Assignment 2. It is hoped that these comments will also assist

you with revision for your examination.



Most of you have attempted this question. Well done! In addition, most students achieved fairly good

marks in this question. Some students received excellent marks (24 – 28). I believe that the passage was

easy to understand, and students attempted and understood most of the questions. For the benefit of

the few who got less marks in this question, make sure that you read the passage and the questions first

and try and understand/ comprehend the passage before attempting any written answers. Because this

is an assignment which you can do at home, you are allowed to make use of a dictionary to clarify any

difficult words you may not have known or understood. This would have helped you to obtain a better

mark, especially in the questions on vocabulary. Make sure to use the correct numbering as given in the


Section 1: READING COMPREHENSION (30 marks ) Read the passage below carefully and then answer the questions which follow in your own words as far as possible. Write in full sentences unless otherwise indicated. Video Games, Literacy and Learning By James Paul Gee

1. When people learn to play video games, they are learning a new literacy. Of course, this is not the way the word "literacy" is normally used. Traditionally, people think of literacy as the ability to read and write. Why, then, should we think of literacy more broadly, in regard to video games or anything else, for that matter? There are two reasons.

2. First, in the modern world, language is not the only important communicational system. Today images, symbols, graphs, diagrams, artifacts, and many other visual symbols are particularly significant. Thus, the idea of different types of "visual literacy" would seem to be an important one. For example, being able to "read" the images in advertising is one type of visual literacy. And, of course, there are different ways to read such images, ways that are more or less aligned with the intentions and interests of the advertisers. Knowing how to read interior designs in homes, modernist art in museums, and videos on MTV are other forms of visual literacy.

3. Furthermore, very often today words and images of various sorts are juxtaposed and

integrated in a variety of ways. In newspapers and magazines as well as in textbooks, images take up more and more of the space alongside words. In fact, in many modern high school and college textbooks in the sciences images, not only take up more space, but carry meanings that are independent of the words in the text. If you can't read these images, you will not be able to recover their meanings from the words in the text as was more usual in the past. In such multimodal texts (texts that mix words and images), the images often communicate different things from the words. And the combination of the two modes communicates things that neither of the modes does separately. Thus, the idea of different sorts of multimodal literacy seems an important one. Both modes and multimodality go far beyond images and words to include sounds, music, movement, bodily sensations, and smells.

4. Additionally, we very obviously live in a world awash with images. It is our first answer to the question why we should think of literacy more broadly. The second answer is this: Even though reading and writing seem so central to what literacy means traditionally, reading and writing are not such general and obvious matters as they might at first seem. After all, we never just read or write; rather, we always read or write something in some way.

5. There are many different ways of reading and writing. We don't read or write newspapers,

legal tracts, essays in literary criticism, poetry, rap songs, and so forth through a nearly endless list in the same way. Each of these domains has its own rules and requirements. Each is a culturally and historically a separate way of reading and writing, and, in that sense, a different literacy. Furthermore, in each case, if we want to "break the rules" and read against the grain of the text-for the purposes of critique, for instance, we have to do so in different ways, usually with some relatively deep knowledge of how to read such texts "according to the rules."

6. So, there are different ways to read different types of texts. Literacy is multiple, then, in the sense that the legal literacy needed for reading law books is not the same as the literacy needed for reading physics texts or superhero comic books. And we should not be too quick to dismiss the latter form of literacy. Many a superhero comic is replete with post-Freudian irony of a sort that would make a modern literary critic's heart beat fast and confuse any otherwise normal adult. Literacy, then, even as traditionally conceived to involve only print, is not a unitary thing but a multiple matter. There are, even in regard to printed texts and even leaving aside images and multimodal texts, different "literacies."

7. Once we see this multiplicity of literacy (literacies), we realize that when we think about

reading and writing, we have to think beyond print. Reading and writing in any domain,

whether it is law, rap songs, academic essays, superhero comics, or whatever, are not just ways of decoding print, they are also caught up with and in social practices. Video games are a new form of art. They will not replace books; they will sit beside them, interact with them, and change them and their role in society in various ways, as, indeed, they are already doing strongly with movies. Today, many movies are based on video games and many more are influenced by them. We have no idea yet how people "read" video games and what meanings they make from them. Still less do we know how they will "read" them in the future.

1. What is the main idea of the text? (2) The author believes that literacy is broader (1). It is not only about reading and writing (1)

2. According to the first paragraph, how was literacy perceived in the past? (2) Traditionally, people thought of literacy as the ability to read and write.

3. From the passage, what are the ideal types of visual literacy according to paragraph 2? (3) Knowing how to read interior designs in homes Modernist art in museums, Videos on MTV.

4. Indicate whether the following statements are true or false (4) (i)In the modern world, language seems to be the vital communicational tool (False). (ii)Images communicate various things in multimodal texts (True). (iii) Reading and writing are also caught up with and in social practices (True). (iv)Learning a new literacy also incorporates playing video games (True).

5. From the passage, what could be an example from a science textbook of the

phenomenon the author describes in the third paragraph (2) A diagram (image) of a specific chemical reaction that is used to explain a broad definition in the text

6. According to paragraph 4, explain the two broad definitions of literacy (4)

First definition is: Literacy could mean living in a world awash with images.

The second definition is: Even though reading and writing seem so central to what literacy means traditionally, reading and writing are not such general and obvious matters as they might at first seem.

7. What is the author’s views on video games? (2) Video games are a new form of art (1) that will not replace books; they will sit beside them, interact with them, and change them and their role in society in various ways (1) OR Video games are not yet entirely understood in terms of literacy, but are already impacting other forms of expression such as filmmaking (2)

8. Explain the meaning of the following expressions as they are used in the text:

9. (i) ‘…words and images of various sorts are juxtaposed and integrated in a variety of

ways...’ (Paragraph 3) (2)

Words and pictures are combined/ working together to convey an idea.

(ii) ‘…live in a world awash with images…’ (Paragraph 4) (2)

The world has the largest amount of images/ too many images are utilised

10. Explain the meaning of the idiom "read against the grain of the text" in the sixth

paragraph. (3) This means reading to understand the underlying meanings and themes of the author's words (2) not just a literal interpretation (1)

11. Why does the author give the example of superhero comics to explain multiple literacies? (2) Because things that may seem on the surface to be only meant for a particular group of people can actually have very profound meanings to those who possess other types of literacy

What does the author mean by literacy being multiple? (2)

Literacy uses different genres and modes of expression require different background knowledge and

perspectives to understand them



The following question also did not pose too many problems for most students. If you experienced

some difficulty, you will also find additional exercises in Unit 1 in the Language in Practice Study Guide.

Alternatively, you can also visit this website for your extra reading and exercises: www. Do them to help you revise and consolidate this grammar section. The above

website will also help you to master the tenses through practicing the exercises frequently. You will also

find additional exercises in Unit 1 in the Language in Practice Study Guide. Do them as they help you to

revise and consolidate this section.


Read the text below and answer the questions that follow

Reassessing the Impacts of Brain Drain on Developing Countries

Brain drain, which are the action of having highly skilled and educated people leaving their country to work

abroad, have becomes one of the developing countries concern. Brain drain is also referred to as human

capital flight. More and more third world science and technology educated people are heading for more

prosperous countries seeking higher wages and better working conditions. This has of course serious

consequences on the sending countries.

(a) While many people believe that immigration is a personal choice that must be understood and

respected, others look at the phenomenon from a different perspective. What makes (b) those educated

people leave their countries should be (c) seriously considered and a distinction (d) between push and

pull factors must be made. The push factors include low wages and lack of satisfactory working and living

conditions. Social unrest, political (e) conflicts and wars may also be determining causes. The pull factors,

however, include intellectual freedom and (f) substantial funds for research.

Brain drain has negative impact on the sending countries economic prospects and competitiveness. It

reduces the number of dynamic and creative people who can contribute to the development of their

country. Likewise, given that more entrepreneurs are taking their investments abroad, developing

countries are missing an opportunity of wealth creation. This also has negative consequences on tax

revenue and employment.

((a) Most/Many) of the measures taken so far have not had any success in alleviating the ((b)

effects/affects) of brain drain. A more global view must take into consideration the provision of adequate

working and ((c) living/leaving) conditions in the sending countries. Another option should involve

encouraging the expatriates to contribute their skill to the development of their countries without ((d)

necessarily/neccesarily) physically relocating.

(Adapted from:

Section B: Grammar Memo (25)

1. Identify the parts of speech of the words in bold in paragraph 2 (6)

a) conjunction (1)

b) pronoun (1)

c) adverb (1)

d) preposition (1)

e) noun (1)

f) adjective (1)

1. 2. Rewrite the underlined clause in paragraph 3 in the tenses below.

Underline all the verbs.

a) Present perfect (3)

b) Past perfect (3)

c) Past simple (3)

a) It has reduced the number of dynamic and creative people (3)

b) It had reduced the number of dynamic and creative people (3)

c) It reduced the number of dynamic and creative people (3)

3. Identify a relative pronoun in paragraph 3 (1)

Who (1)

4. Correct the subject verb agreement ( concords) in the following sentence from paragraph 1 (3)

Brain drain, which is the action of having highly skilled and educated people leaving their country to work

abroad, has become one of the developing countries concern. (3)

2. 5. Rewrite the bolded sentence in paragraph 3 in the following forms. (2)

a) Negative

b) Question

a) This also has no negative consequences on tax revenue and employment. (1)

b) Does this also have negative consequences on tax revenue and employment? (1)

6. Choose the correct answer from options numbered (a-d) in paragraph 4. (4)

a) Most (1)

b) effects (1)

c) living (1)

d) necessarily (1)



This question is the one which generally presents most difficulty to students. To be able to answer this

question correctly and to score adequate marks, you should study the notes and guidelines in Unit 3 of

your Study Guide. The notes will help you familiarize yourselves with the terminology you are required

to know and help you to identify examples of these terms in the given passage. For example, if you

understand that a “sentence fragment” is an incomplete sentence, you should be able to pick out or

identify one in a passage.

SECTION 3: Essay and Paragraph Analysis [15 marks]

Read the following essay and use the information to answer the questions that follow.

Why Should You Become a Vegetarian?

Vegetarianism has become the most popular diet among the young generations facing

the new millennium. This discipline eliminates the intake of meat and in some cases also

the consumption of dairy products and eggs. Are there enough reasons to make you

change your eating habits? My purpose is to prove that vegetarianism is the diet that

offers more benefits to our health, spirit, and society.

Nowadays, health is the number one individual and governmental concern. Health is a

fragile factor, and its behaviour relies mostly on the nutritional quality of the food we



ingest. A balanced non-vegetarian diet allows the consumption of all four main food

groups, including meat and other animal by-products that are important protein and fat

sources. Most of us consume more proteins and fats than we need. An excess of proteins

can cause kidney failure and/or osteoporosis, and a high-fat diet can eventually lead to

heart disease, cancer, obesity, and diabetes. On the other hand, vegetarians get protein

from grains, beans, vegetables, and low-fat food. This is how they reduce the risk of most

diseases caused by fats. It is a myth to believe that vegetarians don't get enough proteins

or that their diet is not balanced because they don't eat meat. The key is variety and

accurate combinations of energy and protein sources.

If I were asked to describe a vegetarian, I would immediately mention that they are very

disciplined people. It has been proven that there exists a remarkable correlation between

the people who succeed and people who follow a disciplined lifestyle. People who are

faithful to the disciplines they have acquired show integrity, a remarkable behaviour, and

they are usually in a good mood. Vegetarians, always concerned about quality and

discipline, develop a greater social responsibility that motivates them to improve their


Moreover, environmental issues have been capturing public attention because of their

relevancy and the increasing deterioration of our quality of life. If you are concerned about

the environment, consider that massive meat production can have a negative impact on

tropical rain forests, soil stability, and air and water quality. Furthermore, large extensions

of forests have been cut and changed into grasslands that provide cattle with food. To

conserve grasslands, fertilisers and other chemical substances are used, soil and water

resources are polluted. Even though there are methods that avoid this kind of

deterioration, producers prefer to ignore them so they can keep satisfying the increasing

meat demand without affecting their production rates.

Vegetarians' life spans are increased and through this discipline they learn to live a quality

life in all the possible aspects. Besides, their beliefs are congruent with their lifestyle and

they take responsibility and action for problems. Within their own bodies and in their

surroundings. Take a look at yourself. Is your health at risk have you been able to reach

your goals? Are you a factor of change and improvement within your society? You must

at least try becoming a vegetarian now that you know it is a tempting challenge and an

exciting experiment that has advantages and no risks. Whether you do it for your body,

for your lifestyle, or for your environment, just do it. Stop letting others have all the credit,

the fun, and the quality.

1. Identify and write down the thesis statement of the essay. (1)

My purpose is to prove that vegetarianism is the diet that offers more

benefits to our health, spirit, and society.



2. (a) Identify and write down the topic sentence of Paragraph 2. (1)

Nowadays, health is the number one individual and governmental


(b) Write down the topic of topic sentence you identified in Question 3(a). (1)


(c) Write down the controlling idea of the topic sentence in Question 3(a). (1)

…is the number one individual and governmental concern.

3. Write down the concluding remark expressed in Paragraph 2. (1)

The key is variety and accurate combinations of energy and protein


4. Write down 2 transitional words in Paragraph 4. (2)




-even though (any 2)

5. (a) Identify and write down a sentence fragment in Paragraph 5. (1)

Besides, their beliefs are congruent with their lifestyle and they take

responsibility and action for problems. Within their own bodies and in their


(b) Suggest one way of correcting the sentence fragment in Question 6. (1)

By removing the full stop between problems and within, then

change the capital letter (W) of (Within) to small letter (w).

7. Identify the run-on sentence in Paragraph 5 and write down the correction of the run-on sentence you have identified. (3)


Is your health at risk have you been able to reach your goals?


Is your healthy at risk? Have you …? OR

Is your health at risk, or have you …? OR

Is your health at risk; have you been ...?

(1 mark for identification and 2 marks for correction)

8. Identify the comma splice in Paragraph 4 and write down the correction of the

comma splice you have identified. (3)

Comma splice

To conserve grasslands, fertilisers and other chemical substances are used, soil

and water resources are polluted.


To conserve grasslands, fertilisers and other chemical substances

are used; soil and water resources are polluted. OR

To conserve grasslands, fertilisers and other chemical substances

are used. Soil and water resources are polluted.

A student may use a conjunction or a transitional word or phrase

such as consequently, however, but, etc. to correct the sentence.

The sentence should be correctly punctuated.

(1 mark for identification and 2 marks for correction)



It was edifying to note that most students only wrote the essays as per the given instructions. This

shows that you read the instructions carefully. A final word of advice: Practice writing some paragraphs

and later on more essays to prepare for the examination. In addition to knowing the structure of the

paragraph and essay theoretically, it is also important to practice your writing skills on a variety of


Moreover, students must proof-read their work and work on capitalizing and punctuating their

paragraphs. The tutor-marker has frequently encountered sentences that are, for instance, written

without a capital letter at the beginning or proper punctuation at the end of the sentence. Some

paragraphs lacked unity (the ideas were mixed up) and coherence (flow of ideas not properly

presented). Students are required to always concentrate on ONE idea in ONE paragraph and ideas must

flow chronologically.

However, most students have difficulties of “Subject-verb Agreement”. Most fail to understand and

incorporate the rule of Subject verb agreement in their writing. Students need to read more and

Practice “Subject- Verb Agreement”. Additionally, the topic sentences for the body paragraphs did not

come out quite clearly. They were either not clear or too long that the marker was unable to identify the

Topic in the topic sentence as well as the controlling idea. Students are advised to write each body

paragraph with a clear/ concise topic sentence, supporting sentences as well as concluding sentences.

Most students did not have their thesis statements as well. It is of utmost importance that every essay

has a thesis statement in the introductory paragraph.

It is hoped that this feedback tutorial will benefit you all. Please take the information and advice

seriously, even if you obtained a good mark in this assignment. There is always something you can learn.

Finally, if at all possible, try to attend the vacation school which will further assist you to consolidate the

course content. We wish you every success in your second assignment and in the examination.

Sincerely Yours,

Mr. Fikameni Salomo (Facilitator and marker-tutor: Principles of Language Use (PLU411S)

Namibia University of Science and Technology
