Federal Geographic Data Committee Update Ivan DeLoatch NGAC Meeting August 26, 2009


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Federal Geographic Data Committee Update

Ivan DeLoatchNGAC MeetingAugust 26, 2009



SmartBuy Update2010 NSDI Cooperative Agreements ProgramFY 2009 FGDC Annual ReportGeospatial Line of Business 2011 DecisionNRC/MSC MeetingPlace-Based Policy and Programs


Geospatial LoB - SmartBUYPending Official Announcement of Award

Technical Evaluation Board final vendor selection completeExpected announcement of award this weekRollout Kit web page with SmartBUY materials and information is ready for releasePress Releases are ready for release


2010 NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program

Finalizing CAP categories (6 or 7)Category leads are drafting final descriptions and requirementsFinal draft of the announcement pending final review and release to USGS Office of Acquisitions and GrantsProposal submission period: mid-October to early JanuaryFebruary 2010: announcement of awardsFunding consistent with FY 2009, ~ $1.32 million


US/Canadian Cross Border Project has been postponed at the request of the Canadian partners

Information on 2010 CAP: http://www.fgdc.gov/grants/ - Plans for 2010 NSDI CAP

Significant list of 2009 NSDI CAP achievements – please review

http://www.fgdc.gov/grants/ - FY2009 Achievements

2010 NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program


FY 2009 FGDC Annual Report

Follows 2008 Report OutlineWill include Accomplishments, Goals, and ChallengesTheme: ‘The Mortgage Crisis and Land Parcel Data’Date of Completion – Nov. 1, 2009 Data request went to Federal agencies in late June Written and graphical material are being compiled

2008 Report: http://www.fgdc.gov/library/whitepapers-reports/index_html


Geospatial Line of Business 2011 Planning

August 5, 2009 request from OMB to E-Gov Initiatives and Lines of Business Managing Partners Status, plans, funding levels for FY 2011

FGDC committee member meetings, discussions, and voteSteering Committee voted on concurrence to continue the Geospatial LoB efforts through FY 2011Completing the process for FY 2011 under the established Joint Business Case


Geospatial Line of Business 2011 Planning

Focus on “key” high value activities Common Services Work Group

Considering “Blanket purchase agreement” or equal procurement vehicle for geospatial data and tools

Geo-enabled Business Work Group Geo-enabled shared services across agencies

Lifecycle Management Work Group Data production best management practices and

stewardship Cost and access efficiencies Develop framework for better performance, cost,

and data quality reporting


Geospatial Line of Business 2011 Planning

New: Technical Support Work Group efforts may include

Identify practical, high value geospatial integration services

Facilitate new service delivery mechanisms Expand current capabilities across agencies Establish common web map service (application) to

agencies to geo-enable and provide mission data Leverage SmartBUY to assess common services Evaluate the need to establish a team to help

agencies learn and leverage geospatial capabilities Geospatial integration services

All activities based on clearly defined outcomes


Geospatial Line of Business 2011 Planning


-Needs attention

-Significant concerns


Example of the federal

IT Dashboard


National Research CouncilMapping Science Committee


FGDC participated in the August 6th MSC meetingMSC is evaluating the future of the NSDIThese activities should be coordinated with the NGAC activitiesRecommend inviting Dr. Keith Clarke, Chair of MSC, to attend the NGAC meeting in December.


Place-Based Policy and Programs

Executive Office of the President Memorandum M-09-28: “Developing Effective Place-Based Policies for the FY 2011 Budget, August 11, 2009”OMB Budget Data Request No. 09-42: “Place-Based Policies and Programs”

“… to advance the Administration’s domestic and fiscal priorities and to increase the impact of government dollars by leveraging place-conscious planning and place-based programming.” “Place-based policies leverage investments by focusing resources in targeted places and drawing on the compounding effect of well-coordinated action. Effective place-based policies can influence how rural and metropolitan areas develop, how well they function as places to live, work, operate a business, preserve heritage, and more. Such policies can also streamline otherwise redundant and disconnected programs.”FGDC support and participation in Place-based policies under discussion



USGS Geography Discipline – Organization (as of 10/01/2009)

Associate Director for Geography

Bryant Cramer


Jeff Eidenshink (A)

Geographic Analysis &

Monitoring ProgramJonathan Smith

Chief of Operations

Mark Naftzger (A)

Land Remote Sensing

ProgramBruce Quirk

National Geospatial

ProgramMark DeMulder

Federal Geographic Data

CommitteeIvan DeLoatch

Chief Scientist

Ione Taylor


Thank you

