Federal Emergency Management Agency Department of Homeland Security


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Federal Emergency Federal Emergency Management AgencyManagement Agency

Department of Homeland SecurityDepartment of Homeland Security

2FEMA Region V November 29, 2004

What is FEMA?

Since March 2003, part of the Department of Homeland Security

A former independent agency created in 1979

Includes the U.S. Fire Administration and Federal Insurance Administration

3FEMA Region V November 29, 2004

Sec. Tom Ridge:

““In the new Department ofIn the new Department of Homeland Homeland

Security, the Federal Emergency Security, the Federal Emergency

Management Agency will become the Management Agency will become the

nation's all-hazard incident manager. If it's nation's all-hazard incident manager. If it's

a terrorist incident, if it's a natural a terrorist incident, if it's a natural

disaster, whatever it is, this new disaster, whatever it is, this new

department, through FEMA, will be on the department, through FEMA, will be on the

scene and manage the response.”scene and manage the response.”

4FEMA Region V November 29, 2004

DHS Mission

Prevent terrorist attacks in the U.S.

Reduce America’s vulnerability to terrorism

Minimize the damage from potential attacks and natural disasters

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Directorates of DHS:

Border and Transportation Security


Science and Technology

Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection

6FEMA Region V November 29, 2004

Also part of DHS:

U.S. Coast Guard

U.S. Secret Service

Citizenship and Immigration Services

7FEMA Region V November 29, 2004

FEMA’s Mission:

Reduce the loss of life and property and protect our institutions from all hazards by leading and supporting the nation in a comprehensive, risk-based emergency management program of mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.

8FEMA Region V November 29, 2004

Who is FEMA?

Under Secretary appointed by the President, confirmed by Congress, reporting to DHS Secretary

2,400 permanent employees

7,000 disaster reserve employees

8,000 NDMS reserve employees

9FEMA Region V November 29, 2004

What does FEMA do?

Disaster response and recovery

Reducing risk from disasters through mitigation

Preparedness training and exercises

Consequence management following terrorist incidents

10FEMA Region V November 29, 2004

What else does FEMA do?

Train fire fighters and first responders

Oversee the National Flood Insurance Program

Manage the National Disaster Medical System

11FEMA Region V November 29, 2004

Where is FEMA?

Washington, D.C.

Ten regional offices

Disaster Field Offices

Tele-registration processing centers

Training facilities

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When does FEMA respond? When local and state capabilities are overwhelmed

State governors must request a federal disaster declaration

FEMA assesses disaster damage to determine extent of need

Presidential approval of a declaration request allows FEMA to provide response and recovery assistance

13FEMA Region V November 29, 2004

Man-made vs natural disaster:

FEMA doesn’t differentiate between disasters caused by nature, such as earthquakes, or disasters such as a terrorist event. In all cases, FEMA provides response and recovery assistance geared to the event and in coordination with local, state and federal officials.

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In a disaster, FEMA: Provides disaster response aid

to individuals, communities and states for immediate needs

Provides disaster aid to individuals, communities and states for recovery

Promotes risk reduction from future disasters through mitigation efforts

15FEMA Region V November 29, 2004

Response Resources:DHS/FEMA activates and manages emergency response assets through the Emergency Support Function Structure

established within the National Response Plan

Emergency Support FunctionsTransportation – IT and Telecommunications – Infrastructure –

Firefighting – Mass Care – Housing – Public Health – Urban Search and Rescue – Hazardous Materials – Agriculture –

Energy – Economic Stabilization

16FEMA Region V November 29, 2004

Response Resources: Mass sheltering and feeding

Temporary housing

Supplemental power / generators

Ice and water

Emergency personnel equipment

Medical support

Urban Search and Rescue (USAR)

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FEMA disaster aid programs:

Public Assistance

Individual Assistance

Hazard Mitigation Grant Program

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Other assistance:

Crisis counseling

Disaster-related unemployment assistance

Legal aid

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Support for Medical Facilities:

Two Avenues of Support:

Funding reimbursement for certain costs incurred by eligible medical facilities

Personnel, supplies and equipment to augment local medical systems when overwhelmed

20FEMA Region V November 29, 2004

Medical Response Resources: FEMA’s Public Assistance Program

Generally does not reimburse for increased costs

May provide reimbursement for extraordinary costs associated with providing temporary facilities

May provide reimbursement to hospitals that need to evacuate special needs patients to another facility

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Medical Response Resources: HHS assets can be activated under the National Response

Plan (NRP) including: Surveillance support

Medical care personnel such as the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps

Supplies and equipment

Support with patient evacuations utilizing DOT assets

22FEMA Region V November 29, 2004

Medical Response Resources:

Medical Support Teams within NDMS including:





23FEMA Region V November 29, 2004

Medical Response Resources: A Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT) is a group of

professional and para-professional medical personnel (supported by a cadre of logistical and administrative staff) designed to provide medical care during a disaster or other event.

DMATs deploy to disaster sites with sufficient supplies and equipment to sustain themselves for a period of 72 hours while providing medical care at a fixed or temporary medical care site. In mass casualty incidents, their responsibilities may include triaging patients, providing high-quality medical care despite the adverse and austere environment often found at a disaster site, and preparing patients for evacuation. In other types of situations, DMATs may provide primary medical care and/or may serve to augment overloaded local health care staffs.

24FEMA Region V November 29, 2004

Medical Response Resources:

Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Teams (DMORT0) provide support when local mortuary services are overwhelmed, support provided includes:

Temporary morgue facilities Victim identification Forensic dental pathology Forensic anthropology methods Processing Preparation Disposition of remains

25FEMA Region V November 29, 2004

Medical Response Resources:

Strategic National Stockpile HHS/DHS assets include antibiotics, chemical antidotes, life

support medications, etc.

Delivery within 12 hours anywhere in U.S. or territories

Over 150 locally stored and controlled caches throughout the Nation

Capable of supporting approximately 100,000 individuals for 10 days

Additional Federal caches controlled by the CDC to augment the locally placed supplies

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Medical Response Resources:DOD Assets:

USS Comfort docked in NY following 9/11 attacks

Mobile military hospital utilized in Puerto Rico and Guam

VA assets

Aeromedical Evacuation System

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Medical Response Resources:

Urban Search and Rescue

In addition to traditional USAR ability, each team has 6 ER doctors and 6 EMT nurses, as well as cache of

supplies and equipment, which could be used to support overwhelmed local medical facilities

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FEMA’s Future:

As part of the Department of Homeland Security, FEMA is leveraging its resources with those of 21 other agencies and departments to ensure a full continuum of response and recovery activities – and to attain a vision of a “nation prepared.”
