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4 Ti'T’ ^ r\r? arAMKL :y Kjr u





Section 3







• WASHINGTON 16. r-. C.

77^ /^ /fS7 . /(P- •^Z' ^

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r> ; t Ptc 3t.1 ’ot: Yor-f ]l, I>:.Y.

I'^hnj'-.ry 20 , 15S7

!'r. CulllnaDUnited Stat 1


Suprora Ccm"tXanliir^'.top, T. C,

Derr Vr. CaTllnan*

th:. '.A'Z'^

Yi 51 l you p.len' > trenar''^; th: '’.crriri? tt»

A? I ,tcld you in ih*3 ;»hcj c*; -

verbatim, B:-. V.ilholn Poich in soing through the filJoyc ofbia Tctitlcssr’s Pcjly Brief foiuij that rrnipulctlou :nd dl.\-

ing up of x'efcrsticoD had occurred. For oxaraple, in k.to plac^^e

In ;urticular thcro T:ere soriovn orrors of omloslcn* r.ef*?’^ar.c^ ';!

to several pa'ics of hie letltlon, (23 to 2V and 2.0 to M) ">t*-

i'.oncr of fraud on the part of iho In obtaljiir.g ti e ia^u:.=- >!

tion and toetlno.-.y of Josaph^^-i'guire sbening Tor^'u!;.', hodcrlttod, Th.vvs errors of reforsneo were rorr^ctor,



A tcT.T:atlvo chuck of ref ' ocncos Bv Br. P .’. 'hJ-

In ]:Is loti Mon rovaala that oi";ilar JJaiju^ation a; iclxir.’: up^of r>2rei'sn'.'3r here ncctirrod Unfcvtvat jly th < 'c tsho uo ji

tir-e sln'ie tiile •.U3Covo;.y ttcs :.r.d3, to deck ill ;. ?fciorcoa in.;*}

the rot.Mioa and i.i the Appeal liJefo, A thoroucJ^ chciKtnr of)|

rofer:ncee is no's in progress,j|

Through a risun-lcrj: n ;ir.o; I i;i<* cov\ 'o !i

the I.i -or 0 to you sooner, V*


1 cm enclosing nine esr-i'- • thij letter.

’73 ;,V.>?


copy to ^\V”or Hwvjr'

.hinceroXi >(urn,

/yT/ y T


4 *? ' ^ 1

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niUi?:: ' .‘itolg ,:

-^rau)ro- V" / DO -

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ALBAit TO-E^S,37oo Massach jtts Ave,VM3cl.ington 16 OC,App./

February El, 1957, 8 - 9 am

REPORT to Edgar Hoover ,?5I, on aiis quot-itions of Certlfiel(Caee 688,Supreme Court,October Teriii,1556)

A complete set of court records (668,8upr •Court,) hasyou by !Jr»-'illiam Steig on my request .The crucial issue ofcontention of the defense that fraud has been syrtematically and continuouslyperpetrated upon the ’IS 'ourt to destroy the discovery of the cosmic Life energy, .

Evidence for the defense to this effect is quoted in "Fetitiocera Reply Brief ofFebriiary 16,1557 ,poge 2,3d line above,: fFT, 20 - 35 , R,l-lc4, The Petition forFrit of Certiirari of Jan.loth,1957, contains on pp. 24 - 27 a conpilntion ( onofficial court record) of fraud perpetrated regarding scientific literature.The same Petition also contains on pp.26 - 32 the crucial testimonay by ’^aguire,

cotmsel for the FDA,'which was contradicted by the testimony by Ollendorff on thepp.32 - 34 . Page ^ in the Petition is a plated reproduction of an affidavit,crucialto illustrate the issue v.ith regard to v/hether or not Ilaguire had ever Imcv.-n thecontents of the Volimio "CrjJSPIRACY’*,copy l»o 41 seen in his hands.

The enclosed typed manuscript plus affidavit by Miss Thruston shows cn Man.page4th line from below, the pages 2o - 35 of tho Petition reduced to2o-23 ,a fraud committed in Court of Appeals by the accuser,but not cn court record

except in Petition for Writ of Jan*loth,1957 reprinted from reply brief inCourt of Appeals by Mills and (L!aguiroy PDA counsel.

PAGES 24 -» 27 re fruad on literature arelomnlttedPAGES 29 - 32 and 33 to 35, the crucial testimony re i”CORSPI?LACY^are left out.^


Tlie galley proof which contain those oirarJLssions are in my possesr.ion :.nd -ill bekept by me for further acticn.The Thrxiston manuscript, that v'ent to the printer • i."h

these mistakes or arbitrary ommisiions, is being for.i'arded to you .The garbled and 'i

pranked-up quotations were detected by me in tho galleyproofs through checking viththe "Petition" text.It is obvious: No overburdened Judge could check on tuch things.

'' tj ^

It .

LV1 /

Court Records

been forv arded tothe case is the


Unless by omitting or misquoting myself I have tried to commit^ legal suici ie

and to save the assailant, somebody else must have done it; '.whether by unconscious"mistake" or by arbitrary des^igrT,! cannot tell.This affair turns cut to ftmetion as ]

a neat experiment in Social Pathology,not deliberately designed by ne,to test the t

chances of ZKKh such matters going on in the U3A and the world at large, deliberately I

designed to confuse by conniving and conspiring courts,erbf'.ssies ,UiJ counsels,departmeof state, law enforcement agencies etc.,to destroy orderly conduct of affairs,to garbl;.

up everything inbrder easier to obtain pow'cr over nations, to create despair etc.Shoul>this be proved true on large scale, a whole world of hardhrorkingydecent people have

'/fallen prey over decades to pranking gangsters,a few pa^^opatb^ mi«dpre^^jj-holearned how to organise and exploit human confusions. •

^( r ^ ''

recorded 31ITilhelra Reich M.D.


|fnrv: M 7 ^/ ^



j oC ^ ^ 6 O / - /

Crop /ii


cup.r.rn couht o" ini: ijTJim o i « • .

Ootobor Torn* 19C6


T7iL:nx:,t lEicn, rt al.,rati Lln.nxrjqp I-'otlticnorCf

r.im riATrn or uca,Tkoapondont*

r»"TT?^ •'’TJM riTTTVI '. ••

Dlooovory of t!io Cosraio Ufo LnorcyOr~or.on* Raz:":eloy, t!dlno

Pfo eo

T.cehln'^onFebruary 9# 1957

. ^cCtCisJ^r4- r^O


c 0 ; i; r. t n

I, STAT’ '•"ITS /::0 SiATUiir? I-VCLVT’'

II, A!>cu”"":t Ai’D 5r;!.r.!AnY o.< rAcic

Ill, CQ'XLVOlo:: ,,,


A p p n n i ::

A, !:r.7 LA“:s ::r’‘/'ro to pat : -1.001 :;lL

pj- -.1 !wu:;Kr;::’rr,n„

n-i, riTROPi-cnoTi o'' rr' rvi-'n^ci:

ro vor., iii,

D-3,,^.jJec^fEnT.r’ oc op voi., iit

u r r 2 IP VO I. V 0 -


1. no Subject ::atbcri XHo rreoeJe-.fe*’

2, P,c LOj^nl ProcoTuros ThoNipT^tltutlon of tho



Ootobrr cm# 105G

r.o* css

•>'iuii7.’i ^ncn, rr ai


UTJiTi:') rj?f^?r, o^. a’::i’?ica,

Tea pollJcrt*

p*T?inr*: ••’.• LY nni'

l« r:iAr.>:.’ i:i5 «vin s;A7tj?P5 Tir/oLvn

The Orlc* for tJio Ifriitod States by the Solloiter fieasrcl

1» fails to root the facto r.ni nri^.o'ito of tho x»tltlcner*8 :

-brieff t’:io doop CO splratorial ?'acl:(p*o’nd of t:io csoault upon tho nis-

covory of tJio l>lfo rnorgyi

&a roltoratec niareprosentation of feiot by tho oooplalnart

without liavlrxj; olicoted tho factual basis for tho cor.plalnti

S« nloapprohonds tho basic Sesuo InTol^od In the le^al aotloni

(Pet* S»S) Orders obtained by f^aul cro# as unlcvrful orders* null ond

1 ^

7!io rcepoJidcnt shifts tho ccronoo of t!io loc^l dispute froo the

boaio issuoe of ^urls llctlonal principles at stedas in this loral teat

care to trivial* potty loswcs of no basic oonearnj hor/over* we e!iall

/iVi4-.* S7»w90rt.


•lonanctrcwto tho «?.turo of th *no **potty,** "trlvlnl" lootjns, too*

nnST I Tlio Injunc ;lcn a/jalnst or,"onony'j;|^baalo roscnroh was

yobtained by (Pot* 20*20 ) The basic toct (juootlon imat Qow for

ray distortion of foot with I’apnnlty ni^d eyatoratiottlly bo perpetrated

ur>on. 4iwr Arvorlcan ocurts in tho botvIco of s orlruinal conaplrgoy* Tijo

Inaction itaolf wita only tJio tost objectf darin’. t!-io trial this £Uot

wos ootabllshod t]a*ou£;h oross-oxaninations of vitnoesoa* (H* 320*5319

837-330* 310-341 , 312-344)

Tlio dofonao did not plooA n^illtyi tho defense established

rcoiotanec tc an ymlawful order* 10 0*1*"* 401(3) oneolfioolly epoalai

of "LAtrnJL" writ, prooosa, oto* ‘

Tho lo(;;al test caco vras firot intro liwcd at t!:o hoarlnc in

first Diatriot Court on July 27, 1955* Once tho teat caao wnc eucoesofully

Introduced into t!ie court rccoria, tho unlr.Trful In.iunotlon was erooxxtod

to the last rrord of t'lc unla;Tful order :

Tlio Cnersy of ibm ttoo trapped in his o’-n notworh, whioU ho Jad

doair.nod to cntan“lo and to kill tho ' Jsoovory of t?'.© Llfo Tnor^y*

Flrott - As tJvo Dlscovorcr of tho Coanio Mfo fncrjty, I todjed

hia initlixl local assault by ncii-Rnpeamnco in Court* Tile prilled

the earfst fron undor tho foot of tho consp5.rntor3 *

Beieondt 1 Icnorod his injunctloix (frilly entitled to do so

locally bccBUSo it waa obtalnol by fraud nnd cyatcr atlc dcoolt)*

(Pot* 3-C, 9S3mS^ 27a-29a, Kew Ihrld* Vol* III)

^i'rdt Hion I had aohlrrod his full eolf--Uaolon''jro as tlio

Orconlecr of t:t11, 1 forced hln to cuTfor his om dcslra? Ho !naraod

elentifio boolcs, dostroyod sclontlfio apnamtus, prohibited a la

Stalin and llltlor ft*oo thou'-ht end indenondont ccionce * j encoutod to


the letter his unlawful Injunction* rTore, I dcatrojcd all orcanlmtloas I

hod palnstoldLc built up li>.’0»19G4 to eorro i ioroh In Cosoio E^ier^y*



T5i«f Solloltor (Icmor.'.l dlJ rot prosont these pertinent ftioto to

t!ie Suoro*7e bcurt^ As It nhould havr boon done*" \


SECOl^Pi Ilio Solicitor Gnneral roduocil ttto Auxlancntal dlopute

tRT82r5»d /to tho trivial aocusctlon: " Itlcbronllng* oni oUipciont of

*adultoratod * devices in inter*tato co*T.iorco." Ihlo ^ttty/aooueatlon

cuat bo net rlpUt awayi

la«) 1 had conditionally dozu'.tcd tbo incono froa tho nedioal

CTiperlncntol use of tho Lilo '^orrj for rejcarch piarpoooa* (Jice rvid##

Vol. lil, p, 19),

r* f^

lb.) irp footuol proof oi* nicbrmdlnp; or dclultor&tion, \rao ever

proeented In the original coinlalnt for iuJu.iobioni no tootiiiiony over

token (oako 1 for by Cjrouit Jud?!:o ;Toodbury at oral hearinr; In Cirouit

Court) to skew "nlsbrondlnr;” of dovicoa^ i'y roi.utvitlcn as o prysioltm toid .

uaturol Bclontist is in itsolf proof of boua fldo eieporlnpntB j (f?ew Svid.«

Vol. Vj Pot. lie, ot soq.). It io ovldoncod in tho Inpcurdod and burned

litoraturo. (See "Guido to I’ot’oronooo," Pot. '/!•) Uo ouroo wore evor

promised or ’’pronefcod," oa fr.ltoly ftllcf.ed in tho erl:'!™! oivll cor5)laint|



failures xfCTo conccicnfciously »’C?ortcd -jlth cuacocscoi tho ©spcri-.W'.ts }

on patients wro under liocnecd nodical care. i*o danai^o OTor done is on

tho records. I-o routine icothcio of aodicol cs.ro vere ovor obstruotod.

Surr.ory ms spcclfloolly usedt eo was routine nodioation. The phyeiolena

llcooaod) -artio worked czrorirontally with tho Life rhor'^y or©— i

on official Coiirt record by owera affidarits ronardlac tiio ncdlcal ofreot- >

ivencst of tlio ucirly dlscovoro I Cosmic i>acrey. (U.S. vs* ‘>E /ouuiuation.

^r r- / ' '

.- :

I77d0* 06) Tbo fivlloltor fJoneTal offered ao factui^ proof of tho alls^atlor

that "misbranded" dovloes hare boon sliippcd In lutoratafco oomorco. The

ezperir>(xital aocierjlalcra troro not nlsbroitdod or hurmfuli t!tua, ore control

* ' /


f • /




orgUBont of thu -.^ration oollopsos*

2«) Tho taedloal e.:rv‘otlvoncgg of tho Llf.- L'ncr^y In very r.>-*oub|

it V08 oxftotly tho inorodlblc hoollng cffloienoy of t!io Llfo Tnorgy that

. ocnatitutod a groat obstaolo Ir vrlnnlng aooeptapcoi iose of thoso euo*

ceasca Appsoro'l "phantostlo,^ ona hnd to t>o roduood to orodibla proportlone

in order to n’in orodibility* Tills acdioal affloionoy io aoooTidary to

tho basic issues invol'eo.l} it lo not tho main point In ouootlon here* Tha

point in question ms and io niaropresoatation of truth and foct| dooait

porpotratei by an ngenoy upon Wie •Usooveror asid tha oourta all clonG tho

linOf 1047-13&C«j such deoeitfvil opinion cwirot i>oc:olbly jo cousldorod

"proof" of "nisbrandins*" Tito teitor asnere f lico l^orod tha factual

errldonoo of this doneit*

3*) yp aodical oxtior^ncota?, devices t>oro slijppod in Intorstato

ooreisrce after the in.-*\notlon wa.r Issuc-i* T-torcU lOM* lio proof of n-.ioh

alle^ntlon can bo foual on Iho trial r »0orJ* Ho proof will bo forthcoalnc

of euoh tcobnlcf'l, violation, sinoo it vea deliborata piurpoco to ovoid,

defeat on such petty toohnioal (jround, vhen basic, concraljfjreruft^ai prin-

ciples In ocnductlng ny tost case mro at otalcc**

i,) I cbpJlcr.~ad t’'o ccurtitutionallty of the e.ppllaatlon if ^


the .'cdcral .^cod, Prag end Cor.TOtlc .lot in V.ic rec.Vi of baain natural 1

oolontiflo research, Tho orgona cnrrcj' aocurtilii';ors bolor.;^ In t!.o roala f

of How K^c.7lcd^,e» such os ccrilo enerr:.y cr "at-.or* '* Sootloa S’l^a, ns quota

prorldoj tlv:;. jva'l'idiotlon ra-; only be hnd "for oaiwe alicm *" Ho causa

vao ehcrffn W^wrrr TIT T r 1 ' r> In thn nrocoS'iln ~a b •f^a cr at the trial j

"llio shipnent of tha aoouiaulatorB fton ?.on;*oley to liair York was dono by!V, "tlvart to M»» «?»>n addreei« not C<r» ovrwiorciQl raaBone, without siy

faiwlodga or yoKaent* Qr» ^ilver^ hSxa oouoe lod tlmt iio gaxy mil liave boonTtviuc^M by pMbvers tVO consnlrstors to do this In order to provide ootia "proi

of intorstata shlpnoot after tha in^tmotion was Iseuod* Tha ascailont provi

ut tlio trial only that CQHTHlfnirifTIS wore rocoivnd, HOT that aoomr.ulntora^ / kA(t hAnn re«i» TS—

Clvon for introstata, not interstate eonrioes, tooTwiloally soeaklnK*

neither by tee>>jj«ony^ oTldencfi or effld&vlta> Xho act, furthemore,

auppleoisnts **

<uLli>bii»r. lawa unlawful reatraLit 6jid j>onopolio3 »"

liiuB, the act vofi maejit to res Iraln each octlois aa tJio ccnplainnat *e

assault oo c. basic discovor^'l it ue.s uot cli;slt,iicd to restrain or ooatrol

baolo recoarch in ncdloine or OToti Ir: phyulos*

i«) There «rus ao 'vloluliuu oT tlie Food and Act by way of

^uricdictiouj no».-h«r was thcro oii> ftiolaalTy pxcven viclr.tloa by xla

’‘a.labrandixis,'’ Shipieent of devices in interstate co'i’.eroe in Itself of

eoiureo, ns crir:©# Ibsrcfore; Th&ro »*ao fcitually no violation of any

statute or r-'iJvjiotion«

€•) The default to dofenu n^^alnei tUd civil oosiplalnt (H« 409,

at seq*) wat, tho first oto’- 1k:<: taken in tcuVir.t; on principle how far

such ausreijroswbo.tloiis find XV-lsiriculiu.c i-f fact irif.y ret.i h into tho

juiicial synxen of the b.S.A.

?•) ite- r* V.J t . » ’’The utlj' rcfiy-ticee (italics, ’.11) to

the ooit^laint uruj ccncained in n loVLer iTca Fetit loner Utioh to tho/ -

District Court, etc." (vSA Eriof in Opy,, p-. Au) Tho respondent oziits

the crucial rn.ct tlial with this Icti;*:-!- vz-Tut u "Rt.-spoase** (R, 86 ct scq»)}

it Inforoed the aotiti^ Judge Uit-.ti

(1) the Court >:aJ no ,lTu*iedict Ivn on baaio

rt'^ttuoha and t!*nt

(2) a orh-tlTiAl oon;rpir.acy to destroy ay dls*mmxMXfCOYcry v/Afi afoot


V*) Aobir.f; Judge Cliri'ynl f«ill<Kl to cx-iaLie the Talidity of

this information before jtroooeding further with IssuiJig the injunction*

(Pet* 41, ot seq*, 44} Quete froca Dricf in Oppositioni *The Jurisdiction

of tho Court in tlie Injunotion proooo<1ing ha J already boon affljrnntlTely

deteniilncd in the tnj^aiction nroceedin?: itsolf *** (Italics by PotO Ib®

respondent ovorlooks the fact that, foi* example, an arrest does not eo ipso

provo its leg.—ity* An r.rTC'^r, ray bo ordered end still be false or

nulavrful, (Her FTid,, Vbl* lUj SC-r»9) J-jr5.ndirt<f>n in tbje caao COTild

cnly be cstr.blishcd by expr.inlr.;; t>ie c?t>u y.* Traud and Conaplracy

(h, at t,hy very ctivc»iv cf -lu# 2 ru'.v;d;a-«t-


r.) The rospsadwit^eiterftto.*! the faldo ctaie. if .it of .the' boja^

plftlTiti *hn 5CiOTiti'ilCo^*^^cr?.t’^ o?>'0r.*crony "nish^a ’ing laheillng.*

ihlrS'^atsjrat ic coTitrfC'Ucted by toitln-ry to the^e^fect that the•/ • t

firgonoTiic ?.’.torc.t\iro diEbrtbnted <«.? t)i» exr.erljaontal

(r*, T*urthorr?o ro# it rhfTJn ?.n r*’e-trlal procoedinge

'.h i'j (r.T^ o'* t'A'- ’.itorat'ire \rr nu'*'>il?he.1 ?f>rr. beToro the disoovory cf the

li_i|p_jJnort2y: (’^The *V.sn ?r:;2’nhrjlo.^'’ of Ibi*.ttu^"i?T^\SS8^ raeelBm'* (l933)»

"nhar.aober innl^raln" (IWO, "?ho Sor^ial Rovolni. Ion" (19SO-S5), etc^j

another pirt of tho litaratv-ro hal nothin," to do '«rith promotion of eenoer

cui-en or any other "o’jros"i "Coenio S’lnorlnposltion," "Ether, God and

C5-/11." (n. io*:-io4, i^iu, t,i. m, 12^-13.3)

THIRD I The respondent invokes the anonUed information of Ootober.

1955, (R, 470 ©t eeq*) Ho ooits the illegal roanipulatione of preoedurea

before and on Ootober 10, 1930, as reported to Judge Sveoney (Hev Erid,,


Tol, III, p, 47} vTR SspljpGrtBf Appeal Reply Brief, 5160, 13a ert seq*)*

FOURTH I *:^u3te fr:; i t>o *Jr.i.rf in Opposition "The aoougation

of fraud, alsrepreaentatloc, and y.lr?ond’jcb cf rcTernTRent offioiala

in obtainlnr the injxmeticn, WATS7FP. T^EIR V*LiriTT, (caps by Pet«) have

no relevaree In a ooatearfc nrocoedir." for Ticlotlon efthe injunction,"

Thij legal cpinion ri 'lldlU'! ' General is Incorrect

or. principle, catastrophic ic reality. To ba^e oconplolnts for injunctions

cn private oplnices vlthout any fectnal evidence id-«.atever, is the very

•neekery ef the Judicial pever end '*lgr.ity cf tbo Ibiltod States of vliloh

the petitlcner la vrror.sly accused. The fre.ud by the F13A is on reoord.


. <

proven boyond ibtj eua undcr.lrole faot » (Pet* C-37) It waa net the

ftocucod, but the acouser* wlio f actually ooinaltted tho orino of contempt

of court* Proven fraudulent oroceduro on the part of admlnletratlve

ap^enta vltlatoB on prlnolplo any othor procedure* auoh as an jn.lunotion*

("Quostlone Involved*** Pet* 3-5* "Fraud upon Court*" Pet* 20»37* 20o-26a,

*\nd 27a-29a)*^



Sunmf.ry of Facte

The Solicitor General of the U*S*A* reiterates the falcolioods

broucht ^eprth by tho Food end Drug Ad:ninletration In the original Civil

\ 408-446 /Complaint, 1056 (li* dSfiidttd) of February 1854* and in tho Aacndod Infor-

nr-ticn of Ootobor 10, 1905, 5C03 452-461),

Tho Sol^ltor General offers no factuaif proof of the false

aller.&tions in the ebdye-nentlcned complaint, Ko factual proof tras zx

montionod in that co.'nplaiht (1954) or ia^tho enenjed information (1955)*

Iho exporinontal orgono cncr^y^ Jovl^s, 125* only, vero not misbranded *

Annie proof to tho contrary ofytH^ false allegation Is evidenced in tho

impounded end unconstltutiozi^ly bu^cd seioutifio literaturo. Ho euros

. . \were ©vor promised or pronotod," Foilu^'rs trore reported with suocessesi

The experinonts on patients were under licensed nodical supervision*

(foe Baker vs* USA, Intervention, 1954-1955,)\ Tho physicians who worked

nedloally end experimentally with this energy haVo testified to the

offootlvmesc of ergono onorgy in thoir legal aotiox^to intervene with

the injunction, in occordaneo with experiences and tho^ publications*

(Ho nodical exporlmental devices were sliippod la interstate eormorco

after tho kajaaailsuuK injunction*)

By omlcsion^^ '^alnlfloatlo^i of facta « an a'JraL .etratlvo arjcncy practlood

deceit end fraud upon courts -*1 alon~ the lino* Arbitrary, avproTcd

opinion oannot possibly be cc.icldoroJ Icrnl ”proof** of » "niicbrandlnr:^

or^any other ainllar accusation. The orl Inul co-plaLit for ir.Junction

(lose, February 10, 1D54), oonfcoino no FnOOF of nisbraniinf' or 'lanar^e to

ofttients. '


It was speclfloally tho lad: of any factual proof in tho original

complaint wixloh forced this oase to beccriO t susror-.e lc:~:al test case as

to •ft'hothor IndiTidunls i?^ social adni clstrati on ray yjth innunity dra';

bona fldo scientists into coverts or :l’:>'tlce by yay of fnlsi flca'i.i^n and

mlsropresor.tatieu of facts in the sorvico cP a C3T-.;roiv.l and political

conapirncy, with the intprit ti. destroy a discovery and to kill tho die»

ooTorcr morally nnd physically (T* 1-1C4)

Proven kfaud uporx courts caa-iot be a le^p.l n»an.3 to ebtal.i

ujilr.'"ful, 'inconatitntio ;al i>iJarietio;ip a';av.'.aL. oruoial scio itific vrork,

c arc not li'rinp, in ii ntalinito-IIitlcrlte Anericafl, Any such

pccribllitics nust to rosistci by all nenne arailc-olc in our Ccnstltutlcn*

this f'Cnstitution Includco tho rirlit of the rocpcislblo oitisen to possess

cnl cr.rry amc unior tho law. It inclu’cc the duty of "f-hn citir-'n to


protect Uio /imeriooii Couatituticn ccainct I'licnif' of Solf-lul®, to resist ^-



Intrusion into arouivoa, scientific protocols, konce, laboratcrios by\

Fncmics of I'aakiad snd those irho steal discoTeries in tlio dark cf the niphtf

People have risked their lives for far lessor iscuos than those presented

by ny discovery of tho Cosnic Life rncr^y#

The followir-s solenvifio work/wcut up in flaxen in -cUe U*C»A,

on order of a. Court, betweoa Jijno and Au;*uot of 17I}6, luvicr the supervision

of ar;cnt3 of the food, druf» and cosnotio ar,ancyi

1, Tho Fuiiotioa of the 0rf;acx, 2nd odltion, 1!?42

2. The Cancer Biopathy, 1948

S« Die Otzom Bnerny V’esiolos (Bions), 10-12

'rporinent XX, 1715\

S* The Vlsuftliteti of the Atnoapherio Orf^one, 1942 i


P. The ^'echniiicci oT the ^cnccntratlvn of the Atn:oor,herlo

Orsooc, 194S ,

7# Ihomlcal Orcononotry, 1313-44

8* Eleotrcacoplcal Orgonomotry, 1943-44


Quant lifttiTO I7etertalnaticu of tlio Orgono, 1944

10, The Carclnonatous Shrinlcing Biopathy, 1942-43

11, Orgono-biophyslcal Blood Tests, lOll-iS

12, Anor^enitt In tho Caroinoi'nt our: Sliritild-ur; Biopathy, 1945

firgnagtttaAnl13, Orjjbuotiv Pulsation, 1941

K, A Ilctor forac in Crgr.it *T;crty, 1949

15, Turthor Cljorictcristicj of Ytccr Lr.nirLutio"*, 1949 ]

15, Public 2o3pons ibillty in the Early Diagnosis of CtUiCor, 1949

17, Cosoio Orgo-ie 'ncx*gy nnd *ntier*, 1949

10, SUher, Goi taiC ^ovil, 1949

19, Orgonoaic and Chcnical Cancer nec-arch, A ^riefCenparison, 1950 i

20, Orgonccic Lltoraturo Ordered fro-a Bu-^-io., 1950f

21, On Ccionbmc»»JcT;trol», 19j0 It<

22, Orgoncaetrlo Equations t 1, Gonoral forsi, 1950 ;

23, Uoteorological ?unctions in Orgono-ohargod Vacuun Truos, 1950^

24, Tho Orgonoailo Anti-l.'uclear Radiatltn rrojoot (OdAITUR), 1950

25, *Caneer Cells* in Experlnont X!C, 1951. ^ f

25, Tho Aiiti-Wuolcar Ilndiation Lffoct of Coaaio Orgose 195,


27, Coopleto Orgonenotrio Equations, 1951

28, The Stona of NoTenber 25th and 2Cth, 1550 | 1951

29, The Leukenia Problo:a, It Approach, 1951

30, The Orgone Energy Accurrulatcr, Itr fcieutlfic andlledlcal Use, 1551

51, Araorinf; in a Tiettbom Infant, 1951

It 3b* *DCTT!;inf,* cs. of Or^oaoniic Research (I015)| 1951

33* Ihreo Experira'. - . > (1359) | 1351

3-x* 1'ilhelm n.eich ca llie Ronl tc Blo-cucslc (l9o3~ir*33) | 1931

- 35* Tho Oranur EScporlnent » First Rsfort (1S47-1951) j 1951

86* JSy Experieuoos "rlth the Orgone Acouaulator* 1949

37* The Treatment of a lUxilastinal Ilall^nancy nrlth tho Orjjone

Aooximulator* 1949

38* Orgono Therapy of an Ejurly Breast Cancer, 1950

39* lilmitod Surgery in Orgonenlc Cancor Tlierapy, 1951

40* Again the Cormcn Cold, 1947

41, Dmoticnal Plague Verc'us Orgona Biorhyalcs, 134?

42, Orgononlc Treatment of Ichthyosis, 1951

43, Orgono Therapy, A Icottsro d elivored before the T'edical^

StuJents Union, Oslo, I'icnmy, 1950

44, Orgone therapy in Bheuiantlo Fever, 1950

45, liie ireatr.ent of a IlypcrtonniTO ?icp: thy t.-IU;. thoOrgono Energy Acnu-n-ulntor, 1351

46, T^ilhelm Roloh's Concept, *'Jr.noer Biupathy', 1950

47, Tho Soeond Law of IhemocJjT.atiics and tliC OrrcncAccumulator, 1949

4fi, UrthCDTitical fjU'stlcns without n •rrrr ,19'‘>1

49, Lifo and letter, A Series of rnror. hrpori'v^rtn, 1955

50* Physical Orgonc T irTni'*y of ''ialobss, 1951

51, Frcm the Historj'' of Science, 1961

Kot inorcy or favor, only principled Justica of -cnoral ?.nportaneo

is tho objective of this petition, KaJ I boon g-uilty of a crinc, I *.7culd

have naid so* I have done my duty ns a rospcnriblo oitiaen nn^ colsntirt

high^^placod in aooiety, Itoral and legal tnith are or. my aide* I would

1 have done again under the same oircigastaneos ^ J J

Ill, C.~- JLTJSIon




The Petlticn for Vrit of Certiorari ohoul ! bo £;ra:itci*

!• To cooure safety and indepondenee of basic natural science*

2* To stop oontini'.cd fraud upon ecurts by eonopiratora a^^ainst

mankind 'a basic rir^tg*

S* To decide ultlmxtcly a reloTant Inportant question of federal

Law not yet settled by the Suprorao Coiu't*

d* To be heard on the ocuto planetary cjter?jonoyi fStSbERMgtt'JSt

(Suppressed Kw ?Vid,, Vol, OIDP Ta),

Our Planot is in deep trouble*

wIlhil:: ’i.r.

Coimrcl for the discoveryof thD frnnlc Life iib^o^<;y

V<aohington, D*C*February 9, 1957

Pro so


All ncir lavs proolakied to 20Ter»; hunan conduct in a f^rcrrlng

and dovolopins planetary society aro decli^iod to cocura Ilf©, liberty aud

happiness fer all* They must be Lorful laws* Hiey must not be unlawful

laws* Lnwo r.ust bo based cn facts, not on opinions) on truth, not on

falsehood* Unlawful orders rjre autcmablcolly null and wold*

SEGorp hki t ON rELLSPRnyc-G 'ir social exisieice

Lovo, TTork rni Ihorrlcd'^o are bho trsllsprinrs of our e:clsteage »

Thoy are the wollsprlnrs of our life, llborty nni happlncsc with oqual

justice for ell« They shall rrovern the future planotary social

ration. ;




Llfe-neconcftry •^ork and naturally rToivn Interhunan relationships^

shall dotemine the lawfulness of laws, oooial responsibility and ooolalf:

guldanco* Llfe-nocoscary work smd natural lntcrl\ur.aa relationships con-

prlee Natural rprk Donooracy.


Laws and ordore which contradict^ icipede^ destroy or otherwisei -.f-i"

endan-er the dcvelopacnt of solf-detcnlaedi worb»JeBoer^felCf'devol’op!aent,

shall bo null and wold.


Soolel battles for truthful procedure are lawful battlo3> Pro*

cediires for elimination, evasion, eradloatlon or ralclficatlon of factualm

truth are unlawrul .

6»1« Juries « Judder* rux^lstrates and othor judicial persona or

bodies must rotidor thoir Tcrdicta fully infemed on all pertinent facts

involTod in the ease. Verdicts based on untruth, supprassion or falsifi-

cation of evidence ore unlaerful and intrinsically void*

6-2 • Social administrations m.^t not irLterfore frith the search

for factual truth and basic nor Joienrledf^e#

G-3 • LcamlnR is the only authority on Khovl edcte of the Future .

/ /

T icre aro no authorities in uniicclosod rcalni: of nature nr/hovvlpioirledce.

Learning and improTing ability to find ond correct one's cram mistakes

aro, among others, true characteristics of bona fido baeic rerearoh.


4. Soit-iitiric tjclii end publiot-tic is based on looming and

search for new kuovdoJge jauol never be ooutrollcd, eeusorod or in any

othor way molested b^ any admlrustrativo of soololy. Such acts

ai'O unlawful, only perpetrated in dictators alps.


5. Bom. fide Foisntiats, i.c., .uen and vramon engagrj in

learning and searching for new knowledge must not bo ever dragged into

courts of justice for their opinions or bo haracsod by commorclal or

political interests of the day.

5-5* The oltlssn has tho co.istltutional right to ignore oor,-

plainta against him ^ ho can prove to the cntlsfaotion of the co'urt tliati

A. He has Informed the court of his reasons for Ignoring

the oomplalntf

B. His reasons to Ignoro tho complaint were weighty, based

on proof of fraudulent presentations of fact, on motives

to eor^lain other tlion bona fido grievance, on a con-

C« The Jud 'ii Vv.n been v lotIndzed, Ftlsled^ or othcnrlzei


D. Respondlnf, to tlia ooaiplalnt- would hA76 acajit Inevitable

undeeorred disaster.

"A" in conjunction with either of "B*” "C" or "D" constitute

Ruffloicnt reason lawfully not to appear in court as dofondant.

6-7* Disclosure of gclontlflo infonnation nnist not be foroed

xirdsr any clrouinctanoce , by anyone or for iriiatorer reasons.

5-3. llcw knov/ledre requires new gdsiinir.tratlTO leirn. Ln-rs

applloablo In one defined realm cannet be applied in a difforont reala

of social or natural functioning.i

5-9. Judicial errors nuot be realiiod end corrected, fliey nust'

not be perpetuated to the detrlnent of justieo. Perpetuation of judicial

errors for whatever reason is unlarful,

E-IO, Judicial preccdixrog which nro shernn to hoaper truth and

fact and run counter to the very noaninr of duo process of low, uhlch is

to safeguard in divisible factual truth, arc to be revised or abolished .

a. ) Judges acting in courts of jtistioo are rccprnsible

for the safety of truth and fact fro-a any interfcrcuco by expediency,

negligence, political or comneroial inberocts. Judges are adninlstrators iX

of truth r.ri'^ jnstloe, and nothing else. ‘^

b. ) There Is no excuse 7/iiatever for dyadic lal error. The

Innocent imst not fall prey to faulty procedure. Judges arc ac law officer

subjected to the Boomerang Law la caso of gross nogloct of justice,” They

shall suffer what they metod out unjuatly,

e«) Judges are to be appointed on tlie basis of their

judicial e:^ortnoBS. not on fny other, political, racial, oonacrcial or

similar grounds.

G O ^

da) Judges n?.; only Interpret statutory laws. They nay

not legislate themsolTes under our Constitution*

e*) Judges irast not te beneficiaries or adreoates of rell^i-i

lots* oocmeroial or pslitlool enterprises* Tholr oz^y realm of fonotionlng

is jurlspruionse and jurlsdlotlou under the Constitution of the U*S*A*» in

pursuit of ooBsion law deoenoy* truth* fact* aboTo-board aotlrlty* absence

of deoolt* etc*


Indirldus.ls * legal persons^ organlr.ations and social rroiiplngs

which advocate or operate on lines adrerso to comon natural lew? or lews

under the Ccostitutlon* or I to IT of the Eew Law* shall be excluded from

determining the oourne of society* Ilioy nay talk againet work democracy,

but they may not apt agalnct the sooiallyorganiseu riile of Love, T7ork and

I&iowledge* As OF HANXrdD* they nay not be elootod to publio office

Tliose lawfully dcolored to be iSnomlos of >-1anKind, if insisting rn aots of

fiendsblp against the Tulo of Love, TJoric and Knowledge,

- SI - s»**t»MW

planetary lew -yfftf^shall be subjected to the Seventh Law*



Cfflccrc of the law, officials of a self*govemIug society and \


other hlglily placed rerpoR.ilble oititens (of the rlanet Carth) shall be^

iuvusligj.luJ, lUl^ If necessary^ called before courts of justice to answer

charges of "treason to mankind*** If oonviotod upon factual orldenoe of

troason, thoy shall be subjected to the BOOStZRAIIG LATTi They shall suffer

themselves whatever they may liavo planned against the planetary oitlsens

who through safeguarding Lovo , Tork and toovylodr.o as the natural founda-

tlons of a self-governing social system have secured truo justice at the

very source of social life*



Eionrn lAr^t on sTPJKmii^

• "t

In crder to uocorc soclai. /utlcnal prcgrosc and to prevent

devclopoent of irrational hunnn nJhorcnca to unttaely or hanporlcf; tradl«

tion, atatutcry lows vdiioh aro no lonjror roprcacutinj; or roflcctlng

livinc, actual reality shall be atrlohcr. xVoa the statute boo]^^

FECnf lA^t OF 5A7g7Y OF KAIUHAL L07E“ id

Natural iovo jrunoti< n9 leading up to and exj^ress In natural

courting mntinf. sh^ll be conaidcred natural /.^uae felons ut the very baala

oX nan <3 hlonnnrgetic existence » They shall be pretested and soctirod by

spooial laws* Hirsnr ectivlticr advorso to thic bn'jic netvral fiaiotioi:

shall be prohibited by lawful rreceduros insofar as they tend to ir.pedo

or destroy these natural love functior^ in infeunts, c'lilJren, adolescents

and grewn-ups* i^buse of nat\u*el lov© fiuxotions for political, conspira-

torial, coT.ioroial, pctholor^ical (vmnaturalj end ri*iilar parposeo is in

violation of this lew*


A special legislative body in Con-rerc shall be ostablichod by;


way ox aT-onitent o" I - a Conrtitufcion to constantly survey and supervise <

JuJlciory and low ©uforecnent procedures* This com'ittcs shall be respon- >

Bible to tho poople and their eri'onl tat ions of life-neoossaiy work, not ^

only for security of justice, truth and fact; shall safOBuord tho

constitutional lows wliich gvarontee the dovelopacnt of society to over nore

conplote self-governsicnt of nations, crganisations and responsible oltisens

/ '


c lau



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rs.-.eral Zureau cf Ir.v : 1 is' tion

\.‘c. r V- iz* ^ ^ ^ •

x''el;r’.iary r^ot'r


i ^

Ziear :'r. Ilcorei;;

in the llsht of the fact that the security cf the United States

land esr-lonage ie involved In the conspiracy to kill the discover^, of

It^lfe Znerdy^t5rgcne.ai«H) ^"0 discoverer,

viah to t>^rit personally to an official cf the 7ederal Svreau of

'i^vestlvaticn the inforration as indicated in the enclosed cntline.

I wasHrusted assistant and student of Sr. •-ilheln P.eich fror



."1;fn o/ iR3

lie., L'istey though 1 no longer connected officially vUh 3r. .ielch.




^ .n the '-nteresl tVe full truth Ve fir.rlly reTC-aled, I

'"Iicv/ever I in tne .i-.u

i,;ish to give this inforratior. to the -cl. - - a-

not lean either a traitor or a s;y I v leh to give to you v esc fash

^ . e ftiiT Treunds fer susyfcc .


™hich certainly give Dr. r.e.cn full ^ .

1t'^'-Esy integrity*



W 1 - via.-f • t

Rfd 1, ?pb 7^,1^

//,7- Alerrndr la


south 5 -7Col




> I



(^ C •

Q '951

^AB -mi.V f 'i'

\ '

i ;^/vj

ti- V,

h35 i, P03 721A1 e r r ia , Va . ^ O

February 26, 1957

e:?or:.atio2.~ to ss TRjc^sm'm) to the fbi .


* A 1

1, Piecussicn with Dr# Vilhelm Belch at Or6onon,Rangeley,l!aine, emrlyUsummer 1956, regarding possibility of me (?roiee) being a plantedspy of 31ach Fascist, (Drug, Chenistry, Atomic Industry) and L'ary t-.

interests. -"

a.) Facts supporting such a possibility;1* Former iCaval Officer •

Cousin of Admiral Valter S* Anderson, former Chief of .

ITaval Intelligence •

Came into the vork through Orgone ITherapy as a patient.Arrived at Orgonon at the time of the Oranur ey.i'eriment

(l!arch 19£1), end observed Dr* Reich’s experiment -,ticn

during the summer of 1950.Established a children’s summer camp near Crgcncn duringthe sun'.er of 1950 and invited Dr. Pvelch’a son Peter to

attend the summer carp schccl. I'et Dr.' Eva P.eich*

I!et Dr. Eva Eeich again in the spring of 1951, fell in loveand she bec5.me my ?;ife.

Vorhed as s.n Assistant of \,Zi ( Dr. Vilheln Eeich) di.ring

the technolcgical development cf Ccsm-ic Engineering asVeether Control Operator after having moved from* i;ev; h'trh



w •



City to 'Caine.


10 .

8. Had ccntact -fith ICrs . Eelscn Rockefeller an Art Pcrcher in

the >Ct. Desert Schools.Became m.enber of ORCP Desert Ea. Tucson, Arizona Expeditionin fall of 1954 as Clcudbuster Operator and Secretary to

Dr. 'kiilhelD Reich.Had meeting vit’n. General Trum.cnd Landcn VSAF inspectexGeneral during the sumer of 1954 concerning CosmicOrgone Engineering work. ICeeting held at the Pentagon in

Was'nington, D.C. General landon v;ns a friend of the familyduring his youth in hor.e town of Carlinville, Illinois*I had defied the injunction and TDA Inspectors , as hadV/H and Dr. Silvert, yet I had not been arrested.I ha- been '•ti.pev.crmcd** cn the w itness s t:-.nd during thetrial of !Cay 1956 in Portland by Drug Council ZCaguire.'Jy testimony W's twisted and I failed to give te“tir^cnycontro-dicting TCaguire’s implication that ViCR used officialmoney for his prive.ts use. v.

¥R’s unlmv.ful arrest on Hay 2nd, 1956 in Vashingten, D.C.had been due to something being botched and I had been "the

one who ’i?,d been given the responsibility for t'ne sending

Iof the ir.portant communications to Court, CIA, Air Force

’Intelligence, Marshall’s Office, etc. concerning alt’s . .j

appearance in Portland,

11 .

12 .



iOO*^ I 7


:7'.TZ:z (Ccntir.u?(55

14, Finally, Throughout the legal proceedings the drug industrycppcnents appeared tc know in advance of tl'e plans of trecounsel for the Discovery of the Life Zlnergy, all of

pointed losically tc there heing scr.ecne who was ; . .

jclcse to "ifR and trusted hy ^71 c.c heing a planted spy. I*-

• Together r'ith, ry orn character cf ’•diplcrj^.tic" hiding f f


ihiding the above facte pointed strongly tc uy being sucha planted spy... 7or exacp-le I handled the repair of '/Ti*a

re.dio in Tucson and it was later d is cover «d thatrs.dio had. "been tanpered with as reported tc the FFI cy

2. Tackground: Illinois snail town... College at Se-annee, TsnnsEsse..U.2. l.'avy Heserve Cfficer during T/orld 'far U. Cccper Union f.rt

School after the Detail of how I first heard of \,F., of goinginto Crgcne Therapy and connection with the haniitons. Hole playedby Ilari Terggrav and Gladys Ueyer in connection with gcing toP.angeley the snrr.er of 19£0 and opening of surr:er day canp for chil-dren and meeting Dr. P.eich.

3. The Cosmic Crgone Zngineering s.nd Za work under Dr. Reich sines 1 = 12;T,hat I learned from V.TI and was taught by 'aZ andths trust that rasplaced in me.

4. placing of the Space Zq.uaticns v;ith .V7.*s things stcrc-f at A'*roraharrer's house after the arrest cf IZl in Washington in T ap l?cfjmj- giving them *o Mis s Itarrer to be put v.ith 77/s otV.er papers, etc.,stored at her pj.?.ce. “t”#

Z, The receiving of these equations fren 7iss Zarrer in early Septer.her1?£6| Receiving them on the Wednesday after Labor dc.y but failingto report the receipt of then to WH until the following Sunday.Had then in cy possession until 7,11*3 arrival in T.'ashington, D.G.

6. Visit during sumner of 1956 with Admiral Anderson in I's'.r 7orlc City.

7* This last incident of the rec^uest for an/ emchar.ge of children*


paintings fren a Japanese school teacher end ry v.ritten strierertto that I hart had no direct contact with -anyone in Jc.pen,centred ic ting the fact that I hart received, t'* o letters directed tc cefrom this teacher, which I dirt net tell Dr. Reich cf . . >

8. The fact that mj’' wife Zva Reich, the daughter of Zr. T ilheln Reichlikes to talk v.hile I am very qv.iet s.nd roulrt rather list<=^n,

This would be very convenient to get information about '..TZs *'crk

and plana, etc.

• I have an uncle , mho is a major or was a m?jor In the Air ForceReserve, jwho said that during the II world rr-r he worked as an ^

Air Force Officer with Truman Senate Ccmnlttee investigating warplant production scmdals and who further said that he at that time* i,

had occasion to meet with J. rdgar Hoover In connection with this

vro'*'k. The last time I ssw him was in 1943 when he took me for a

plane ride over jJew York City. I havn’t written, seen, or heard

from him since. The name is t V» llounts.^


• Feb 26,1957

Hotel t'r»r3tpn

5 i'iSBt t?th Ctreetr.’ew Tort' 21, N. V,

vobnir^ry 190/

J, 'SJgar HooverFederal Bureau of Inr»is'*-lcstion

'•.ashlnfitan, D, 0*

Doir ? r, irooT’i':

,Or Fobrmri' lltb there ru'j cr.r.t t:.- /on Er.

V.'llheln F.rlcJy’a Arpaol Briefs er.l Pocord <i-; r .In-

sured TJltii return receipt requested, Vm’or nor.-.r.vtc co'^er

th-:rs '.T33 aent to Vol* III and Vcl. V, Cuf i-re.; r

Tep Socret Dviccr.ee, ”CP0I Detort I3a", rlro covj 3'C’; '/ tn-

aurnnee roti.'rn receipt roquoatod, ( onnt ?/ll/5j'?) •

I have a tracer out oa thee? rack"; '><i a.-

Ttorrl'id t! ut ^. la Tratcrlol rrry ..^o .-.rr.i.-n

.displaced o'- ‘-.at it r-ay havo been f3e3?y ;d In ? e -‘ » fro:

reaching y.'*”* Tt is Iripcrt^nt that you •' I.- st.-’-lti?.

Rliich cone .». rational pelfi>re.

* Tvould apprcelnte ae'-nri-jlndfier-.eri t ->i

if !t has ra:. ;ed -/om . Otborr in'* I rou' d send anoth : ;’.e^ ne

quickly as pcs cihlc,

ihenk you very r:,. ' i.

V u 9

/ -

V. i 11 1 •:






\v,jj> i- ^/ /./;

f\ ^ ^

^/ I'h


“«=-<• -

iU*-^ . ^

al£ «^«z«^/‘c^'^,




LETTEUk. ro SDCAR HGOVEil yX!y lojiJo7^’vash»ctc




/IOrop £a £??0N0.2-

A» February l6fl957«Ap*5o9«Alou . Towers eto^vt^o am1

Dear Vr Hoover: Oxi Pebrxmry 14^1957,loi28 amt I spoke to^l^!iI*Jib^rn pf tho ’

local FBI office^fCarl Uaich^TB I,Headquarters regarding^^^etter I Inteodecto mall to you peraonally .Ko copy^so I said^was kept here.lUlled lotdo am,(Sth floor mall slit .Albw Towers^*** morning,appr«8 am,ehortly befordeldTery of a printed legal document by bellboy,a woloe,disguised as tha*t <

*4arylin Uonroe) oalled my unlisted Telt Em-3-1915,saying some things IncoT

ehorslble to me,ending with" 1 am only kidding"* •• I am urging again that m^

infcnnatlcn to you persq&lly be received as rocn as possible•There Is acuteImmediate danger«Wilhelm Reich •


B« February 16,1957,4 pm*Bear Mr Hoover: I have spoken today to llr.Bokerty, close to your office ^sosaid} denied to Dr Silvert by FBI agent on II*16th during discission at FBI '

headquarters .,I know you are infomod.Tho matter of the conspiracy nasgrov.-n far beyond my scope of obligation or undcrctanding.I have concluded reearch in "Social Pathology" re this subject* A report to the President willwritten and furxiiEhed as soon as possibIe*A copy wi 11 be mailed to you perse


11 y only*. .From now oiward I shsll transsat all ir inton material pert^/ningto espionage on my work to Kr.Doherty (or anyone else designated by you) of


your office, I am in no posltion‘^6 anything with it any longer *1Wiat the esp-<icnage is after, is In my head only*7hey will never get it,I have sent outsome false equations to keep them rvinning in circles as these few psychopathhve kept the world running in circles so long, Serurity efforts will not sv.c

unless my research results will be included.They concern the natvu'e of human'emotions which so kkillfully have been organised for criminal purpeses toddstroy nwinkind, , .The task is terr$fyin5*Still it has to be done*,I am at yodisposal for any iny information you may wish to obtcin,personally only.rcoroffice will be kept Informed on my whereabouts ,rincerely Wilhelm Reich UD

Will you please keep on record:" 14 j 3o"} "Gaudeamxia" } "Moon"; "Proto vegetation"- t"lo^ kr^"A^ COM V/ORDS ~ /

eppp. \

K i'.’•


-/ t'52MARr/'i257

» * » ^..*4 ,iki

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Cctobor 1 1957

'i'll0.Honorable J. Txl^ar HooverFederal Bureau of Invosti aiilon

V.aaliinfjton, D.C,

Dear ir, I'oovcr:

t :', ', ',

K. ;. -•

« Ml . »» il. .'in-- J

IYiia GftnJy


• i federal offo isc h.ao been co:.iulttou Isy

•.vl whholdl.i.r; "the v.holo truth .and. notiii.r-

tho truch b<>roro a x.i a . nineCO .'.r troo:.’,. Details; ccui be u lupliot-*

..c resuli: t]ao one i.ian 3ovln^ tod..y '.-b-o

.znov. o tlae ..ntl-'./ivivi cy for. lula Uxo'..’ ofpara.'io'.Lxt i:;portaxco in con-ioctio.'. ‘. '.'c,'-

dcvclopc: ;cnt’ of a^oOllitc ;ro-r.':j:x, .a.id

proi.' ction of .j»d. iiveo and tox’ritor,/


is locHeci up in a federal ;nrl50x a., thex’esult of very clever Co;’i.:unlct-.lnaj;ircd

"Icyal" actio.’, fr* udulcnt as it ’./.xo,

dortalren by fcllov;- travellers v.ho vero ;lr.

the Food a'xd Dru^; Ad'.iii’ilsti'atien, 'Jihis r.’nja

is a victi:n of CoriZ’-JJiict activity, i rofoi'n T T : r‘T

** p

In viev.' of the ore vi on, 3 ti '..artliiy of xxt-

toi.ipts to i;.ipress the i x*c oiuo.it ' a office,thx .tonic iixrr.'y/ toi.xiissio.i, anu ot'.Xor

federal offices, '.vith the validity of Jr.Foich's dl acovei’i . a, I feel that o.ily apersonal ro-oly to tliis letter from you v;11t

assure ;uo t’’at yo^v office is free frc;.'.

Con.-uunist syx.ip-ithizer.'., a.id that ./oar i.i-

torcst a* id coorox'.'' tioiX ha.s boon nixlistcd.




liU'UI!D£D - 5< /yO- '


t -•FH 'W C * •

“ Mr, Dciinontr;r, "rc^ssc

- Liw oon

SLCOaSED K / HQ-' t >


Date: October 17, 1957 f^



CommissionerFood and Drag AdministrationDepartment of Health, Education

and WelfareWashington 35, D. C.

John Edgar Hoover, DirectorFederal^ureau of Investigation



There is enclosed a, copy of a_ J,etterdated October 10. 1957, fromcoheerniog Wilhelm Reich.

Files of this Bureau reflect Reich has" been the subject of investigation by the Food andDrug Administration for distributing "Orgone

^Encr|^* devices, misbranded with curative claim^.rn £3mH letter has not been acknowlc^ccP

by this Burea^^ana a copy of his letter is b'dtn^

forwait^ to you for your information, ^



^ \rWNPrefe

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'>- y '0CTI7 I957




e mDIl^CTO^, FBI ^£2-11.2:^)


DATE: 12/6/57

; SAC, v;ro (ioo-i3ii.9)


Dr. V.'alter Ronerr^is^jLLAiT'r^ious - i!r'’0’ji'A"io'r c 'ic^nniMa

ReVJPOlet 2/23/57.

Tine Mr.^azine_

da ted 11/13/57, pa.'e 110, underthe heading “Fiiles toaoa” contrins the Tollouin ; Itoiu;

"Died, V'lUT’.Ln 60, onco re.-iod ps^moonn-lyst, asGocinto and J.‘ollov/or of T.I. !''R_,Ui;, rounder oi‘

Che Wilhelm Reich Poundstion, lately better !tnown i’orunorthodox se;: and enor;,y thoc'ios; of a honrt attack;in Lewisbur^ Federal penitentiary. Pa., whore ho wrr. sarviuj,a two-yecr ter:T for distr J butinr, hi:3 invention the 'or^^onooneri;y accumulator*’ (in violation of the i'ood and Drum^Act),a telephono-',:ooth-Eizo device which supposedly ,_;8thorod


enorr.y from the ntmos ;horo, could cure, whil-; the eatioatsat inside, co ; icu colds, car.cer and iri lotonce .


Subiilttod lor info.

Burortj1 - nocton (Info)1 - WFO


(^1-) h1rj




u - .L.u20l35?

^^COHBED - 39 I

» i*

y V.

V ..rvy. r.

Office Memorandi n






DATE; May 6, 1958



V I• ^


Toison —KichoU ^Boordman .

B«Jinoni ^Mohr






On May 1, 1958, Mrs. Reich telephonically requested addresses ^ ^

of former SA Thomas J. Donegan and SA Thomas G. Spencer. Donegan resigned

from Bureau 3/1/46, and as of November, 1957, was with the Subversive Activities

Control Board. Spencer is presently assigned to New York Office. Mrs. Reich

refused to give clerical employee who took original call reason why she desired

addresses of these men. Accordingly she was telephonically contacted by

Agent Supervisor Paul F. O’Connell, Jr. to deternune why she needed information.

I She stated she wanted to contact a past or present FBI Agent who would haveknowledge of communism. She was asked how she had chosen names of above

1 men and she said she had seen their names in book ’’Witness" by Whitaker Chambersand since she had seen names in book she knew they were bonafide past or presentSpecial Agents in the Bureau. Since she stated she wanted to talk to past or presentAgents it was suggested she visit our Washington Field Office where the Special

Agent in Charge would be glad to have an Agent discuss any problem which mightbe facing her. She declined to accept this advice saying that she would not

know that she was actually talking to a Special Agent. When assured that she

would be talking to an Agent she stated "She did not have same blind faith" O’Connellhad. Thereaftei; she stated that she did not even know whether O'Connell was an

actual representative of the Bureau. She was told that if in doubt, she should secureBureau’ s telephone number in telephone book and call back to our switchbos^d.-^

She also indicated during the conversation she had to have proof she would.^tallung

to a bonafide FBI Agent since she believed the FBI could be "infiltrated". /;

In view of this she was not furnished addresses ot LKinegau

oY Spencer but instead, urged to visit our Washington Field Office where she could

speak with a Special Agent concerning any problems she might have. /RE0 32 ' -

- yBufiles contain two references to a Miss Aurora Karrer. '^Botn references

reflect Karrer associated with Doctor WUhelnr^teich.^Reich founded the Wilhelm

Reich Foundation, also known as ^Phe^oii^ne Institute, at Rangeley,Maine in 1942to commercialize his theory of cancer treatment through control of biological energy.




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which he named “Orgone Energy. " Reich was subject of an Internal Security investi-

gation, Bufile 100-14601, and there is a voluminous file on his foundation in

Bufile 105-11461. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1954 secured an

injunction against Reich and his associates for their quack methods of curing

cancer and other serious diseases. In October, 1957, Bufile 105-11461 reflected

Reich presently serving prison sentence for contempt of court for violation of aboveinjunction. Since November, 1955, Reich and members of his staff have beenbombarding FBI with complaints of pilrjury, fraud and other irregularities in

handling of the FDA and court actions against them. ASJn^ttexLOX.poU&y,.,Bure%u


has not been acknowledging_communicaticms from Reich or his associates.

Bufiles 105-11461-75 and 100-14601-56 reflect Miss Aurora Karrerwas associated with Reich and that her address was 104 Northbrook Lane, Bethesda,Maryland. Current D. C. telephone directory reflects a Mrs. Enoch W. Karrerresides at latter address and telephone number of OLiver 2-7770. Aurora Karreraccordingly may be identical with above caller.

' >


That this memorandum be forwarded to the Domestic Intelligence

Division for their information. ^

L / /


- 2 -

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r-^.17 23 .Jiir; 4 1050

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9 .5 If53 JUN111958

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fir. Marion x5# fOiyoTi

Secretary^of ulucHtion ijc i< jliVao

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iiozy .:r. /oidDus



I rfrita to yoj, . ir, .-ui ;t cltlix" .i-.. ?•\.»jHq tic.ioo.l. U;;oi.cr,

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ct’f.oi-t ir.oy to itii :'i-ce<l-Ki ovr ry ..--oro, to

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All ox tiiC n/?ve ro.ji i.- xio vf.y tiiiriv I 'i-siir'Ui.iiu,' craiul iU'ilu,.,” Jr. i: c cftutr-ory, t-ivni-o L-kiM coia-til .to vit -Hy’ iuiutr.:. . -.rj t .olw

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WHAT IS PLANNED FOR YOU?**With the institutions for thr insane, you Have in your

country prisons which can hold a million persi>n««» and can hold


This was the welcome of Comrnitsar Lavrenti Beria, for-

mer head of the Soviet secret police, to a group of Americanstudents at the Lenin University in Moscow. Commissar Benacontinued:

*'You must domiuste as respeci^'d men the fifli^.- of psy-chiatry and psychology. You must dominate the hospituU anduniversities. You must carry forward the myth that only a

European doctor is competent in the field of insanity, and thus

excuse amongst you the high incidence of foreign birth andtraining. . , .

’'Use the courts, use the judges, use the Constitution of

the country, use itv medical societies and its laws to further

your ends, . , . And when you have succeeded you will discoverthat you can now effect yOur own leg; station at will and you can

. . , make the CAPITALIST himself, by his own appropriations,

finance a large portion; of the quiet conquest of the nation. '*

The textbook used by students at the Lenin University in

Moscow was "The Communist Manual of Instructions for Psy-chopolitial Warfare." Kenneth Goff, former member of the

Communist Party, has identtried this as the textl^ooiF he studied

here m America, at the Eugene Debs Labor School in Milwaukee.Wisconsin.

This "Communist Manual of Insirucliuns for Psycho-political Warfare" has been briefed or condensed into a pamph-Tei. "Brainwashing." Here is act forth the complete programfor the psychopoUtical conquest of the United States, Tou will

at once recognise this as the MENTAL HEALTH program, al-

ready iar ideancrd in our nation at thr- iucal, stale ai.d federal

levels, and in citizen groups. You ca.i .^ee how our | real nation

is being conquered, just as the Communists ooast* without the

"tiring of a single shot."

The following are exact quotations from the pai.'iphlet

"Brainwashing. "


Pf ychopoliticS is the art and science of asserting and maintain-ing dominion Over the thoughts and loy*ilii<‘s of individuals, ufti*

cere, bureaus, and masses, and the effecting of the conquest of

enemy nations through "MENTAL MEALING,"


. . . the individual must be dirccUd (ruin without to accutnplish

his exercise, education, and work . . .

The tenets of rugged individualism, personal dete rnunisni , self-

will, imagination, and personal creaiivcncts are . . . antipathetic

to the good of the Greater State. These wilful and unalignedforces are tro mere than illnesses ...

the d^« of Di«l«lic tAto the textbook# of

Tiychoiogy, to luch » degree iVo'. #nyone thoroughly *ludyifig

gtychoJogy brrome# xt once u tjtididxte to accept the reason


al>lenetft of



CAN BE INFLUENCED BY PERSONS IN OUR CONNEClTo;^the consittent employment of such text# i# guaranteed. . , ,

Constant pressure in the legisJaiurcs of the United Stales

car. bring about iegifUtion to the effect that every ttudent at-

tending a high school or university must have classes in psy-


... Starting from a relatively low ievd of violence, auch as

ttrail-jackr ts and other restraints, U is relatively ca?*y to

encroach upon the public diffidence for violem e by adding

more and more cruelly into the treatment of the insane

Gr.iduully Ihi pni-iic ‘lionld be rdiK ated into el. ».iric bho. f.,

jir-l by Vu'hevM.e ;h.«t it is vv ry the rapvntu ,then by iK .i. v-

ifig that it ii' f|uieiing, then by being informed that elccin..

«hock usually injures the spine und teeth, and, finally, that

it very often kills or at least breaks the spine and removes

viotenUy the teeth of the patient ....

The more violent the treatment, ihe mr.re hopelesv insanity wiU

seem to be.

The society should be worked up to the level where every re-

calcitrant young man cun be brought into court and assigned

to a psychopolitical operative, to be given electric shocks,

and reduced into unimaginative J»>cility for the remainder of

his days ....


Ilf j,- yi iH.pohiical oper ilii* .


* ’ .. ,.|.j.i*rluiiities , the proiiu...• » 1.1. .I..,,,.,,!.,,, *,v, | Um> .itid mmds of helpleits

* ii.,‘ .,j lompUtr l.^wirssness without deto‘c -

to "nientai h riling" miny desirable re-»,|| UU in lirv. »lth p.yt h..p.>li,ic.t


... Th« nvafnificcnl tool welded lor u. b. Wand* {,« P.-,chopolitic.) would be •* aothinc if it we/« not (o,*"I,iIiei,7tntotence in civilised countries that ‘'scientific practices"be applied to the problem of the mind . . ,

It must be carefully hidden that the Incidence of insanity has

I’r *u***!^'*»cientific practices * were ap-

remarks mast be made of **the pace of modernliving end other myths as the cuMe of the increased neuro-sis in the world. . . .

... ViHi must rec rent every .igrncy of the mitioii marked fors aug ter mio a foaming haired of religious healing




Any Organisation «h<ch haa thr apirii and c<7uragr^ to Oiaplay in>

itumAnity» aavagenema, brutality, and an uncompromiaing lack

of htirnantCy^ wiJJ be ot>ry**d. Such a uac ol force ia, the

raacntial ingredient of g reatneas. . . .



. . . Only when a peraon haa been beatm, punished, and m«rci«leaely hammered, can hypnotiam upon him be guaranteed In 4ts

eO'ectivcnet a. . , ,

The subject of hypnotiam is a aubj<*ct of belief , . . .

Despicable religions, such as Christianity, knew this ....

The earliest Russian paycftiatri5t» . , , understood Ihuroughly

that hypnosis is induced by acute f''«r ....

The psychiatrist is aptly suited i » Inis role. fOr his brutal-

-.ti* 'i are comituited in the name of science and are inenplic abl/

• uiftplcK, and entirely out of vi«vk of the hunw'iti ouJ* *

A^ 1‘i Lhr p>\» S» 'luhtical ojirr,iii\»“ im his d n* ' i >• the m',-

Iv Anihorities •>*. tti the diffi» nuicf !f*lw<'rn vanity i;iN,tuity,

their word aa to the Iher.ipeuUc value oi such tre«iiji r,i atiIL h.-

the final word. . . .

It IS to the into reM uf the p:*yt hc’p»mtical operative th.ii ih •

possibility of caring the insane be o>.tlawrd and : 'il' d t>ui .it uli



,partitularK the

eccentricity of combatting p<>ychopolitic s ,could be sib n« ed. , ,

The entire subject ot psyv hopoliiiL >tl hypnosis dopeudf fo,-

its defense upon «. ontinuou* protest from authontatt ve source*

that such thing*, are not possible. And. vliould auvone ur.mask .*

pave hupoliiical operative, he sjnojAl at oner de 1a e tiie whole

thing a physical :n'.poss ibihty ....


Having no indrpendrr.t will of hi*- >wm. Mar. ts -a^ily ha.'tciJefi ty

stimuius-responae meehanisms

... an entire chaii. of command » ... ran be bvat<n, hocked, cr

terrorized into .i i und, and will tlu re Ue d t. ,tii callus

into view by SQinc ^uTuL*riiy . . . lo tin* irv nnier.t.

The body is leas able to resist a st.n'‘ul^^ it *t h-i ir.auWicient

food and is weary. Therefore it is nev eaaaf y :<> atlnMnii»ier

all such stimuli to individuals wbe.i their ,Tb:li!v to resist has

been reduced by privation and exha>ihlion. . . ,

EKcrciSi'S in sexual attack on p.it.i "its Fh*mld pr^icticeil by

the psyc hopolitii al operative to dciiionsl r.*te ihr m.ibiiily of the

patient under pain -drug hypnosis to rec-rU th-*

C HAP i FR V f / ; .

In orilrr Co he * n il, .1 i».ilioii piuilA l.»- b-.l ... *

... t;ontiiiii.ll .iii'l V onstant dt'u r.ld.ition Ml ii.ilioi.ul baderS,

national instilulK os . national practices, and nuiiou.ii heroes

must be systematically earned out

The first thing to be degraded in any nation is the state of Man,



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, , , il niMBt be rd*K*Ut( inlo d. populace under aUat k lh*t

EVEKY INDIVIDUAL W N IMN IT .VllO HE DELS IN ANY WAY,SHAPE, OK FUKM AGAINST EFFUK lh AND ACIIVITIES TOENSLAVt: THE WHOLE MUST HE CON51DKK ED A DE HANGEDFEKSON, whose eccentricities -irr t;\‘urotic ur ins<<nr And whoniusi M once have iht' treatment u( a p&yrhopolilic ian.

... Un)o»s these restless individuals are stamped out ...

there »ill he nothing mil trouble as th>' conquest contin-

This educational progi.im ... ca.i best be loUowrd b' bring-

ing about a compulsory training i>> s*in«« subject Such .is

psychology . .





pwpnlation as a whole in mental hi. u>Un |< i ogr.ur** , -ihe terror*

of mental i her rati or, can be dis.' emin.it«<l it. rviugh- che pop-

ulace. Furthermore, each one of lh« se mental he^ilh groups

properiy guided, car, bring ... iegi^^Utivc pressur.- .ig-iinsV

the government to secure ... government gr.iuis faciU-

lie^, thus bringing a guvernmenl to I’.r.am e it^ o-* r down-fall . . .

If a g roup of persons iniercsted m s:,ppressing juvrmic deUn»>

qucacy. in caring (wr the insane ... c an be forined in every

major «. ity ... the success of a ps vchopolitical program is

assured . . .

... It is not too muc :i to hope that the inllucncc of i^uvh

g:*Cups coild bring about a psychiatric .vard in every ..ospital in

the IamI, and psychiatrists in evet) company aiid regiment of the

nafion*.*- army, and whole gov»Tnmenl institutes manned entirely

by psychopolitical operatives, into which ailing government ofli^

cials could be placed. , .

The financing of a psychopoHlical program is difficult unless

it is done by the citizens and government «...


The psyehopoUtician may well find himsell under attack as an

individual or a memoer of a group «...

. , . the best defense is calling into question the sanity of the

attacker. The neat best defense is author ity. The neat

best defense is a validation of psychiatric practices in terms

of long and impressive figures. The next best defense is


Should any whisper, or pamphlet, against psychopulitical ac-

tivities be published, it should be laughed into acorn, brandedas an immediate hoax, and its perpetrator or publisher

ahould be,^ at the first opportunity, branded as insane «... •


In the United States we have been able to alter the worksof William James, and others, into a more acceptable pat-

tarn, and to place the tenets of Karl Mam, PavloY, Lamarck,

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1^6 the A of Ot* lee tie M4t<Tiali$m into the textbook! of

psychology, to #uch • degree thet enyone thoroughly itudyingpsychology becomes *i once • condidatr to accept the reason-ableness of Comntuoisni,


Constant pressure in the legislature! of the United Stateacan bring about legislutiun to the effect that every student at“tending a high school or uni\eriity must have clai»*i:s in pay*chology.


.••-Starting from a relatively loi» irvn| of violence, such asBtrait -jackets and oth«.'t restraints, it is relatively easy to

encroach upon the public diffidence ter violence ty addingmore and more cruelty ii*to the treatment of the insane

Gradually the public vrunild br rduc.it- i into -hoca,first by r-elieving that it i& very tnc rap>.’ul;c . then i.v brlici *

ing that » is «]|<itrting. th»'n by bcir.g informed that weciric^hock usually injures spine ard tc'th, and, ftnai.v, that

i* v'- ry n r.ifs or t’. > ^ ‘ t tret's t.e ?p;te ir. i re*v

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The society should be worked up to the level «^here every rc

cajcitr>int young man Can be brought into court and a** signed

to a psychopohtieal ope relive, to hr given dec Inc vhocks.

and reduced into unim aginative docility for the rcrr.airder of

his days ....


The psyc hopoliiic al dup* is a v^cH-lramcd individual whoxerves in < ompleLr obidietuo the p> >

> liopulilic .U op'-raiivc.

The proriiibc of unlimit»ul >exual opportunities. U.-? promiacef complete dominion oyer the bodies and minds of helpless

patients, the promise of complete laialcssness laithuul detec-tion. can thus attract t*> "mental h-ralirg" nrvmy dr«ii ^aLh- re-cruits a ho will viillinclv f in Itn* phychopidHu «1



... The magnificent tool welded for us by Wundt (i.e. Psy-chopolitica) would be as nothing if it were not for official

Insistence in civilised countries that "scientific prac*'Ces"

be applied to the problem of the mind ....

It must be carefully hidden that the incidence of insanity has

increased only since these "aicientifir practices" were ap-plied. Great rennarks must be made of **the pace of modernliving" and other myths as the cause of the increased neuro-sis in the world. . , .

... You must recruit every agency of the nation marked forslaughter into a foaming hatred of religious healing • • . »



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Beri* laid do>wn the rule ir his address to American atudents’

*'You rnuvL domiiiAlr as HESPECTED MEN' the field* oi psychi-atry and psychology.'* EoUowinj are a few facts about some 'v

the RESPECTED MEN in our io< .it field ol '*Mentai Health."

WAYNE McMlLLEN -o n;am/.ing ’’nrcnt.il hcatth pru|^ nirT.*' in

W>5t LJbs Angeles . « tth of State money to

maK*' 4 survey and set up clinics.*

California Senate Reports on Sl.b\l'^^ive Activities tneiudehirn in the list of those afiih.^tcU with I I Comn.wnisiFront organiiations. {4th Rep,, p. 37f) Among ihr>e are:

Cooperatur *• Spon»-or ui Liomniunis periodical 'Soz.*\

Work Today,” pub. in N. Y, (See l'i4h Report).

Sponsor of "World Pi ace Conference, Hiembe r cf Nat'l.

Council of Arts, Scic-i ce, and Pr< fe s 'lo''*" (Fifth Meport,1949 - p. 480

An erican League A^i-uiibt v. r rw 1 ;:-ri - t.»

"work toward the stc>ppmg of the iti-Mvif .<<• tu rr aiu lfan^


portat,on of muriitior.f ^nrl all >ther m.jterial essential to

the conduct of war... To support the peace pcliric» uf the

Soviet Union . . ," (1949 - p, 4d*»)

Men.bcr of AmcricAn Committee f »r lK.- protection of the

Foreign liorn (cited as subv.’ r '.i ve toy Attorney Geurral -

(1949 - p. SOZ)

Mt rnLcr of Committee of Welcome j*,r i: e "Red ' I>ean of

Canterbury (1949 Report - p. ^0?)

Mi-rnber of Medic «il Hure'UJ ana ivorlh Am> ricun Committi*etij A’.. I Sp.jiii.4ih Pemoc r.u y ^cili'ti .iv l>v« rsiVi- by Hou5eC1vmm;\,U«v oi\ Un-Amc Fit .ill AcliVitve'* - 1949 Ki purl -

page 510)»

M» mbrr of National Federation 1. r (. t*nst:tutior.al Liber-ties (cited by Atty. General as subversive - 1949 Report -

page 512).

Signer of the statement of prai e of Vtallace's upen letter

to Sl««lin - May, 1948 (page 5 31),

Vice-chairman of Social W'o^kcr^ CummiUee ot AmericanLcupue for Peace and Deniocr>*cy (on letterhead April 6,


He is also mentioned in the testimony of Matthew Cxetic in

the Expose of the Communist Party ol West Pennsylvania -

Part II (House Un-Amer* Activ, Comm, D. 2498 - 1949).

« It is aiieged that Wayne McMiiien owes his appointment to

Albert C, Feldman, Pres, of the Welfare Planning Coun-cil.

HYMAN FORSTENZER - Assistant director. Community MentalHealth Services Division, New York Slate Department of

Mental Hygiene.

PROMINENT SPEAKER AT THE MENTAL HEALTH CON-FERENCE at the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, on Aug-ust 4. 1957, attended by officials of )00 commuolty Agenciesand sponsored by the California Association lor MeoiMHealth and its affiliates, including iKe MoMftl Hoaith Foun-dation of Loa Angeles County.


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ToJ»ort _StK.oni



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To *r.m

SuiJivor^ _

T«U. flooffl

Holiomon __Gandy -

Bulky Exhibit File Number: 100-14601^67

We are in the process of reviewing all bulky exhibits in order thatve may dispose of those which serve no further purpose. Inasmuch as many ofthe bulky exhibits pertain to Imctive cases and are occupying badly neededspace, it is requested that the appropriate substantive supervisor review theabove-listed bulk^' exhibit and render a decision as to its retention or dis-position. A notation as to the decision reached may be placed on this memo-randum. The memoranduin should be returned to the Filing Unit of the RecordsBranch, Room 1113, Identification Building, for filing in the case file.


That captioned bulky exhibit be reviewed and a decision rendered asto the retention or disposition of the material.


'see .ADDENDUM , I AGE 2.

Memorandum to Mr* NcascRE: WIIJIELM REICH100-14601-67

ADDENHITM : Domestic Intelligence Division 1/20/59

The bulky enclosure consists of various printed briefsfiled by VMlhelm Reich* the subject in this case. One documentis the petitioner* s reply brief in the case entitled "VfilhelmReich* et al., vs. United States of America,'* before theOctober* 1956* terra of the U. S, Supreme Court. Also enclosedare ten documents in the same case filed before the U. S. Courtof Appeals for the First Circuit and are entitled as follows:•*Brief for Appellant* the Wilhelm Reich Foundation**; "ReplyBrief for the Wilhelm Reich Foundation, Appellant’’; "Reply Brieffor Wilhelm Reich* M. D,* Appellant* Chief Counsel for Discoveryof Cosmic Life Enerfy"; "Brief for Michael Silvert, M. D,*Appellant* Orgonomic Physician"; "Brief for IVilhcln Reich, M, L.*Appellant, Chief Counsel for Discovery of Cosmic Life Eneriiy"; andVolumes 1 through V entitled "Record Appendix to Briefs forAppellant."

Bufiles reflect that in •lay, 1956* Reich and Silvertwere found i;uilty of contempt of court following issuance of aninjunction barring interstate shipment of devices, literatureand promotional material regarding treatments by Reich of cancerand other serious diseases which were worthless* according tothe Food and Drug Administration. The briefs outlined above weresubmitted by Reich and Silvert and concerned their appeal ontheir conviction. Reich and his associates contacted the Bureauon numerous occasions under pretext of furnishing espionagematerial only to present the case for Reich's theories and thework of his laboratories. Reich had an unsavory reputation andwas regarded in scientific circles and by Government agencies asa "quack." Reich died in Koveraber, 1957, while still serving hissentence in a Federal prison.

The above briefs do not relate to a case within theBureau's jurisdiction nor a matter in which we have an interest.They were fonvarded to the Bureau by Reich and as were all othercommunications from Reich were not acknowledged.





i^ieraorandum to Mr, NcascRE: WlUiCUI REICH100-14601-67


It is recoTninended that these appeal briefs be[

destroyed since the space utilized in their storage can be i

best used for some worthwhile purpose. If you approve, thisi

nenorandum should be routed to the Records and Communications j'

Division for appropriate action. •

- 3 -






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February 6, 1900



hiT* R. £. L./'Ma6tersEditoria.1 DepartmentThe Shreveport TimesPoet CUice Bo;; 1027Shreveport il'i, Loui^Ltiia

Dear Mr. Masters:

I have received your letter ol January 20, 19Gy,and appreciate the interest which prompted your correspondence.



Ison _lRK>nt ^




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3. Sullivan

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'.Vliile it is true that ilhelni Heich d.i:i corrccponuwith the FBI, the subject matter of iiia letters related to problc u:.

over which the IBI clocs not have jurls.liction, and awcordinjjly

no action was taken regarding them. I Jo not have any liata I cangive you.

* *

You may be interested to know the Food and DrugAdmiiU£.tration^ausecl an injunction to be issued during May o/

lOs-i against thyJleich foundation . It is possible the i iforniationyou seek n ay bo (ouad in the files cf that organization.

gvC;-' ‘

ICinceroly yours, /

i \


1 - New Orleans - Enclosure (For information)



NOTE: Masters is not identifiable in Bufiles, and our records fail to reflect^*

that he has ever been sent the UCR bulletin or that we have had any prewous u^

correspondence with him. We have, of course, had cordial correspondence g j;

with Mr. Charles A. Hazen, Managing Editor of 'The Shreveport Times,


and we are the recipient of favorable publicity from his newspaper. Ourfiles reflect prior inquiry regarding '.Reich as early as 1940 relative to his

subversive activities. (NOTE CONTINUED NEXT PAGE)




At; •• V-

The Bureau investigated him in 1941 under caption "Internal Security - R.*'

In November, 1957, Reich died of a heart attack in Lewtsburg[

penitentiary, Pennsylvania, where he was serving a 2-year-term for |'

distributing his invention the "orgon energy accumulator. " He wasregarded in scientific circles as a "quack." His correspondence with ~

the Bureau during his prison term was ostensiV^jfly to furnish i

espionage material but his communications actually dealt with iids i

theories and the work of his laboratories. (100-14601 and 105-11461)

Hon. J. La<'rr H' )vcrFcr- .'nl Euivti'i 'f Imv- .- n


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