FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION ~tr ~gencp … · AMS-2647 as revised. Rating Limitations Electron...


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Auy 11lterntio11 of tJ,is certificnte is p1111is/111ble by afiue of 11ot exceeding $1,000, or i111priso11111e11t 11ot exceediug 3 years, or bot/r

FAA Form 8000-4 (1 -67) SUPERSEDES FAA FORM 390. Electronic Forms (PDF)

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration

001 Issuance and Applicability

002 Definitions and Abbreviations

003 Ratings and Limitations

Operations Specifications

Table of Contents

Part A





004 S~nn_m~ry of Special Authorizations and L11111tations 09/23/1998

007 Designated Persons 12/19/2006

IOI Additional Fixed Locations 11/16/2004

449 Antidrug and Alcohol Misuse Prevention Program 07/17/2009

TurbineAero Engines Technics, Inc.

Part A-1 Print Date: 2/10/2017


02/09/2017 12

02/09/2017 9

02/09/2017 IO

02/09/2017 9

02/09/2017 16

02/09/2017 2

02/09/2017 7

Certificate No.: ZT3R036M

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration

Operations Specifications

AOOl . Issuance and Applicability HQ Control: 02/11/2016 HQ Revision: 05e

a. These operations specifications are issued to TurbineAero Engines Technics, Inc., a Repair Station located in the United States, pursuant to 14 CFR Part 145, § 145.53. The repair station ce11ificatc holder shall conduct operations in accordance with 14 CFR Prut I 45 and these operations specifications.

The certificate holder's address:

Fixed Location: 2015 West Alameda Drive Tempe, Arizona 85282

Mailing Address: 2001 West Campus Drive Tempe, Arizona 85282

b. The holder of these operations specifications is the holder of certificate number ZT3R036M and shall hereafter be referred to as the "certificate holder".

c. These operations specifications are issued as part of this repair station certificate and are in effect as of the date approval is effective. This certificate and these operations specifications shall remain in effect until the certificate for a repair station that is located in the United States is surrendered, suspended, or revoked.

d. The repair station specified on these operations specifications and located within the United States performs maintenance and/or an alteration of aircraft and/or aeronautical products to be installed on aircraft under the tenns and conditions of the U.S./EU Safety Agreement, Annex 2, Maintenance, between the FAA and the EU.

e. The ce11ificate holder is authorized to use only the business name which appears on the certificate to conduct the operations described in subparagraph a.

Delegated authorities: None

TurbineAero Engines Technics, Inc.

AOOl-1 Arndt. No: 12

Certificate No.: ZT3R036M

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration

Operations Specifications

1. Issued by the Federal Aviation Administration. 2. These Operations Specifications are approved by direction of the Administrator.

Digitally signed by Jack G Major, Principal Maintenance Inspector (WP07) [I] EFFECTIVE DA TE: 2/9/2017, [2] AMENDMENT#: 12 DATE: 2017.02.09 15:23:44 -06:00

3. I hereby accept and receive the Operations Specifications in this paragraph.

Griffin, Shelby E., General Manager

TurbineAero Engines Technics, Inc.


AOOI-2 Amdt. No: 12

Certificate No. : ZT3R036M

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Operations Specifications

A002 . Definitions and Abbreviations HQ Control: 02/11/2016 HQ Revision: 05c

Unless otherwise defined in these operations specifications, all words, phrases, definitions, and abbreviations have identical meanings to those used in 14 CFR and 49 U.S.C., as cited in Public Law 103-272, as amended. Additionally, the definitions listed below are applicable to operations conducted in accordance with these operations specifications.


Certificate Holder


Class rating


EASA Accountable Manager




FAA Accountable Manager


The Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement (BASA) is an executive agreement concluded between the United States and a foreign country for the purpose of promoting aviation safety; also known as an Agreement for the Promotion of Aviation Safety.

In these operations specifications, the term "certificate holder" means the holder of the repair station certificate described in these operations specifications in Part A paragraph AOO 1 and any of its officers, employees, or agents used in the conduct of operations under this certificate.

Code of Federal Regulations

As used with respect to the certification, ratings, privileges, and limitation of aircraft within a category having similar operating characteristics.

European A via ti on Safety Agency

The manager who has corporate authority for ensuring that all maintenance required by the customer can be financed and carried out to the standard required by the EASA foll-member Authority.

European Union

An authorization that permits an alternate means of compliance with a specific CFR. The exemption must meet the procedural requirements of 14 CFR Part 11.

Federal Office of Civil Aviation

A person designated by the certificated repair station who is responsible for and has authority over all repair station operations that are conducted under 14 CFR Part 145, including ensuring that the repair station's personnel follow the regulations and serving as the primary contact with the FAA.

An approval provided to a repair station located outside the United

TurbineAero Engines Technics, Inc.

A002-1 Amdt. No: 9

Certificate No.: ZT3R036M

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Avfation Administration


Limited Rating

Limited Ratings -Specialized Services

Line Maintenance



U.S./EU Aviation Safety Agreement, Annex 2, Maintenance



Preventive Maintenance


Repair Station located in the United States

Operations Specifications

States to perform maintenance support under contract for a U.S. air carrier (or an operator of U.S.- registered aircraft under 14 CFR Part 129) at a location other than the repair station facility. A geographic authorization is issued by the FAA to respond to a U.S. air carrier's or Part 129 foreign operator's need for maintenance at a station where the frequency and scope of that maintenance docs not waITant pem1anently staffing and equipping the station for its accomplishment.

A rating issued to repair stations for the performance of maintenance on particular makes and models of airframes, powerplants, propellers, radios, instruments, accessories, and/or parts.

Rating issued for a special maintenance function when the function is performed in accordance with a specification approved by the Administrator.

Any unscheduled maintenance resulting from unforeseen events, or scheduled checks where certain servicing and/or inspections do not require specialized training, equipment, or facilities.

The Maintenance Annex Guidance (MAG) defines the process that the FAA and EASA undertake in the inspection, findings of compliance certification, and monitoring of repair stations, as well as their joint cooperation in quality assurance and standardization activities in support of the Agreement, Annex 2, Maintenance.

The inspection, overhaul, repair, preservation, and replacement of parts, but excludes preventive maintenance.

Annex 2 covers the reciprocal acceptance of findings of compliance, approvals, documentation and technical assistance regarding approvals and the monitoring of repair stations/maintenance organizations.

Maintenance Implementation Procedures (MIP) arc procedures for implementing the provisions of a BASA that apply to maintenance.

A maintenance organization exposition (MOE) pertains to EASA member countries that use an MOE in place of a Repair Station Manual (RSM) and a Quality Control Manual (QCM).

As defined in l 4 CFR part I and part 43 appendix A, subparagraph (c).

Quality Control Manual

A certificated repair station located in the United States.

TurbineAero Engines Technics, Inc.

A002-2 Amdt. No: 9

Certificate No.: ZT3R036M

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Operations Specifications

Repair Station located outside the United States

A certificated repair station located outside of the United States.

RSM Repair Station Manual

1. Issued by the Federal Aviation Administration. 2. These Operations Specifications are approved by direction of the Administrator.

Digitally signed by Jack G Major, Principal Maintenance Inspector (WP07) [I] EFFECTIVE DATE: 2/9/2017, [2] AMENDMENT#: 9 DATE: 2017.02.09 15:24:46-06:00

3. I hereby accept and receive the Operations Specifications in this paragraph.

Griffin, Shelby E. , General Manager

TurbineAero Engines Technics, Inc.


A002-3 Arndt. No: 9

Certificate No.: ZT3R036M

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Operations Specifications

A003 . Ratini:s and Limitations HQ Control: 01/30/2004

HQ Revision: 010

The Certificate Holder is authorized the following Ratings and/or Limitations:

Class Ratini:S None Authorized

Limited Ratini:s

Ratini: PowerPlant






Manufacturer Rolls-Royce (Allison)

Honeywell (Lycoming)

Honeywell (Allied Signal)

Pratt & Whitney

Honeywell (Allied Signal)

Hamilton Standard

TurbincAero Engines Technics, Inc.

Make/Model 250-C20,250-C30,501, T56

ALF502, LF507, LTP!Ol, LTSIOI, T-53, T-55

TFE73 I, TPE33 I

PT6, PW4000, PW901, JFTD12

Starters P/N's I 26XXX, 204XXX, 32 I I 942, 3289630, 384022,898626,978710, 979078

Starters P/N's 7 l 9XXX, 733XXX, 738XXX, 739064,

A003-1 Amdt. No: IO

Limitations Limited to the repair of specific parts by manufacturers part number and repair processes document as listed in TurbincAero Engines Technics, Inc. Capabilities List (TETR 170-1) as revised.

Limited to the repair of specific parts by manufacturers part number and repair processes document as listed in TurbineAcro Engines Tcchnics, Inc. Capabilities List (TETR 170-1) as revised.

Limited to the repair of specific parts by manufacturers part number and repair processes document as listed in TurbineAero Engines Technics, Inc. Capabilities List (TETR 170-1) as revised.

Limited to the repair of specific parts by manufacturers part number and repair processes document as listed in TurbineAcro Engines Tcchnics, Inc. Capabilities List (TETR I 70- l) as revised.

Limited to the repair of specific parts by manufacturers part number and repair processes document as listed in TurbineAero Engines Technics, Inc. Capabilities Lisi (TETR 170-1) as revised.

Limited to the repair of specific parts by manufacturers part number and repair

Certificate No.: ZT3R036M

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Operations Specifications

Rating Manufacturer

Accessories Sundstrand

Accessories Honeywell (Allied Signal) (GatTelt)

Nondestructive See Limitations Inspection, Testing, and Processing

Make/Model 740900, 763569, 774469, 782790, 784750, 785720

APS3200, APS2300, APS5000


See Limitations

Limited Ratings - Specialized Services


Limitations processes document as listed in TurbineAero Engines Technics, Inc. Capabilities List (TETR 170-1) as revised.

Limited to the repair of specific parts by manufacturers part number and repair processes document as listed in TurbineAero Engines Technics, Inc. Capabilities List (TETR 170-1) as revised.

Limited to the repair of specific parts by manufacturers part number and repair processes document as listed in TurbineAero Engines Tcchnics, Inc. Capabilities List (TETR 170-1 )as revised.

Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection (FPI) In accordance with ASTM-E-1417 or AMS-2647 as revised.

Limitations Rating Electron Beam Welding

AMS-STD-1595, AMS-2680, AMS-2681, A WS-D 17.1 Repair limitations as contained in the referenced Civil or Military Specification.

Fusion Welding AMS-STD-1595, AMS-STD-2219, AMS-2685, AMS- Repair limilations as contained in the 2689, AMS-2694, AWS-D17.1 referenced Civil or Military


Metal MIL-STD-869 or MIL-STD-1687 as revised. Processing

Heat Treating AMS-II-6875, AMS-H-81200, AMS-2759-1 thru 5, AMS-2774, AMS-2801, AMS-2770 thru 2772 as revised.

TurbincAero Engines Technics, Inc.

A003-2 Amdt. No: 10

Repair limitations as contained in the referenced Civil or Military Specification.

Repair limitations as contained in the referenced Civil or Military Specification.

Certificate No.: ZT3R036M

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration

Operations Specifications

I. Issued by the Federal Aviation Admjnistration. 2. These Operations Specifications are approved by direction of the Administrator.

Digitally signed by Jack G Major, Principal Maintenance Inspector (WP07) [I] EFFECTIVE DATE: 2/9/2017, [2] AMENDMENT#: 10 DATE: 2017.02.09 15:26:26 -06:00

3. l hereby accept and receive the Operations Specifications in this paragraph .

. &;rJ-Griffin, Shelby E. , General Manager

TurbineAero Engines Technics, Inc.


A003-3 Arndt. No: 10

Cetiificate No. : ZT3R036M

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration

Operations Specifications

A004 . Summary of Special Authorizations and Limitations HQ Control: 09/23/1998

HQ Revision: 010

a. The certificate holder, in accordance with the reference paragraphs, is authorized to:

Reference Paragraphs

Perfonn work, including continuous operations, at additional locations other than AIOI at its primary fixed location.

Conduct operations choosing to have an antidmg and alcohol misuse prevention A449 program.

b. The certificate holder is not authorized and slta/11101:

Use Exemptions.

Reference Paragraphs


Use an approved electronic recordkecping system, electronic/digital signature, A025 and/or electronic media.

Perfonn maintenance with EASA ratings where the scope of work is authorized A060 by a BASA/MAG (U.S.-EU), MIP/MaG (U.S.-Swiss).

Perform maintenance in accordance with foreign repair station geographic authorizations.


Pe:forn~ work, ~xcluding ~ontinuous operations, at additional locations other than DIOO at its pnmaty Fixed Location.

Perform line maintenance for cert. holders conducting operations 1mder Parts 121 and 135 and for foreign carriers/persons operating non-U.S. registered aircraft in common carriage under Part 129, apart from DIOO which authorizes that work away from station.


TurbineAero Engines Technics, Inc.

A004-1 Amdt. No: 9

Certificate No.: ZT3R036M

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Operations Specifications

I. Issued by the Federal Aviation Administration. 2. These Operations Specifications are approved by direction of the Administrator.

Digitally signed by Jack G Major, Principal Maintenance Inspector (WP07) [I] EFFECTIVE DA TE: 2/9/20 I 7, [2] AMENDMENT#: 9 DATE: 2017.02.09 15:22:27 -06:00

3. I hereby accept and receive the Operations Specifications in this paragraph.

Griffin, Shelby E., General Manager

TurbineAero Engines Technics, Inc.


A004-2 Amdt. No: 9

Certificate No.: ZT3R036M

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Operations Specifications

A007 . Designated Persons HQ Control: 12/19/2006

HQ Revision: 030

a. The personnel listed in the following table are designated to officially apply for and receive operations specifications for the certificate holder indicated below.

Table 1 - Designated Persons to Apply for and Receive Authorizations

Title Name Parts Authorized

FAA Accountable Manager, 145 / General Manager Griffin, Shelby E. A,D

Quality Manager Dean, Donald R. A,D

Engineering Manager Gae, Daniel A,D

b. The following personnel listed in Table 2 are designated by the certificate holder to receive Information for Operators (INFO) messages for the certificate holder as indicated below. A receipt for the information by an operator or person is not required.

Table 2 - Designated to Receive INFO Messages

Name Email Address Telephone No. Type of Information to Receive

Aaron C. Pullins apullins@triumphgroup.com 602472-7028 ALL Jennifer Fiedler jfiedler@lriumphgroup.com 602 472-7019 ALL

1. Issued by the Federal Aviation Administration. 2. These Operations Specifications are approved by direction of the Administrator.

Digitally signed by Jack G Major, Principal Maintenance Inspector (WP07) [I] EFFECTIVE DA TE: 2/9/2017, [2] AMENDMENT #: 16 DATE: 2017.02.09 15:27:35 -06:00

3. I hereby accept and receive the Operations Specifications in this paragraph.

Griffin, Shelby E., General Manager

TurbineAero Engines Technics, Inc.


A007-l Amdt. No: 16

Certificate No. : ZT3R036M

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Operations Specifications

Al O 1 . Additional Fixed Locations HQ Control: 11/16/2004

HQ Revision: 010

a. The certificate holder may perfom1 work at the following additional fixed location(s) listed in Table 1, provided it has the facilities, material, equipment and technical personnel to perform the work authorized :

Table 1 Additional Location Address(es)

Address City State Country Postal Code

200 I West Campus Drive Tempe Arizona UNITED ST A TES 85282

2328 West Campus Drive Tempe Arizona UNITED ST A TES 85282

b. This authorizes the certificate holder to use multiple locations to perform its operations under a single certificate.

c. This authorization does not constitute a geographic authorization for work performed at another location.

d. The certificate holder may perform continuous operations at the facilities listed in Table 1 above.

e. Privileges of a line station, as set forth by any EASA line station rating, are authorized at these locations, as applicable.

f. All the authorizations and exemptions authorized for the certificate holder apply at these locations, as applicable.

TurbincAero Engines Technics, Inc.

AIOI-I Arndt. No: 2

Certificate No.: ZT3R036M

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Operations Specifications

1. Issued by the Federal Aviation Administration. 2. These Operations Specifications are approved by direction of the Administrator.

Digitally signed by Jack G Major, Principal Maintenance Inspector (WP07) [l] EFFECTIVE DATE: 2/9/2017, [2] AMENDMENT#: 2 DATE: 2017.02.09 15:28:4 1 -06:00

3. I hereby accept and receive the Operations Specifications in this paragraph.

Griffin, Shelby E., General Manager

TurbineAero Engines Technics, Inc.


A!Ol-2 Amdt. No: 2

Certificate No. : ZT3R036M

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Operations Specifications

A449. Antidru2 and Alcohol Misuse Prevention Pro2ram HQ Control: 07/17/2009

HQ Revision: OOa

a. The Part 145 repair station certificate holder has elected to implement an Antidrug and Alcohol Misuse Prevention Program, because the certificate holder performs

safety-sensitive functions for a 14 CFR Part 121, and 135 certificate holder and/or for a 14 CFR Part 91 operator conducting operations under Section 91.147.

b. The certificate holder certifies that it will comply with the requirements of 14 CFR Part 120 and 49 CFR Part 40 for its Antidrug and Alcohol Misuse Prevention Program.

c. Antidrug and Alcohol Misuse Prevention Program records are maintained and available for inspection by the FAA's Drug Abatement Compliance and Enforcement Inspectors at the location listed in Table 1 below:

Table 1 Location & Telephone of Antidrug and Alcohol Misuse

Prevention Program Records:

Telephone Number: A2 (CONN724B) Address:

Address: City:

State: Zip code:

d. Limitations and Provisions.

(I) Antidrug and Alcohol Misuse Prevention Program inspections and enforcement activity will be conducted by the Drug Abatement Division. Questions regarding these programs should be directed to the Drug Abatement Division.

(2) The certificate holder is responsible for updating this operations specification when any of the following changes occur:

(a) Location or phone number where the Anti drug and Alcohol Misuse Prevention Program Records are kept.

(b) If the certificate holder's number of safety-sensitive employees goes to 50 and above, or falls below 50 safety-sensitive employees.

(3) The certificate holder with 50 or more employees performing a safety-sensitive function on January 1 of the calendar year must submit an annual report to the Drug Abatement Division of the FAA.

( 4) The certificate holder with fewer than 50 employees performing a safety-sensitive function on January 1 of any calendar year must submit an annual report upon request of the Administrator, as specified in the regulations.

TurbineAero Engines Technics, Inc.

A449-l Arndt. No: 8

Certificate No.: ZT3R036M

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Operations Specifications

I. Issued by the Federal Aviation Administration. 2. These Operations Specifications are approved by direction of the Administrator.

Digitally signed by Jack G Major, Principal Maintenance Inspector (WP07) [I] EFFECTIVE DATE: 3/ 14/2017, [2] AMENDMENT #: 8 DATE: 2017 .03 .14 08:52:15 -05 :00

TurbineAero Engines Technics, Inc.


A449-2 Arndt. No: 8

Certificate No.: ZT3R036M

EASA European Aviation Safety Agency

Karl Specht · The Quality Manager Continuing Airworthiness Organisation Section Manager Flight Standards Directorate

TurbineAero Engines Technics, Inc. 2001 West Campus Drive

2017(D)Adonis no.51081 KSP/ape/FS.1.4 Cologne, 06.03.2017

Tempe, Arizona 85282 United States of America

Subject: Reference.


Change to EASA Part-145 approval EASA.145.4020 L9a/Rev 1/EASA.145.4020/FAA.ZT3R036M

EASA Part-145 approval certificate

Dear Sir or Madam,

Following a positive recommendation from the FAA the European Aviation Safety Agency hereby accepts the changes to your EASA Part-145 approval. In addition, subject to continued compliance with the FAR 145 and the EASA special conditions as detailed in the Agreement between the United States of America and the European Community on Cooperation in the Regulation of Civil Aviation Safety and associated Maintenance Annex Guidance (MAG), the renewal date is confirmed as 01 August 2018:

TurbineAero Engines Technics, Inc.

EASA Part-145 Approval certificate reference number:


Please find enclosed your amended certificate. This certificate supersedes your previous EASA.145.4020 approval certificate which should be returned to the Agency at the following address:

EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) Postjach 10 12 53 50452 Kain GERMANY

You are reminded that you will be required to submit your next renewal paperwork package in accordance with the MAG available on our web site at http://www.easa.europa.eu

Karl Specht

·CJ ... . . . . ... An agency of the European Union

Postal address: Postfach 10 12 53

50452 Cologne, Germany

Visiting address: Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3

TE.GEN.00101-004 50668 Cologne, Germany

Tel. : +49 2218999 0000

E-mail : foreign145@easa.europa.eu

Web: www.easa.europa.eu

ISO 9001:2008 Certified Page 1 of 2



Taking into ac,count the. provisions of Article 12 of Regulation (EC) 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council and the bilateral agreement currently in force betw~en the European:Community and the Government of the United States of America, the European Aviati.on Safety Agency (EASA) hereby certifies:

Tu_rbineAero Engines Technics, Inc.


2015 West Alameda Drive Tempe, Arizona 85282

United States of America

as a Part-145 maintenance organization approved to maintain the products listed in the FAA Air Agency Certificate and associated Operations Specifications and issue related certificates of release to service using the above reference, subject to the following conditions:

1. The scope of the approval is limited to that specified on the 14 CFR part 145 repair station Air Age·ncy Certificate, and the associated Operations Specifications for work carried out in the United States (unless otherwise agreed in a particular case by EASA).

2. The approval scope shail not exceed the permitted EASA Part-145 ratings as detailed in Regulation EC (No) 1321/2014.

3. This approval requires continued compliance with 14 CFR part 145 and the differences as specified in the Maintenance Annex Guidance (MAG), including the use of the FAA Form 8130-3 for release/return to service of components up to and including power plants.

4. Certificates of return to service must quote the EASA Part-145 approval reference number quoted above and the 14 CFR part 145 Air Agency Certificate number.

5. Subject to compliance with the foregoing conditions, this approval shall remain valid until:

01 August 2018

unless the approval is surrendered, superseded, suspended or revoked.



Page 2 of 2

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Aviation Administration


Charles Horlacher DER TurbineAero Inc. 2015 W. Alameda Drive Tempe, AZ 85282

Dear Mr. Horlacher:

Office of Aerospace Medicine Drug Abatement Division 800 Independence Ave., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20591

We have processed your program registration amendment and a copy is enclosed. Your Registration number, CONN724B, has not changed.

Your program registration includes the following certificated repair stations or locations:

Name Certificate #. Location TurbineAero Engines Technics Inc. ZT3R036M I Tempe,AZ Turbineaero Inc. VIJR367K I Chandler, AZ.

Non-certificated location:

Name Certificate#. Location I TurbineAero Engines I Chandler, AZ

To complete your registration process, please contact your FAA Principal Maintenance Inspector and request that an "A2" and your registration number are added to Table 1 of the drug and alcohol paragraph (A449) in each repair station's Operations Specifications.

Please note that your registration will expire on February 28, 2020 and we request that you submit a Renewed Registration prior to the date.

If you have any questions, please contact our office at (202) 267-8442 or drugabatement@faa.gov.


~::i~~ Manager, Program Administration Branch Drug Abatement Division


The Drug Abatement Division strives to provide quality service. We invite you to complete a feedback form at http://www.faa.gov/about/office _ org/headquarters _ offices/avs/stakeho Ider _feedback/aam/aam800/.

FAA DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING PROGRAM REGISTRATION {samule form) (Document is located at: h~:{/www.faa.gov{about/office orgl!1eadguarters offic~s/avs/offii;;es/aam/drug alcohoVstartingtmedia/RegistrationForm.Qdf)

Check one: D New Registration D Registration Renewal (CONN 72~ @ Registration Amendment (CONN 724B )

Type of Company: i) Contractor (if you are a part 145 certificate holder, list certificate numbers to be covered W1der this registration below) 0 Air traffic control facility not operated by the FAA or by or under contract to the U.S. Military

Company Name: TurbineAero Inc.

Physical Address/015 W. Alameda Dr. Tempe AZ. 85282 Address City State

It] Check box:, ifyour program records are kept at the physical address location Zip

Mailing Address: 2015 W . .Alameda Dr. Tempe AZ. 85282 Address City State Zip

D Check box, if your program records ere kert at the mailing address location

Records Address: 2015 W. Alameda Dr. Tempe AZ. 85282 Address City State Zip

(The records address, if different, should be the location where ar1 inspection would be held, NOT the address of a service agent.)

List DBA's and/or part 145 certificates covered by this registration, if applicable (use attachment if necessary): #ZT3R036M TurbineAero Engines Teet.nit.$ ..Y:!:!._P;067K Turbi neAero Repair Ncn-Celti!i:alllli Malntensr.ce Provider(TurbineAero Engines- Chandle, AZJ

Identify the type of safety-sensitive function(,) included in your program: D Flight crewrnember duties O Ail'craft dispatcher duties D Air traffic control duties D Flight attendant duties D Ground security coordinator duties D Aviation screening duties D Flight instruction duties l!lJ Aircre.fr maintenance or preventive D Op~rations control specialist duties

maintenance duties (as defined in 14 CFR part 43) Please describe the safety-sensitive duties you phm to provide (irne aHachment ff necessary).

Test and overhaul Auxiliary Power Units (APU's)

How many safety-sensitive employees will be covered by this Registrati~ 130 Indicate whether you are: D A Staffing Company·-----~--··-· ___ Not A Staffing Company

Certificatioo Statemonl: I certify that I/my company will comply with 14 CFRpart 120 and 49 CFR part 40. If! am a contractor, I certify that [ intend to provide safety~sensitive functions, directly or by contract, to a part 119 certificate holder with authority to operate under part 121 vr 135, an a!r traffic control facility not operated by the FAA or by or under contract to the U.S. military, or an Air Tour Operatc.r conducting flights under part 91. 147.

Signature: Cl!:./-~:::.£-.--,. .. ..._ . . Date: 3/~.ZQ/7: 11

Authorized Represent~tiv: ~e Agents may not sign for company) 1

ili. ~ Print Name: c~,g~L__ de,,.~,=---- Title: 1>1U.c:m/.L. Telephone: Business ~ Facsimile~ Cell .t,.e,z~Zf:Jl.f-42..°tS

t,,ai 2-~Z..'/J4 ~·42-''J; 'ii:. E-mail address: . ' . . ct-...~ ... {•i-;1)11;:... ,., .,.,.. ~ ".T, , 1,· .. - LJJ'c /'..:._J~

i Send form to: F.::Oe1.·al Aviation Administrati~1r1, Dmg Abat~',1l11e6f Division (AAM-810)

I 800 Independence Avenue, S.W.t Room 806 WashillgtO", DC 26,91

I Fax Number· (20?~1-5100; Email· dru•abat,:men''"''aa.~ov Office Number. 1202\ 267-8442;


,AA-;oo ,,,.;ec co<N3.l'!Ec '"';~,as,, 5 Qo i-R..:.,,.; Date Registered/ Amended/Renewed: ~.-c.b 9,...lO( ".} Expiration Date~~ c..h 9:, ;to ,i 0

Revision 11 d JUN i, 20 i:1 _______ ,, ___

ii For more information on the FAA drug and alcohol testing program, please visit:

http ;I l_www .faa. govj_p.oj c'.rqg_abatement



This Certificate bears witness that Great Western Registrar LLC (An ANAB-accredited CB) has assessed the quality system of:


TEMPE, AZ 85282

In accordance with the requirements of AS9104/1-2012, Great Western Registrar is accredited under the Aerospace Management Program and declares that the quality

system of the above named organization is in conformance with:

ISO9001: 2008/AS9100C

This registration covers the scope of supply listed below: MANUFACTURE, REPAIR AND OVERHAUL OF AEROSPACE


The products, services and/or processes identified in the scope of registration shall only be offered from the addresses identified on this certificate. The above named

organization is subject to procedures that govern the registration for which they are certified.

For Great Western Registrar, LLC

Title: President

21835 N. 23rd Ave. Phoenix, AZ. 85027

Cert. # 0705-35-3-A

Issue date: 05/14/2014 Reissue date: 02/24/2017 Expiry date: 05/13/2017



 THESE SITES ARE DEPENDENT ON CERTIFICATE NO:      0705-35-3-A  Central Function Address: 2001 W. Campus Drive Tempe, AZ 85282 Certificate Structure: Campus OIN NO. ADDRESS/SCOPE 6138802721 2001 W. Campus Drive

Tempe, AZ 85282

Production, Engineering, Inspection, Purchasing, Shipping & Receiving, Customer Service, Accounting,

6115206544 2015 W. Alameda Drive

Tempe, AZ 85282


