Februaury Delta Kappa Gamma Newsletter


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February Delta Kappa Gamma Newsletter

Alpha Phi Chapter

Happy February!

I was so happy to see such a good turn- out for our February meeting. What a meeting it was! The Wilmington College student, who spoke to us, was just superb! I felt great empathy for Quatez Scott as he gave the personal story of his abusive, dysfunctional family .I was also purely inspired by his attempt and accomplishment to choose a better life for himself and to succeed. He had a lovely positive spirit Here is the address for those who might like to write and thank him: 1870 Quaker Way #2094 Wilmington, OH 45177. I’m sure he would appreciate a note of encouragement and we may decide to cumulatively take a love offering for him.

Thanks to Carole Haines and Robin Prewitt for hosting the Saturday meeting. I enjoyed the treats and the items/articles shared about African American History.

Our next meeting will be Saturday, March 19 at Damon’s in Wilmington. The program will be “Jewels for the Table” .Yes, this is a program change. Our Foreign Exchange Student will be for the April meeting.

The winner of the table runner this month was Linda Parker. The table runner raffle generated $43.00 for “Schools for Africa”.

Happy February birthday to Virginia Stuckert- Feb.23


Exciting things are happening in our local chapter. Did you know that we a working on our own web page? Did you know that we are working on an action plan for our chapter?

I’m also very excited about combining one meeting/program next year with our neighboring Fayette County. They meet at Washington Court House Country Club. We would then host a meeting with them in the 2012-13 planning year. Dr. Norma Kirby who will be the new Alpha Delta State President is a member of that chapter. We will update you on that later when Genell has those plans finalized.

Here are some more pictures from February’s meeting. Kaye has us singing! Enjoy!
