February 7 2021 Fifth Sunday ffA cxàxÜ 9 ctâÄ V{âÜv{ · 2021. 2. 4. · ffA cxàxÜ 9 ctâÄ...


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ffA cxàxÜ 9 ctâÄ V{âÜv{ 4450 Granite Drive - Rocklin, CA 95677

916-624-5827, Fax 916-624-5924 - www.rocklincatholic.org

February 7 2021 Fifth Sunday

In Ordinary Time


Saturday Vigil Mass Livestream Only

Not a Public Mass 5:00 PM

(Please Visit our Website for the Link to Livestream)

Sunday Mass 11:00 AM

Outdoors in Cars

Daily Mass: Monday, Wednesday & Friday—8:30 AM

Outdoors in Cars in Westside Parking Lot (Chapel side of Church)

ADORATION CHAPEL is currently closed

Church Is Open Monday - Sunday 9:00 AM—2:00 PM

Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30-4:15 PM

IN SOCIAL HALL or by appointment.

Sacrament of Baptism: Baptism Class: Contact Darcy Wharton for Information at ext. 211

Baptisms: 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month except during

the season of Lent.

Sacrament of Matrimony: We welcome inquiries from

engaged couples! Please call Ext. 201 for information

Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick: For anyone experiencing chronic illness or preparing for medical treatment, surgery,

or long-term care, please call Ext. 6 to arrange an appointment with a priest.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: For adult individuals interested in

becoming Catholic or for those over six years old who have not received Baptism,

please call Ext. 210.

YOUTH MINISTER 9TH-12TH GRADE & YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Nancy Von Thaden, ext. 203 nancy.vonthaden@rocklincatholic.org FAITH FORMATION Assistant Melissa Stutts, ext. 214 melissa.stutts@rocklincatholic.org MUSIC COORDINATOR John Gloudeman, ext. 204 john.gloudeman@rocklincatholic.org CUSTODIAL AND GROUND MAINTENANCE Todd Benjamin, ext. 6 todd.benjamin@rocklincatholic.org

COORDINATOR OF R.C.I.A. & LITURGY Michelle Pfister, ext. 210 michelle.pfister@rocklincatholic.org ADULT FAITH FORMATION Darcy Wharton, ext. 211 darcy.wharton@rocklincatholic.org FAITH FORMATION PRE-K—6TH GRADE, VBS Kris Dahlia, ext. 213 Kris.dahla@rocklincatholic.org FAITH FORMATION GRADE 7 & 8 Jen Gordon, ext. 212 jen.gordon@rocklincatholic.org

PAROCHIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Bony Arackal ext. 202 fr.bonyarakl@gmail.com PASTOR EMERITUS Rev. Michael Dillon DEACON David Haproff, ext. 6 david.haproff@rocklincatholic.org

OFFICE MANAGER Sarah Peterson, ext. 201 sarah.peterson@rocklincatholic.org

BOOKKEEPING Lawanda Tassinari, ext. 206 lawanda.tassinari@rocklincatholic.org

SS. Peter & Paul Mission Statement: The people of SS. Peter & Paul Parish are called to create and sustain a community of faith in

Jesus Christ. We celebrate the life of faith through the Eucharist. As we break bread together, we are inspired to care for others and are challenged to grow in faith through prayer, study,

and social interaction.

SS. Peter & Paul Vision Statement: All parishioners recognize the challenge of the Gospel and the Eucharist as evidenced by participating

in various ministries, inviting and welcoming others, caring for and serving those in need, and promoting peace and justice.

The Mass Readings for each day can now be found on our website (www.rocklincatholic.org), the USCCB website (www.usccb.org/bible/readings),

or on our parish app.

February 7, 2021 Fi h Sunday in Ordinary Time

Though we are not gathering as a full community during this difficult time, we are all united in Christ. Let us continue to offer our prayers for healing and protection. As you are aware, our parish is totally dependent on your contributions (offerings). If you are able, please continue your weekly offering by mailing in your contributions or by donating online. If you have never donated online before, please contact Lawanda at 916-624-5827, ext. 206 or lawanda.tassinari@rocklincatholic.org to get your envelope/ID number. You must have this information before you set up an online donation. Thank you for your generosity. It is more important than ever! God Bless, and be well!

Join us for Mass! We Continue Outdoor Mass at 11:00 AM-In your car!

We invite you to attend Mass in a unique way Sunday Mornings in the Parking Lot at 11:00AM.

After entering through either the Red Bud Drive or Granite Drive entrance, our ushers will guide you to park in a specific spot. This will allow everyone to see the outdoor altar. You will remain in your car during Mass and tune in to 107.9 on your car radio to hear the Mass through your car’s speakers. Communion will be ministered to you at your car at an appropriate time or if it rains, you will drive through the solar panels at the end of Mass as directed by our ushers!

You will also be instructed how and when to exit the parking lot after Mass.

This Mass will occur regardless of the weather---Rain or Shine! No RSVP is required to attend this Mass, but please arrive between 10:30-10:55 AM and for the safety of all, follow the instructions given by the outdoor ushers.

Please bring your own sanitizer in your cars and please sanitize your hands before receiving communion.

We will continue to offer our livestreamed Mass at 5:00 PM on Saturdays. For a link to our livestreamed Mass, please visit our parish website: www.rocklincatholic.org.

You are reminded that we are dispensed from the Holy Day of Obligation (including Sundays) to attend Mass during this pandemic. Please continue to pray for an end to this pandemic and for the safety of all!

Please join us for Daily Mass on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. You will remain in your car during Mass and tune to 107.9 on your car radio to hear the Mass through your car’s speakers. Mass will take place in the westside

parking lot (Chapel side) of the Church. Mass will begin at 8:30 AM and will take place rain or shine! No RSVP required. Please note that this Mass will not take place on Ash Wednesday Feb. 17th. Stay tuned for Ash Wednesday details!


Thinking about becoming Catholic….. Do you have an interest in becoming Catholic or were you baptized as a child but have not received the

Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation?

For information about the process, please call Michelle Pfister at 916-624-5827, ext. 210 or email michelle.pfister@rocklincatholic.org.

In light of the COVID-19 Pandemic 1. The Church will be open DAILY from 9:00 AM-2:00 PM. for

those who wish to have a quiet place for personal prayer.

2. The Chapel will be closed. 3. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be offered from 3:30-4:15 PM on Saturdays, in the Social Hall Please practice social distancing measures while waiting in line. 4. All Parish Offices will remain closed at this time and staff may be working remotely. We are here for you should you need anything. You may leave a message or email individual staff members if you have questions or specific needs. Please continue to pray for those affected by this Corona-virus outbreak. God Bless and be well!

Be there for others through the Annual Catholic Appeal. On the weekend of February 20, we will have the opportunity to walk with others as Jesus asks us to do. Together as Catholics, we extend our hand to those who need help. We assist them beyond dire circumstances and to begin again, refreshed and renewed. As our communities overcome the paralyzing effects

of the COVID-19 pandemic, let us accompany those in physical and emotional poverty. Each of our gifts, no matter the amount, really do make a difference in someone’s life. Please prayerfully consider what you can give this year.

WakeUp! - Men of SS Peter & Paul! Please join us for our virtual WakeUp! gathering at 6:30 am Saturday, Feb. 13th. Kurt Peterson will lead us in our discussion this month as we continue our exploration of the challenges of being men of faith, fathers, spouses and members of our community. Our goal is to meet via Zoom as a large group and then break out into smaller groups of four to seven to discuss the accompanying questions. Our plan is to open up the meeting at 6:30 am, begin the presentation at 7:00 am and conclude by 8:00 am. In order to facilitate our virtual WakeUp! meeting, we need to know who will be joining us. So what’s next? Simply let us know you are joining us by sending an email to Ken Broadway (dbroadways@sbcglobal.net), Greg Pfister (calpfist@gmail.com) or Mike Gordon (gordoncrew7@gmail.com). Details for joining the meeting will be sent on Friday, February 12th. See you at WakeUp!

ADULT FAITH FORMATION Darcy Wharton, Coordinator, ext. 211

YOUTH MINISTRY: Grades 9-12 & YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Nancy Von Thaden Coordinator, ext. 203

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time • February 7, 2021

Sunday Readings: Job 7:1-4, 6-7; 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 ;

Mark 1:29-39

About the Gospel: In Galilee, Jesus cured the sick and drove evil from the town. Everyone wanted to meet Jesus and see Him heal people. The Gospel also reminds us that Jesus took time to pray so He could carry out His healing ministry.

In Church: When the Prayer of the Faithful is read, listen carefully for the names of people who are sick and pray specifically for them.

Question of the Week: How do you feel when you see people who are sick or struggling?

Family Prayer: Jesus, help us to do your work of feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, and comforting others. Amen.

The Special Collection THIS Weekend, February 6/7 is for St. Vincent de Paul.

Please make your donation online on our website at www.rocklincatholic.org/st-vincent-depaul-donations. Thank you for your generosity!

Fr. Tom Bonacci series continues on Wednesday this week! Fr. Tom will continue his online series on Pope Francis’ latest encyclical, Fratelli Tutti and its biblical counterparts on Wednesday afternoons,1:00-2:30 PM via Zoom, Feb. 10, Feb. 24, and Mar. 3. We will NOT meet on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 17th. The suggested donation is $20 or $25 for the entire series.

Upon registration, you will be emailed the link and any accompanying handouts. Fr. Tom Bonacci, C.P. is a f ascinating and entertaining speaker. You will be enriched by his bibli-cal knowledge and down-to-earth presentation style. To register and pay, please visit www.rocklincatholic.org/bonacci.

Join us for Words of Wisdom every Wednesday evening at 7:30!Cathy and Nancy host a fruitful breaking open of the word in an effort to discover how God is speaking directly to each of us through the readings for the upcoming Sunday! It is a perfect way to prepare for the upcoming parking lot mass! All are welcome! Contact Nancy for the Zoom codes. Look for the link for our Easter See’s Candy Sale on line coming soon! Our next Mission Trip meeting will be February 9th at 7:30. Watch the Flocknote for more details. Feb. 7th is a Life Night via Zoom at 7:00 PM. Feb. 14th is a Life Night via Zoom at 7:00 PM Feb. 21st is a Small Faith Group Meeting weekend. Watch for details from your leaders! It has been a strange year so getting connected has been challenging. Please reach out with any questions or requests! Feb. 28th is a game night via Zoom at 7:00 PM Join our leadership group in attending LA Congress! Details are on the website. It is an awesome opportunity for a spiritual boost and to get a bigger view of the worldwide church. Registration is $35 and Darcy Wharton would like to know if you are attending so she can include you in some community building as is our custom! It has been a strange year so getting connect has been challenging. Please reach out with any reach out with any questions or requests! Nancy Von Thaden

Book Club Selection - Our parish book club has selected the book Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End Slavery by Eric Metaxas. This book, based on a true story, shares the little-known story of the lifelong struggle of a member of the British Parliament to abolish slavery. We invite you to purchase the book on your own and join us for our discussion (online if we cannot meet in

person) on Mar. 2nd at 6:00 PM. Contact darcy.wharton@rocklincatholic.org for more information.

Religious Education Congress – Feb. 18-21, 2021 Each year, our parish has been able to support sending 25-40 people to the Religious Education Congress in Anaheim.

Our past participants have been enthusiastically supporting the parish as a result! This year, we are not able to financially support this effort, but we encourage everyone to consider participating in this VIRTUAL EVENT. For just $35, you will experience Keynote presenters, dynamic workshops, entertainment, sacred space, and intercultural prayer experiences. To register, visit www.recongress.org.

We would like to know who is participating, so please email darcy.wharton@rocklincatholic.org after you register.

World Marriage Day, February 14th! With World Marriage Day and Saint Valentine’s Day coinciding this year, let us take time to pray for married couples and those preparing or marriage. May God bless our marriages and

families and may our Blessed Mother and good Saint Joseph help us to pattern our families after the Holy Family.

Young Adult Ministry – The Alpha Film Series for Adults is in session! The dates for February are the 13th at 7:00 PM and the 27th at 7:00 PM. If you would like to be added to the series roster or have any questions, contact Nancy Von Thaden at (916)624-5827 ext(203) 0r via text at (916)343-1168.

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Job 7:1-4, 6-7 The Book of Job is a long parable which grapples with why bad things happen to good people. This question was especially crucial to people of that time because they didn’t believe in life after death, and therefore one received reward or punishment in this life. Job has lost his children, his property and his health, and he lives at the city dump. In this passage, he gives an understandably pessimistic evaluation of life.

Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23 Paul’s enemies frequently criticized him for the least little thing. At a time when most teachers received compensation from those they instructed, Paul was criticized because he refused financial support from the community. Because of this, they discredited him as not being a legitimate apostle. Today we hear his response.


Throughout His ministry in Israel, Jesus tirelessly healed spiritual and physical infirmities. Knowing His goodness and desire to make us whole, let us bring our own brokenness before the Lord to ask for His healing and mercy. . . . .

Mark 1:29-39 We see in today’s gospel reading that the one to who Jesus is first accountable is not those He heals and not Simon or His companions. Jesus’s life is above all directed to God who is acting in Him and through Him, so early the next morning He seeks a place where He can be alone with God in prayer. Simon and some of his companions are described not as Jesus’s “followers,” but as those who “pursue” Jesus. There is a note of accusation and misunderstanding in Simon’s words: “Everyone is looking for you” (including us!). There is no appreciation of Jesus’s own need to search for His God in prayer. What Jesus has heard in His prayer is the call to proclaim the reigning presence of God in other towns, to move on from the enthusiastic reception of yesterday, because that is why He came. How often are we tempted to stay with the “yesterdays” of success and acclamation and hesitate to go forward to the largely unknown “tomorrows” to which God is calling us? And how important is prayer in our discernment of God’s call?

Prayer: Divine Presence, so many of us yearn and ache for your presence; everyone is looking for you. Grant to us the mindfulness not so much to seek you but to become more and more aware of your holy presence already here: above, below, around, and within. Amen.


Mon, Feb. 8 8:30 AM Julianne DiVirgilio

Tue, Feb 9 8:30 AM Dave Delucchi, Jr.

Wed, Feb 10 8:30 AM Jeannette Garibaldi

Fri, Feb 12 8:30 AM Delia Hansen

Sat, Feb 13 All Names Dr. Marietta Serna Sun, Feb 14 Prayed For S The Lovisa Family

At Both Robert LaChance

Weekend Masses S Community of

SS. Peter & Paul

Let's Live Lent! Please join in a unique way to learn, reflect, and act in this season of Lent through a new video series titled “Let’s Live Lent”. This series begins Feb. 11th with Ash Wednesday, available to view Feb. 11-17. Followed by Fasting, available Feb.15-17. Each Thursday thereafter, a new 3-5 minute video will be available. The themes of the videos are: Ash Wednesday – February 11-17 Fasting – February 15-17 Prayer – February 18-21 Almsgiving – February 25-28 “I am the Living Water” – March 3-7 “I am the Light” – March 11-14 “I am Eternal Life” – March 18-21 Triduum – March 25-28 As a faith community, we too, can accompany our RCIA awaiting full reception into the Catholic church as they (and we) embrace these important Gospel experiences and elements that will Let us Live Lent!

Lenten Reflection Guide: This year we have selected a downloadable Lenten reflection guide: Words for the Weary - Embracing the Lenten Season after a Challenging Pandemic Year, by Ann Naffziger. Ann Naffziger draws from her experience as a mother, wife, and spiritual director in these honest reflections on a year of pandemic

challenges and how they can guide us in our discipleship journey. She guides us in embracing the difficulties, frustrations, and sorrows of this time, but also the graces that continue to break through. To download your copy, go to http://products.pastoral.center/pc/pc109e/1/download-tn3l/index.html This link will also be available on our website and as part of the Saturday Flocknote.

Ash Wednesday, February 17, 2021 Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. With a simple cross on the forehead, we are recognizing that we are far from perfect, but that God loves and redeems us—not despite our brokenness, but in the midst of it. Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence, but not a holy day of obligation. Ash Distribution Ashes will be pre-packaged in a mini zip-top bag. They will include a label providing instructions on what/how to minister ashes. Ashes can be picked up through one of the following ways: 1. Sunday, Feb. 14th at the 11:00 AM outdoor Mass, 2. Monday, Feb. 15th – Wednesday, Feb.17th from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM in the vestibule, or 3. Wednesday, Feb. 17th at the 11:00 AM outdoor Mass Ash Wednesday Mass Opportunities 9:00 AM live-streamed Prayer Service 12:00 NOON outdoor Mass – if you received a packet of ashes earlier in the week, please bring them to the outdoor Mass to use at the appropriate time.

Where do the Ash Wednesday ashes come from? Normally, the ashes used on Ash Wednes-day are made from the burning of palms blessed in the previous year's Palm Sunday celebration. Although the SSPP Palm Sunday celebration was virtual last year,

palms were purchased. It is those palms that will be burned in a special video presentation as part of the Let’s Live Lent series.

This Year Will Be Different… In place of reflection booklets, an online link

will be provided Stations of the Cross on hold until next year Communal Reconciliation Service on hold until next year New Lenten video series will be offered RCIA ceremonies will be held at outdoor Masses

More information to come!

. ..allow the disruption to some familiar practices infuse grace in a whole new way as we make this Lenten journey together.

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