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Ενημέρωση και ευαισθητοποίηση μαθητών/τριών γενικών τάξεων

σχετικά με τα ΑμεΑ

How can a teacher inform and sensitize his/her students about


2014 - 2015

4th month: Deafness

February was dedicated to deafness. We talked about sign language, the finger alphabet and about chirality.

We learned to make our names in the finger alphabet and basic meanings of family, school, sports and animals

We had the opportunity to see video in different sign languages. Characteristic is the video that sent to us by our friends from Turkey.

We created many video, which were used by other schools in order to teach other children sign language. We therefore became somehow teachers for children of our age

We worked on the computer in a program where we normally paws the keys, but in the display came chirality. With this program we made cards and sent them to schools with which we work

Also, we made two video conferencing via Skype with elementary school of Sgouros, Rhodes and primary school of Nea Triglia, Halkidiki, where in the course of physical education we did a mime game and meanings about sports. We had a great time!!!

This month we had a great communication with the primary school of Turkey

The Greek students made signs in the greek sign language and the Turkish students made signs in turkish sign language

We had a great time and we learnt so many things!!!

We watched a fairytale translated in sign language

We received cards written in finger alphabet
