February 28, 2013 Reading Foundations. Joke of the Day What is a seven letter word that has hundreds...


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February 28, 2013

Reading Foundations

Joke of the Day

What is a seven letter word that has hundreds of letters in it?

Joke of the Day


Joke of the Day

Double meaning here:

1. Letter – as in letter of the alphabet

2. Letter – as in a note you write a friend


• Review Practice Exam• Discuss Morals and Folktales• Fiction: Mysteries• Discussion of Vocabulary

Get out your Homework!

Let’s review what you completed.


• A folktale is a story that teaches you something.

• You read a folktale for homework.

• The teaching is called a moral.


Many times folktales have a moral.

A moral means a kind of teaching. The story teaches us something important about life.

Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood

A young girl was walking to her grandmother’s house. Before she left, her mother said, “Don’t stop and talk to strangers.” On her way, a wolf stopped her. “Where are you going?” he asked. “To my grandmother’s house,” she replied. The wolf hurried to the grandmother’s house and ate the grandmother. When the young girl got to the house, the wolf ate her too.

What’s the moral to the story?

Little Red Riding Hood

Don’t talk to strangers.

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

A boy had a job. He had to watch the sheep. He thought he would play a joke on the neighbors. One day he yelled, “Wolf! Wolf!” The neighbors came running out to help him. The boy laughed. “Fooled you!” He did this several times. Then one day, the wolf did come. The boy yelled, “Wolf! Wolf!” But no one came to help him. The wolf ate all the sheep and the boy.

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Don’t lie. No one will believe you when you tell the truth.

The Three Little Pigs

The Three Little Pigs

Three pigs moved out of their parents house and built their own houses. The first pig finished first. He made his house out of straw. The wolf blew it down and ate him. The second pig finished second. He made his house out of sticks. The wolf blew it down and ate him. The third pig took his time. He made his house out of bricks. The wolf tried to blow it down but couldn’t.

The Three Little Pigs

Take your time to do something correctly.

The Tale of Seven Ravens

1. __ The man and the woman had seven children.

2. __ The man sent his seven sons out to get water from the well.

3. __ The boys were sent to the forest as punishment for liking ravens.

4. __ The boys didn’t return home because they were out playing.

FAdd the girl. That makes eight.


FHe sent them to get water for their sister.


The father thought that. But they boys didn’t come home because they lost the jug fell into the well.

The Tale of Seven Ravens

5. ___ A raven took the sons to his home.

6. ___ The girl cut off her finger to get into her brothers’ home.

7. ___ The girl places a ring in the seventh cup because she wanted her brothers to know she was in their home.

FWe don’t know how they found their new home.



She ACCIDENTALLY dropped the ring.

The Tale of Seven Ravens

8. ___ The raven didn’t know the ring was his parents’.

9. ___ The girl freed her brothers from the spell.

10. ___ This story is fiction.


He RECOGNIZED the ring.



The Tale of Seven Ravens

1. What is this story about?a. A father who leaves his children.b. A bad witch who lives in a forest.c. A sister who saves her brothers.d. Magical birds who help children.

The Tale of Seven Ravens

2. In the third paragraph, the father says, “They are probably playing a game and have forgotten about the water. I wish they were all TURNED into ravens.” What does TURNED mean?

a. changed tob. interested inc. circled aroundd. returned to

The Tale of Seven Ravens

3. Why does the girl cut off her finger?a. So she can remove the ring from her

finger.b. Because her finger is stuck in the door

hole.c. Because a bad witch makes her do it.d. So she can use it to enter the ravens’


The Tale of Seven Ravens

4. How do the ravens become human again?a. The sister kisses them.b. They eat a magical ring.c. One raven makes a wish.d. They drink from a special cup.

The Tale of Seven Ravens

5. What is the moral of the story?a. Your parents always know best.b. A wish can change your life.c. Don’t talk to strange people.d. Work hard and you will be happy.

The Tale of Seven Ravens

6. If something happens ACCIDENTALLY, it happens

a. by chanceb. because you planned it

The Tale of Seven Ravens

7. If you HIDE something, you ____ people to see it.

a. wantb. don’t want

The Tale of Seven Ravens

8. If something happens SUDDENLY, it happens a. slowlyb. quickly

The Tale of Seven Ravens

9. You RECOGNIZE a person or thing you ____.

a. knowb. don’t know

The Tale of Seven Ravens

10. If something SHOCKS you, it surprises you in a _____ way.

a. badb. good

The Tale of Seven Ravens

Order the events 1-6. (Sequencing)

A. ___ One raven finds the ring and wishes he could see his sister.B. ___ The ravens change back into humans and return home

with their sister.C. ___ The girl finds the house of the seven ravens.D. ___ The father makes an angry wish. His sons change to birds.E. ___ The girl drops her ring into one of the raven’s cups.F. ___ The girl learns she has brothers and she searches for









• Fiction is a story that is not true.• Fiction can be able animals or people. • Fiction has many different styles.– Folklore– Folktales– Mysteries

Solve the Mystery

Bonnie and Clyde were found dead. There was water and broken glass all around them. The window was not broken. The door was still locked. The cat was in the house when it happened.

How did Bonnie and Clyde die?

Solve the Mystery

• Bonnie and Clyde are fish. The cat knocked over the fish bowl. The broken glass was the fish bowl. The water was inside the fish bowl.


• Have a problem that needs to be solved.• You need to use clues and guess who did it

from the clues.• When you use information from a reading to

make a guess, it is called a conclusion.• You infer what it means. You make a guess. It

was never told you directly, but you have clues to make yourself believe it.

A Mystery

“The Case of the Stolen Painting”

At the end of this reading, you have to make an inference.

You have to guess who did it.

There are clues in the story to tell you who did it.

Need 8 readers

• Officer Underhill• Mr. Nix• Mr. Potts• Mrs. Johnson• 4 narrators

The Case of the Stolen Painting

“Could you tell me what happened?” asked Officer Underhill.

It was just 7:45 in the morning, and Officer Underhill was already at the Norwood City Art Museum. The director of the museum, Adam, Nix, was explaining the theft of one of the museum’s most valuable paintings to Officer Underhill.

The Case of the Stolen Painting“Well, I got here around 7:15 and found the back door open. It was

strange because I am always the first person here, and I’m the one who usually opens all the doors here in the morning.”

“Was the lock on the door broken?” asked Officer Underhill. A few other officers were walking around now, looking for any clues that might help them to catch the thief.

“No,” replied Mr. Nix, “it wasn’t. The door was open and I walked in and looked around. That’s when I saw it.”

“Saw what?” Officer Underhill asked Mr. Nix. “What did you see?”“A painting was missing from the east wall in the modern art room.

Roses by the Window was our most valuable painting. It cost us more than half a million dollars!”

Officer Underhill continued with his questions. “What about the alarm? Didn’t the alarm go off?”

The Case of the Stolen Painting

“No, it didn’t,” said Mr. Nix. “I don’t know why it didn’t go off.”

“Mr. Nix, who has keys to the museum?”“Well, of course I had a set of keys. Then Mr. Potts and

Mrs. Jacksons have a set.”“Who are they?” asked the officer.“Mr. Potts in my assistant, and Mrs. Jackson is our head

secretary.” Mr. Nix continued, “They’ve both worked here for as long as I can remember.”

Just then Mr. Potts walked into the museum. It was 7:55.

The Case of the Stolen Painting“Mr. Nix, what happened?” asked the newcomer. “I’m afraid we’ve have a robbery during the night. On of the-“Just then the officer interrupted. “Good morning, sir. My name is Officer

Underhill and I’m here to investigate the theft of the painting. What can you tell me about it?”

“Well, I don’t know much about that painting. It’s new to the museum,” said Mr. Potts.

“That’s right,” added Mr. Nix. “We just got Rose by the Window about three weeks ago.”

Officer Underhill spoke again. “What do you know about this painting?”“Well, as Mr. Nix said, we go it about three weeks ago. And I know that it was

such an expensive painting, but they decided to buy it anyway.”“Mr. Potts, where were you last night?” asked the police officer.“Well, I was home all night,” answered the man.“Was anyone with you?” continued Officer Underhill.

The Case of the Stolen Painting

Mr. Potts thought for a minute. “No,” he began. “I’m single, and I was alone last night.”

Just then a woman came into the museum. “Oh, Mr. Nix, I’m sorry to be late again, but –“ Just then she saw the policeman and her voice stopped. With a very surprised look on her face, she continued talking. “What is going on here?”

The Case of the Stolen Painting

Mr. Nix began explaining. “There was a robbery last night or early this morning. Someone took our Roses by the Window.” There was an empty look on the woman’s face. And this is Officer Underhill,” said Mr. Nix as he turned towards the officer. “He’s investigating the case.”

“Good morning,” said Officer Underhill. “You must be Mrs. Jackson. I’m Officer Underhill and I’m in charge of this case.”

“Yes, I see,” she said, still in shock over the theft of the painting.“Mr. Nix told me that you have a set of keys to the museum. Do

you still your keys?” asked the officer.“Yes, I do,” she said rather quietly. “They’re right here in my

purse,” she said as she put her left hand in her purse. She pulled out a set of keys and said, “Yes, here they are.”

The Case of the Stolen Painting

Turning to Mr. Potts, the officer said, “What about you, Mr. Potts? Do you still have a set of keys to the museum?”

“Sure, I have always had a set of keys to this museum,” answered Mr. Potts.

The two police officers who had been looking around the modern art room walked into the room where the four people were standing. One of them turned towards the Officer and said, “We’re finished, sir. We’re ready to go back to the office to think about this crime.”

“OK, everyone, I’m going back to my office now. Just as soon as I know something I’ll call you,” said Officer Underhill.

The Case of the Stolen Painting

“Well, thank you very much for coming out so quickly. We’ll clean up the area around where the missing painting was. We have to hurry because we open at 9 a.m. That only gives us about 25 more minutes,” announced Mr. Nix.

Later that afternoon, Officer Underhill called up Mr. Nix. “Mr. Nix, this is Officer Underhill. We believe that we know who stole the painting. The name of the thief is….

The Case of the Stolen Painting

• What name did Office Underhill say to Mr. Nix?

• Why does he think this person is the thief?

Mr. Potts

Mr. Potts should not have know which painting was stolen. Officer Underhill interrupted Mr. Nix off as he was explaining what painting was stolen.


“Well, I don’t know much about that painting. It is new to the museum,” said Mr. Potts.

THAT refers to what word?

Beginning Reading Practices

Keith Folse

Lesson 5 pg 81

Markers: this, that, these, those

1. With a nounMany people live in my building. These people work at the bank and the store.

2. With a different nounThe president has proposed a new plan. This idea will help the country.

3. By itselfShe visited Miami in 1991. That was her favorite place to visit.


Far away.Who’s book is that? (singular)Who’s book are those? (plural)

Close by.Who’s book is this? (singular)Who’s books are these? (plural)

Beginning Reading Practices

Keith Folse

Lesson 5

Pg 81-82

Lesson 5 pg 81

1. South Dakota is in the northern part of the United States. The capital of ( this / these ) state is Pierre, but ( this / these) city is not the largest city.

2. Thousands of people visit South Dakota every year. ( This / These ) people come to see Mount Rushmore National Memorial in the southwestern part of ( this / these ) state.

Lesson 5 pg 81

1. South Dakota is in the northern part of the United States. The capital of ( this / these ) state is Pierre, but ( this / these) city is not the largest city.

2. Thousands of people visit South Dakota every year. ( This / These ) people come to see Mount Rushmore National Memorial in the southwestern part of ( this / these ) state.

Lesson 5 pg 81

1. South Dakota is in the northern part of the United States. The capital of ( this / these ) state is Pierre, but ( this / these) city is not the largest city.

2. Thousands of people visit South Dakota every year. ( This / These ) people come to see Mount Rushmore National Memorial in the southwestern part of ( this / these ) state.

Lesson 5 pg 82

3. In 1876, the Homestake Gold Mine was open. ( This / These ) is the oldest continuous gold mine in the word. Millions of tons of ( this / these ) valuable metal have come out of this mine.

Lesson 5 pg 82

3. In 1876, the Homestake Gold Mine was open. ( This / These ) is the oldest continuous gold mine in the word. Millions of tons of ( this / these ) valuable metal have come out of this mine.

Lesson 5 pg 82

4. The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of the United States. It is located in New York. More than two million tourists visit ( this / these ) famous site every year.

5. Where do ( this / these ) people come from? They come from countries all over the world.

6. Do you know the story of how, when, and why ( this / these ) famous attractions came to the United States? ( This / these ) is really an amazing story. The answers to ( this / these ) questions are very interesting.

Lesson 5 pg 82

4. The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of the United States. It is located in New York. More than two million tourists visit ( this / these ) famous site every year.

5. Where do ( this / these ) people come from? They come from countries all over the world.

6. Do you know the story of how, when, and why ( this / these ) famous attractions came to the United States? ( This / these ) is really an amazing story. The answers to ( this / these ) questions are very interesting.

Lesson 5 pg 82

4. The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of the United States. It is located in New York. More than two million tourists visit ( this / these ) famous site every year.

5. Where do ( this / these ) people come from? They come from countries all over the world.

6. Do you know the story of how, when, and why ( this / these ) famous attractions came to the United States? ( This / these ) is really an amazing story. The answers to ( this / these ) questions are very interesting.

Lesson 5 pg 82

4. The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of the United States. It is located in New York. More than two million tourists visit ( this / these ) famous site every year.

5. Where do ( this / these ) people come from? They come from countries all over the world.

6. Do you know the story of how, when, and why ( this / these ) famous attractions came to the United States? ( This / these ) is really an amazing story. The answers to ( this / these ) questions are very interesting.


Place our 15 class words under the correct part of speech.

10 nouns 4 verbs 1 adjective

Words in Sentences1. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald.2. There’s a lot of action in sports.3. We watched four consecutive games on Monday. By the end, I never wanted to see

another baseball game!4. The disease could not be cured.5. She donates money to the church each Sunday.6. Put the information in the file so we don’t lose it.7. I liked the character in the book.8. The network was down, so we couldn’t use the internet.9. A famous inventor was Alexander Graham Bell. He created the telephone.10. The mystery was too tough to solve.11. His greatest achievement was running the 5K in 30 minutes.12. The publisher of that book is Longman.13. They never participate in class. Everyone is too tired.14. The project was difficult and took a long time. 15. There are many styles of writing.
















In groups, complete Task 2

1. A synonym for the word “book”2. An opposite for “absent”3. The definition of the verb “project”4. A word that means “famous”5. Another definition for “network”

Complete Task 3

• This is how your quiz will look next week.


• Read “Sherlock Holmes” and answer the questions.

• Complete the take home part of the quiz

• Book Report #2 is due next week. Let’s move it back to 3/14.

• Study for quiz.