February 2017 Vol. 87, No. 6 - Beth Shalom KC · 2/8/2019  · ish education by supporting...


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www.bethshalomkc.org | 913-647-7279 February 2017

Vol. 87, No. 6

February 2017 Shevat - Adar I


The KCUSY Purim Carnival will be held on Sunday, March 5, from 11:30 am - 2:00 pm. KCUSY is bringing The 50s back, and they’re better than ever! Ladies, put on your poodle skirts and men, grease that hair back be-cause the theme will be “Welcome to the 50s.” This year the carnival will be chaired by Syl-via Shapiro, Social Action/Tikkun Olam Vice President, co-chairs, Sara Saidel and Jacob Bell, as well as all of KCUSY and Kadima. This event will have many fun activities, such as booths, games, food, prizes and the Kadima Raffle.

This carnival is KCUSY’s largest fundraiser. Part of our programming budget is raised at the carnival. Over 100 students and adults will participate in making this carnival happen. The money raised will also be used to help the Inter-national USY Tikun Olam Project and to help others have the amazing experience of going to USY regional events. For more information or to help out at this year’s carnival, please contact Stefanie Williams at swilliams@bethshalomkc.org or 913-647-7292.

Erev Purim - Saturday, March 11 Watch this space in the March Scroll for the greatannouncing of the late night Saturday Purim Extravaganza

Purim Day - Sunday, March 128:00 am Shacharit Service9:00 am Full Megillah Reading10:15 am Purim Brunch10:45 am Purim Shpiel for all ages & mini Megillah reading

Purim Schedule 2017

www.bethshalomkc.org | 913-647-72792 February 2017

Fro m t h e R a bb i ’s S t u d y In case you didn’t al-ready know, St. Valentine’s Day is NOT a Jewish holi-day despite near ubiquitous celebration amongst Jewish American couples.

Valentine’s Day has its roots in the legend of a Christian saint from 3rd Century Rome who performed wed-dings to soldiers forbidden from get-ting married. As a holiday, it becomes known in the time of Chaucer and really began taking off in the 1700’s. Today in America there are upwards of 1 billion Valentine’s Day cards sent if you count the ones by school children. The Valentine’s Day conception of love and the Jewish conception of love have a lot to learn from one another. Valentine’s Day involves showering one’s lover with flowers, chocolates, fancy dinners, and intentionally ro-mantic activities. It is largely a private celebration between the couple. In Judaism on the other hand, love has very little to do with romance per se. Expressions of love are about devo-tion. We are instructed in the Torah to love the stranger, love God, and love our neighbor like ourselves. We under-

Rabbi David M. Glickmandglickman@bethshalomkc.org

stand this to mean providing physical sustenance for the stranger, not doing something hateful to our neighbor and showing devotion to God through our living and our resources. The Jewish approach toward love in marriage is about the responsibility that a couple has toward one another. Also, our faith has a religious view that is unembarrassed about physical plea-sure and sexuality within marriage. In the Hebrew Bible we see couples that raise children, “play” with one another, argue with each other, stray from each other and devote themselves to each other. And, though our system of religious divorce is imperfect, it does permit divorce - and has a very realistic understanding that not all relationships last. It is ok to start over and grow with someone new. What we don’t witness in Jewish traditional texts is the modern idea of romance - no moonlit dinners, gestures of gift-giving or spontaneous acts of love that simply tell the spouse that he or she matters to them. In commercials and romance stories we see precious little of the mundane. Except in comedies of error,

What Valentine’s Day can Learn from Judaism – and What Judaism can Learn from Valentine’s Daywe rarely see movies where the roman-tic leads begin needing to worry about child-rearing, work related stress or small family joys. Our children and grandchildren don’t have many venues to learn about healthy romantic relationships. I think that a healthy model is a synthesis of Judaism and Valentine’s Day. In the world of our ancestors, people had very hard lives: they died young, often died in childbirth and many of their waking hours were spent work-ing. They had little time or space for romance. In our world, young couples often become bored or disenchanted because of the disconnect between how our culture portrays romance and real life. As our general culture celebrates Valentine’s day this month - take some time to think about all loving relation-ships in your own lives: the romantic, the familial and the friendship. How are these loving relationships precious? How are they holy? How can they be appreciated and invested in?

Parashat Hashavua



Parashat Hashavua is an ongoing, monthly program taking place every third Shabbat of the month at 9:00 am in the Conference Room. The goal of this program is to engage its participants in a stimulating discussion of the weekly Torah portion in a welcom-ing atmosphere, where the difference of opinions is respected, and questions are

encouraged. The participants enjoy the deep level of discussion and Kabbalistic

insights into the text. The next ses-sion will take place on February 18 when Parashat Yitro will be discussed. Everyone is welcome. For more information, contact

Svetlana Sorkin at 913-393-1715 or saraliorasedu@hotmail.com.

Talmud Jam South will meet on Wednesday, February 1 at noon at Black and Veatch. Downtown Talmud Jam will meet on Wednesday, February 15 at noon at Lathrop and Gage. For more information or to RSVP, contact Trinity at 913-647-7281 or trinity@bethshalomkc.org.

February Talmud Jams

www.bethshalomkc.org | 913-647-7279 3February 2017

Execut i ve l y Speak ingVolunteers are Special

to volunteer. Our congregational execu-tive board needs volunteers. People are needed to both chair and work on congregational committees and events. Volunteers are needed at both PRS and RFECEC. People are needed to vol-unteer for Boy Scout Troop 61, USY, Mens Club and Sisterhood. Both our congregation, and in many areas our auxiliary organizations operate with volunteers. What does being a volunteer do for you? First of all, being a volunteer means performing a mitzvah. There is a sense of satisfaction in helping oth-

ers. Working on a project, chairing a committee or taking an office in one of our auxiliary organizations gives you a feeling of ownership in a part of our congregation. Volunteering is a way to reach out to our community, meet new people and form new friendships. Vol-unteering also sets a positive example for our children, grandchildren and friends. Next time you are contacted to take a volunteer position, think very carefully. Volunteer before being asked when you see a need. Not only are you helping CBS, but also you are growing, learning and making new friends.

Torah Readers Wanted

Norman Kahn is in charge of scheduling Torah readers. Are you able to read Torah and would like to do so, but you haven't let him know of your interest? Would you like your son or daughter to con-tinue to read after their Bar or Bat Mitzvah? Now is a great time to make sure Norm is aware of your willingness to read Torah on a

Shabbat, as he will soon be scheduling for the second quarter of 2017 (April, May, June). He wants to make sure that everyone who wants to read gets to do so. It's a great mitzvah and a very re-warding experience. We are fortunate to have so many Torah readers - we'd like to include you! Let Norm know at nkahnmd@gmail.com.

CBS Board Nominations

Beth Shalom’s nominating committee will soon meet to select a slate of officers for 2017-2018; eight board members to serve three year terms, 2017-2020, and to fill any board vacancies that may exist. In accordance with the Beth Shalom Bylaws, the Nominat-ing Committee is being chaired by Immediate Past President, Dr. Norman Kahn, Jr. Recommendations for officer and board positions may be sent to him via email at nkahnmd@gmail.com or c/o Beth Shalom,14200 Lamar, Overland Park, KS 66223. The deadline for recommendations is February 28. The election will be held at the congregation’s annual meeting and installation.

Bev NewmanScroll Editor

What is a volunteer? Dictionary.com defines a

volunteer: 1. "a person who voluntarily offers

himself or herself for a service or undertaking” and 2. "a person who performs a service willingly and without

pay”. Why should one volunteer? What does one gain from being a volunteer? Where does one go to volunteer? CBS has numerous opportunities

www.bethshalomkc.org | 913-647-72794 February 2017

Berenice Haberman, President | shpres@bethshalomkc.org |S i s t e r h o o dTorah Fund Campaign

The annual Torah Fund Campaign is an integral part of Beth Shalom Sisterhood. We help Women’s League for Conservative Juda-ism support The Jewish Theological Seminary

(New York), The Ziegler School of Rabbinical Studies (Los Angeles), The Schechter Institute of Jewish Stud-ies (Jerusalem), Seminario Rabinico Latino Americano (Buenos Aires) and the newest school, Zacharias Frankel College (Potsdam). From these five

schools come the Rabbis, Cantors and Jewish Educators that are the current and future leaders of Conservative Judaism. Torah Fund strengthens Jew-ish education by supporting schol-arships and programming at these Conservative/Masorti institutes of higher Jewish learning. Our current special project, “She Plants a Seed for the Future,” 2015-2017, is a two-year targeted campaign to support the refurbishment of the Women’s League Seminary Synagogue at JTS, and the Year in Israel Program at The Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies.

We hope you will consider sup-porting Torah Fund. We look forward to a successful campaign this year with the help of special individuals like you. Consider a contribution at the Benefactor level: Chayei Olam ($180), Guardian ($300), Associate Patron ($600) or Patron ($1200) levels include the unique Torah Fund pin/pendant designed by Eytan Brandes for 5777. Any donation is appreciated and those $18 or higher and received prior to mid March gets a mention in our program at our annual luncheon, which this year is Friday, April 14.

Warm Up America! Even if you do not knit or crochet, YOU can be a part of Sisterhood's amazing and worthwhile Warm Up America Project by becoming a WUA "Underwriter". Our group is so pro-lific that we keep running out of yarn! To support this project as an "Under-writer" please donate cash or write a check to Beth Shalom Sisterhood (putting WUA on the memo line) and send it to Carol Yarmo, 6212 W 147

The Mitzvah Garden KC will hold its 17th Annual Tu B’Shevat Seder at Village Shalom on Monday, Febru-ary 13, at 6:30 pm. Sponsors of the

Tu B’Shevat Seder at Village Shalom

Book Club Meets on February 8

Street OP, KS 66223. A donation of $5.00 covers the cost of two to three rectangles for a 36 rectangle afghan. Sisterhood's WUA Project has donated 190 handmade, beautiful and unique afghans to numerous organiza-tions who distribute them to people in need. Sisterhood pays for a portion of the yarn, and we have about 20 people who donate their time to knit or cro-chet the 7" X 9" rectangles which are

sewn together. "So many people have told me that they would love to be a part of this wonderful project, but they don't knit or crochet" (or don't want to learn or relearn)", says project chair-man Carol Yarmo.We need you! Please consider being a part of this "do good" and "feel good" project. Contact Carol at 913-642-1199 or at carolyarmo@kc.rr.com.

Sisterhood Book Club will meet on February 8 at 1:30 pm. (In case of inclement weather, February 15 is the backup date.) The location is the JCC in Conference Room B on the top floor across from the elevator.

The book to be discussed is The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. For more information contact Linda Lessner at 913-897-0122 or llessner@kc.rr.com.

seder include Village Shalom, Mitzvah Garden volunteers, Shireinu, Con-gregation B’nai Jehudah’s “Kesher” program and Beth Shalom Sisterhood.

Arlene Shalinsky is the liaison from Sisterhood. Everyone is invited to this not to be missed event which includes tastings of spring fruit.

www.bethshalomkc.org | 913-647-7279 5February 2017

Rose Family Early Childhood Education CenterJudy Jacks Berman, Director | jjb@bethshalomkc.org | 913-647-7287

Reading Suggestions from Miss Judy

A Special Tribute to a Special Lady

There are many ways to honor the memory of our loved ones who have passed away or to honor a special person on a special day. One of those ways is to place a lasting tribute on our Rose Family Early Childhood Education Center Building Blocks of Learning Wall. The memory of Judy Weinberg, who was for a number of years a part of our Early Childhood staff, will live forever on this Wall.

When winter weather is so cold, it is time to snuggle up with your children and enjoy good books and great games. Following is a list of favorite books of our students at the RFECEC. In the 3 ½-4 year old class: Pete the Cat and all books by Eric Carle, Frank Asch and the Llama, Llama Stories. In the 3-3 ½ year old class: A Fish Out of Water by Helen Palmer, Ten Apples Up on Top, The Best Nest, Robert the Rose Horse and Go Away Big Green Monster. In the Pre K Class: Hop on Pop, Cat in the Hat, Pinkalicious, Little Mermaid, Shimmer and Shine, What Do You Do With a Problem, My Brother Charlie and ONE (this book is fabulous to use to talk to your kids about bullies).

Miss Judy’s favorites include: What Makes A Baby (My favorite book when little kids ask where babies come from). This book is wonderful to use to explain where babies come from without getting into the

sexuality piece that kids are not developmentally ready to hear or comprehend. It is also a fabulous book for babies who do not come from the “traditional mother father path”. This book is great for same sex parents, surrogate pregnancies, and adoption.

Lifetimes, The Beautiful Way to Explain Death to Children, Where Do People Go When They Die and The Goodbye Book are great books for preschool to first grade kids about death and dying.

Playing games is a great activity for kids. They have your undivided attention, learn great skills, learn how to wait their turn, negotiate rules and not always win. Many games also reinforce cognitive skills and help children learn how to strategize and problem solve. Enjoy February with your kids and grandchildren!

Shown at the dedication of her plaque are her children: Mark Weinberg, Matt Weinberg, Lauren Weinberg and Shana Enns, Christine Lamas Weinberg and husband Steve Weinberg; grand-children are Aviva, Henry, Milo and Noah. If you would like to honor or memorialize a special person on the RFECEC Building Blocks of Learning Wall or any other area of CBS, please contact Bernie Fried at 913-647-7293 or bfried@bethshalomkc.org.

www.bethshalomkc.org | 913-647-72796 February 2017

Polsky Religious School will showcase its nationally recognized religious school program at its annual kindergarten round-up on Sunday,

February 26. Families with prospective kindergarten students should meet in the foyer outside Goldsmith Hall at 10:30 am. Prospective kindergarten students will join our current kindergarten class for fun activities and a snack. Parents will meet with Hazzan Tahl Ben-Yehuda,

Director of Congregational Learning, and visit the kindergarten class.We need your help to spread the word about our outstanding school to

others! If you know of a family with a kindergarten-age child next fall who has not received an invita-tion from the school, or if you know of a family that does not belong to CBS who would like to see the program, please contact Jill Goldstein at 913-647-7286 or jgoldstein@bethshalomkc.org.

Stefanie Williams, Director | swilliams@bethshalomkc.org | 913-647-7292Youth & Informal Education

USY’s Kadima Kinnus is Coming Soon EMTZA Region USY’s Kadima Kinnus, for seventh and eighth graders, will be held in Ogden, Iowa at the Sunstream Retreat, on February 24 - 26. The theme of Kadima Kinnus is: "The Suite Life of Bert and Ernie". The theme is based on the popular television shows: "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" and "The Suite Life on Deck". This is an opportunity to make lasting friendships with Jewish teens from all over the Midwest. There will be bonding activities for learning how to build your own

communities. Our own EMTZA USYer, Abby Flekier, is in charge of the convention. Registra-tion closes on February 13. Seventh and eighth graders have received a Constant Contact invitation. For more informa-tion, contact Stef Williams at swilliams@bethshalomkc.org.

Polsky Religious SchoolHazzan Tahl Ben-Yehuda, Director of Congregational Learning | hazzantby@bethshalomkc.org

Feb 5: 6th grade B’nei Mitzvah workshop on Tallit and TefillinFeb 8: 3rd – 7th grade Tu B’Shevat celebration at the end of Hebrew SchoolFeb 12: Consecration Parents' Meeting at 12:20 pm (with student pictures at 1:15 pm)Feb 24: Baccalaureate dinnerFeb 26: Kindergarten roundupMarch 12: Purim day Megillah readings, Shpiel

Mark Your Calendars:

2016 Winter Shabbaton Pictures

www.bethshalomkc.org | 913-647-7279 7February 2017

Mazal Tov to... Issac and Elizabeth Chopp upon the birth of their son, Leo Joseph. Leo's sister is Stella. Maternal grandpar-ents are Larry and Roberta Rosen.

Jeffrey and Farrah Udell upon the birth of their son, Caleb Shai Udell. Caleb's brother is Isaac Udell.

Victor Wishna upon the production of his play, Shearwater, at the Living Room Theatre.

Celebrating life CyCle events Ecclesiastes 3:1

February Anniversaries will be celebrated on February 18.To sponsor a Kiddush contact Jill, 913-647-7286.

4 Larry & Ronna Nussbaum 445 Lawrence & Sandra Jabenis 517 Lloyd & Lucinda Lazarus 477 Jerry & Barbara Cosner 579 Joel & Hildy Goldman 3713 Jeffry & Karen Gerson 1813 Warren & Beth Bayzman 2314 Joshua & Amelia Goldberg 814 Jay & Sandra Rozen 5215 Alan & Tracy Shafton 1416 Scott & Shira Zigler 1426 William & Lynn Intrater 3327 Marcia Karbank & Joseph Smuckler 18

Day Years

Bar Mitzvah

Samuel Morris WassermanMarch 4 / 6 Adar

Samuel's mother is Elizabeth Ellis. Grandparents are Cynthia Ellis and Carl Puritz and the late Dr. David Ellis. Samuel's siblings are Rose and David Wasserman. Samuel attends the Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy. His hobbies include

art, soduko, theatre and soccer. Samuel's mitzvahproject is working with Happy Bottoms. Relatives and friends are invited to worship with the family and attend the Kiddush Luncheon following services.

Please note that shacharit at Beth Shalom on Sunday, February 26 will begin at 7:45 am to accom-modate the slightly longer Rosh Chodesh service and also to celebrate the Bar Mitzvah of our friend and new congregant visiting from Israel, Uri Re’em and his family. Please join Uri and his family to celebrate his becoming a Bar Mitzvah.

Uri Re'emRosh ChodeshFebruary 26 / 30 Shevat

Sisterhood offers “Book of Remembrance” tribute cards to recognize important life events or someone’s memory, and help support Sisterhood at the same time. The cards are available for sale in the Gift Shop or from Maxine Grossman at 913-338-2912 or maxmema@aol.com for $5 each or six for $25.

Sisterhood Offers “Book of Remembrance” Cards

www.bethshalomkc.org | 913-647-72798 February 2017

Praised is the True JudgeB a r u c h D a y a n H a E m e t

Yahrtzeits Join us for morning or evening minyan to say Kaddish for your loved one. See service schedule, page 11.

Of Blessed MemoryWe express condolences to our Beth Shalom Members, their Families and Friends.

Dan Karty, z"l, December 19 - 19 KislevElaine Choikhit, z"l, December 21 - 21 KislevHarold Esrig, z"l, December 29 - 29 KislevAndrew Eveloff, z"l, December 31 - 2 Tevet

Dorothy Fromm, z"l, January 10 - 12 TevetMiriam Wajcman, z"l, January 12 - 14 TevetMorris Rogozenski, z"l, January 16 - 18 TevetJoyce Kalender, z"l, January 28 - 1 Shevat

5 Shevat - Feb. 1Granum ChernoffCeril DallenDaniel DavisHelen EisenLouis GoldmanSarah JacobsonRose LefkowitzJack MeyersNathan NelkinBlanche PelofskyNorman Weiner

6 Shevat - Feb. 2Louis BaranovEva CooperMary FarberEster GoodmanMeyer GrollmanBarney KarbankRose KatzRose KatzeffEdith LinkWilliam LitwinMilton SearlesLena SegalSamuel Winer

7 Shevat - Feb. 3Jake CohnEvelyn ColemanMolly EpsteinElliot GaleBarnett GottleibBertha GutovitzLeon JosephLouis KalinskyLouis KrashinMelvin KrigelTillie KusnetzkyDavid LieberMinnie MillerBertha PittellRebecca SchlaiferAbe SoslandSophia Taxman

8 Shevat - Feb. 4Simon CohenHarry C. FeingoldLeo KaufmanDora KesslerLouis LipszycWilliam RoseMollie SpitcaufskyLester Tonopolsky

9 Shevat - Feb. 5Sidney CohenDorothy CumonowFrank JosephCelia Levin

Betty NusbaumWilliam SchlosbergMolly ShaletDavid SpornCelia Stocker

10 Shevat - Feb. 6Claire BellDaniel BortnickJacob CohenIsrael FinkelsteinSylvia GershonSolomon GoldbergMarvin GreenbergSheldon HollubHarry IsenbergGittel LevinSara LevittJack LouisAbraham NisenkierFannie RubackBee ShermanSam SilvermanFanny Walker

11 Shevat - Feb. 7Dorothy ChapmanMyrtle CohenDavid GottliebHerman KlutzSam LanerBertha MeyerHenry PresentIrving QuitoRaymond RittmasterHarry SandlerEmanuel SchupanEudice ShlenskySalman SilbermanIda SorkinRose Tibbet

12 Shevat - Feb. 8William ClaymanHarry CohenRose DiamondIsadore GlassJoe GreeneDan IndinDavid KleinIsadore LevitchSolomon LipskyPhyllis RipsIrving SchickElla SilbermanHarry SokoloffHarris Wolfberg

13 Shevat - Feb. 9Sarah AbramsMorris CohenDaniel Fein

Ida FoxSamuel J GershonRobert GluckMary GordonEmanuel GreenbergRaschi KamenRose KanterEva KaplanBenjamin Lieberman

14 Shevat - Feb. 10Goldie DeibochCharles GidinskyCharles KauffmanHarry MilensJean PeltzieRheva SpitcaufskyLuba Vinick

15 Shevat - Feb. 11Josephine BernsteinBessie BrattSteve DubersteinLewis HoffmanGeorge KrumholzSolomon MichelsonPaula PenerMarti RabinJosephine RosenblumEli RostovSamuel RostovFrank RotmanPhillip SchlaiferErnest SeidenBessie ShultzIsaac WerbySam Winette

16 Shevat - Feb. 12Yetta BarskyMax BertmanGeorge DubinskyBeatrice FederAnn GaleElka GordonRina GordonSarah HammerHarry KarosenIdelle KopitnikSol MendyAnna OppenheimerSarah ResnickDora SandlerWilliam Smith

17 Shevat - Feb. 13Neiman AbramsAlex BeckerNorman BlenderRalph JacobsenMichael KuppersteinRebecca Levine

Anna MagilowMeyer RosenbergAnna SorokaLouis Zimmerman

18 Shevat - Feb. 14Sydney CerierSol GlassAnna HalperinMax KatzWalter RosenthalDeborah SanellPauline ShapiroRenee SwartzLily WinerMary Zenitsky

19 Shevat - Feb. 15Rubin BaellowRebecca BlenderLouis BurnsteinSally GoodmanNochum HerzmarkMorris KanterLena MaxRalph I PassmanMabel RapschutzWilliam SoslowitzJoseph TaskarSarah Wechsler

20 Shevat - Feb. 16Ike BakerMax BlasbalgMaurice BlondEdward DevinsIrene EisemannSamuel FurmanLibby HarrisJennie HoffmanLena KatzLeo KopecSolomon MoskowitzJoseph PlattnerJoseph SchlozmanAl Yarmo

21 Shevat - Feb. 17Israel AdelmanFannie BalotMollie EcksteinHarold GraceEsther HershmanJessie JosephJake KlutzHarry PodollJacob RotmanJennie RubensteinAbe TabolskyNathan TempofskyAbram WallmanMorris Yukon

22 Shevat - Feb. 18Sarah AsotskyCharles BernsteinMortimer ColemanSamuel EpsteinJack FoxStanley GoldbergJulia HoffmanHyman KrasneEsther LichtorRachel PolskyJanet RyweckEmma Tranin

23 Shevat - Feb. 19Daniel AksDoris AksSam AlsterGoldie ArluckJoseph GershonJay GlazerBaruch HakanNathan JabenisJoel LanerSarah MaysHarry NewmanMinnie PachterWilliam VinerFanny Yarmo

24 Shevat - Feb. 20Philip AsherLeona BerlinNathan EisenBeverly HoffmanBen JabenisTillie MillsteinGertrude MitzBertha ParnesEtta RombomLouis SanellFruma SpectorGershon WhiteAmalie Windmuller

25 Shevat - Feb. 21Robert BrownSarah ChambersRachel DannEsther FisherJoseph FisherGussie GraceEliezer KarolShirley KatzMinnie KlugmanMax LevinBarbara PessenSylvia RosenblumBassie WallmanEdith YaskolkaLillian Yukon

26 Shevat - Feb. 22Frances KupperMoses MannLena RosenbergPinchus ShanbergAbe TuzmanNettie WeneckSadie WitschnerSamuel Zimmerman

27 Shevat - Feb. 23Ruth FradinSarah KopelMaxine MargolinRose MarksMax OhrenSarah RosenbergBecky TonopolskyJoseph Weinstock

28 Shevat - Feb. 24Julius BehrmanNettie BeiserFannie BernsteinMolly CinnamonEdwin CohnJack HoffmanNadine JacobsonMorris LevineRebecca MarkosWilliam SilvermanAbraham Traxler

29 Shevat - Feb. 25Alexander BaierBaruch ByarskyStanley DavisRose GersonJack GittermanAbe GlassRosalind GreenbaumHarry KaufmanHelen KupperEtta OshryRose RosenbergBlanche RosenblumGertrude RosenthalJulius RosnerJanet RostovDaniel ShanbergHarry SiegelbaumAlberta SummersNaomi Yagan

30 Shevat - Feb. 26Harry BondellAnna CohnHyman DavidsonLena FishPauline GindenPauline HandlemanRose Nelson

Rose QuitoOscar RosenbloomJoseph ShureIda SilbergSarah ToubHerman WayneSamuel WebberEdith Weinberg

1 Adar - Feb. 27Jacob BerlinMax BilligJack FeinChaya FinkelsteinSarah GellensSamuel GlassSarah GordonElias JacobsRose LadinskyRose LanerLena LevinHelen MatsonRachel MindaJoseph PelofskyBenjamin RosenbergMinnie SkolerHarry SmallLouis Sosland

2 Adar - Feb. 28Abraham AlexanderFreada AransonAbe BertmanAbraham ColemanMax FinkelsteinJake GarfinkleDorothy GoldklangGolda GordonSarilee HoffmanLottie LevineOlga LindyCarl MattersLouis PeltzmanEdward SchlienIra WitschnerElly Zalusky

www.bethshalomkc.org | 913-647-7279 9February 2017

Contributions through January 19, 2016 are listed below. Thank you for thinking of us.To d a h R a bb a h !

Benjamin Ryweck Torah

FundIn Memory ofElaine ChoikhitHarold EsrigJoan March

Beth Shalom General Fund

In Honor ofJeff, Missy, Elana, Kayla & Mirra Goldenberg

Rabbi Steven & Robin RubensteinAndy & Zelda Reiz 70th Wedding Ann.

Harris & Shevie Winitz

Maury Soltz 80th Birthday

Jack & Marcia BloomJoel & Brenda PelofskyDavid & Judy Weinstein

In Memory ofMargie AlpersonDavid & Carol PorterRose BayzmanSteve & Marcia SchorrFrances BergerArthur & Margaret Berger

David BrockmanJohn Goldberg & Marla Brockman

Elaine ChoikhitHanan & Natalie Hammer

Jerry & Stacy SieglerDebby CortésRon & Harryette Cooperman

Gladys EismanSanford EismanHelen EpsteinGertrude EpsteinHarold EsrigPhyllis GreenJoe & Fran WolfBen FormanJack FormanAnna Ilona GondosDave & Judy JacobsNedda S. GrollmanPaul GrollmanJoseph GutovitzAllen & Gail GutovitzRose HershonIrving MalashockShirley MalashockDaniel HollubHoward & Lynda Hirsekorn

Thelma HouseRita TilzerStanley & Emily House

Deborah JacobsonWalter ReedHarry KanterFrieda & Warren Soble

Dan KartyToby RobbinsArthur & Diane Federman

Jere KaufmanSherrie HynninghakeDorothy LevyMark LevyHarold ShorrKate MeltzerNorman & Charlene Meltzer

Joseph OshiverJacqueline PerlmanSteve PackJay PackHelene PresentManny PresentLarry & Nancy PresentSam PriceRobert BoxerRebecca SchorrSteve & Marcia SchorrSusanne SchultzNaomi KauffmanMiriam SchwartzNancy PowersBarbara ShapiroJudith ShapiroFannie SteinBernard SteinJeanette WayneJerald Enslein & Hannah HarrisArthur & Diane Federman

Marvin & Janice Finkelston

Allen & Gail GutovitzTodd & Shirley Stettner

Eugene WinogradSanford & Ida Levine

Beverly & Harvey Bodker

Endowment Fund

In Memory ofBeverly BodkerAl & Barbara Beitchman

Harold EsrigFred & Cindy Bodker

Building FundIn Memory ofJeanette WayneKurt & Stepahnie Kavanaugh

Cemetery Maintenance

FundIn Appreciation ofDavid SoslandJeffrey SosnowIn Honor ofThe CongregationAl & Barbara Beitchman

In Memory ofHayman BarewinLee Barewin

Richard & Barbara Biederman

David & Lisa Biederman

Solomon & Jenny Blum

Nata ScharfBeverly BodkerFred & Cindy BodkerElaine ChoikhitEllen CohenEstelle CovitzRandy & Joan CovitzWalter EichenwaldHoward EichenwaldThe Feingold FamilyJoe & Pam BrooksMike & Tammy Fingersh

Deanna FoxAryeh Hurwitz, M.D.Judith HurwitzDeborah JacobsonDoug & Emily Jacobson

Pam GaleJane KlaiberGene LebovitzDebby CortésBill & Marjorie Schlosberg

Samuel P. LichtorJeffrey Levine & Reed FletcherBertha MattersSandra SeidmanJacob & Sarah MyronJoe & Fran WolfMelvin RaskinSandi RaskinRubin ShapiroJerry ShapiroVictor SiegelBob & Aletha SimonMilton SilvermanHarry & Hedra Merson

Miriam SimonKay GrossmanBen SimonsStephen & Donna Simons

Victor LernerMike & Sharon MilensJeanette WayneHanorah GoldenbergNorman WeinerKip WeinerJack & Cynthia Garfinkle

Evelyn YodlerBrian YodlerAbe Yodler

Dave & Jean Brockman

Scholarship Fund

In Memory ofDavid BrockmanDick & Charlotte Brockman

Eugene & Shirley Novorr Tots for Torah

FundIn Honor ofMaurice Soltz 80th Birthday

Larry & Jackie Kamin

Gale & Maxine Grossman Religious

SchoolIn Memory ofHarriet MannMorton Mann

George B & Marian Durbin

Prayer Book Fund

In Memory ofJeanette WayneJeff & Carol Katz

Gershon Hadas Scholarship

FundIn Memory ofTobi RobbinsMolly KaufmanMichael RosenbloomMichael & Hue Tran Green

Hanan Wedlan Family Fund

In Memory ofEleanor AbramsJerome AbramsNancy AbramsNatalie HamburgReva KaufmanSam WedlanD.D. WedlanHanan WedlanMitch & Lisa Hamburg

D.D. WedlanElizabeth WedlanSteven WedlanSusan Wedlan

Harry & Anita Daniels Camp Ramah Scholarship

FundIn Memory ofBette CaviarClarence & Alice Winer

Harry Puritz Scholarship

FundIn Memory ofBessie Puritz KarsCarl Puritz

Hazzan Ben-Yehuda's Discretionary

FundIn Appreciation ofHazzan Tahl Ben-Yehuda

Steve & Milisa FlekierIn Memory ofJeanette WayneAl & Sharon Cohen

Jacob & Rose Szneler Scholarship

fundIn Appreciation ofMarvin SznelerHoward & Cherice Gerson

Jacob H & Rose Levine Teacher Development

FundIn Memory ofMorris RogozenskiPeter & Bev Newman

Joseph & Esther Singmon

Cemetery Maintenance

FundIn Memory ofJoseph & Esther Singmon

David & Cara Rosenthal & Family

Judaica & Art Fund

In Honor ofJoyce Shapiro's Speedy Recovery

Ben & Debra RubinIn Memory ofJoseph OshiverBen & Debra Rubin

Karbank FundIn Memory ofJeanette WayneJoseph Smuckler & Marcia Karbank

Kiddush FundIn Memory ofRose SilverbergHarold Kaseff & Rhea Salasche

Marcia Eveloff Lechem Fund

In Honor ofGary & Patti Friedman

Edward Goldstein & Rachel Krantz

Maury Soltz 80th Birthday

Jerry & Barbara Cosner

In Memory ofSammy BurnsteinDavid & Rosalyn Burnstein

Alvin CapitoRose CapitoShirley KatzMarlene CapitoDorothy ChapmanFannie MendellIsaac MendellAlan & Tina ChapmanBen CosnerJerry & Barbara Cosner

Rose GoldmanDanielle & Sam Levine

Sanford KrugNoreen GreenbergRob & Cindy DanielsRichard RapaportLee & Esther Pearlmutter

Jeanette WayneRob & Cindy DanielsTed & Jill Goldstein

Prayer Book Fund

In Memory ofLeona CohnSam ShenkerFamily of Sharoan SwidlerHoward & Sharon Noah

Rabbi Glickman's

Discretionary Fund

In Appreciation ofRabbi David Glickman

Steve & Milisa FlekierJeff & Farrah UdellIn Memory ofDr. Charles FeinsteinSteve FeinsteinJere KunellisInez KaufmanRuth LitvienLarry & Phyllis Kalender

David LukeAndy & Zelda Reiz

Romotsky, Price, Cortés

Genetic Testing Fund

In Honor ofJanet Price’s BirthdayGary Cortés

In Memory ofDebby CortésArnold & Diane Balanoff

Thomasin BentleyLewis & Carol BereyLynn HooverCBIZ MHMBarry Kaseff & Jessica Rudnick-Kaseff

Charles & Maria PriceBen & Debra RubinConnie SalonHarold & Linda Schlozman

William Silverman & Ann KartyMarvin SznelerDan KartyGary CortésJacob SznelerMarvin Szneler

Rose & Sol Stolowy Fund

In Memory ofSarah LeskyRose StolowyMike & Laurel Rogovein

Rose Family Early Childhood

Education Center

In Honor ofJed Linafelt's Bar Mitzvah

Maury Soltz 80th Birthday

Susie & Paul BlackmanIn Memory ofDorothy BodkerJeanette WayneJoel & Hildy Goldman

Rose S Levine & Doris L

Flam Arts & Education FundIn Memory ofRose Shapiro LevineTibor & Carla Klausner

Sidney Ginsburg

Endowment Fund

In Memory ofLouis GoldfingerSteve S. PackFlorence Pack

Sylvan Siegler Scholarship

Fund for Jewish Camping

In Memory ofHarold EsrigBen & Debra Rubin

www.bethshalomkc.org | 913-647-727910 February 2017

In a large skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add the ground beef and onion and cook, stirring, until the ground beef is no longer pink and the onion is tender. Add the garlic and continue cooking for one minute.

Add the chopped cabbage, tomatoes, tomato sauce, pepper and sauce. Bring to a boil. Cover and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes or until cab-bage is tender.Yield: Serves six to eight.


Unstuffed Cabbage RollsIngredients:• 1 ½ lbs. lean ground beef• 1 Tbs. extra virgin olive oil• 1 large onion, chopped• 1 clove garlic, minced• 1 small cabbage, chopped• 2 cans (14.5 oz each) low sodium diced tomatoes• 1 can (8 oz.) tomato sauce• ½ cup water• 1 tsp. ground black pepper• 1 tsp. sea salt

This year there will be a Rimon Baccalaureate Shabbat for our congregation’s high school seniors on Friday, Febru-ary 24. Kabbalat Shabbat Services begin at 6:00 pm fol-lowed by a dinner by reservation. Our seniors will be lead-ing parts of the service. Each year, Harvey Bodker and his family sponsor a lovely Baccalaureate Dinner for our High School Seniors in memory of Harvey's wife, Beverly. As part of their sponsorship, Harvey is funding each senior's meal. Our high school seniors, their parents and extended families will be invited by evite.

Rimon High School Senior Baccalaureate DinnerMen's Club

Men's Club and Rabbi David Glickman went to Llywelyn's Pub for an evening of dinner, great conversation and Irish spirits.

Mark your Sisterhood Calendar!Our calendar campaign for the 2017-18/5778

Sisterhood Calendar/Directory will begin soon.Look for more information in the March Scroll.

Sisterhood Calendar


Scout Shabbat

Boy Scout Troop 61 will host its annual Scout Shabbat on Saturday morning, Febru-

ary 18, 9:30 am, in Goldsmith Hall. Members of the troop will participate in services. Mem-

bers of Troop 61 will be recognized for having earned their Ner Tamid

awards. Cub Scouts who are sons of congre-gants will be recognized for earning the Aleph and Maccabee Awards. A Kiddush luncheon in honor of all Scouts and Scouters will follow ser-vices. All past and current Scouts and congregants are invited to join us.

Mens Club Wants YouFor more information and to join the group, please

contact Chuck Gasser, 913-851-7773or Charles@g3kc.com.

Kabbalat Shabbat: Friday 6:00 pmMain Service: Saturday 9:30 amLibrary Minyan: Saturday 9:30 amMinchah: February 4 5:25 pmMinchah: February 11 5:33 pmMinchah: February 18 5:41 pmMinchah: February 25 5:49 pmShacharit: Sunday 8:00 am

February Service Schedule Shabbat CBS

Minchah:Sunday-Thursday 6 pmShacharit:Monday-Friday 7 amShabbat Services and Sunday morning Shacharit will be held at CBS, 14200 Lamar.Weekday Minyan will be held at Appleman Synagogue, Village Shalom, 5500 W. 123rd St.


Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha'olam, asher kiddeshanu b'mitzvotav vetzivanu lehadlik ner shel Shabbat.

/,¨C©J k¤J r¯b eh¦k§s©v§k Ub²U¦m±u uh¨,I§m¦n§C Ub¨J§S¦e r¤J£t o¨kIg¨v Q¤k¤n Ubh¥eO¡t wv v¨T©t QUr¨CCandle Lighting Blessing

*Please Note: On Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays, Ohev Sholom will join us for the Morning Minyan.

Tevet & Shevat 5777 yca q ,cy February 2017Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

www.bethshalomkc.org | 913-647-7279 11February 2017

Congregational-Wide Events - See each department for their activities

SH Book Club

6th Grade Seminar on Talit & Tefillin

No PRS Classes

Shacharit Serviceat 7:45 am

KCUSY Hamantashen Baking


KindergartenConsecration Group


Talmud Jam South

Men's ClubWorld Wide Wrap

KindergartenRound Up

Kindergarten Consecration Parents



Peltzman Class

DowntownTalmud Jam

SH Chronic Pain Program at 1:00 pm

SH Chronic Pain Program at 1:00 pm


Sisterhood Shabbat

Tu B'Shevat Sederat Village Shalom

Warm Up America!

Kadima Kinnus

SH to Safe Home

Peltzman Class

Peltzman Class

Peltzman ClassKadima Kinnus

Kadima Kinnus

Scout Shabbat


BaccalaureateRimon Shabbat

Tot Shabbat& ShabbatKids' Club

SH Chronic Pain Program at 1:00 pm




























25President's DayWeekend

Rosh Chodesh

President's Day

Birthday ShabbatTu B'Shevat


9 Shevat

16 Shevat

23 Shevat

30 Shevat

10 Shevat

17 Shevat

24 Shevat

1 Adar

11 Shevat

18 Shevat

25 Shevat

2 Adar

5 Shevat

12 Shevat

19 Shevat

26 Shevat

6 Shevat

13 Shevat

20 Shevat

27 Shevat

7 Shevat

14 Shevat

21 Shevat

28 Shevat

8 Shevat

15 Shevat

22 Shevat

29 ShevatCandle





















Congregation Beth Shalom14200 Lamar • Overland Park, KS 66223www.bethshalomkc.orgOffice: 913-647-7279 • Fax: 913-647-7277

The Congregation Beth Shalom Scroll (USPS531-420) is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 14200 Lamar Ave., Overland Park, KS 66223. Annual Subscription $24.00. Periodical Postage Paid in Kansas City, MO. DATED MATERIAL POSTMASTER: Send address changes to CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM SCROLL, 14200 Lamar, Overland Park, KS 66223. Scroll Deadline: The 1st of the previous month. Submit articles to the Administrative office before the deadline.

David M. Glickman, Senior RabbiHazzan Tahl Ben-Yehuda, Director of Congregational LearningBernie Fried,Interim Executive DirectorAlan L. Cohen, Rabbi Emeritus Judy Jacks Berman, Director, RFECRichard Simon, PresidentBev Newman, Scroll EditorDahlia Berger, Scroll Design

www.bethshalomkc.org | 913-647-7279 12February 2017

Congregation Beth Shalom, an egalitarian Conservative synagogue, is a welcoming community of individuals from diverse backgrounds, strengthening connections with God, Torah and the Jewish people through communal commitment to prayer, study and acts of loving kindness.




: Monday - Thursday 8:30 am-5 pm Friday 8:30 am-3 pm Closed on Federal Holidays











Coming Attractions:

Monday-Wed. 10 am-2:30 pmThursday 10 am - 1 pmFriday 10 am - 12 pmSunday 9:30-12 pm PRS Days Only

Other Hours by Appointment Only









r Hou


Monday, Wednesday 8 am - 4 pmTuesday,Thursday ClosedSaturday ClosedFriday & Sunday 8 am - 4 pmNational Holidays 9 am - 4 pm

Exceptions: Thanksgiving,Chirstmas Day, New Year’s Day & Easter

Jewish Holidays ClosedPhone: 816-398-9290

Scroll Deadline:February 1 for March

KCUSY Purim CarnivalMarch 5

SH to Children's PlaceMarch 6

Adult Purim PartyMarch 11

No PRS ClassesMarch 12, 15 & 19

Gesher RimonMarch 12

Mens' Club Sweet 16 Watch PartyMarch 23

10th Grade ConfirmationMarch 25

Kindergarten ConsecrationMarch 25

Friday Night LightsMarch 31

Tot Shabbat & Shabbat Kids' Club Tot Shabbat and Shabbat Kids' Club will meet February 11 at 11:00 am. Join us for a fun-filled Shabbat with songs, prayers and a story. Prior to services there will be a snack for both groups near the Youth Lounge. Tot Shabbat meets in Room 111-112 and Kids' Club meets in Room 114. A kid-friendly Kiddush Lunch will be served after services. Would you like to sponsor an upcoming Kids' Kiddush? Tot Shabbat and Shabbat Kids' Club still have months available this year for sponsorship! Contact Miriam Farber at webe0314@gmail.com or Shira Wajcman at swajcman@gmail.com for more information. This program is underwritten by the Eugene and Shirley Novorr Tots for Torah Fund.
