Featured Documents Grade 5 Rome 2/5/13 -


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What is President Abraham Lincoln’s vision for the Unites States after the Civil War? Have we achieved that vision in our country today? Analyze Lincoln’s reconstruction speech to determine the main idea and key details. Which quotes best support Lincoln’s vision?

Focus Standards (Reading)

• ELACC5R1: Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

• ELACC5RI2: Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text.

• ELACC5RI3: Explain the relationships between two or more ideas or concepts in a historical text based on specific information in the text.

• ELACC5RI8: Explain how an author uses reasons and evidence to support particular points in a text, identifying which reasons and evidence supports which points.

• ELACC5RI10: By the end of the year, read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts at the at the high end of the 4-5 text complexity band independently and proficiently.

Focus Standards (Writing & SS)

• ELACC5W1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons. a. Introduce topic clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which

ideas are logically grouped to support the writer’s purpose.

b. Provide logically ordered reasons that are supported by facts and details.

c. Link opinion and reasons using words, phrases, and clauses (e.g., consequently, specifically)

d. Provide concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented.

• SS5H1: The student will explain the causes, major events, and consequences of the Civil War. d. Describe the role of Abraham Lincoln

• SS5H2: The student will analyze the effects of Reconstruction on American life.

Category: Exceeds the Standard (3) Meets the Standard (2) Does Not Meet the Standard (1)

Content Provides more than the essential quotes and inferences from the speech supporting Lincoln’s vision.

Provides the essential quotes and inferences from the speech supporting Lincoln’s vision.

Lacks the essential quotes and inferences from the speech. Does not support Lincoln’s vision.

Controlling idea about Lincoln’s vision is clear and insightful. (Thesis statement)

Controlling idea about Lincoln’s vision is clear and logical. (Thesis statement)

Controlling idea about Lincoln’s vision is unclear.

Strong understanding of the meaning of Lincoln’s speech.

Has a general understanding of the meaning of Lincoln’s speech.

Lacks a complete understanding of the meaning of Lincoln’s speech.

Organization Introduction orients the reader, provides direction, and shows engagement with the topic.

Introduction somewhat orients the reader, provides fair direction, and shows some engagement with topic.

Introduction does not orient the reader; provide direction, and no engagement with topic.

Has written opening and closing paragraphs and has effective body paragraphs that pull quotes from the speech and states their meaning.

Has written opening and closing paragraphs with at least two body paragraphs that pull quotes from the speech and states their meaning.

Does not have the required amount of paragraphs or does not write in paragraphs. Paragraphs do not pull quotes from speech and state their meaning.

Paragraphs reflect highly unified thinking, strongly promote the essay’s flow and effectively present details of quotes from the text and their meaning.

Paragraphs reflect unified thinking, promote the essay’s flow and present details of quotes from the text and their meaning.

Paragraphs lack unified thinking, lack details, and do not make sense.

Conclusion thoughtfully and effectively ends the paper- effectively explains the magnitude of the speech and Lincoln’s vision.

Conclusion effectively ends the essay and relates to the opening paragraph. Explains the magnitude of the speech and Lincoln’s vision.

Conclusion paragraph is missing or leaves the reader hanging.

Style Variety and quality of sentences consistently enhance the analysis paper.

Variety and quality of sentences are evident in the analysis paper.

Little sentence variety. Uses mostly simple sentences, or other sentence types are not effective.

Rich, effective content vocabulary and language use.

Vocabulary is effective and relates to the content. Vocabulary errors and misuse of language that limits meaning.

Voice and tone are engaging and appropriate for the purpose of the essay. Creativity and craft is effective.

Voice and tone are appropriate for the purpose of the paper.

Voice and tone are inappropriate for the purpose of the paper.

Conventions Very few grammatical errors (or none). Few grammatical errors. Errors interfere with meaning.

Spelling enhances clarity. Spelling is mostly correct. Errors in spelling interfere with meaning.

Punctuation and capitalization enhance clarity. Punctuation and capitalization are mostly correct. Errors in punctuation and capitalization interfere with meaning.

Indented each paragraph. Indented all or most paragraphs. Did not indent paragraphs or only wrote one paragraph.

42 = 100% 40-41 =

95% 36-39 = 90% 30-35 =

85% 25-29 = 80% 20-24 =

75% 16-19 = 70% 15 = 60%


Teaching Process for this Project

First we introduced the project and Lincoln’s reconstruction speech by reading this book to the students in order to develop a context for the assignment.

Teaching Process for this Project

Annotate Text

Active Reading Annotation • Question (?): Develop a question in regards to

something you don’t understand or you would like to discuss further.

• Statement (!): Write down a sentence/phrase that you feel is a strong point regarding the purpose of the reading that should be discussed.

• Relate (R): Write down something that you can relate to, whether it is a belief, an experience, another text, etc. Connect the relevance of your experience back to the text.

• Summary (S): In your own words, summarize the main point of the selection focusing on important details.

Teaching Process-Students Jigsawing Lincoln’s Speech

Teaching Process for this Project

What was Lincoln’s Main Idea?

How do you know?

Teaching Process for this Project Historical Event Foldable

Teaching Process – Group Work for Literary Device Analysis

Tone Analysis Group Student groups were assigned

specific literacy devices to analyze. From there, students made one slide PowerPoint Presentations which they presented to the class.

Students in the audience gave feedback to the presenting groups.

The MAIN IDEA was about how Lincoln

tried to inspire the Northerners to

agree to the Reconstruction plan to

help the south.


• “Can Louisiana be

brought into proper

practical relation with the


• “…elective franchise…”

WHY Repetition?

• Lincoln needed to repeat

himself because he wanted

the North to think about

reuniting the South and

North, and because what

Lincoln was saying was


These quotes help Lincoln make his point because they give information

and examples.

The Main Idea of Lincoln’s speech is that we should

treat the south with respect.

Main Idea

The first quote we recognized tone is

“…on which Louisiana's government

rests , would be more satisfactory to

all if it’s contained 50,000, 30,000, or

even 20,000 than the 12,000 it does.”.

The tone is high and gets lower as it

goes along.

The second one is “will it be wiser to

take it as it is ,and help to improve it;

or to reject, and disperse it .”.Its tone

goes up and down repeatedly.


How do these Quotes Help Lincoln Make his Point?

Student Feedback Form

Abraham Lincoln’s Reconstruction Speech

Power Point Presentation Feedback

My Name: _________________________

Group: __________________________

Specific Positive Feedback

(example: I like the way you…)


Suggestions for Improvement

(example: You could make your presentation better by…)


Grade (circle one)

100 95 85 80 75 70 65


Teaching Process – Study of Mentor Analysis Essays

Teaching Process-Thesis Statement

What was Lincoln’s vision for the United States

after the Civil War?

- Choose a main topic from the speech

to answer the question: equal rights,

free the slaves, unify the country, to

follow the plan

(write a general sentence)

- Tell the who, where, and when: Lincoln,

Reconstruction Speech, April 11, 1865

- Thesis Statement

Teaching Process – Body Paragraphs

Drafting Checklist

KEEP ME ON TRACK!!! Checklist

• I chose 1 VISION to focus on.

• I found evidence to support that vision.

• I explained or clarified each part of evidence.

• I wrote well-written sentences with vivid words, adjectives, and adverbs to better

explain my thoughts.

• I completed the graphic organizer (planning).

• I am ready to write my 2nd paragraph onto the drafting paper.

• I have finished writing my 2nd paragraph.

• I read it.

• I looked for spelling errors and corrected each word.

• I looked for punctuation errors.

• I capitalized PROPER NOUNS.

• I have a rich and vivid vocabulary. I used a thesaurus.

How did Lincoln’s use of (IMAGERY, TONE, ASKING QUESTIONS, CALLS TO ACTION, COUNTER ARGUMENTS or REPETITION) help persuade the north to accept his vision for the United States after the Civil War? - When Lincoln wrote his speech, he was sure to include…. - example (quote from the text) - explain the quote - answer the question

Has Lincoln’s vision come to pass today? (don’t just say YES) - Turn the question into a declarative sentence. - Give an example / explain

Publishing Checklist •Write your name and date •Indent 5 times (one time for each paragraph). •Use " " marks around Lincoln's words only (the evidence). •Place page numbers inside (1) after quote. •Lincoln stated, "proper practical relations," (3). •Check for , before conjunctions (ONLY USE IF THE SENTENCES ON EACH SIDE OF THE CONJUCTION ARE INDEPENDENT CLAUSES) •Look for capitalization errors (Lincoln, Reconstruction, etc...) •Look for spelling errors. •Make sure you use EVIDENCE BASED TERMS/Transition Words. •NEAT! NEAT! NEAT!

Evidence Based Terms-Vocabulary
