FBF: a software package for the construction of balanced cross-sections


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Computers & Geosciences 28 (2002) 961–969

FBF: a software package for the construction of balancedcross-sections$

Juan Contreras*

Departamento de Geolog!ıa, Centro de Investigaci !on Cient!ıfica y de Educaci !on Superior de Ensenada,

Km 107 Carretera Tijuana-Ensenada, Ensenada BC, 22860, Mexico

Received 10 May 2001; received in revised form 23 February 2002; accepted 28 February 2002


FBF is a series of modular programs coded in ANSI C++ to simulate thrust and normal faulting in cross-section.

The employed deformation function preserves area and therefore balanced cross-sections can be obtained with these

programs. The programs run in text mode and the source code can be ported to and compiled on most computer


The package consists of a preprocessor, a processor, and a postprocessor. The preprocessor generates meshes that

represent stratigraphic units in their undeformed state. Units in the initial state can have tabular geometries, thin

laterally, or a composite geometry. The processor carries out a forward simulation to obtain the dislocated state of the

units induced by a fault of known shape and displacement. Finally, the postprocessor converts the processor output to a

format suitable for plotting.

The structural models obtained with the package are in good agreement with structures observed in fold-and-thrust

belts and in extensional areas. Moreover, FBF can be used to test activity sequences of faults, to calculate potential

fields associated with subsurface structures, and to simulate more complex geological systems and processes such as the

stratigraphic response to synsedimentary brittle deformation.

r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Fault-related folding; Brittle deformation simulation; Cellular automaton

1. Introduction

Contreras and Suter (1990) presented a kinematic

model for the simulation of fault-related folding in two

dimensions that used a cellular automaton to carry out a

forward simulation of the deformation induced by the

tectonic transport over a fault surface. The model is

useful to construct balanced cross-sections in areas

deformed by thin-skinned tectonics since the employed

deformation function conserves area. The computa-

tional implementation of the model was described in

Contreras (1991). The source code presented there,

however, is not portable because the use of the Turbo

Pascal compiler v. 3.07 is necessary to generate the

executable program and because it contains calls to

commercial subroutines (Turbo Pascal Graphix Tool-

box) that are specific of the MS-DOS operative system.

Moreover, the use of Pascal as a computer language has

been replaced by other languages such as C++ and

FORTRAN 90/95, which offer the same functionality of

Pascal. This article presents a new computational

implementation of the cellular automata of Contreras

and Suter (1990) called fault-bend folding (FBF) that

includes the following improvements: (i) the source code

is written in ANSI C++; (ii) the design is modular and

uses the object-manipulation capabilities of C++; (iii)

calls to commercial subroutines have been eliminated;

$Code available from server at http://www.iamg.org/CGE-


*Fax: +52-646-175-0559.

E-mail address: juanc@cicese.mx (J. Contreras).

0098-3004/02/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

PII: S 0 0 9 8 - 3 0 0 4 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 1 9 - 5

(iv) the programs presented here can now handle several

and larger meshes; and (v) more complex initial mesh

geometries can be defined.

2. Description of the model

The construction of balanced cross-sections by

computer can be addressed in two different ways. The

first one consists in designing a CAD environment where

simple graphics primitives and interpolation–extrapola-

tion techniques are used to reconstruct the subsurface

and eroded parts of structures (Kligfield et al., 1986;

Moretti and Larr!ere, 1989). These may include the

geometrical relations derived by Chamberlain (1910),

Suter (1981), and Suppe (1983) and thus a bed length or

an area-balanced cross-section can be constructed. The

second approach consists in performing a forward

simulation of the deformation process to find a

deformation sequence by trial and error that matches

the observed geological structures. FBF is based on the

second approach; it uses an empirical deformation

function derived from geological observations to calcu-

late the dislocated state produced by faulting. The crux

of the model consists in approximating the geometry of

a fault by a series of straight segments and moving the

hanging wall block parallel to the fault trace, whereas

the footwall block remains fixed (Fig. 1). The axial

planes between the straight fault segments define regions

where the dislocation vectors remain constant. The

deformed state is given by the following equation

(detailed descriptions can be found in Contreras and

Suter, 1990):



" #¼

px þ Du cos y

py þ Du sin y

" #; ð1Þ

where p is the initial position of a material particle, p0 its

deformed position, u the magnitude of the displacement

along the fault, and y the dip of the underling fault

segment. In other areas of the physical sciences, this

approach is known as cellular automaton (Toffoli,

1984). The deformation function has the important

attribute that preserves area (Contreras and Suter, 1990,

1997). The cross-sections obtained with the cellular

automaton are able to reproduce field observation as

will be show in subsequent sections of this article and are

similar to cross-sections constructed with geometrical

techniques that preserve bed length (Suppe, 1983; Mitra,

1986, Cruickshank et al., 1989). Moreover, this model is

able to generate balanced cross-sections without invok-

ing any assumptions about the deformation function

(e.g. conservation of bed length or area).

3. Description of the programs

The current stable version of FBF, labeled 0.2.01, is

distributed under the terms of the General Public

License (GNU)1 and can be freely downloaded and

redistributed.2,3 The FBF source code as well as binary

packages are available for Linux and MS-Windows

systems (running in a DOS window). The source code is

written in ANSI C++ and consists of approximately

2000 lines of instructions. The source code package

contains a makefile that facilitates its compilation. Since

the FBF programs run in text mode only the standard C

and C++ libraries are needed to compile them. Though

FBF can be compiled for MS Windows systems, it was

developed in Linux, and therefore this and other UNIX

environments (including Mac OS X) are more suitable to

run these programs. FBF consists of a preprocessor

(fbfmesh), a processor (fbfault), and a postprocessor

(fbfplot). The design of these programs partially follows

those of Generic Mapping Tools (Wessel and Smith,

1991),4 Graphing Language,5 and finite element pro-

grams. The FBF programs are not interactive and

do not use the mouse, rather they parse a series of

Fig. 1. Sketch showing kinematic model used to simulate

deformation induced by faulting. Model consists of cellular

automaton that displaces nodes of grid of material points

parallel to fault surface. Axial planes define regions of constant

displacement vectors. Cellular automaton can model thrust

faults as well as normal faults.

1GNU’s Not Unix!. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/licen-

ses.html.2Computers & Geosciences searchable database. http://

www.iamg.org/CGEditor/index.htm.3FBF, fault bend folding. http://www.cicese.mx/~juanc/fbf/

fbf.html.4GMT—The Generic Mapping Tools. http://gmt.soest.ha-

waii.edu.5Gri: a language for scientific illustration. http://gri.source-


J. Contreras / Computers & Geosciences 28 (2002) 961–969962

parameters from input data files and from the command

line, which control the execution of the programs. Once

the calculations are completed, they are stored in a series

of output files. The input files are text files with the

parameters defining the geometry of the initial unde-

formed stratigraphic units or geometry of the faults.

These parameters are specified in the following way:

/parameterS ¼ /valueS;

where value is an integer, a float, or a string of characters

without blank spaces. The following conventions are

used to parse the parameters: values in x (horizontal

axis) increase to the right, values in y (vertical axis)

increase upward, and angles are positive in the counter-

clockwise direction measured from the x-axis. Com-

ments can be introduced in the input files to clarify their

content; they must start with the # symbol and must not

exceed 80 characters per line (see Appendixes A and B

for examples of input files).

3.1. Program fbfmesh

Since FBF carries out a forward simulation of the

deformation process one must specify the initial

(undeformed) state of the involved stratigraphic units.

The preprocessor fbfmesh assists in creating such a state

by generating grids of equally spaced material points or

grids that gradually taper in the x direction (Fig. 2).

Tabular or wedge-like (trapezoidal) domain regions are

acceptable approximations of the shape of stratigraphic

units. The processor then evaluates the rules of the

cellular automaton over the nodes of the grid to

calculate the deformed state. The parameters parsed

from the input files by the preprocessor fbfmesh are

(Fig. 2, Appendix A):

rows, cols: number of columns and rows of the mesh.

The maximum size of the grids is 100 rows by 500

columns. However, these maximum values can be

further increased (if enough memory is available) by

changing the source code and recompiling it.

dx, dy: separation distance between neighboring nodes

in the horizontal and vertical direction (Fig. 2).

x0, y0: coordinates of the node located at the lower

left corner of the grid (Fig. 2).

taperangleinf, taperanglesup: optional angles (in de-

grees) that define a gradual thinning or thickening of the

region in the horizontal direction (Fig. 2).

symbol: optional string of characters that defines the

filling symbol of the mesh during plotting. Choices are

‘‘limestone’’, ‘‘shale’’, ‘‘beds’’, ‘‘outline’’, ‘‘hash’’, and


color: optional integer that defines the color of the

grid. The integer is used by gnuplot to plot the deformed

state and must be specified according to its color scheme

(see fbfplot below).

regionname: optional string of characters with the

name of the model or region.

ouputmesh: name of the output file storing the grid to

be generated.

An example of an input file for fbfmesh is provided in

Appendix A.

3.2. Program fbfold

The processor fbfold carries out the forward simula-

tion of the deformation by iterating Eq. (1) over the

nodes of the grids representing the stratigraphic units. It

must be noted that fbfold handles one fault at a time and

requires to define each fault in a separate file. However,

this is a design shortcoming rather than an intrinsic

limitation of the model. Fbfold can calculate the

deformation of up to 50 faults. Again, this limit can be

increased, if enough memory is available in the system,

by changing the source code and recompiling it. As in

the case of fbfmesh, the processor parses from an input

file a series of parameters that define the geometry of the

fault, its displacement, the meshes affected by the fault

(output from fbfmesh or fbfold), and the name of the

output files to store the deformed meshes and inactive

faults. This is a list of the parameters parsed from the

input file (Fig. 3):

nsegments: number of straight line segments consti-

tuting the fault trace.

x0, y0: starting point of the fault (Fig. 3). It should

not be contained in the meshes affected by the fault;

otherwise voids will result on the deformed grid.

Fig. 2. Parameters used by preprocessor fbfmesh to generate

grid of material points representing undeformed state. See text

and Appendix A for further details.

Fig. 3. Parameters used by processor to calculate the deforma-

tion induced by displacement along fault surface. See text and

Appendix B for further details.

J. Contreras / Computers & Geosciences 28 (2002) 961–969 963

segmentlength, segmentdip: these parameters specify

the length and dip (in degrees) of the straight segments

of the fault (Fig. 3). As fbfold parses the information

from each segment, it builds the geometry of the fault.

Because of this, it is necessary to specify first the

parameter nsegments, then x0 and y0, followed by the

various straight line segments of the fault.

axialangle: By default, fbfold uses as axial planes the

lines bisecting the angles between adjacent straight fault

segments. However, with this optional parameter it is

possible to specify a different axial plane orientation.

This parameter must be specified in conjunction with the

parameters segmentlength and segmentdip (see Fig. 3 and

example in Appendix B). Using axialangle it is possible

to obtain fault-bend folds with constant bed length, in

which the front of the propagating thrust sheet does not

have a symmetrical axial plane (Suppe, 1983).

utotal: magnitude of the total displacement along the

fault (Fig. 3).

inputmesh: string of characters with the name of the

file containing the grid of material points in their initial

configuration. It is possible to specify several meshes

(stratigraphic units) by repeatedly using this parameter.

outputmesh: string of characters with the name of the

file where the deformed mesh is going to be stored. If

several input grids were specified (using inputmesh),

then it becomes necessary to specify an equal number of

output files. It is assumed that there is a direct

correspondence in the naming scheme of input and

output files, i.e., inputmesh file 1 is going to be stored in

outputmesh file 1, inputmesh file 2 in outputmesh 2, and

so on.

faultname: an optional string of characters with the

name of the fault.

It is possible to use two additional parameters,

inputoldfaults and outputoldfaults. These require a more

detailed explanation. It is clear that the deformation

induced by several faults can be modeled by using fbfold

over its own output. As new faults are introduced the

old ones become inactive and thus susceptible of being

deformed by the currently active fault. The parameters

inputoldfaults and ouputoldfaults indicate the names of

the files where to read and store these inactive faults.

Note that the faults should be defined in the direction

of tectonic transport, e.g., if the displacement is from left

to right, then x0 and y0 must occupy the leftmost

position, and the parameters segmentlength and seg-

mentdip must define successively segments located to the

right of x0 and y0. Appendix B illustrates, with an

example, how to use these parameters.

3.3. Program fbfplot

Fbfplot takes as input the output files of the

preprocessor and processor and generates as output a

series of files with the structural model in a format

suitable for plotting. These files have a ‘‘tmp’’ extension

and a bi-columnar structure. Thus, they can be easily

imported into commercial spreadsheets or plotting

programs. The use of gnuplot,6 however, is recom-

mended to visualize the structural models obtained with

FBF. Gnuplot is a free program to plot two- and three-

dimensional data, which offers the advantage to have

been ported to several platforms including Windows,

UNIX, and Mac OS. It can also generate postscript files

that can be imported into commercial vector-drawing

programs. Moreover, fbfplot can generate a script file

for gnuplot, which further simplifies the visualization of

the cross-sections. The example in Appendix B illus-

trates the use of both, fbfplot and gnuplot.

4. Examples of cross-sections generated with FBF

The first example shows a possible faulting sequence

for the Powell Mountain anticline of the Pine Mountain

thrust sheet of the Appalachian thrust belt in Tennessee

(Fig. 4). In this simulation, seven meshes with a

rectangular geometry were employed to represent a

series stratigraphic units with ages ranging from

Cambrian to Pennsylvanian. The units are cut by three

faults (Pine Mountain, Bales I, and Bales II thrust

faults) of a flat-ramp-flat geometry that link three layer-

parallel detachment surfaces (Woodward et al., 1985).

The relative sequence of fault activation occurred in the

direction of the tectonic transport.

Fig. 5 shows a comparison between a published

section across part of the Sierra Madre Oriental fold-

and-thrust belt in east-central Mexico (Suter, 1987) and

a cross-section for the same area generated with FBF.

This example shows the ability of FBF to deal with

lithological units with complicated geometries. For

example, three grids have been used to approximate

the shape of the Valles-San Luis Potosi carbonate

platform: a rectangular grid was used for the platform

interior facies, and two laterally thinning grids were used

for the platform margin facies. In a similar way, the grid

employed for the basal unit (Las Trancas formation)

tapers 0.5 along its base. In general, there is a good

agreement between the structural model obtained with

FBF and the section proposed by Suter (1987), specially

in the upper part of the section in which there is a good

structural control. On the other hand, the two sections

differ at depth, like in the case of the inharmonic fold on

the Lobo-Cinega thrust fault and the thrust fault in the

core of the Pisaflores anticlinorium. These differences

are due to the different assumptions made in the two


The cellular automaton used by FBF can be applied

to model areas under extension as well. Fig. 6 shows an

6Gnuplot central. http://www.gnuplot.info.

J. Contreras / Computers & Geosciences 28 (2002) 961–969964

example with listric normal faults that merge in a

detachment fault at depth; this faulting style is, for

instance, observed along the margin of the Gulf of

Mexico. Note that FBF cannot model the deformation

of deep-seated normal faults because other processes

such as isostasy and flexure of the crust are involved and

cannot be reproduced by FBF (e.g., Contreras et al.,


Finally, since FBF carries out a forward simulation,

its applicability goes beyond the construction of

balanced cross-sections. One of its potential uses is the

simulation of more complicated geological systems and

processes like the evolution of sedimentary basins

affected by synsedimentary tectonism. Fig. 7 shows

how the output of FBF was used in a numerical

experiment involving sedimentation, erosion, and tec-

tonism, based on the equation (Waltham, 1992)


@tþ v � rh ¼ k


@x2þ s; ð2Þ

where h is the topographic elevation of the basin, v is the

velocity field of the tectonic deformation produced by

faulting. The left-hand side of Eq. (2) represents the rate

of change of the topographic elevation and includes an

advective term ðv � rhÞ: The differential term on the

right-hand side of Eq. (2) represents erosion or sedi-

mentation (depending on the curvature of the topogra-

phy), the constant k controls the rate of erosion or

sedimentation of the rocks, and s is a constant

background sedimentation rate due to far sources. The

values of the parameters employed in this simulation are

k ¼ 0:3 m2=yr; s ¼ 0:02 mm=yr; and jvj ¼ 0:05 mm=yr:The light gray layers in Fig. 7 precede thrusting and

therefore have a uniform thickness, whereas the black

layers were deposited during faulting and thin toward

and on top of folds. This simple model is able to

reproduce onlap patterns toward the core of the

anticlines, which are often observed in active sedimen-

tary basins (e.g., Trudgill et al., 1999; Hardy et al.,


Another possible use of FBF is direct modeling of

potential fields, where the goal is to reproduce an

anomaly function in experimentally measured data

originated by the subsurface structure. The calculation

Fig. 4. Simulation of evolution of Powell Valley anticline (Appalachian thrust belt) carried out by FBF. Fault geometries and

displacements are based on balanced cross-section by Woodward et al. (1985).

J. Contreras / Computers & Geosciences 28 (2002) 961–969 965

Fig. 5. Comparison between area-balanced section across Sierra Madre Oriental fold-and-thrust belt in east-central Mexico (Suter,

1987) and synthetic cross-section generated for same area by FBF. Note good agreement between two sections at upper structural

levels. Discrepancies at depth result from different assumptions made by methodologies. Limestone and shale filling patterns of

synthetic cross-section were generated by FBF package.

Fig. 6. Numerical simulation involving listric normal faults. Fault activation was from right to left. Two meshes of material points

were employed in this simulation.

Fig. 7. Computer simulation incorporating deformation by thrust faulting and syntectonic sedimentation. Figure also shows gravity

anomaly generated by synthetic structures. Density values are in g/cm3:

J. Contreras / Computers & Geosciences 28 (2002) 961–969966

of such potential fields is an important constrain in the

construction of balanced cross-sections (Kulander and

Dean, 1978). Fig. 7 exemplifies this by showing the

gravimetric response of the structure generated by

the numerical experiment described above. In this model

the basal layers have a density of 2:6 g=cm3 (compacted

sediments) and the syntectonic layers a density of

2:3 g=cm3 (uncompacted sediments). As expected, the

computed gravimetric anomaly curve presents maxima

at the crest of anticlines and minima where the

uncompacted sediments are thickest.

5. Conclusions

FBF is a series of computer programs to carry out a

two-dimensional forward simulation of fault-related

folding. The package consists of a preprocessor to

define the undeformed state of geological formations; a

processor, which uses a cellular automaton to displace

material points parallel to the surface of a fault of know

shape and displacement; and a postprocessor to convert

the output of the processor to a format appropriate for

plotting. The cross-sections generated with these pro-

grams are area-balanced and develop fault-related folds

similar to the observed in natural examples. The cellular

automaton can be used to model the deformation caused

by shortening as well as extension. Other possible uses of

FBF include the computation of potential anomaly

fields of the structural models generated with the

package (e.g., gravimetric anomaly curve). Therefore,

it is possible to test the consistency of the model by

comparing the computed anomaly curve with experi-

mentally measured data. The displacement field gener-

ated by FBF can also be used in the simulation of more

complex geological systems such as the evolution

of sedimentary basins affected by synsedimentary



The author is grateful to Max Suter for a thorough

review of this article and to reviewer Richard Thisli for

his helpful comments. Support from CICESE Grant No.

644107 is acknowledged.

Appendix A

This is an example of an input file to fbfmesh, which

illustrates the use of the parameters of this program. See

text and Fig. 2 for details.


# Sample input file to fbfmesh. This is going to generate the

# initial undeformed state.

# Length units in meters, angles in degrees.


# Name of the region

regionname = limestone unit

# Filling symbol to be used during plotting

symbol = limestone

# The following parameters define the size of the grid

cols = 200

rows = 15

# The following parameters define the coordinates of the node

# located on the lower left of the grid

x0 = 0.0

y0 = 0.0

# These parameters define the horizontal (x direction) and vertical

# separations (y direction) between the grid nodes

dx = 50.0

dy = 30.0

# The grid tapers along the x direction.

taperanglesup = 1

taperangleinf= 1

# Output file storing the resulting grid mesh

outputmesh ¼ limestone.mesh

J. Contreras / Computers & Geosciences 28 (2002) 961–969 967

The limestone.mesh file containing the undeformed

mesh is obtained by the following command

fbfmesh /file with the mesh parametersS

Appendix B

This is an example of an input file to fbfplot, which

illustrates the use of the parameters of this program. See

text and Fig. 3 for details.

The program fbfold (processor module) is used in the

following way:

fbfold /file with fault parametersS

In the previous example fbfold is going to store the

results of the simulation in the files deformed-lime-

stone.mesh and old.fault. To create a graph with the

deformed state it is necessary, first, to use postprocessor

fbfplot to convert the output of fbfold to a format

suitable for plotting. Fbfplot is used in the following way:

fbfplot -m /files with deformed meshesS -f /files with

inactive faultsS -o /output file with gnuplot scripSFor our example fbfplot, must be used as follows:

fbfplot -m deformed-limestone.mesh -f old.fault -o


Finally, to display the structural model (Fig. 8) with

gnuplot, one must type

gnuplot faultbendfold.plt


# Sample input file to fbfold. This file specifies a fault

# with a flat-ramp-flat geometry

# Length units in meters, angles in degrees.


# Name of the fault

faultname = thrust ramp

# Number of straight line segments defining the geometry of the

# fault

nsegments = 3

# starting point of the fault

x0 = 30.0

y0 = 5.0

# This is the first segment, a flat

segmentlength = 1000.0

segmentdip = 1.0

# #

# 2nd segment, a ramp. Note the use of the parameter

# axialangle to define an axial plane on the upper part of

# the ramp with an orientation different from that of a

# bisectrix

segmentlength = 300.0

segmentdip = 25.0

axialangle = 70

# #

# 3rd segment, a flat

segmentlength = 30000

segmentdip = 0.55

# #

# Displacement along the fault surface

utotal = 450.0

# Input file storing the mesh in the initial state

inputmesh = limestone.mesh

# Output file storing the mesh in the deformed state

outputmesh = deformed-limestone.mesh

# Output file to store the inactive faults

outputoldfaults = old.fault

J. Contreras / Computers & Geosciences 28 (2002) 961–969968


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Fig. 8. Fault-bend fold resulting from sample input files listed in Appendixes A and B.

J. Contreras / Computers & Geosciences 28 (2002) 961–969 969
