Fb Emoticon


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  • 8/6/2019 Fb Emoticon


    Facebook chat emoticons

    Facebook chat aiya emoticon >:oAiiiyaaa! What did you do?! I cant believe you said that!

    Facebook chat shark emoticon (^^^)The second newest Facebook chat emoticon in the whole of chat, it was introduced

    to a vigirous welcome and is used by more chatters than almost any other! Be careful going near the water!

    Facebook chat penguin emoticon

  • 8/6/2019 Fb Emoticon


    Facebook chat Putnam emoticon :putnam:There was a lot of controversy when this emoticon was first seen in Facebook chat it turned out to be the face of Facebook engineer Chris Putnam.

    Facebook chat heart emoticon :-(

    Doh! I cant believe youre so stupid!

    Facebook chat devil emoticon 3:)Is it a sexy emoticon or an evil emoticon? With Halloween coming up, the devil emoticon might be one of the most useful in your chat arsenal!

    Facebook chat crying emoticon :'(Dont cry, just pretend to (using this smilie!). Whoever youre talking to will soonchange their mind about whatever they did or said!

    Facebook chat cat smile emoticon :3Never has a man looked so content as this one!

    Facebook chat big smile emoticon :DAnother classic Facebook chat emoticon, the bigggg smile which can let everyoneknow how absolutely ecstatic you are!

    Facebook chat angel emoticon O:)The last (but not least) emoticon, the angel, can show your pure and wholesome side (if you need help in convincing people!).

    Facebook Red 42 emoticon :42:

  • 8/6/2019 Fb Emoticon


    This is the newest emoticon to be added to the Facebook chat system! 42 is meantto be the meaning of lifewhatever that means!
