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MACEDON —Macedon, Jan. 22—A reception will be held in the Universalist church parlors Thursday evening, Jan -25, for_their new pastor. Rev. Geo. Porter

.and - .Wife, .^Everyone, r, js_Tcprdi all y in-vi.ted to attend.-" ' .

Mrs. Frank S. Allyn has been quite ill the past week with the grip, but is now recovering.

Next Wednesday" Jan. 31, the ladies of the UniveraaliBt church will £.erve a New England supper at-Bix


FARMINGTON. Farmington, Jan. .22-^News has

been received here of the death of Mrsr John Wren—formerly Miss Emily McNab of this town which occurred .Tan/ 9 at her laTe~bbme~in West Phil

Miss Marjoire Easton is confined to her home with the-mumps

Mr., and Mrs. Allen Littel, of East Rochester, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thistle-thwaite. \

The Munday, club met this—week-with Mrs. Bertha-Bealwithythe-pro gram as follows: Roll call, current events; home life of the Indian, Mi°.B Carrie Turner; Child Life, Mrs. Har­riet Stevenson; religion and music, Mrs. Lois' Gridley •

MrB. G E. Crocker has been quite ill with the mumps the paBt week.

Mrs. Lois Gridley and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Ira Allen Sun­day.

—- Fred Davies and family were week end "gueTts-oT"MFr^nia"M^i7~Ho^aTd Welch.

Mrs. Walter Smith, of Weedsport,

adelphia. Burial WBB made in West. Philadelphia. Many will remember Mrs. Wren as a resident here in_Jtbe eighties. -- Mr. and Mrs;-Roy—Baker-and But­cheries, were guestB last week of their ^ousina.-Mr, arid_Mrs. Emmor Baker. —-A sleighride^party lrom-the^Macedbn High school of sixteen young friends of Misa Florence Greene were enter­tained at her home Thursday evening, Jan. . 1 1 . -

Fred Duncker, of Syracuse, is visit­ing at the hpme of his nephew, Fred pHgehjwr^ —

Services will be held in the Luth­eran church next Sunday at 10 o'clock by the pastor, Rev. E C. Miller. .

Mr. and Mrs. Leo -Bandemer and little daughter, Helen, of Kent, spent last week Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pegelow.

Mr. and Mra. Roy Baker attended the auto show in Rochester last week Wednesday and were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles HalL_ — 7 — _ — '__

MrsrCarrie B. Padgham entertained her Sabbath school claBB with a sleigh ride Saturday evening, Jan 13. Al-

iviAeEDON CENTER. Macedon Center, Jan 22—Prof—H.­

Claude Hardy, superintendent of Fair-port schools,—gBve-a-veryabreaddreBs in the interest of Better Education at the~MethodiBt church Sunday morninR. which ...was .very ,.Fns=t^^Lve_-jOrily ,a small coDgregatidnwaeTpresent/ owing to the state of the highways > :,.." ..

Miss Mae Kemp .and Harry_Kemp, who -have—beeh'nH-with^-mumpsr-are able to be out again, and Mrs. Cbatles Kemp a nd daughter, Helen, afe~ now i ir^|th=tha same-disease . . —

Mias Nellie UeBSeeuw. of Roches­ter, spent the first of toe week with her mother, Mrs. Sophia ReaSeeuw.

Frank * Rutter, of East Rocheater, viBited relatives in'town Sunday.

Miss EUa Harwood, tax collector -for-^the—towmof—Meeedon, will-be-afc

I ^STOP 22fflr&S;-~ > Stop 22, Jan 22^-Mra. Thomas

Bsker and-MisB^MBTgaret STrrttrrwerH callers Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs Philip-BruiscbaartrHrF Fairport.

Mr. and Mrs. FloyB" Blazey^-pf Farmington, spent unday evening withAllen Briggs and wife.

M JBB Nellie ROB si e~w,~bi Roches t e ^ was a Saturday night guest of her. sister, Mrs Thos Baker.

The'Co-'Workers^meeting^whicb-'was to have beeh~'beld this Weejpi* Friday night at the home of Allen Briggs wiJL take place Saturday night at AHair^Lauder's' in VictdrV /"\"~ \

Edward Gridley and family, of Macedon, were Sunday guests of his eiBter, Mrs. Ira Allyn

Gridley. • Miss Edna Wilcoxen spent Sunday

in Palmyra with .Mr. and Mrs. Harry Y o u n g * '-• - • ' • • - • • • - ' • • - - - " - •

Misa Maud Stalker, of Kochester, spent the week end with her parentB, Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Stalker- .-.

The Crane claBB of the UniyerBaliat

^tja—a—recent^gue8t=of=Mrs^?LoiB i -though^the-mercuryMMg^rfeMd^erdO^on; -pictures- of • ope—p^ece—garments-cut

. . /



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chucrh will hold a baked food sale Friday afternoon of this week at Purdy'B store.

Mrs. John Lane, Sr, was caHed-to East" Rochester the past week, owing to the aerious illness of Mra. John Lane, Jr -

Miss Jean Egan, of Newark viaited Mrs. F. R. Crane over Sunday.

Mr and Mrs. Ray Ransom enter, tained relatives from Rochester Sun­day, ~

The grades of the local-High school are closed this week owing to lack of coal . '.

Mias I.ida E Hurley spent the week end in East Rochester with her isterr^Mrsr-'Fred— Eh—*fHnejrr?and

family. Charles Sweet spent Monday with

his brother, Levi Sweet and "wife, of Palmyra.

-Mrs. Henry Reeves, of Fairport, spent Saturday with her aunt, Mrs. Johanna Jennings." •• The Willing Workers of the Baptist

church will meet Friday afternoon witrTMrs. "Irving" Smalley."

Miss Ella Harwood and Mrs. J. E Simmons spent last Thursday in Roch­ester as guests of Mrs. Emma Lapham and Bister, Miss Katherine Noxon.

Benjamin Drickel has purchased the house and lot belonging to Geo. Lap-ham, now occupied by G. E. Crocker.

their return, they all had a merry time. The Ladies' Aid of the Lutheran

church will meet next Thur*day. Feb. 1, at the h me of Mrs. Mary Boltz;

Lewis F. Allen, dis rict deputy grand master of the Wayne Masonic district, ...Clyde Lodge, F & A. M., on Monday even­ing. A dinner was'given in bis honor at 6:30 p. m. in the New Collier ho­tel '.;,. ,.

The.Literary_sbciety .will neet next week Tuesday evening, Jaii. 30, at the home of MF. and Mrs Howard Blair. The following program will be given. Debate, -Resolved, That tBe"war debTshould be cancelled, athr-

Frank B. Hicks-general-store-Thurs day, Jan 25, to take taxes. ~ The January meeting of the Home Bureau will be held at the home of Mrs. Bert Brownell Thursday of this week ' Miss JeanBtte Jbiaker will give the lesson on nutriti n to those taking the course, at 10 o'clock^ At noon a tureen Juncheon will be seryed. _T_he afternoon session will be in charge of the clothing leader. Mra Phil 'Pack­ard, andassistantr^MrB-Dur'feelHoBg,

clothing project Each bring patterns she has

lady is to drafted' and

frofrTfashion books Mrs. Ralph R Cofe entertained in

honor of Miss Gladys Newton, of Springfield,- Miss., at herrbpmesin Main street Saturday afternoon; Mrs. Cole's guests spent a very delightful afternoon. __-- Delicious . refreshments were served^ '.•-•;'.

The grange meeting Saturday after-

Miss Verna Crbucher, of Viclor, spent the week end with Miss Rowena Briggs. , \

Word has been receivedof the birth of an eight pound hoy, Bruce Seville, to Mr and Mrs. A. Y._Clements,.of. Albany. Mr. Clements is a son of Mr and Mrs. Wesley Clements.

Willard.Briggs, of East Rochester, WBB a caller at M. N. Wilson's Satur­day. ** . *

Mr and Mrs. John Horner, of Rochester, were Sunday guests at Wm Reed's.

Mr^ and Mrs Robert Briggs^nter-_ tained .Beveral friendB Sunday in ob­servance ot the second birthday of their daughter, Mildred Ellen. . John Ressiew and - daughter, MiBB

wW^irgTIFeTBeTScoBrTeii^^ at Thomas Baker s

MrB Robert Briggs spept Friday with, her sinter, Mrs. Clarence Wy-

I: mi

• *> •

Word has been received here of~the serious illness of Mrs. John Crowley, who is in the hospital at St. Augus-'tine, Fla.

In giving a list of officers installed at Eureka chapter, No , -209 , 0 E. S,, last week, throueh some mistake the list was not completed. The fol­lowing officers were omitted, Ruth, Grace Wilcox; Esther, Alice Hollz; Martha, Marion "Kennedy; Electa", Cora McLouth; color hearer, Harriet

"Beal; sentinel. G. E7CrbckerT€ru8tee for three years, Hermina Mertz. *

Mr. and Mrs. S.|Foater, of Palmyra, Wm Franks anti Minnie Holtz spent

luraday in ..Rochester .attending-tha

mative, Lewif F Allen, OBcar Gard­ner and.Earl Katkamier; negative, A. B. Katkamier, Arthur Herendeen and Karl Popenhusen; roll call, current e-vents, election of officers. . ^~

Little Virginia Wyman has" been quite ill the past week, but is now improving ^-Mrsr-Agnes™, Br-iggsf^of—Magedon,-spent laht week Friday with her sis­ter, MrB. Clarence Wyman

Mr- and Mrs. Herman = Fagner,. .of Newark, have moved inta^the E. M. Mo'tt nouBe, made vacant hy Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lawrenz

Miss Clara Andrews, of Lyons, is visiting her sister, Mra. Howard Blair.

Miss Belle Gardner, of Canandaigua, spent^thV we~ek~end artheTHome o f h e ? father/Oscar Gatdner.

* • • » *

Mias Harriet Crane, of Macedon, spent.last week end with Mias Emma Reynolds

The*marriage of Miss Harriet Let-tie Young, "ldest daughter of Mr and Mrs John N Young, of this town, to Willl&nrCrSmlthr oflrondequnitr^n of Mr. and Mra. Henry Smith, of Buf­falo, took place.on JanuarjL.4th Af­ter March 1st th»y will be at home on the Rochester and Buffalo road Con­gratulations are extended them.

Miss Emma Reynolds gave a musical program last week Thursday afternoon at the home of her teacher, Misa Freda Woolsey, of Fairport, which consisted "of"the"following" numbers': "Queen of.the Night ," by Bahn; "Enchanted Woodland, " .by Moult on; "The Fla(T terer," by Chamiade; "The"" Cradlfr Song," by Dntton, and "The Butter­fly" by Merkel, which were all ren-dexed-Jay->mQmQrizlng Miss Esca Fox

man, frrFarmiwgtom; '—^. — MISB Edna Reed is spending two

da>s with her sister, Mrs. JajTElls-worth, of Palmyra. ; .'....•'..-.-..

Mrs; WiMioiTBunTpus and ¥dn, Har­old, of Macedon Center, viaited Fri­day afternoon—with-her-motherj-MTS j-A T: Briggs."

Mign F!d^h Benftdfff: left, thifl m'nrn.

noon drew an average crowd Two names were presented for membership. Frank A. Diebold led a discussion on insects that deform and scar tipples. At the cloaeuf tbj business session a program of community singing and readings by Messrs. Horace Caryl and "Ernest Diebold was given. ..,_ - •••

Mrs. Arthur Lawrence, who teaches at the Tannery school, was unable to reach her school Thursday morning, owing to "the storm of "the pfeyj"^""ev­ening filling the road with snow, mafc-ing'it impaisihjie for horses;

A.number bfHome Bureau members who were unable to attend the regular meeting-mei.atlhe^home^jLI^8l^ai^ win Eldredge Thursday afternoon and were given the first lesson in the clo­thing project by thejeader, Mrs Pbir Packard, and assistant leader, Mrs. Durfee Hoag.

Mr and Mrs. William Eldredge are spending, some time in Rochester with Mrs; Eldredge's siatei, Mrs. David. Wallace ----- --—Henry. Bucholtz. ..who-was taken ill with bronchial pneumonia while in Rochester on business last week, has recovered sufficiently to return home Thursday - --• _.-==

Mrs Irving E iott' a-'d children, Geraldine, Ira and Zelma, have been quite ill for about a week

The annual meeting of the Macedon Center Ce mfltery~a«soT!l & tl on~wl1 \—brr neld in the acauemy Saturday alter-noon, for the transaction of business and election, of officers.

Miss Esther Kesb'y, of Fairport, spent the week__end with her grand­parents,-Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison,;

sr -.,-. ,.-.- • ,;: Mrs, I. R. Hoag, 'who has been on

the sick lit-1 for a w e eki is Impruving. Her granddaughteiy'MiBB Celia Hoag,

ing for Salem, Oregon, after a atay of several months with friends and rela­tives in this vicinity.

Roy Hriggs and daughter, Phyllis, of Fairportj. visited his parents, Mrr

and Mrs. A T . Briggs, Sunday morn­ing •••••--• • —^-MisB-Mamie-Reynoldsr-of—Palmyra^: visited- her niece, Mra. John Pardee, Sunday"

Miss Margaret Griffin, of Rochester, was a guest recently ot her aunt.Mrs., James Hayes -"•• . i


fl By keeping rugs entirely free f torn nap-cutting grit, the Hoover actually gives rugs many years of add^^vvear—:: ~—r— • -- --.'



$3 JO Dawn, $1,25 a Week These terms are for a limited time only.

E. B.


I •

has been caring for her during her ill'

circus in the evening. Eureka Chapter. O. B. S.. will on.


mm? •


the evening of Friday, Feb. 2, give a play entitled Twelve Old Maids. In connection there will be music and speaking,.also a cafeteria lunch Will be served. Fuiftfier notice next weelcT

The friends of ReV."Capt. Judge,* who was naator of the Universalist church..the past-year1, wJUJae pleased to read the follbwing clipping from theQneonta Star the-past weekv ; ; _

The Chapin Memorial Universalist church has a resident pastor for the first time in two ye<trs, and & large

-audience which heard the Rev, J, A. Judge -preach bis first sermon here yesterday was very enthusiastic con­cerning the outlook for th,o pastorate

, of a man as sincere, and. with such a* well, rounded personality as Mr/. Judge. . : The church has been holding irregular'meetings for the two years, but now looks forward to a period* of renewed act ivi ty . - Regular services

^Wilj be. held on Sunday as.,well as .the V m?d weeH^ prayer*service. Mr Judge

i d C ^ - ^ ^ P - L ^ t y P , e? f ljn? P «j§ojri at I ty •. r.-;r."i8||!?M seen the" worfd Tftnd al I sorts bf f . : rnen. H e hasfan dr fgirial way of loofc-t ' ing'alt things-ond-men,^and will be ft

•V; /very popular member of the commun-.;/ i t v . . Wot (he, church he brings hew

V- ' -ideas and a lot.of energy. .».

also attended the musical program., -jjelicions refreshment^ Were served by the hostess and a pleasant time en-joyed by her pupils.. r A d a n c i n g party will be given in

tfrarge".hall Friday e.vening of this *v7iJ§k. A picnic Bupper will be served, which lall „who attend will.furnish.

nesa. Mra. Dean, of Manchester, spent

the. past week with her) sisterinlaw, Mrs Irving Elliott.

Loren Wolf and sons. Harold, Clar - i • - i • • - - i - — • - - — — — — * - ' - — ^ — * • — — • —

WALVraRTH. Walworth, Jan. 22—-Rev

Cald weU^P^JXT^ave^oneiofhisian^ spiring addresses in the -Methodist church Sunday, morning. • Dr. . ,Cald-;

well, B^ent mairiy^ ^ a ^ J B l S M H S l ^ B ^ was one of our' rhostr auccessfur tep-resentatives in that country. ,—

:'The Hall class of the MethodiBt church will hold their meeting at the bomej'pf Mrs G. R. Wignall VVednee-dayt Jan 24 _ — Mrs. -Soudan_is -apending- a—few days with her daughter, MrB. Chas. Buckley. • The Methodists will hold church

•night-Feb--1.-'- A-picnic-supper-will be served. Dr. Com an, of Rochester, will be the speaker of the evening. . The M E. Ladies' Aid Tociety haa elected these officers: President, Mrs. FjgnlTCaTman;. Viee~p"fesiden^ MrFT Frank Du'mo'nd: secretary, Mrs. Guy-Lawton; treasurer,* Mrs. Ella Stout. It was decided to hold meetings every two weeks to make fancy articles for the next fair.

G. Rr Wignall was ih-Netfark Sat­urday. ' ' . . • ; . -

The regular grange meeting will be. held next Saturday, Jan. 27, Reports of officerBrhnw-can-meetingB"and ex-erciB&s of grange he made more succea-"sful and useful~to m"emBefB? - each" member present to respond; humemade devices to lighten indoor work, Mrs. A; E. Huntley and Mrs.' George

Penfii*ld, 'Jan. 22—Mr. and Mrs. El-den ~McQuoid entertained" Mr." and Mrs. Cyril Scutt, of Rochester, on Saturday and Sunday. '"'• ~~ MissiEdna-McDowell and MisB Dor­othea Hoffman, teachers, in the. Pert-, fieldfHigh §choglr7spen"t--the-weeH-end with\their parents at LeRoy, " . / vMany farmers^ from thjsvieinity at-

^rpp8^asspciat|pn :meetings which were held "at .Rochester laat week. The "meetings were of great .interest to those present. ••;

The W. C. T. U.- hold their regular -meeting at the home of Mrs, Mary Bonnie on-Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 24.

The Ladies' Aid will hold a chick en pie the Methodist churcn Thursday evening, Jan.-• 25,- at 6:80 x>'clock.

Miss Mary' Wagner, of Rocheater, Bpent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wag-

ence and Walter, who have been en? tertaining the mumps for some'time, Bre' able to be out agafa

ner. Mrs. Carl Willig waa taken to the

Homeopathic hospital Saturday. Mrs. Jacob Luitweiler and Mrs

Henry Rosenbaum are on the Bick'list. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walker and

family Bpent the -week-end with'Mr.' and Mrs. Frank Hartung and family.

Many people from thia hamlet at-/ tended the auto show held at Roches­ter 1 as t w'eek" '. ~ r~r~~

Mrs. Clara Phikney and son, - of

—a furnace installed complete and heating your home. :: ::

T^HIS ia to offer you a warm home— * quick! A practical and efficient

warm-air furnace installed in forty-five Iniriiites-^complete. , .

Many.' thousands ^a're in use. A company three-quatters -rof a century old makes and guarantees $t, -' .

Webster, spent Thurscuiy and-Friday with, her parentB, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Urckfilz.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lehr entertained Frowley;xhomemade-d6vice8 to light- | f t n qnn^y M ' " Qflrfrtf^ M ^ y ^ , - ^


CliheV orchestra will entertain.


vEgypt, • v Jan.

t ?

W& J%la.Heraid ^GlassiHed^

E G Y F I V ^ - T :•-—: 22—Wn£ Yohan, of

Wayland, was an..over Sunday, guest of his pister, Mrs. Edward Shulta. . . .WiliTooley and family are occupy-ing the Woolsey houso on Main street. V -Mr.rjand Mrs Alvlrj DeWltt are visiting relatives in 'Fairport arnTEaet .Rocheater. .'•{Mrs. Harry Rainbow and Mrs.

.Amos Rush called" on Mrs. Albert Mil liman^at.^the^Park Avenue hospital FrldayV '',".' '. :,'; - i; v .,' MiB9jNolHe Robins6n, who has been v^ry.j-ill for a number ofjjyeeks; is slowly tlmproving. W Mrr and Mrs, Chas. EatQn enter* tained 'Mr. and Mrs. Miner, of^Roch­es ter» Sunday. _ ;> u ';. ^ . . . ; ^ . p%x

.Lewis* Robjnson.'•.Ja"^ cbnflnecl^to the hi>^S?^^f^fea|jani,:'•*• ' ,* h

Mrs. -Mary Heldeman, of Brighton, was a caller in town Sunday.

Mr. and Mra. Clarence HMl.jwho have been spending some time in Rochester, speht Saturday, Sunday and Monday at their "home; here * v-V-

George Clark, of East Rochester, called pn Mr. and Mrs Carl C. Bla* kef the fiVst of the .week. i'^Mill Jdinnje J|awr-y-w_aB^ther gueajt of Mrs; I; G. Zoefner," of Uochestef,"

r__A cofrimtfrtity meeting .will be held* in Grange hall Monday, Jan. 29, at 2 p m., under the auspices" ot the Farm and Home Bureaus. Out o f town speakers will be in attendance who will dj cuBfl both, farm and home problems and projects. Every one in the community' is invited to attend

MH. Ivan Fields and daughter, MiBs 'June, HpVrit'the""Tattei""partTpT the week in Rochester where they were guests of Mrs. Fields' Bisters, Mrs. Thomas Glantsching, Mrs Char-lea Lawrence and .Mrs. Conrad Buch-olti" ."" -y.-- ._/^'z]-^:S\[ >:'}^

Mrs. Harry Bailey spent the .first of the\.week wj^h Rocheater friends - X A r ^ f f e f r n W : ^ mumps tzi'.' :<

en outdoor work, Ray Billings R. W. Wignall.. .__ - ; —Petor-Bookhouti-Of Honcoyo"—FaUsr is visiting his sister, Mrs. Bert Pem­broke. ^ ' * - Robert Wignalf was in Rochester S a t u r d a y . . : ' : •'?- " ;*:_'

MissLucv Boynton was home from Fairport over' Sunday. -v' ' > ' 1 -Frank Decker, of Rochester,'spent therweek-jendjwith hla-parentB; -: --A "4f*Mr8l'"j;ppiTH(alLha8^retufned^^^ after spending some time" -wltli hBr daughter,. Mrs, Carl Honick,.. in .Eair-port ; ; ^ •*:;:";"'

'Mr*-and Mrs. 0 . M. Hontly and £oh were Sunday-guestB otjAt^z. and "Mrs. R. W", Wlghall. * __ •'".Mrs: Carrie Hall haB returned home* after spending some ;time v'.with her daughter,. Mrs. -Ray Corter,- In Hall Center."' — '. •-,.-".'-". • *;.-. ;, v'T'-'.

:; The Live- W irl^i lustlers and Star classes have a "banquet at the Method­ist church Saturday evening, J art. 27.*

h • •;• . . , - , , . . , , - , - . , - • - v - - /

>• ... Bc»t Auction Billi ,t, Auction bills printed at the Herald .office bring the largest crowds to the

Rochester, and Mra. T Hazel Johnson, of Pehfleld. —^embers of Constellation Chap^terr 0 . E. S., will meet in regular session Saturday eveningi Jan. 27 . \ Officers especially report promptly at 7:45 o'clock,'by request of Worthy Matron jGr ace Form an. ^ >'. !. '•

James McGowan has installed a telephone in his confectionery store, -JT;James^~M"cTJowan Ief[TthlB THond&y" night?tot^^ Alb;any,.~where^. ior^theVpast !fiv^ w i n t e r s ' ' H e ^ a B ^ ' ^ ^ U f c ^ the Capitol.-"*• This year hei has an ap­pointment under.Majority Leader Ad :

&MM0 Not a stove, bu_t_a .warm air fur«

n^ce, supplying all the comforts of a furnace-heated home without the trou­ble and expense' of installing a base*

1 ;


ment furnace. TlTree to" six connect­ing' roomB (often more) are kept warm 88 toast even in the coldest weather.

Burns any kind of fuel—from wood to anthracite. A gas burner is fur­nished at small extra cost. •', —

Beautifully rinished1 in ricn, graiaed mahogany 'enamel. Looks like a handsome cabinet phonograph.— - — -


Don't delay longer. The Heatrola i« the solution of your heating t>roln

, Iem—for now andlevermore. '•' •:•,". • -N • V - - { • • ' ' • y

Phone-Webiter 39.R*and reverse chart/e

Mrs. Susan P. Dyer has gunejto^the Baptist Home at Fairbbrt to reside. ;

Wales Dyer, who has been quite ill with, the grip, fs improving rapidly.

Mr. and .'Mrs. Lloyd, Curtice, /and daughter, Qf» Chili, h&ve'been ylalting at the home of 6 ; A. Lloyd a^few. d a y s . •; ' . - , . .""- ' • ; •> ."•'.• .•;:;•'.•'•"v'.'.."-.:-


j . i . - . : ^ - . . . ; - u ,

r^who' l Wpy—arbook^ era see us aa" we see ourgolves.—Boa-ton Evening Transcript V v i

: VfeSTPENFIELDr V West Pe^fleid, Jan. ^2--pMr8. !Day.:

^on Gentle attended thff Eastman

- • > . . * . . . . ^ , - « . ;

«Have it printed ^ i n i f J . 8. AVby The>He>a.lj Press,*. Fairjport,; W< Y

Leslie Miller had the misfp^tune to cut .his right t)?urnb> Very "severely on a broken-window pane Sunday, ^0W - f e f - j j =^

ahd^ prinle^vthan^ the Ordinary kind, " f ^ ^ p P S ^ ^ S ^ ^ i w y y ^ paper's tockr and

becaqae: we' giye ; a notice of the stile Ifrthe Herald "without;; extra-charge.' This brings notice of the sale to more

y ^ u b s e n b e for the Hefaid. ?«5

people, than be-reached^byenyjOther (rnediam-irV thiftivlcinityo ^^•>^.' .-^";

~ •','.: .V'" •>> •• ' , - " V * .„<•'-%.*.•-,; i [ .-. .• . ' • • ' \ 7 : V , , : . i V i u S » - \

I Cheirj^rHlleif iB/siowl^ Vecpyefing

Creek "street, , had the pleasure '} of » opening.the road Fjelday. It Jbnd been closed several days; / " *i . ^ . ,|/-'Ct C -Lewla\I>eBree, of Hochosteri cailedJ

ojvhJB toother,} Mrs., Charles DeBree* Saturday.- :.] ' • J > : -V.0;. '• ',^\x :; •Richard Em^uryV Is emblbyed at' ,

Sibley's for the remainder of thewlri-":' ten >.:-''iv.:.'.,'-• '"'.-: S| / * k^^tMM

,;EyereUGIeichanf, who has been'AM '.-with .gr ip ; is out again and^able to.:,:

attend school.'/..-Ii . : : -. ^ " ^ a y t a n ? G g n c J a « t f n ^

crppa assbciaMbnm^


«ftep4rffff57^nedn ^.WedneadayUiB&^J^day^i^^ / ^ ^ e u r n o n i a 5 ^ ' < * y - : ^ ^ ? r ? £ t : ^ ' ^ r i k£$iti$J£\<fti$$^ U? Emfi JPipitKeV,^Charles ^ b l f h g a\?d ride ;party !at*C Rochester-r Saturday Pe jer^Gle i chauf l r^ : ? ^ J ° ^ % l ^ p s £ ^ S f i ® ^ i | i i § | ^ Potera in;RochesteVFriday^andi^ ^Our>^ad^comni i88 |on^^ him comfortable.


:&&i$t(l-l*: d t e a n d ^ a f v f e w othet? neighbors ^ ^ " A ^ ^
