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Superiority of the President

Superiority of the Fascist Party

Making the whole

nation “Political”

Superiority of the Italian Nation

4 Main Principles

March on Rome

March on Rome

March on Rome

King Vittorio Emmanule and Mussolini

Mussolini visiting Alfa Romeo Factories

Benito Mussolini and the Blackshirt Youth.

Mussolini rescued by German troops from his prison in Campo Imperatore on September 12, 1943.

MUSSOLINI says The thing called flag is a

kind of rag that covers the dirt.

Shoot me on my chest. Believe, obey, fight! Our plan is simple : We

want to rule Italy. I’d rather have 50

thousand weapons than 50 thousand votes.

I don’t believe in peace all the time.

Freedom is a mission;, not a right.

Socialists ask us “What is your plan?”. Here is my answer: “Squeezing their heads”.


A young Hitler (left) posing with other German soldiers.

Hitler in Berlin (1933)

Sepp Dietrich, Hitler, Heinrich Himmler 

Ernst Hanfstaengl, Adolph Hitler and Hermann Göring (1934)

Parade in Nürnberg (1935)

Hitler and Heinrich Himmler in Nürnberg (1935)

Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini walking in front of saluting military during Hitler's visit to Venice, Italy (1934)

Hitler in Wien (1938)

Hitler in Südet (1938)

Hitler and Mussolini in Munich Conference (1938)

Hitler in Paris (1940)

Hitler in Finland for Mannerheim's 75 birthday (1942)

A view from concentration camps in Auschwitz.

Owens in Buchenwald Concentration Camp, Jena, Germany.

A view from a concentration camp


Dictator is just like a man on a bike. If he stops, he hits the ground.

Anyone who revolts against us, should accept himself “dead”.

I don’t care if we lose the war. I don’t really care if people become miserable. I don’t even shead a tear for them; they deserve nothing.

Feeling pity for the weak one is a betrayal to the nature. Catholicity is the mother of all the evil things. I was not born to make people strong, I was born to use

their weaknesses. Mustafa Kemal is a man who proved that a nation which

is debared from all of its facilities, can create those facilities again.

The Things Hitler Had Done

Hitler has a signature under a big genocide.

Jews, Gypsies, Germans are the ones that are against Nazis, People with disabilities, Homosexuals, Prisoners, Slavs are the victims of this genocide.

Nazi events are sometimes defined as “ Ultimate solution for the Jew problems”. According to some academics, death toll is approximently 6 million people.

Besides the people who were got killed, lots of people –including African Germans- were got castrated by force.