FAS New Features Martha Pluemer 2012 User Conference


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FAS New FeaturesMartha Pluemer

2012 User Conference

Budget Processing - Post Budgets

On the Budget Post screen (FBPST01A) a new set of radio buttons will display

Allows the flexibility of selecting either original or adjusted budget for each budget batch to be posted

Budget Processing - Post Budgets

If interested in this option, you must create FBPST01A_YM_OVERRIDE Profile Key in the Profiles Master with the Profile Data value set to Y

Payment Approval Process

• Weidenhammer created an approval chain process for accounts payable payments

• Currently available for Direct Payment Entry (FPENT06A)

• InfoLink offers a whitepaper with more detailed information

Payment Approval Process

• PAYMENT_APPROVAL_FPENT06A Profile Key is required for pay approvals to function

• Profile Data must be set to Y• The Profile key may be switched at any time,

but any payment created when the profile key is set to Y will still require approval, even after the Profile key is reset to N.

Payment Approval Process

Can use existing approval chains or create new approval chains

Payment Approval Process

• The Approval Required box is automatically selected when the profile key PAYMENT_APPROVAL_FPENT06A is set to Y

• This check box cannot be manipulated and is for informational purposes only

• Automatically cleared when the profile data is set to N

Approval Chain field• The Approval Chain field updates as the

payment is processed• The field displays if the payment is entered,

approved, or disapproved

• It is updated to APPROVED status, after a payment is approved by all levels in the chain or the account has an auto approve chain

• If a payment is disapproved, the Approval Chain field is updated to DISAPPROVED

Approval Chain field

Use Payment Approval (FPAPP01A) to view and approve the payments

After all payments in the batch are approved, run the Payment Request Edit List

Payment Approval Process

The payment batch is then posted and the checks are ready to print. Follow the normal procedure to print and post the AP checks.

The status of the batch updates to Ready status

Open in Spread SheetAdded a check box option on the alio Main Menu that enables reports to be run in spreadsheet format

Created a new Variable Column report that uses the spreadsheet format FVXLS01S.REP Variable Column Report (Spreadsheet)

Open in Spread Sheet

Select a report specification and a Variable Column Report Style. Then click the Use this Report Spec button.

Open in Spread Sheet

Modify the Date, Periods, Sort/Totals and Selections if needed and click the Run Report button

Open in Spread Sheet

If running a BPS budget report, insert a Scenario No, otherwise leave blank

Open in Spread Sheet

You will be prompted to Open or Save the file. I selected Open for this sample.

Open in Spread Sheet

The data pulls into Excel. Columns need to be widened. There may be columns you will want to delete.

Open in Spread Sheet

Double click on the vertical line that separates the columns and the Excel application will automatically expand to the largest size needed

Any report can be created in spreadsheet form. The new Variable Column was specifically designed for this process and renders the best in Excel.

Open in Spread Sheet

Note: The Destination Format of DELIMITEDDATA

Example: Print Vendor Detail Report W/Accounts

Print Vendor Detail Report W/Accounts open in spreadsheet

Open in Spread Sheet

Cash Receipts Reports

Added a V next to the Reference No. on cash receipts indicating the receipt has been voided.Reports with this feature: FCATV01A.REP – Cash Receipt Detail by AccountFCATV02A.REP – Detail Cash Receipt Journal by ReferenceFCATV03A.REP – Cash Receipts Summary

ARS: New Customer Statement Details Report: FRDET02B.REPDetails the Customer and the following:

Invoice No Pre-Invoice No Customer PO No Date of Invoice Payment Date Paid amount Cancel/Credit amount and Invoice amount Total and Amount Due columns/rows

Report can be run for a specific location or all locations and for a specific customer or all customers

ARS: New Customer Statement Details Report: FRDET02B.REP

ARS: New Aged A/R Report

• New Aged A/R Report (FRDET03C)• Breaks, sorts and totals by Account

Location & Object and then Customer Number

ARS: New Aged A/R Report

Displays aged A/R amounts as of the cutoff date entered on runtime

ARS: A/R Invoice Receipts/Cash Receipts Summary Report

• Reports each Reference by ‘R’ or ‘I’ to indicate which module

• You can sort by Batch, Reference or Received From

ARS: Print Invoices

Added Show/Hide page number to FOPRT01S.REP

Options are:Yes, print page number

No, do not print page number

ARS: Print Receiving Edit List

Added the Print Accounting parameter to FREDT02A

Options are:Yes, print accounting

No, do not print accounting

ARS: Print Receiving Edit List

ARS: Post Invoice Payments

Added Batch Total when ready to post an invoice payment batch

ARS: AR Report by Customers

Added Beginning Date and Ending Date parameters.

Added Grand Totals to the report output

Enables you to view data within date range.

ARS: AR Report by Customers

Account Inquiry Drill Down

Added Unprinted Payments tab that displays posted payments that have not yet been printed

Account Inquiry Drill Down

Added Warehouse Orders tab

Displays warehouse order information for the account

Account Inquiry Drill Down

Added Batch No column to Budgets

You can also drill down on the Reference No value to view the detailed transactions

Purchase Order Inquiry

• Account Number can now be drilled down to the Account Inquiry screen

• Find Mode now sorts by highest PO#

PO Print – Web – FOPRT05B

• Made the “PO Post Must Be Run” validation optional based on profile key and User ID

• Purchase Order Print will now allow other users to print their PO’s, when another user has printed but not yet posted their PO’s

• Profile Key FOPRT05B PO MUST POST with Profile Data set to N will not validate for unposted PO's by other users. Program will warn the user if their own PO’s have printed but not yet posted. It will validate if set to Y.

FAS Tools - New and Improved

• Delete Inactive Vendors (FVUTL03A.FMX): New program to delete inactive vendors with no activity en masse

• Mass Create Accounts by Account Mask (FAUTL06A.FMX): Will now copy User Defined Dimension values and Approval Chains to the new account

Bid Requisitions waiting for approval now display when the Details button is pressed

BID - New & Improved

Field Level Security added to Bid Entry for Bid Item Maintenance, Req. Vendor field, and the Acct button

BID - New & Improved

Item Properties enables field level security by User ID and Role ID

BID - New & Improved

New Vendor Bid Export/Import (FEVBL02A.FMX) allows the ability to export and import Vendor Bids

BID - New & Improved

• Bid Item Export (FBEXP01A.FMX) Exports Bid Item Entry data into Excel

BID - New & Improved

• New Profile: FEBID01A_LONG_DESC Set to Y to display long description on the

Vendor Bid Entry, Bid Approval, and Bid Entry screens rather than the short description

• Bid Item Import (FEIMP02A.FMX) Imports Bid Item Entry data Designed to read the export file created

by Bid Item Export program FBEXP01A.FMX

Other New FAS Profiles in alio

• FJEXD01A_SHOW_JOURNAL_DESC_DETAIL = Y/N If set to Y, the Expenditure Detail Report by

Account will display individual journal descriptions for payments and encumbrances

• FPENT_CROSS_YR = Y/N If set to N, PO Payment screens will not allow the

account year to be different than the batch year• ACCRUAL_PROFILE = accrual year, accrual date,

accrual period Allows posting of expense and accounts payable to

the prior year. Cash and the accounts payable offset to post to the current year.

More information is available in the Guide to Accounts Payable Accruals offered on InfoLink

FAS - Form & Reports Improved

• Trial Balance Sheet (FJBAS05A) now includes inactive accounts that were active during the period range

• Build Next Year Accounts (FYFYE01A) has new option ”Process Accounts Dimensions?” used to roll accounts for Account Inquiry by Dimension program (FAINQ02A)

• Host Account Listing (FMACT16A) has a new option to run report by Fund

Liquidate/Roll PO’s-Improved cont.

• Added Fund Range Option and PO Range Option - defaults to “All”

• Begin Fund cannot be greater than End Fund; a message displays if this occurs

• Added red text to Process Alpha Fund/ PO ranges separately from Numeric Fund/PO ranges

Liquidate/Roll PO’s Improved

• Profile of PO_NO_SIZE setup needed for By PO range functionality

• Added red text to verify before processing, there is not a backout program available for recovery

• Added “Roll ?” checkbox to Direct Purchase Order Entry form (FUENT01A) - default is checked

alio Intelligence Improved

• Added PO Receiving tables to the FAS Universe under Purchasing Class

• Created new report: Revenues & Expenditures By Fund found under alio/Finance/General Ledger

• A/R Aging report now compares the cost minus cancel amount to the paid amount

• Created A/P Aging report found under Finance/Accounts Payable

• Added Order Type to the Open PO report• Open PO reports will use the Default

Account Year value• Added the following to the PO Information

report: Three new tabs: Header, Payment Info and Journals A Difference Column which calculates the account

amount minus the account amount liquidated Totals to all three account amount columns

alio Intelligence - Open PO reports

alio Intelligence - Open PO reports

• Created new Open PO reports: Open PO Totals Open POs (Not Liquidated) Open POs (Not Received) Open POs (Received - Not Paid)

• Reports can be found under Public Folders/alio/Dashboards/ Finance/Purchasing

Sample Open POs (Not Received)
