Farrai's Backstory


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  • 8/9/2019 Farrai's Backstory


    Farrai Siloire stood upon the rocky shore of the small island he once called home as a child. The ocean air swept over his hairless head and teased his pointedhis ears as it sung under the grayed skies that was illuminated by the stifled sun. For all appearance he looked to be a gray-skinned half-orc, and only a select few of those who still lived in this world knew better. The giant stood at a tower six and a half feet, his body sculpted as if by the best clay an artist could get their hands on.Black irises scanned the shore until he saw what he was looking for. With a grim look, Farrai trudged off toward his destination. His plate armor clicked and squeaked with his movements. It was fine armor, blackened Mithril created for hisgrandfather whom had been a feared knight and the armor reflected his intimidating presence. Spikes adorned every inch of the plate mail, particulary at the shoulders where large spikes jutted out in a vertical fashion. The helm, which forthe moment was off and hanging off of his pack, was decorated with a pair largehorns curved forward in the fashion of some sort of fiend. It had been a perfect fit for his grandfather, a paladin of madness. Madness, it seemed, ran in thefamily.Such was the trend with nobility. Farrai considered himself to be of noble blood. His half-orc mother was the daughter of a duke and duchess. And although she was cast from her family at a young age, she had still been nobility in his eyes.Farrai fixed his lead gaze upon the building he approached as the ocean roared to his left. It was old and weathered, but he had once called it home before he left 3 years ago, a small affair built with stout wood and tin roof. The windows

    were dark in the wan light. As he continued toward it, his mind turned to his parents. His father Demis was a human, loving but firm. There was not much to noteexcept that he was either foolish or brave to be the husband of his mother.His mother, Banri of the noble Fola house, was the more interesting of the two.She taught him everything he knew and supported him through the turbulent yearsof his childhood no matter what the circumstances would be. He knew why, as well, when he first learned about his true heritage.Though Banri never told him the details, an event occurred while she was still in her mothers room in which she was given a curse before she was even born. Thiscurse only ever manifested on a night of the full moon. Farrai snorted to himself. Yes, most would expect his next words to be that moon caused her form to change into that of a beastly cross between a wolf and humanoid, but no, the realitywas much more terrifying to the common man. Deep in the sea dwelled many creatu

    res of nightmare, but nothing caused such a visceral instinctive fear as the sight of massive maws lined with rows and rows of razor sharp teeth belonging to one of mans most natural predators.Banri did not take the form of a cross of man and wolf on those nights when thedreaded full moon would rise above the horizon. No, instead her form became thatof a cross between woman and shark; a terror with jaws that could crush bone and splinter wood. Truly, it was a miracle that he and his father had survived aslong as they did. Perhaps it was because he had come into their lives that thiswas the case. Farrai did not know. What he did know was that when she became thebeast, she was the embodiment of rage. Others may have called it madness.

    Farrai frowned to himself as he came within feet of the door of his childhood home. Something was not right. He pushed open the front door with an effortless pu

    sh of a hand. The hinges creaked as it opened up into darkness, broken only by the sunlight filtering in through the windows. As the Seascarred male cast his glance around while his legs carried him slowly into the kitchen, he knew why he had such an odd feeling.Table smashed to splinters. Chairs torn apart and spread throughout the room. Inthe living room overstuffed chairs and sofas rent apart so that their stuffinglittered the floor. Holes in the walls as if some had put somethingor someone, through them. The feeling of dread only grew as he approached the bedroom of hisparents. The door was partially off its hinges and as he pushed it aside, the bottom hinge gave up the ghost of its duties as there was a snap and the door felt

  • 8/9/2019 Farrai's Backstory


    with a resound THUD! Upon the ground.The tower of a man looked into the room and quickly cast his gaze aside. Blood was everywhere. He did not wish to see the details. With a shuffle of his feet heturned away. He did not need to see more to know what had happened. It was bound to happen at some point, he told himself. So many years without an incident, it had to happen eventually.The Half-Orcs chest began to heave as his breathing quickened, but he did not notice. A feeling was beginning to well up within, a familiar feeling. It was likea pilot flame was being lit within him. His mind flashed to his childhood suddenly.A child played in the shallows of the beach where his mother could watch from the kitchen of the home. He had caught a starfish and this was his main source ofentertainment as his imagination soared. Then came the sudden sting of pain at his foot. The boy cries out in surprise, blood beginning to cloud the water around him as his assailant strikes again and emerges for a brief moment. A shark. Atiny breed that dwelled in the shallows, but its teeth were still sharp as broken glass.The childs cries of pain and panic quickly turned to screams of rage as his fleshbegan to stretch and pull. His nose, lips, and chin pulled away from his face as his jaw widened. Even his teeth ground into triangle, serrated shapes. His bones splintered and warped as fin-like protrusions sprouted from his forearms andspine. Webbing pulled at his fingers and toes as they took form. Last to emergewas a tail; long, thick, and lashing with a fin at its end as well. The transformation continued until what stood was the bestial form of a boy turned shark, bu

    t the boy did not notice. All he could see was red. Red like blood. Blood and red took on the same meanings: hunger. A ferocious hunger awoke in his belly, as if he had not eaten in days. His nostrils flared at the scent of his own blood.With a roar and a jerking movement, he used clawed hands to snatch up his attacker. Predator eats prey, and for the tiny shark, his prey had suddenly become thepredator. The boys wide maw crunched down on the head of the shark, tearing it away from the rest its body in a spray of blood and scales as he proceeded to wolf it down whole. All it took was one more bite and the shark was gone. Somethingin the boys mind reveled in the feasting on fresh prey.Farrai shook his head as he hurried out of the wrecked home. His memory was fuzzy after that initial moment. All he knew was that his mother taught him how to control his transformations after that, and she always watched him much more closely after that. He only wished he was there to watch over her.

    As he emerged into the fresher, salty sea air, he took several deep breaths to calm his nerves. He couldnt give in to the rage, couldnt let it control him. Too many berserkers allowed it to. But he wasnt going to let it control him. HE controlled IT. Only when he willed it would he give a little bit of control to harnesshis anger, but always would he be in control. Always.Once the fog cleared from his mind, he shook his head once more and approached the shore until the ocean lapped at his feet. His black irises stared out at thevast expanse of sea before him. He needed answers. He had returned from adventuring hoping to settle down after a while, but it seemed his return to the path ofa traveler would be much sooner than he though. There had been no sign of her in there, and as such he had no doubt she was somewhere out there. He needed answers. He needed to find her.He closed his eyes, letting that pilot light within him grow again, but this tim

    e he only let it grow to a certain level. His eyes snapped open as his lips parted to let out a bestial roar as he let the anger in. then his mind turned within, to razor tooth within his soul that continued the beast within. His transformation was swift nowadays and he roared again as his fins filled the hollow spikeshe had added to the suit of armor. Once he became the hulking monster that wasboth man and shark, he charged into the waves, crashing effortlessly through before he dove in, gills forming at his neck as he became submerged.He was going to find her, and he would swim to the bottom of the sea if he had to.
