Family reunion newsletter - Amazon S3 · 2020-02-28 · me. Draw out of me the light and life you...


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March 2020

The Printed Voice of St. Francis of the Tetons

Episcopal Church

The Voice of the Vestry

St. Francis may be getting a facelift. Chris and Ethan Moulder, from Dubbe-Moulder Architects, presented their preliminary plans for the renovation of the front entry of the church to the Building and Grounds Committee at the February meeting. Their proposal was met with enthusiastic approval. The next step will be to authorize the design team to complete construction drawings, this will be voted on by vestry in the March meeting. If vestry votes to approve authorizing construction drawings then we can get contract and material bid estimates. It will take some time to put all the numbers together to see if we can afford the project. Funding this renovation can come from several options. One option is our Building Reserve Fund, that we have been adding to for the last few years, but it will be hard to imagine completing the project with this fund. It may be inevitable that we would need to launch a Capi-tal Campaign to cover the remainder of the costs. There will be many tasks to keep our costs down that volunteers can help with, from costing to final clean up. All are welcome to help as you are able. Please take time to look at the proposed architec-tural renderings displayed in the meeting room and give us your thoughts. We had a wonderful lead into Lent with the annual Shrove Tuesday pancake din-ner. Thanks to all who cooked, set up, cleaned, and donated food. Our Ash Wednes-day service was the start of Lent, this years’ service was well attended. It is always a humble service that reminds us that “we are dust and to dust we will return”. It is only by the grace of God that we are given everlasting life thru Jesus Christ our sav-ior. (BCP) Pg.265 “I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent, by self examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting and self-denial, and by reading and meditating on God’s holy Word.” This year let us make this a holy Lent by spending more time on self examination, repentance, reading and meditating on God’s holy Word, and less on fasting on one type of food for for-ty days, only to binge on Easter. Think instead of starting Bible Study, or Centering Prayer, or Spiritual Growth Group, and continue it for the short time we have to en-joy God’s green earth. Mt. 6:21 “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” God’s peace, Rod

The Flock

Church Services

Sundays at 10:00am

All are welcome For worship and


Office Hours Monday

8am - 4pm

Wednesday 9 am - 1pm


9am - 4pm

St. Francis of the Tetons Episcopal

Church 20 Alta School Rd.

Alta, Wyoming




Lent Lent began as early Christians observed "a season of peni-

tence and fasting" in preparation for the Paschal feast, or

Pascha (BCP, pp. 264-265). The season now known as Lent

(from an Old English word meaning "spring," the time of

lengthening days) has a long history. Originally, in places

where Pascha was celebrated on a Sunday, the Paschal feast

followed a fast of up to two days. In the third century this

fast was lengthened to six days. Eventually this fast became

attached to, or overlapped, another fast of forty days, in imitation of

Christ's fasting in the wilderness. The forty-day fast was especially im-

portant for converts to the faith who were preparing for baptism, and

for those guilty of notorious sins who were being restored to the Chris-

tian assembly. In the western church the forty days of Lent extend

from Ash Wednesday through Holy Saturday, omitting Sundays. The

last three days of Lent are the sacred Triduum of Maundy Thursday,

Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. Today Lent has reacquired its signifi-

cance as the final preparation of adult candidates for baptism. Joining

with them, all Christians are invited "to the observance of a holy Lent,

by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-

denial; and by reading and meditating on God's holy Word" (BCP, p.


A Lenten Prayer

Lord God,

you who breathed the

spirit of life within


Draw out of me the

light and life you


Help me to find my

way back to you.

Help me to use my

life to reflect your


and to serve others

as your son Jesus did.


Healing Service Scheduled

Deanery Days

Deanery Days for the Eastern Deanery will be held on Saturday, March 28th from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at St.

Luke's, Idaho Falls located at 270 North Placer Ave.

This year the diocese will concentrate on Safeguarding God’s Children & Adults programs. Clergy, Worship

Leaders, Preachers, member of Vestry, Eucharistic Ministers, Employees, and anyone in a position of leader-

ship, or work with children or adults in any capacity, should attend either training or both.

Both morning sessions will be Safeguarding God’s Children and both afternoon sessions will be Safeguarding

God’s Adults.

Pease register on the diocesan website at

or call the church office at 307-353-8100.

Join Rev. Deb Adams for a

healing service, scheduled for

Sunday, March 29th at 10:00 am.

This will be a special service of

love, prayer, and healing touch.

Come to heal yourself and to help

the ones you love.

St. Patrick’s Day Potluck Brunch

Our St. Francis St. Patrick’s Day potluck brunch will take place on

Sunday, March 15th

After the 10:00 am service

Green is the theme! Please bring a dish to share if you can

Eat & Meet on March 3rd “Soup and Sweets” are on the menu for our next Eat and Meet. Come

and join us on March 3rd at 5:30 for a variety of soups and desserts, all

made by members of our St. Francis family.

Please feel free to bring one of your special home made soups, a

yummy dessert, or just bring a loaf of bread if you can. Side dishes

and salads are also welcome! A sign up sheet is located at church.

An Invitation from Pastor Inger Hanson Pastor Inger Hanson, and our friends at Shepherd of the Mountains Lutheran Church in

Jackson, have graciously invited us to share another evening prayer service, this time

at Shepherd of the Mountains Lutheran Church in Jackson.

Joyous Light Evening Prayer will take place each Wednesday during Lent, taking place

on March 4, 11, 18, 25 and April 1st. There will be a “soup supper” that will begin at 5:45 pm, the service will fol-

low the supper at 6:30 pm.

Pastor Inger has gifted St. Francis the music for this mostly sung service, please see the office for a copy if you

wish to practice ahead of time.

Shepherd of the Mountains is located at 750 Seneca Trail, Jackson, WY. Carpooling is an option for this service.

A Lenten Desert Day

Thursday, March 26th

10:00 am to 3:00 pm

Step out of the world of power, money, pleasure, and honor and walk into the unhurried, uncluttered, solitude

and stillness of a desert experience. Such a space invites you to encounter your sources of temptation and to open

the door to holy renewal - deeper into your heart and deeper into your rela-

tionship with God.

During our desert day there will be time to listen to God’s Spirit through lectio

divina - “holy reading” of scripture - meditation, personal reflection, and

mindful activity.

Soup and bread will be served for lunch. Participants are encouraged to bring

a journal or art supplies such as crayons, pastels, or a drawing journal.

Retreat Leader: Ruth Lindstedt, M. Div., Certified Spiritual Director

Top Left: The current snowfall has forced John Parisee to jump right into his role as Jr. Warden. Top Right: Marah & Annie Pauroso shared their recent travel experiences at the February Ladies’ Lunch. The girls spent a semester on board a cruise ship while traveling all over the world; they visited different countries while continuing their college education. Middle Left: A well attended Ladies’ Lunch.

Living, Loving & Learning at St. Francis

Middle Right: Clarke Arick, Celeste Wilcoxson & Tom Balben pile the pancakes into the oven to stay warm at the Shrove Tuesday supper. Below Left: Emma Gust and Toni Hill show off their Mardi Gras beads during the Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper. Below Right: Steve Kruto and Clarke Arick make pancakes for the Shrove Tuesday supper.

March Birthdays & Anniversaries


March 4th - Sarah Balben

March 11th - Beverly Charette

March 13th - Ellen Rein

March 29th - Philbin Schulz

Prayers of the People

Jim Steele, Brian and family, Ruth Arick, the Taylor family,

Cole, George Bleffert, Gayle, the family & friends of Russell Parsons, the family & friends of Fred

Toland, as well as all faith communities and schools of Teton Valley.

Church Attendance

February 2 25

February 9 17

February 16 18

February 23 24

February 26 9

Easter Candy Donations Needed

Winter Groups That Are Good For Your Soul

You may join any of these groups at any time

Bible Study - Meets on the third Saturday of the month at 10:00 am

Book Club - Meets every Monday at 6:00 pm

Centering Prayer - Meets on Wednesdays at 11:00 am and Thursdays at 4:00 pm

Eat & Meet - Potluck meal every other month on Tuesdays at 5:30 pm. Our next meal will take place March 3rd.

Ladies’ Lunch - Potluck lunch on the first Wednesday of the month at 12:30 pm

Spiritual Growth Group - Meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 5:00 pm

The Easter Bunny Needs Your Help

Candy donations are needed for our Easter egg hunt on

Easter Day, April 12th.

The candy should be small

enough to fit in plastic eggs.

Please put your donations in the

church office. Donations of money, to help buy the

candy, are also welcomed.

Church Staff and Vestry Members

Bishop of Idaho

The Rt. Rev. Brian Thom



The Rev. Deb Adams


Senior Warden

Rod Gust


Junior Warden

John Parisee


Pete Oslund


Wood Palmer



Celeste Wilcoxson


Jim Rein



Ruth Lindstedt



Parish Sexton

Angie Warner


Parish Administrator

Nancy Parisee



Parish Historian

Toni Hill


March 1st

1st Sunday in Lent

Morning Prayer– Spoken Service

Worship Leader: Rod Gust

Musician: spoken service

Lay Minister: Angie Warner

Lay Reader: Clarke Arick

Greeter/Usher: Ruth Lindstedt

Refreshments: Elaine Moehring

Altar Flowers: No flowers in Lent

March 8th

2nd Sunday in Lent

Morning Prayer

Worship Leader: Beverly Charette

Musician: Rev. Eric Moehring

Lay Minister: Sarah Balben

Lay Reader: Carol Taylor

Greeter/Usher: Carol Taylor

Refreshments: Ruth Lindstedt

Altar Flowers: No flowers in Lent

March 15th

3rd Sunday in Lent

Holy Eucharist

Celebrant: Rev. Eric Moehring

Musician: Beverly Charette

Lay Minister: Rod Gust

Lay Reader: Angie Warner

Greeter/Usher: Nancy Parisee

Refreshments: Potluck St. Pat’s


Altar Flowers: No flowers in Lent

March 22nd

4th Sunday in Lent

Morning Prayer

Worship Leader: Rev. Nancy Groshart

Musician: Beverly Charette

Lay Minister: Erica Tremblay

Lay Reader: Celeste Wilcoxson

Greeter/Usher: Celeste Wilcoxson

Refreshments: Clarke Arick & Patty


Altar Flowers: No flowers in Lent

March Service Volunteers

March 29th

5th Sunday in Lent

Healing Service

Holy Eucharist

Celebrant: Rev. Deb Adams

Preacher: Ruth Lindstedt

Musician: Rev. Eric Moehring

Lay Minister: Rod Gust

Lay Reader: Jerry Groshart

Greeter/Usher: Ruth Lindstedt

Refreshments: Elaine Moehring

Altar Flowers: No flowers in Lent

Due to not having a quorum no minutes were taken in January.

A Lenten Word Search

Approved Vestry Minutes January 2020



MP Spoken

Service 10am

with Rod Gust


Book Club 6pm

Girl Scouts 4pm


Office Closed

Eat & Meet



Centering Prayer 11am Ladies’ Lunch 12:30 pm Evening Prayer service at Shepherd of Mountains 5:30pm


Office Closed

Centering Prayer 4pm Boy Scouts 7 pm


AA 7:30pm


Daylight Savings

Turn clocks ahead



MP Service

10am with

Beverly Charette

Worship Comm. after church


Book Club 6pm


Office Closed

Vestry 5:30pm


Centering Prayer 11am Evening Prayer service at Shepherd of Mountains 5:30pm


Office Closed

Centering Prayer 4pm Boy Scouts 7 pm


AA 7:30pm



HE Service 10am

With Rev. Eric


St. Patrick’s Day Potluck Brunch after 10am service.


Book Club 6pm

Girl Scouts 4pm


St. Patrick’s


Office Closed


Centering Prayer 11am Spiritual Growth

Group 5pm

Evening Prayer service at Shepherd of Mountains 5:30pm


Office Closed

Centering Prayer 4pm Boy Scouts 7 pm


AA 7:30pm


Bible Study group 10:00 am


MP Service

10am with Rev.

Nancy Groshart


Book Club 6pm


Office Closed


Centering Prayer 11am Evening Prayer service at Shepherd of Mountains 5:30pm


Office Closed

Centering Prayer 4pm Boy Scouts 7 pm Desert Day with Ruth Lindstedt 10:00 am-3:00 pm


AA 7:30pm


Deanery Days Idaho Falls 9:00 am -3:30 pm


Healing Service

HE Service 10am

with Rev. Deb



Book Club 6pm

Girl Scouts 4pm


Office Closed

THE mission of the Church is to walk humbly, patiently and kindly among

our neighbors.
