Families United NetworkFamilies United Network New Brunswick … · 2014-07-07 · Welcome To Our...


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Welcome To Our April 2012 Newsletter!


April 2012

Families United NetworkFamilies United Network

New Brunswick New Brunswick


In This Issue:


Resource Corner

Upcoming Taking The

Journey Workshops

Family Support & New


The Penners - Family Story

SUN Schedule

Government Announcement:

Pediatric Insulin Pump


Stay in Touch

Hello! My name is Kurt Goddard and I’m the new

Manager of Family Support with the New Brunswick

Association for Community Living. My responsibilities

include providing leadership to NBACL’s provincial

Family Support Program and the management and

coordination of all initiatives and activities related to

family leadership, networking, and advocacy.

These newsletters contain information and resources that we feel are important and

relevant for families who are raising a son or a daughter with an intellectual disability.

This includes upcoming workshops and training events, as well as links to family focused

resources and other information. FUN-NB newsletters also have stories, quotes, and

links to videos that will hopefully inspire you, make you think, and maybe even make

you laugh!

We hope that you will find this newsletter very informative and useful. We are open to

suggestions for content and resources that you, as families, would like to see in

up-coming newsletters. We also welcome any feedback that you may have as well.

The newsletters are sent out on a quarterly basis; the next one will be July 2012.



Resource Corner

Page 2

Spread The Word To End The Word

Spread the Word to End the Word is an on-going effort to raise the consciousness of society about the dehumanizing and

hurtful effects of the word "retard(ed)" and encourage people to pledge to stop using the R-word. The campaign is intended to

get schools, communities and organizations to rally and pledge their support. We encourage you to log on, pledge, and forward

this site to your friends and family to help end the use of this negative terminology.


PATH Training

PATH is a visual person-centred planning tool to help individuals with an intellectual

disability plan for their futures. The process also helps to identify the people that

will help accomplish the goals they identify that will support them in achieving the

identified goals. NBACL is offering 4 PATH training sessions for professionals and

persons interesting in learn how to facilitate dreams through a collaborative

process. If you or someone you know would like to learn how to guide a future life

plan with instruction and colorful illustrations, please consider sharing the

information below.

Moncton (French Session) October 17 & 18, 2012 9am - 4pm (both days)

Location: Amsterdam Inn & Suites, 2515 Mountain Road (Registration Deadline: October 11, 2012)

Moncton (English Session) October 23 & 24, 2012 9am - 4pm (both days)

Location: Amsterdam Inn & Suites, 2515 Mountain Road Registration Deadline: October 17, 2012

To register please contact: Rebecca Pilson, Administrative Planning Coordinator

(506) 453-8635 or (866) 622-2548 (toll free) or by emailing rpilson@nbacl.nb.ca

Cost is $300 per person

Workshop includes nutrition breaks, lunch and resources. Space is limited so please register early to secure your spot!

No cancellations or refunds after registration closes; substitutions will be allowed.

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Resource Corner

Canada Revenue Agency: Persons with Disabilities


The Canadian Revenue Agency maintains a resource database that pertains to topics of interest for persons with disabilities and

their agency. Topics include:

Disability amount (for self)

Eligibility requirements and how to claim it

Disability supports deduction

Eligibility requirements and how to claim it

Services for persons with disabilities

Excise gasoline tax refund

Disability amount transferred from a dependant

Eligibility requirements and how to claim it

What can persons claim as a deduction or credit?

Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)

GST/HST information

Goods and services used by persons with disabilities that are

exempt from, or zero-rated for the GST/HST

The Alberta Association for Community Living has made available an excellent advocacy guide for parents. The purpose of the

Pocket Guide is to outline key points for parents that can be readily consulted when they find themselves in an advocacy


The guide is easily accessible through the AACL website: http://www.aacl.org

Or by “Googling” Alberta ACL Pocket Advocacy Guide

Alberta ACL Pocket Advocacy Guide

Taking The Journey Workshops

Taking the Journey: Information and Advocacy for Families Supporting a Child with a Disability

For the past two years, NBACL has worked with families from across

the province to develop a comprehensive resource for families who

require information and strategies to ensure their child has the best

opportunity to live a good life. We are excited to share with you Taking

The Journey: An Information and Advocacy Guide for Families Raising a Child

with a Disability, over 200 pages of information on subjects that reach

across the lifespan, from Early Learning and Child Care to Will and

Estate Planning.

Taking the Journey was developed by families, for families, in order to

share information on service systems, how they work and how you can

help them be more effective in helping your child have the best chances

at success.

Bathurst: Bathurst High School, 640 King Avenue

Saturday, May 5, 2012 9am-2pm Registration deadline is April 30, 2012

Sponsored by: Bathurst Association for Community Living

Moncton: Moncton Lions Community Centre

Saturday, June 9, 2012 9am-2pm Registration deadline is June 4, 2012

Sponsored by: The Charles Johnson Charitable Fund

Workshop agenda will include: Taking The Journey Overview of the Guide; Chapter 2,

Being an Effective Advocate for Your Child; Chapter 11, Encouraging Healthy and Safe

Relationships; Chapter 14, Decision Making and Your Child.

Upcoming Workshops:

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These workshops are for parents and caregivers raising a child with a disability.

Continued on Next Page

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Taking The Journey Workshops

All workshop agendas will include:

Taking the Journey: Exploration and Overview of the Guide, and

how to use it

Chapter 2: Being an Effective Advocate for Your Child

Chapter 11: Encouraging Healthy and Safe Relationships

Chapter 14: Decision Making and Your Child

Parents will also get a chance to share, connect, and laugh with other parents who share similar experiences.

To register for any of the workshops, please contact:

Rebecca Pilson: 506-453-8635 or 1-866-622-2548 (toll free) or by emailing rpilson@nbacl.nb.ca

Cost is $20 per family and will include a copy of the new resource:

Taking the Journey: An Information and Advocacy Guide for Families Supporting a Child with a Disability.

Workshop also includes refreshments and lunch.

Space is limited so please register early to secure your spot!

** At this time, workshops will be facilitated in English only. **



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The NBACL Family Support

Program is Growing!

What is Family Support?

NBACL’s Family Support Program offers support and information to New Brunswick families who are caring

for a child, youth or an adult with an intellectual disability.

Areas of support from NBACL’s Family Support staff can include: supported living; will and estate planning;

accessing disability supports; person-centered planning; PATH, sexuality and healthy relationships; and

developing personal support networks, among many others! For more information on how you can access

family support through NBACL, please contact NBACL’s Manager of Family Support by calling (506) 453-4400

or toll free 1-866-622-2548.

The Role of the Family Support Facilitator

Under the direction of the Manager of Family Support, NBACL’s Family Support Facilitators work around the

province providing information, resources, and support to families on an as-needed basis.

In addition to our provincial Family Support Facilitator, a full-time Family Support Facilitator will begin in

Fredericton in May 2012, in partnership with the Fredericton Association for Community Living. Also in May, a

part-time Family Support Facilitator will begin in the Saint John area, in partnership with the Saint John

Association for Community Living. We look forward to both partnerships as we expand our capacity to

support families across New Brunswick!

The Penners on Personal Support Networks

By Irma and Peter Penner

Our daughter Yvonne is 40 years old; she needs someone to assist her 24/7. Through NBACL, the

Fredericton Association for Community Living and OPAL, we learned about Personal Support Networks and

recognized their value but still didn’t act on it right away.

In 2007, Peter and I planned a driving trip to Alberta and we wanted to know what would happen to Yvonne

if we were to be in an accident. When the social worker indicated that the only alternatives were a nursing

home or a special care home—we knew this would be devastating for Yvonne.

We needed the involvement of people who knew her, and who cared about her. Yvonne’s Personal Support

Network, which was just being set up, helped us develop an emergency plan—for Yvonne to remain in the

family home with support.

This small group of committed people–our older daughter, two grand-daughters and several friends, along

with the Network Facilitator–persuaded the social worker to agree to the plan. And Peter and I were able to

enjoy the trip without the previous fear.

Yvonne’s Personal Support Network is presently helping us to work on future plans for Yvonne—to stay

living in the family home with compatible companions. Peter and I will then move into the “family space” in

the basement and we’ll provide relief support.

The people on Yvonne’s Personal Support Network help us by bringing ideas, perspective, affirmation and

encouragement. This Network is a united and strong advocacy group supporting Yvonne so she can maintain a

good quality of life. And through Yvonne’s Personal Support Network, Peter and I have a sense of “security” or

“peace” as we prepare to “pass the torch over to someone younger.”

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“Don’t wait for an

emergency to

establish a Personal

Support Network

for your son or


Continued on Next Page



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I should point out that some people, for various reasons, drop out of the Network. Though it can be

disappointing, my advice is: don’t be discouraged—go with who you have, and look for new members—through

your various connections.

My other advice is: don’t wait for an emergency to establish a Personal Support Network for your son or

daughter—begin planning now!

Personal Support Networks

Yvonne’s personal support network was developed through NBACL’s Social Inclusion Program. The Social

Inclusion Program works primarily with adults and youth aged 17 and older who have an intellectual disability.

The program aims to assist people to be included in their community by:

Having a home of their own (with the support they require);

Becoming involved in recreation, leisure and voluntary activities that match their interests and choices;

And by developing strong Personal Support Networks

Social inclusion is about people having a sense of belonging in their communities and real opportunities to live

where they choose, develop relationships, and participate in community life.

The Social Inclusion Program is currently available in 5 areas: Saint John, Fredericton, Moncton, Grand Falls/

Edmundston and Bathurst.

For more information, contact the Social Inclusion Facilitator in your area by calling toll free 1-866-622-2548. For

families who do not have a local facilitator in their area, please call us to request our “A Time of Change” guide,

which has detailed information about developing a network of your own.

The guide is also available for free on our website at: www.nbacl.nb.ca/english/programs/family_resources.html

The Penners on Personal Support Networks


Seniors United Network Meetings

The Seniors United Network (SUN-FRED) is a group of ‘senior’ parents living in the greater Fredericton area

who have adult sons and daughters with an intellectual disability. The group meets on a monthly basis in the

NBACL Boardroom. SUN members discuss and advocate for issues specific to senior parents of adult

children with a disability, often tackling the tough question of “what will happen to my son or daughter when

I am no longer here to care for them?” On occasion, the group also has guest speakers present at meetings.

Topics have included Will and Estate Planning, programs offered through Social Development, and Registered

Disability Savings Plan information. SUN members also enjoy holiday gatherings and other social events.

If you are in the Fredericton area, please consider attending our next SUN meeting. Not in the Fredericton

area? Feel free to attend a Fredericton group meeting, or look for a SUN group starting in your own

community as our Family Support Program expands!

SUN meetings are the last Wednesday of every month. They are held in the boardroom at the NBACL office

in Fredericton from 1-3pm.

Page 9

2012 SUN Fredericton Schedule:

April 25th

May 30th

June 27th

Summer Break

September 26th

October 31st

November 28th

Holiday Break


Page 10


Applications are now being accepted for the Pediatric Insulin Pump program, which will help families with

children affected by diabetes buy insulin pumps and supplies.

This initiative supports the provincial government's diabetes strategy announced in June. The strategy focuses on

prevention as well as improved support and care offered to people earlier in the management of diabetes to

lessen the impact of the disease significantly.

This means that parents of children 18 years old or younger with diabetes can now apply for assistance under

this program.

How to access the program:

Applications are available on the Department of Health’s website.

To be eligible for the program, a person must:

Government Announcement:

Pediatric Insulin Pump Program

Have a valid New Brunswick Medicare number;

Be a permanent New Brunswick resident;

Be 18 years old or younger;

Have Type 1 diabetes; and

Meet the criteria as outlined in the Pediatric Insulin Pump Program Policies

and Procedures Manual.

Applications will be assessed to determine the family's contribution based on its income and size, with the

remainder of the cost being covered by the provincial government. A calculator is available online to help families

determine their share of the program.

More information is on the Department of Health's website: www.gnb.ca/health or is available by calling:


420 Wilsey Road

Suite 201

Fredericton, N.B.

E3B 6E9

Phone: 506-453-4400

(ask for a Family Support Facilitator)

Toll Free: 1-866-622-2548

Fax: 506-453-4422

E-mail: funnb@nbacl.nb.ca


Our Vision:

Full participation of persons with intellectual

disabilities in all aspects of society.

NBACL works to ensure that people with

intellectual disabilities, with the support of their

families, have the option to choose the supports

they need to live meaningful lives and participate

in their communities as valued and contributing


The New Brunswick Association For Community Living

For more information about anything you have read in this newsletter

please visit our newly redesigned website. It contains information about all

aspects of life for a person with an intellectual disability. There is also a

section specifically for Family Support, which includes resources and a family

discussion forum.

